《Legacy Of The Prototypes》Ch.13 Cursed or Blessed? Both, actually.


Darkness. I was adrift in a sea of all encompassing darkness. Colder than any winter, darker than any abyss. I didn't want to look, for fear of what I might find. Though I could feel my body, I could not move. In the darkness it felt like something was there, just in front of my face, looking at me. The abss felt like it was hungering to devour all, and I was trapped inside. I was terrified. Upon that realization my mind went into a panic. Where was I? How did I get here? Am I dead? My mind was unable to think on these questions, I was to terrified trying to escape this place. Somehow.

Time felt weird here, I wasn't sure how much of it actually passed. Seconds, hours, days, or more? I gave up on trying to get out as it were, you can't run if you can't move or see. So when I finally calmed down I started thinking about what lead up to this moment.

We had returned to the Guild after completing the bandit quest, something I wasn't sure we could do. But once again I was reminded of the fact that Alec, no matter the form he took, was a monster the likes this world had never seen. And I thank whatever god it was that kept it that way. I also cursed at the gods that made his being here necessary. I don't hate him or anything, I actuallyy respect him in a way, but no sane human wouldn't fear something like him. But I swore an oath to serve him, and by doing so, I hope to protect my people from harm. After we turned the quest in to some scarred lady that frankly scared me, she had eyes like Alec, predators eyes, she showed us to the vault. I had heard the rumors about the Guild vaults, filled with more gold and gems than a person could ever hope to spend. Dangerous relics of terrifying power, weilded by heroes of old and the demons they slayed. Holders of secrets powerful enough they could topple kingdoms, and older than history itself. Recipes on how to brew elixirs of youth and dragon breath. Knowledge of ancient kingdoms who used terrifying man made weapons to fight the demons, before the heroes. The tales of the vaults grew more fanciful over the years, but like all tales, there was truth in there somewhere. Secrets? Knowledge? Recipes? Of course the Guilds would have these things stored away, information is power and power in the wrong hands is dangerous. Still the Guild is a business, if someone wants to sell them something, they will buy it if its of value. Dragons Breath and Youth? I highly doubt it. Relics of power? Sure I've seen a few people with enchanted gear, as they call it, and while they allowed their weilders to do things others couldn't, none of them were overly terrifying. Thats not to say there isn't be enchanted gear that would allow you to slay demons or grant you devastating powers. But those were probably hidden away in the secret vaults of the kings and rulers of nations. Riches? The Guild is a business, a very successfull one that makes alot of money, so yes riches.


So when we actually went into the vault and began looking around , I was shocked to find most of those far fetched tales not to be that far off. There was enough wealth in the first room to let a family live like kings for generations. The second room, had knowledge that was indeed dangerous. From fighting styles to various crafting tecniques that only masters would even have a clue about, it was there and more. The third room was where I wasn't sure I could be shocked anymore. The few enchanted pieces I had seen before appeared to be knockoffs or failed attempts that were barely fit to weild compared to some of the pieces in this room. Flaming swords, shoes that made you faster, cloth that would take arrows without so much as a scratch. All manner of incredable things. That brings us to the fourth room. Odd was putting it mildly. This room contained some of the things that the others did, with one exception. Everything in here was much more dangerous than the others could ever be. Forbidden objects that seemed cursed, and by the scarred ladys' words, most in fact were. Just as dangerous to the user as it was for the intended victim. I was freaked out by this room. Why? Something was in here and it was watching me. I've been an adventuerer for some time now, and if you want to survive in this job, you trust your instinct. I've been the hunter and the prey enough times to know without even seeing, that you are the prey. Still I kept an eye out for anything that seemed set on harming me. I was abot to leave the room until I found a strange orb, sitting in a cage. It seemed to be some kind of metal, but I couldn't tell. Steel maybe? Or silver? Not sure who would make such a perfectly smooth ball of metal, rather than a sword or armor. As I was looking at it, it moved, and launched itself towards me. Shredding the cage it was in, it spread out like a hand reaching towards me. I was to shocked at the sight to scream for help. As it latched onto me , I seen Alecs hand reach towards me, before the metal glowed and Alec dissapeared from my vision. As the metal fully engulfed my I became weaker and soon after numb. I think I blackout after that, which brings me back to where I left off. In a sea of darkness. Now that I know how I got here, I guess I'll have to wait for something to happen, given how futile my previous attempts were. "Hello, dear." said a voice from the darkness. It sounded like an elderly mans voice. "Hello?" I asnwered cautiously. I hadn't noticed anyone else here, but sense I couldn't see anything, that voice could belong to anything. "Yes, hello. I was waiting for you to finish your trip down memory lane. I would like to talk to you for a moment. If you'd be inclined to hear me out." said the voice. "Who or what are you?" I asked. " My dear, if you opened your eyes you would know the answer to that." said the voice. Opening my eyes I saw an elderly man, well elderly was being generous, ancient was more like it. He was sitting in a chair that was floating in front of me, dark grey robes cover most of him. His face was mostly hidden by a cowl, but a grey beard hung doen to his chest. Rolled up sleeves revealed frail arms and withered hands. "So, who are you? Other than an old guy in a robe. And where are we?" I asked. "I am Mor Orten, and I created the item that attacked you. We are currently in a subconcious state, where we can talk without interference. Now, I know you must have many questions, but I don't have a lot of time here. So, for now, I will silence your voice." said Mor. He waved his hand and I couldn't speak. I tried to, but no sound was heard. " What you see of me is but a fragment of myself that I embued into my creation. I did this so I could explain the function and dangers of my work, long after I've turned to dust. What attacked you was a peice of armor, one peice of a set of armor that represents my lifes work. The armor, even with one peice, will allow the wearer to survive severe injuries. There is a cost to this healing though. Energy stored in the peices will be used to heal, but you can recharge them using you own life energy or other energies. The easiest way would be to consume copious amounts of food, your body will turn it into energy and the suit will store the energy. Or if you can find the gauntlets, you'll be able to siphon energy directly from the source.The more severe the injury is, the more energy is reguired. Be warned though, there are limits to what can be healed. If an injury is to grave or if the is no energy left, the peices will absorb years of your life. If you attempt to forcefully remove the suit, it will drain all of your life into its reserves. The only way to remove it is to make the suit whole again. The peices call to each other, listen closely and you'll be able to locate them.The suit won't impede your daily rituals, bathing and such, and it will allow you to wear clothes over or underneath it. Just think of it and it will allow it. And finally, your not cursed, your blessed actually. The armor chose you because of your summoned bloodline. The blessing your ancestor received resonated with the armor and allowed it to bond with you, instead of consuming you. You have now started on the path of a 'hero', and all the struggles that entales. Go now Nix Verto, complete the task your ancestor failed, make the armor whole, and finish this war!" Mor exclaimed as he pointed at me. I felt a jerking sensation and then there was light.

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