《Legacy Of The Prototypes》Ch, 10 Second of Three pt.1
As Fenris and I made our way back to Junction City, I decided that I wouldn't tell the others about Burke. They probably wouldn't approve of my choice or with the reason behind it, and knowing about it would only distract and displease them. Morganna would likely not care to much that I killed a lot of people, but the fact that they weren't combatants or an actual enemy might. I don't know if Nix would be okay following me if she knew I would so easily murder children, all to gain something I wanted. So I decided to just not find out, and hopefully they would never know.
I also shared my newest mutation with Fenris along the way to Junction City. He now had dark crimson stripes on him, like a tigers stripes, but due to their color, they blended well with his black fur. They only became obviously apparent when he would use his powers , or when he was feeling very aggressive.
Oh! Almost forgot it, but I found out that Fenris is also able to affect humans with his berserker pheromones! Poor hunters. But I don't think they had enough time to realize what was happening, because they immediatly started stabbing each other with their skinning knifes. We did find out that it had a duration limit, though it varied on how close or ar away you were from the relaese point, of about ten minutes. After that time the last surviving hunter was in a state of complete exhaustion, he couldn't move more than a twich here and there, and it looked like it hurt him alot to do even that. So even if a group of people managed not to kill each other, they wouldn't be able to fight back while they were recovering from it. This is awesome! The range is rather short though, but its something I can work with. I honestly can't wait for the bandit subjugation, this pheromone is going to be awesome to use on them.
I need to get the reward from Burke when I get back, then talk to someone about the planned subjugation, I think they said someone at the Guild or the Garrison would know. Oh, and I need to talk to Amatsu when I get back. Can't believe I forgot about that, but I'm sure he won't be mad or anything about it. I am curious as to what he wants to talk about though....
We arrived at night, so there wasn't a line to wait through, I did have to show my adventurer license to the guards before they let me in though. Given how late it was they were more than reasonably, especially since they didn't have to let me in. The north side of town wasn't as busy or noisy as the rest of the town appeared to be. Guess most of the party places were in the southern parts of town. The streets were fairly empty, except some drunks and late partiers, as I made my why to the inn. After confirming that Nix and Morganna were alright, I left the inn for the Guild.
The sigh in front of it had said it was open all hours, so I ssumed it meant at night as well. If not then I would just visit the temple earlier than expected. The plaza in front of the Guild was empty, the stalls of merchants, and the crowds of mercs and adventurers were gone, retired for the day. But the Guild was indeed still open, empty save one receiptionest, and guess who it was. The scared lady. I should probably ask her what her name was. 'Whats up Scarface' probably wasn't a good way to say hello.
"Oh...You've returned, and so soon. Given up?... Or maybe you were victorious?" Scar lady asked. Her raspy voice was still somewhat grating, but its not like I expected it to be different.
"Yes,I was successfull in Burke, here's the heads, and here's my guest card." I answered, placing the bag of heads, and the guest card for them on the counter. Scare lady checked the bag, and after confirming the alpha as a variant, she accepted the guest card. She then took the bag through a door behind her, and came back with a pouch. After she handed me the pouch, which after checking did indeed have 80 silver, she returned to sitting there and staring at me.
"One of three done... Two of three to do. Will you continue?" She asked.
"I see no reason to stop know, though I have a few questions if you'll answer them." I said to her. She only smiled at me before nodding for me to continue.
" First, whats you name? Calling you scar lady doesn't seem like an appropriate name to call you." I asked her.
"My name is... a secret. Unimportant for now... Finish and I will tel you." She said smiling like a cheshire cat. Scar lady it is for now.
"Okay, fair enough. I also wanted to see when the bandit subjugation was taking place, and if you might know how they plan to proceed." I asked. I don't expect an answer on th last part, but she might know a secret or two.
"It starts the day after tommorrow.. They will march to them in that morninng, and will likely try to suprise them later that evening... The city commander doesnt want to take on a large group of bandits without the aide of expendable soldiers( adventures )." She said. Well, thats good to know.
"Lets say someone killed the bandits before the army got there. Would there be a reward for such a feat, and how would one prove it?" I asked her.
She quirked her brow at that, studying me hard for a bit, before she smiled at me. Let me tell you it wasn't a pleasent smile like the humurous one earlier, this was a ferile and predatory baring of fangs.
