《I love this world (Complete)》Chapter 1.00 - Prologue



As he opened his eyes, dazed, he looked around to see unfamiliar surroundings. It was dark, damp and cold, as he could feel the constant dripping on his head. “A cave,” he thought. He got up on his 2 feet, glad that he could still stand after what seemed to be an imminent death coupled with crushing bones and flesh smashed against the ground.

Pacing around his immediate vicinity within the dark cave he started thinking out loud to himself,” How the hell did I end up here? Last I know I jumped out of an airplane for a session of skydiving on my birthday.” He started hyperventilating, recalling in vivid detail what had seemed to have happened just moment ago, almost like it had all been one lucid dream.

He recalls his friends inviting him for his 21st birthday to go skydiving. He remembers having taken the pre-flight medical check-up, signing an insurance claim form and boarding the plane. The climb up into the air, the leap from the plane’s side door as well as the amazing view he experienced during freefall. And then he remembered – the parachute did not open. Panicking, he stumbled and yanked his cord countless times trying to release the chute but to no avail. He remembers shutting his eyes as tightly as he can, bracing for impact and secretly glad that his last view on earth was such an amazing one. Thankful for the great friends he had supporting him, regret that he had failed to complete his research.

Now here he was, inside a cave who knows where, completely stark naked. He closed his eyes and felt for his surroundings, feeling the cold cavern floor and rocks digging into the soles of his feet. The bone chilling breeze that was ever present inside the cave. He felt his hair dripping wet from the leak in the cavern roof, and heard the distant roar of falling water.


“Well, nothing to do but to look around.” He said out loud to himself, trying to overcome the sense of loneliness and fear of the unknown.

“At least I’m not dead and there’s water to drink, so I think I’ll survive, even if it’s a little longer.” Adaptability has always been one of his strong suit.

His name, is Kiefer.


Hello dear RRL readers, this is my first time writing a fan fiction. I’m pretty confident in my grammar and spelling, but if you do spot any mistakes please point them out. I work full-time, so I have very little time to write, as such the chapters will be short, but I will make a serious effort to upload at least one per day. Hope you enjoy and in future cases of writer’s block, I will do a poll for ideas and I really appreciate your help in the future. Also, I will try to avoid cliff-hangers the best I can.

Thanks for reading.

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