《I love this world (Complete)》Chapter 1.15 - The Negotiation and The class
“Hmm, something is coming my way, and it’s fast.” Kiefer muttered, as he looked towards the direction of the Agrean forest. Kiefer was currently sitting down cross legged and slowly trying to convert natural mana in the air to his own. The process was slow as Kiefer did not have his mithril armour equipped and he was constantly spending mana to send out his radar pulses.
As he enhanced his eyesight and hearing he could hear a distant scream, and saw a tiny worm flying towards him from within the thicket of trees.
“Maaastteerrr!!” Shearwood exclaimed, as she shot through the air like an arrow towards Kiefer, with tears in her eyes.
“My-my lake! It’s so dirty now!! So many fishes, and animals.. They don’t even clean up after themselves!! I had to boil my lake to kill the fishes but now there’s not enough water and so many dead fishes.. sob* sob*” Shearwood cried, complaining to Kiefer the terrible condition her home was in now. She had been given the day to herself and chose to return to the lake, only to find it defiled by lesser animals.
“It’s ok Sher, let the animals do as they please. And besides, that’s not your home now. It may have been for however long you lived, but now your place is beside me. I don’t have any friends to talk to other than you.” Kiefer consoled her. With that, Shearwood seemed delighted and hurriedly dove into his shirt and wrapped her small body around his neck.
“How convenient,” Kiefer thought as he began replenishing his mana. Shearwood was so happy by what Kiefer had said that she did not even notice the miniscule amount of her mana being depleted. After all, her mana was easily a thousand times over more than Kiefer’s and what he took from her, she could generate within hours.
Over the course of the day before meeting Sher, Kiefer prioritised the skills he needed to learn and practice. He had wanted to practice his fire skill, but decided it was more important to have a sensing skill rather than an offensive one.
Looking through the unburnt part of the book he held in his hands, Kiefer managed to decipher something along the lines of a basic wind spell that allows the mage to detect presences where the wind passed. However, being unable to read the high elf runes, Kiefer had no choice but to try things out for himself.
Using the same concept as with the heat spell, Kiefer chose instead to destroy his mana particles and convert the energy into kinetic energy, moving the air around the mana. While it had worked, the breeze he conjured up could only be sent in one direction and he couldn’t even begin to phantom how the breeze was going to inform him of presences around him.
“I might have to apply something from earth again. Maybe a type of wind radar of sorts?” Kiefer re-summoned his haze of silver particles and destroyed them, this time with no directional control of the kinetic energy.
A pulse of wind expanded from the mana haze as it was destroyed, rippling through the tall grass. Kiefer had the general structure of the radar down, but still couldn’t detect anything from the wind. It was, after all, just wind, like a shockwave that was sent out. He still needed the feedback portion which he couldn’t decipher because of the burnt pages.
Thinking back, Kiefer noted that the only thing he could really feel with great sensitivity was his mana. Whether it was 1 particle or a million, as long as the particle did not disintegrate, Kiefer could accurately tell its location. As he swirled his mana thread around in the air, he could clearly feel each individual thread, as well as the mana particles constantly being converted into natural mana.
With that, Kiefer completely abandoned the idea of elemental magic based sensory skill, but instead chose to utilise his unique ability to manipulate mana. This was the best course of action because without the knowledge of high elf runes, Kiefer had no hope of controlling and manipulating the elements through the runes like normal mages did.
Kiefer gathered a hollow ball of mana, and filled it with repulsion particles. Allowing the repulsion particles to expand rapidly, Kiefer shot out a thin wave of mana particles at astonishing speeds. However, no matter how fast the wave was travelling and how far it travelled, Kiefer could still clearly determine the position of each particle even after they left his 30m control radius.
Kiefer closed his eyes and focused on the expanding wave, and felt the exact locations where the particles disintegrated. Opening his eyes, he looked at the position of disintegration and finally smiled. A smile that only meant he had succeeded yet again.
As the pulse travelled through the air and the ground, it gradually became thinner from being converted into natural mana. However, this loss was barely negligible, compared to when the pulse hit other living things.
Since all living things on Aioa possessed a small amount of mana, they were constantly converting the surrounding mana into their own to replenish what was constantly being lost. It was like a cycle of mana between the organism and its surrounding.