"Well, aren't we savage.... If you could accomplish such a thing, you would only need to sign a contract for the feat. The Guild does this kind of thing from time to time. A challenge of shorts to find or attract talent. When or if, you succeed, all you have to do is wait for the army to show up and present your license. They will not likely beleive you at first. You will be arrested and held in jail till the Guild vouches for your actions. Which won't take long at all. Such... skills are an invaluable asset in these times of uncertainty, one that would be fostered and guarded well. As for the reward... The Guildmaster would likely offer you something from the Guild vault. Something very difficult to acquire any other way, and coins as well." She said, and I could swear her raspy voice sounded excited/scarier when she said it. The f**k is with this lady? I would consume her to sate my curiosity, but I'm a bit wary of what I would find.
"Would there be anyway to find the camp?" I asked her.
"A man named Darvy is a informant for the bandits. He has been staying at the Rat and Bones inn in the western section of the city. He'll be able to tell you where the camp is." She answered.
"How come the city guards hasn't arrested him if he's a spy." I asked curiously.
"Because they don't know he is. Secrets have a cost, and they never want to pay it." She said smiling again. Seriously, stop smiling. You look scarier when you do it.
"So whats the cost of what you just told me?" I asked. While I signed two copies of the challenge guest card, I keeped one and the Guild keeped the other.
"Free of charge.... With a promise of death, and a return for more, it is yours." She said smiling.
And on that note I left the Guild. As I was walking towards the inn I came across a guard patrol, thinking they'd be the ones to ask about the temple hours I made my way to them.
"Excuse me, I know your probably busy right now, but could you answer a question for me?" I asked politely. I was met with some annoyed sighing, and a bit of cursing from the patrolmen.
"All right, but make it quick." answered the lead patrolman. Probably a captain or squad leader.
"Of course. I was wondering about the temples hours? I'm new and would rather not get thrown in jail for trespassing on temple grounds." I asked.
"Well, thats a reasonble question. Sorry about our slight attitude, you wouldn't beleive how many people ask stupid and repetitive questions around here! The temple is technicaly open at all times, but most of the time unless the need is dire, the doors are closed by late evening. Thats not to say you still can't pray or speak to a preistess or preist, it's just the ones that are there this late are few. Oh, and there's a mandatory donation, its not much, one copper. Is there anything else?" the patrolman asked.
"What if you don't have any money?" I asked. I had plenty of money, but I was curious. I wouldn't take Amatsus' religion to be taking from the destitute or the poor, or refusing to help them should that be the case.
"Well, they usually know if you do or don't have money. Don't ask me how they know, they just do. Bensen over here tried to bug them without paying the donation, when he was drunk once. Got his pockets and purse cleaned out before they threw him out to sober up. Ain't that right Bensen?'' the lead patrolman asked, looking towards the patrolman on his left.
"It ain't my fault! You all didn't tell me about it before hand. And Capt. Jones said I couldn't join if I didn't do it!" Bensen answered, by his tone he clearly didn't find it as amusing as his compatriots did.
"That was your fault trusting anything Capt. Jones said. You should've known he was bat shit crazy and loved to fuck with people, before you joined the guards. I'm sure they warned you before hand. Sorry about that. Got to give the boys a hard time you know. So keep in mind to just pay the donation, and don't waste their time. The Chaos temple does alot of good and important things around here for the people. Mess with their duties and you may find yourself on the wrong side of the population." said the lead patrolman sternly. The threat of becoming enemy number one was clear in its intent.
"No problems from me, I promise. Thanks for your time gentlemen, goodbye." I said before leaving them to their patrol.
The temple was indeed still open, and after asking some guards the told me that I needed to use the second floor entrance, which happened to be the actual entrance most people would use. Which was located on the top of a really long set of stairs. When I asked why the entrance up there they explained that the tunnel they were standing guard of was used for deliveries of goods to and from the temple, but it was shut at night to deter theives. They also said that the more stairs you climb, the higher the entrance corresponded with the level of assistance you required or the level of urgency you had. If you needed to speak with someone of high authority, you would go up the third set of stairs. Though the third set was the last set, it was also the longest, going as high as two thirds of the temple. You could only go higher through stairs on the inside after being allowed access.
When I asked why the temple was built like this, they said it had to do with one of the principles of the Apocrypha Vedic( I looked up words meaning religious text, and found a couple I liked so I combined them. I have no issue with the religions these name represent or the people who follow them. I just liked the names), the Chaos religions holy( or unholy ) text. 'The faithfully deligent are rewarded. If your need is grave enough, you'll have the strength to earn it'. So no pain no gain.