When Kiefer’s mana pulse interacted with living things however, Kiefer’s mana was significantly reduced and converted to the living organism since his mana particles are of a higher concentration, resulting in a higher conversion rate.
Being the only being on Aioa who could sense and control the conversion of his mana, apart from keifer, nothing else in the world would be able to sense the pulse. Kiefer on the other hand could tell exactly where his pulse weakened and from the intensity that it weakened, estimate the size and power of the organism that his mana pulse detected.
It took Kiefer sometime, but he gradually got used to the huge load of information that he sensed with each pulse. By the time his mana was almost depleted, Kiefer had managed to tweak his mana pulse to reach about a 2 km radius, sensing everything from trees, to animals, humans and finally in his most recent pulse, Sher.
With Sher clinging onto him and his mana almost replenished, Kiefer headed back to his room. This time however, he chose to test his physical capabilities with a denser infusion of mana into his body. Kiefer effortlessly leapt 10m into the air, traversed another 20m vertically up the wall and finally hopped down the city wall, astonishing the guards at the gate.
Kiefer gave a deep bow and apologised to the guard captain for leaving 2 feet shaped craters on the cobbled pathway, returned his pass and sprinted home. The guards just looked at him in stunned surprise, jaws almost hitting the floor.
[A few days later]
Kiefer was now waiting in line outside the royal academy for his entrance application procedure. He would constantly observe young nobles, both male and female, alight from lavishly decorated carriages. Most of them would attempt to cut the line with a bribe to the academy teachers only to have their bribe taken and refused entry, forcing them to the back of the line. They could do nothing to the powerful academy teachers.
Kiefer was dressed plainly and he stood out like a sore thumb. He had chosen to leave his lavish Seraplor mantle in the inn along with his mithril armour as he assumed that will attract more attention than being dressed like a commoner.
Occasionally, Kiefer would, with his enhanced senses and mana pulse, identify some nobles with the intent to harass him making their way towards him. Every time that happened, Kiefer would merely silently trip them with a single thin mana thread extending from his feet. It was enough to attract attention to the trouble makers and deter them from approaching him.
Over the past few days, Kiefer had pretty much the same routine. Morning 6 hour ‘jog’, shower breakfast and then it’s out to the fields to test out his hypothesis. He would occasionally catch a wild boar or ‘rabbit’ and roast it for lunch without returning to the city. He would only return when the sun was starting to set. With the exception for the day before, he spent the day playing with Sher after she complained that he was ignoring his only ‘Friend’.
Nevertheless, it was a productive few days. Despite not knowing much about magic, Kiefer had managed to identify the basics of how to convert his mana into the different elements. With multiple tries, he had managed to convert his mana into fire, wind, light and lightning.
With light, he had even managed to create a new skill designed to blind others temporarily, sort of like a flash bang. He simply had to readjust the spin, momentum and frequency of his mana particles and they would instantly release photons equivalent to its own mass.
With that knowledge and superb control derived from 3 days of practice, Kiefer could either make a ball of mana constantly give off light slowly to illuminate the surroundings like a light-bulb, or instantly turn every mana particle into photons, creating an instantaneous blinding flash.
Unfortunately, Kiefer had little progress with lightning as his method only comprised of ripping electrons from the air in large quantities using energy released from his mana destruction. However, he had no way to controlling the pathway of the electrons once they left the molecules and could only stand by and watch.
Kiefer was still lacking one of three key components in creating a fireball – fuel. As such, he had reached a roadblock with development of fire based magic. He could supply heat from mana, and there was oxygen in the air, but without fuel to burn, the heat simply dissipated.
Having waited in line for almost half a day and 4 annoying noble kids later, it was finally Kiefer’s turn to be tested for his aptitude. He had seen what the test comprised. The candidate simply had to hold a rod and according to the colour and intensity of light given off by the gem at the end of the rod, be selected for the academy.
The colour showed the type of affinity the candidate had, while the intensity of the light showed the size of the mana pool. Having observed the numerous candidates before him, Kiefer adjusted his mana accordingly, making destroying them to form thermal energy when the mana interacted with the rod. The gem glowed red with a moderate intensity, and the teacher spoke in a cold careless tone “Fire affinity, above average mana pool, you pass. Head to the central building to get your class assignment and schedule.”
The academy was really big, yet strangely quiet. It had a central castle that handled administrative work, multiple old worn down stone buildings, a training field about the size of 4 football stadiums and a tall hedge surrounding the perimeter of the school. With his mana pulse, Kiefer could clearly feel the difference in student population sizes between the west and the east side of the academy.
Entering the central building as instructed, a piece of parchment was shoved into his hands by a disgruntled student volunteer, obviously being forced to ‘Volunteer’ by one of the teachers. The parchment was a form, requiring him to fill in his name, age, affinity and classes he intended to take. A large curtain separated the lobby between the east and west entrances, and with his mana pulse, Kiefer could clearly sense the long queue on the other side of the curtain, as well as the distinct smell of sweat wafting across to his side.
The magus department had less than 10 students picking their classes from the board while the knights department was packed full of sweaty students having just undergone a physical examination.
Kiefer could choose from a minimum of 4 classes to a maximum of 8. According to the administrative personal, attendance was not compulsory in magus classes and as long as Kiefer was confident in passing the bi-annual exams, he was free to do what he wished.
Looking through the list of classes, Kiefer had picked Magical theory and Basic runes. The others however, did not interest him. There was Magic history, Magical beasts and plants, Practical applications and Basic Enchanting left in beginner courses. With 2 more modules left to pick, Kiefer decided to ask a strange question.
“Excuse me; will it be possible for me to take lessons from the knight’s department as well?” (Kiefer)
Looking at him wIth eyes so wide opened, they looked like they were going to pop out, the female teacher replied,” Im sorry, I don’t think I heard it right. Did you say you want to attend knight’s classes? Even though you have magical aptitude?”
Kiefer nodded his head firmly at her question, waiting for her reply. A soft chuckle could be heard from inside his shirt, but the teacher had just assumed it was Kiefer.
The teacher immediately turned around and hustled into the adjacent room, and a crude loud laughter could be heard. Moments later she returned to the counter, with a tall muscular man in a dull scratched up armour.
Without warning, the man drew his sword and cut down on Kiefer, only to notice Kiefer already standing 2 metres away from him.
“Ho!! You’re a fast one ya little rat. A bit scrawny but I can fix that. And you already know how to enhance your body? Not bad! You are welcome to take knights classes boy, but the academy will not be held responsible for any injuries ya suffer in my department. Only if ya get injured in magic class will the teachers heal ya. If ya understand, then come on over and choose your class.” (Knight instructor)
“Thank you instructor, and Miss.” Kiefer replied politely while bowing. He then made his way across to the knights section. The once noisy room immediately became silent, and then hushed murmurs could be heard amongst the numerous knight candidates.
Kiefer did not take long before he chose Physical training and Basic Swordsmanship to make up his minimum quota of 4 classes. Looking at his new schedule, the knights classes lasted twice as long as the magic classes, with training in the morning after breakfast and before dinner in the evening. Magic classes were held late morning and early afternoon. He had a 5 hour break in between the knight and magic classes, with a 2 hour break for lunch.
“That’ll be 2 platinum coins per course, and I will issue your identification pass and robe once payment has been received. Would you like to register for a dorm? That will be an additional platinum coin.” (Admin lady)
Pulling out his pouch, Kiefer counted his money, and hesitated for a while, before looking at the lady.
“Miss, I’m short of 1 platinum coin, would it be possible for me to pay you the remainder on a later date?” Kiefer asked apologetically.
“I’m terribly sorry sir, I cannot give you any leeway on that matter. As you are an orphan and do not have a substantial financial background supporting you, I am not confident in allowing you to owe us such a large amount. If you are unable to pay the full amount by the end of the day however, you are welcome to try again next year.” (Admin Lady)
Seeing no other way out, Kiefer soon returned to his room in the inn, considering ways to earn that 1 platinum coin in the next 5 hours before the school gates closed. He had considered heading into the Agrean forest to hunt for bandits or even rob merchants, but he doubted they would carry so much gold. He could get 50 maybe 60 gold at most.