When I reached the first terrace I looked behind me out of curiosity. From the ground the stairs looked to to be rather high, and now that I'm looking down, the perception was true. The first set of stair ended with the same height as a four story building, the next set of stairs appeared to be the same height as the walls of the city, both the inner and outer walls being roughly the same height. After climbing the stairs, I began to walk into the temple. The two guards at the entrance asked me what my business was at the temple this late. I told them I was here to thank Amatsu-Mikaboshi for a fortutious encounter I had on my recent travels. The accepted this as a good enough reason, and told me to walk down the staight corridor till I met the end, then turn left, then right. They said it would take me straight to the temples' main assembly room(not suure what the actual word for it is).
I followed the directions from the guards, and after exiting the hallway, I found myself in a large room. It had three open floors filled with benches, besides the first floor, that extended around the entirety of the massive room in a circular fashion. (Like a colosseum if that helps you.) They all had been built in a way that allowed you to see the first floor fairly well, wherever you sat. I don't know about hearing anyone down here if you sat o the third row up, but I'm sure they had a way.
As I was looking around, I noticed a distinct lack of symbols or idols in the temple. The temple back in Fort Triss had statues and paintings of their deities, but there were no symbols of any kind to be found here. The only thing I saw was a well like structure sunk into the floor.
'Smart to have access to water in case your stuck in here.' I thought to myself.
I walked around for a bit looking at the room, trying to find something to speak with Amatsu through, or atleast someone to ask about it. As if answering my prayers (ha) I sensed a person enter the room from one of the hallways. I say sensed because I had been use 'hunters sense' at regular entervals since I returned to the city. I would have sensed the person approaching or anyone else for that matter, but something about the materials this place was made of limited my sense to the room I was in.
"We usaully don't get any visiters this late. Have you come to pray or seek favor?" Asked the preistess. It was hard to describe her appearance. Probably due to her being covered hed to toe in a dark purple robe, the only thing you could see were her eyes, and a litle bit of skin. I honestly never expected to see a hijab on this world. I wonder if its a culture thing or a temple thing.
"It's not polite to stare, you know." the preistess said with a slightly annoyed tone.
"My apologies, preistess. I found your attire unusual, and forgot my manners momentarily." I said, sounding apologetic. I really wasn't, but she didn't need to know that.
"Is this perhaps your first time to a Chaos temple?" asked the preistess.
"Indeed. I've never been to a functional Chaos temple. I've seen some old ruins though." I answered her.
"Then I'm sure my attire is somewhat strange or confusing to you. Hehe." said the preistess with a chuckle. "Was there something I could help you with? You seem like you have questions. Go ahead, ask me. I'll do my best to answer them."
"Okay, sense you asked. Are the robes a cultural custom, or a temple custom? Why is the temple so big? And what's the temple made of? What's at the top? Are there any more Chaos temples? Do you know where I can get a map of their locations? Or one of the Alliance territories? Or a world map? Where does one pray at here? I don't see any religious symbols." I asked excitedly. I may have been born a parasite, but human curiosity is apperantly quite infectious.
"Mm...Well, that's quite a few guestions to answer at once, but I'll do my best to answer them. Lets take a seat first, I've been on my feet all night." she said motioning me towards a nearby bench. After taking a seat, she began to answer my questions.
"The robes are a custom of the temple, though it doesn't have a religious meaning. The reason we wear these robes is because it helps hide the identities of those inside the temple. We are usually seen as a last hope for desperate people. That's how it started actually. The specifics of the story change from time to time, but it mainly stays the same. A group of women was seeking a place to hide from some noble and his soldiers, and since no one else would risk the nobles wrath, they went to a Chaos temple.
The head priestess took them in, and after she pleadng with Amatsu-Mikaboshi to render aid. Amatsu sent her a vision of these robes, and no matter how powerful the noble might be, he wasn't brave enough to lay a hand on any of the temple priestesses. So when the noble finally tracked them to the temple, he wasn't able to find any of the women he was chasing. All he seen was the temple priestess in strange robes, everyone assumed they were for some strange ritual as the inner workings of Choas temple were unknown at the time. The noble left thinking that the women had continued to run elsewhere. So we wear these robes to provide sanctuary to those that need to hide."
As for the temple... Well, I'm not really sure what its made of, or why its so big compared to other temples. Even the Cathedral of Light isn't as big as this place. Much to the Popes displeasure, I'm sure. The head preistess may know, but I'm not sure. The Temple has been here long before Junction City was built around it." said the preistess with a shrug of her shoulders, before she continued to speak.
"There are in fact quite a few Chaos temples left, but they are located in Alliance territory. As for any of the maps you were asking for, there is a shop inside the inner district. 'Lost and Found' is its name. Though the maps there are fairly detailed, and very expensive. And as for where you pray here? You may pray anywhere in here and the lord of Chaos will here you. Our lords symbol is in the 'well' over there. However there have been attempts towards it recently so its locked away at the moment." said the priestess pointing towards the sunken hole in the floor. So not a well, who would've thought.
"If there have been attempts towards it, why are you telling me this? I could be after your religious idol." I asked her slightly confused by such a seemingly foolishish thing to do.
"Oh, its no problem. If anyone else were to have asked about such an important item at this late of an hour, they would've been told to come back tommorrow. But you.... Well, there's an aura about you. It's difficult to explain, but its like the lord of Chaos has an interest in you. Besides the guards would likely kill you before you even near the exit." said the priestess. She sounded amused at the idea of me being a threat. Huh, not sure how to take that.
"Okay... I thinks thats all the questions I have so far. Do you mind if I go ahead and pray?" I asked her.
"Certainly. Let me know if you reguire further assistance." said the priestess, and with a curt bow she left me be.
I went over towards the 'well', and sat on the steps.
'Hey, Amatsu, you there?' I asked. No sooner had I had the thought, I felt a hum of energy. Nothing as bright or noticable as when Gaia spoke to me, and it was so faint, like a whisper in the wind.
'Yes I'm here. Good to see your making progress, some summoned have difficulties adjusting and stall at the beginning. Now, as much as I'd like to have a long chat with you, there are rules I have to abide by, so listen up. I, or the other gods will only be able to directly speak with you when you're in a temple or near a powerful conduit of faith. We can however send you subtle signs, but its up to you to see and act on them.
Oh, and good job linking up with Morganna! If only you could have seen her when she was at full power, she was like walking catastrophy. Gaia was SUPER pissed when she found out what happened to her. Wish you could have seen it.' Amatsu said. I could fell him smiling as he apparently found the last bit very funny.
' While I'm sure whatever happened to Leon was funny, that couldn't have been what you wanted to tell me.' I asked.
'Right. Well I wanted to thank you for saving Morganna, again. I've been in contact with the goddess of her home world, she says thanks by the way, and you've gotten me a bit of 'god favor' with her. And some of the other gods who have missing champions have also contacted me. They want their champions saved as well, if possible, and are willing to provide payment for the safe return of their champions.' Amatsu said.
'.....Seriously? Now they want their people back?' I asked stunned.
'Well, they ask every time a new group of 'heroes' arrive, and I promised them that if the opportunity presented itself, I would help their champions return home. Since most heroes tend to die or are forced to stay on the world they were summoned to, asking me to get them back is one hell of a favor to ask. See its a rule among gods that a summoned may not be returned to their world, unless they complete the task they were assigned. Or if extenuating circumstances arise. And since this world isn't an officially designated domain for any god, that rule could be bent a bit here.' Amatsu stated.
'So why not teleport them to their world, it can't be that hard to send them back.' I asked curiously.
'Well, here's the thing, I can't. It's against the rules of my position to teleport anyone off this world myself. One of the few rules that have no loopholes. However, if I were to have a champion who could bring them to a location with a massive amount of divine energy, then the gods who summoned them could send them back.' Amatsu answered.
'So, if I come across any heroes who want to go home, I need to find a holy place corresponding to the god who gave them a blessing. Right?' I asked.
'Yes, if you would. Now, I have some other things to tell you. As you may have figured out, usaully the heroes are summoned when a demon king starts to march on the the rest of the world. The heroes have a bit of time to train, and then the hordes start to attack. However since I want this done right, I flexed a little muscle, and killed the demon king. And no, that doesn't mean you can go home, so don't even finish that thought. I killed the demon king. but it only bought you time, if a hero or a denizen of this world doesn't kill the deomn king, then it'll just respawn after a time.' Amatsu said with a serious tone.
'.....So, how long until it's back?' I asked tiredly. I hated stupid restrictions likethese. IF it needs to die, then anyone should be okay doing it.