The only other option was to sell one of the mithril equipment but he was highly against the idea because it would cause an uproar and attract attention to himself, which was what he absolutely would not want.
Seeing her master in such a dilemma, Shearwood suddenly spoke up. “Master! I have an idea, but we need to go to somewhere far.” Kiefer was confused, but he chose to believe in Sher anyway. Within an hour of enhanced sprinting, the 2 were at the edge of the agrean forest again, next to the pock-marked, crater filled Alluvian grasslands.
“So what did you bring me here for Sher?” Kiefer enquired, still confused as to what the little serpent was up to.
“Master, I hear that adamantium is really expensive. You may not know this, but my upper body is actually made of adamantium scales. Why don’t you pick one and sell it, so you have the money?” Saying this, the little snake transformed into the 100m giant monstrosity that is Shearwood.
“But doesn’t it hurt if I pull your scale out?”(Kiefer)
“Not very much, it was only painful the last time because master was being mean and tried to pluck out over 50 of my scale at the same time, and the big ones at that. If you peel the newer ones at the tip of my tail, it wouldn’t hurt as much and I can easily grow it back after eating some adamantium ores.” (Sher)
Kiefer reluctantly extended a single mana thread and wrapped it around one the smallest grey scales at the tip of Sher’s tail and peeled it off, as Shearwood moaned, enduring the pain. There was a drop of blood lingering on the end of the scale and as it fell and hit the grass, it burned a hole in the ground.
Shearwood transformed back into her tiny form and as kiefer saw the pale blue spot at the tip of her tail, Kiefer reached out to Shearwood, pulled her close and gave her a peck on her head. “Thank you so very much Sher, for all the things you’ve done for me.” Kiefer muttered. Shearwood could be seen closing her eyes and embracing the moment for herself.
Racing back to the city, Kiefer drove his heels into the ground and shot straight for the blacksmith’s shop he visited a few days back. There he met the same soot stained Celena hammering away at the blade of an unfinished sword. As he presented the palm sized adamantium scale, he saw Celena’s expression change into shock.
“DAAAADDD!!! GUUUYSS!!! SOMETHING AMAZING IS HAPPENING HERE!!! DAAAAD!!!!! HURRYY!!!” Celena yelled, not taking her eyes off the treasure in Kiefer’s hand.
Immediately, Kiefer could almost feel the workshop rumble, as 4 bulky bearded, sweaty and dirty men came running out, hammers and pliers still in hand. Kiefer assumed they were Celena’s father and brothers. He secretly felt sorry for Celena, being the only girl in the testosterone filled family.
“What is it Celena? What happened?” (Celena’s dad)
“Its adamantium dad! He wants to sell us adamantium! And a high grade one at that!” Celena exclaimed, pointing at Shearwood’s scale.
“Oh? That is indeed high grade adamantium. Boy, wherever did you find such a thing?” Celena’s dad questioned, interested in the location of such a beauty.
“It a treasure. A treasure that a dear friend of mine gave me to use in times of need. While I’m reluctant to sell it, I am really in need of some money right now. I hope you will buy it at a reasonable price.” Kiefer replied solemnly. He was still reluctant to let go of Sher’s scale but he had no other choice.
“Fine then. How’s 30 platinum coins? That’s all we got in the shop at the moment, but I will be willing to provide you with any services for free in the future.” (Celena’s dad)
Agreeing to the trade, Kiefer left the workshop with a heavy pouch and a heavy heart. He had just traded part of his Companion for his own selfish reasons. He had never felt emotions like this before, and silently cursed his foster mother for bringing this side out of him. At times, he had felt things would be easier without emotions.
Having completed his application process and with his new identification card, Kiefer could now ride his tarsus out in public. He could not wait to begin classes in 3 days.
From the previous poll, It would seem that it was fairly balanced between both options. there wasn't an overwhelming choice out of the 2 like i had expected. Trying to accommodate for both preferences, I'm wondering if having longer chapters would help. That way, i get to explain in detail about Kiefer's thoughts and experiments, while readers who focus on the story could just breeze through and skip to the main plot.
Longer chapters would include more storyline as well as details on science-magic merger.
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