'Well it varies, but Theo and I did some calculations, and it should appear about a year from now. Give or take a month. Probably.' Amatsu said questionally.
'Whats with the uncertainty?' I asked curiously.
'I hate math! And Theo isn't a full god of knowledge, he can only make highly educated guesses. But even if it's back early, you'll have plenty of time to get stronger.' Amatsu answered.
'Lame reasons aside, was there anything else you wanted to tell me?' I asked.
'Actually, I do have one more thing to tell you. The Allaince has been aware of you existence since the summoning, and now the Empire is aware of you as well. The rest of Agar will find out about the new hero at some point too. So just a heads up, there may be trouble brewing with your name on it.' Amatsu warned.
'Dammit. I was hoping to remain hidden until I was at full or almost full power.' I said angrily.
'Well, the summoning ritual alerted the Allaince to the fact there was a new hero, and they were told a summoning was to occur anyway. But my times up here. If you need to speak to me again, you'll have to wait a month for another window. Sorry its a rule I can't break.'Good luck.' Amatsu said.
The energy that was in the room faded as soon as Amatsu finished his sentence. Now I was alone in a stone room, left only with the crackling of torches and my thoughts. The fact that powerful organization were aware of my existence troubled me. Even if they didn't know what I looked like, it still didn't make it any less troubling. Course with me being a shapshifter of sorts, any detailed form of identifacation was useless. But they would probably start looking for people that stood out from everyone else. Meaning those that did something impossible.
Well it's not like I could just stay quiet till the demon hordes showed up, I'll just have to stay ahead of anyone looking for me while I gain as much strength as I can. I left the temple, thanking the preistess on the way out, and headed towards the Rat and Bones inn. I had an appointment with a rat apparently....
Finding the Rat and Bones wasn't difficult by any means, it was on the main road through the northeastern section of the city. The slums was what this area was called, and I agreed with that statement. The place was filthy, starving, sick or desperate people and animals could be seen throughout the alleys and side roads. Some begging for aide, or trying to take want they needed from others. Fights weren't uncommon here, and no one bothered to break them up. On the other hand, the bars and inns on this side of town were far rougher than the ones on the main avenues. Like the beggars in he alleyways, drunks or rowdy adventurers fought with eachother, but unlike the beggars, they did it for laughs.
After entering the inn I ordered a drink and tried to get information from the bartender.
"I don't know you, so I don't know nothin." was the response I got.
So I waited for the bartender to take a break or slip away from the room. After about twenty minutes he switched places with someone, and headed towards the door. I followed behind him closely, and the moment he walked next to the alley, I jumped him. I grabbed him by the back of his shirt, and threw him into the alleyway. He hit the wall of a neaby building, as he tried to stand up dazedly, I curbed stomped the back of his head. With a satisfying crunch/ squish sound, I absorbed him. A flash of memories fly threw my mind until I find what I was looking for. Darvy, comes in regularly, drinks a lot, tips well, and always asks about the next shipment of dwarven whiskey. Also currently sleeping it off in room 4 with some cheap whore who left after he passed out without having done anything.
Poor bastard, lucky girl. I made my way to room 4, no one cared to take note of my presence, as a fight was starting in the bar. I entered the room after breaking the deadbolt lock, and true to memory, Darvy was passed out on the bed. I walked over to him, and without a word, I snapped his neck and absorbed him. Looking through his memories I felt he should be thankful he died in his sleep,cause he deserved a worse ending than this.
But thats not my problem. My problem is that the number of bandits. There are about 350 bandits and mercs, some are split into smaller raiding parties, but thats not what bugged me the most. The raiding parties were capturing people to sell as slaves, and while this wasn't an unheard of thing to happen, the fact that the had a specific trade route and person they were trading off too was. These guys were trading anyone they could find, and they weren't getting caught. Something didn't smell right here, and it wasn't the stains Darvy left behind.
They were being lead by someone named 'Blaze', and appeared to be receiving help from some organization. Because their numbers had steadily been growing as smaller bandit groups and others began to join them. Who, or why, Darvy didn't know. The only reason he knew any of this is the guy he reported to liked to talk too much when they drank together, and a few peices of conversations he had overheard. Now I know where to find the bandits, and as a bonus I know where Darvys' contact is, Mich, for more information.
I left the Rat and Bones inn, and spent the walk back to our inn in thought. By the time I got there I had a decent plan in mind, but first, I need Morgannas' help. And then, I'll need some bodies....
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