《Mana System - Hello, World! [Complete]》Chapter 8: Royal Guard
Frathsar and I had to traverse side streets and back alleys, and in some cases backtrack to avoid larger groups of enemies and roving nut jobs with guns. All of which took hours. I was exhausted, but I could see the central tower and even the watchtowers on the corners of the barracks. We were only a few blocks away and the streets seemed quiet. I looked around nervously. They seemed a little too quiet, I realized a bit too late.
"HALT!" The word echoed out with power causing my body froze.
It didn't take me long to figure out a skill had been used and I had no chance of fighting against whatever it was. My whole body was locked tight and I could only move my eyes and my head slightly. That is when I saw the group of eight Royal Guard come around the corner half a block up. They were decked out in full plate that gleamed white with dark blue trim. They approached us with an air of indifference.
"Garret, is that you?" I heard Frathsar say from behind me, odd he was closer than I remembered him being. Oh wait never mind he walked right past me. 'Hey, no fair how come he isn't frozen too,' I grumbled internally.
The one in the lead came to a halt holding his left arm up in a stopping motion. The rest fanned out hands-on weapons just in case.
"Frathsar, I see you have been transported as well," The leader said in an imperial tone, "Glad to see you survived. What brings you back this way, I thought you were headed up North?"
"I was, until I got waylaid by a group of goblins. I couldn't deal with them outside my shield and couldn't fight them all off by myself," he pointed towards me, "This fine fellow by the name of Paul, from this world, by the way, killed off the goblin's and rescued my scaly hide."
I didn't miss the fact that there were murmurs when Frathsar mentioned that I was from this world. The leader quickly silenced them, sweeping his gaze over me.
"After that, I decided to head back South per Paul's recommendation. It would appear that we are on the fringe of this planet's most populated areas. We parted ways for a bit and I was attacked along the road by the Sulids. I managed to escape them using illusions but lost my wagon and access to most of my stock. I ran into Paul again upon entering the town and we have been together since."
I was glad he didn't mention the dungeon and me taking out the entire war party by myself. I didn't need heightened scrutiny. The soldiers were close enough that I could read the title above their heads, but not the levels at least not all of them.
Garret Smithson | Elite Guard Commander | Level XX
Harvel Pultace | Elite Guard | Level XX
Jacob Netwig | Judicator | Level XX
Vicktor Lewell | Spellsword | Level XX
Jonas Spurgin | Elementalist | Level 16
Quinton LaChes | Bowman | Level 15
Bartholomew Chuff | Guardian | Level XX
Devon Glassblower | Servant of Amon | Level 14
If I was reading this right and remembering correctly, I could see at least 11 levels above my own with the skill I purchased from Frathsar. That would make the unknowns at least level 18. I also didn't like that Servant of Amon title. It reeked of holy influence, time to keep a low profile with my healing abilities. To be this high of a level must have taken this lot a considerable amount of time, based on my own experience.
From what I could tell of the Royal Guard, which wasn't much considering these few were all decked out in full plate including helmets they appeared to all be of standard human proportions. You know, no tails or weird other appendages.
"Yes these Sulid are a bothersome bunch, no more so than the natives," he said, pointedly looking at me when he said that.
I would have shrugged and agreed with him. We American's could be right judgmental pricks to outsiders.
"Ah yes, Paul did warn me that his people probably wouldn't take too kindly to interlopers. It doesn't help that the Mana System was a surprise for them and most were ill-prepared."
Garret harrumphed, "That would explain quite a bit. The few natives we brought in were confused and had no idea what was happening, only glad to be safe. The rest, well they like to shoot first and ask questions later. Even the law enforcement we have spotted fired at us. We decided to pull most of our forces back and only clear out the Sulid infestation. The locals will need to come to terms with the situation by themselves. If they wish for our assistance they can meet us on our terms."
Garret stood there hand on chin in thought.
"Very well, come with us back to the Barracks. I can see the weariness on the both of you."
At his words, my body was finally free from its invisible prison and I fell to the ground panting. I had been able to breathe a bit under the compulsion but not fully. I got back to my feet with no help from the guards. Guess I can't blame them; they were scanning the area for threats. Not sure what could threaten this group though. I took up a position next to Frathsar, right smack dab in the middle of the group. Oh, I felt so cozy. I could practically feel their gazes boring holes into my back, it made me all warm and fuzzy inside.
We made our way swiftly the last two blocks to the barracks. I had expected to see a medieval style of building but I was wrong. The walls rose twenty feet into the air made from what looked like concrete only it had a bluish tint to it. The central arched gateway had two portcullises made from a bronze colored metal. I somehow doubted it was something as mundane as bronze or steel. This was backed on both ends by a huge two-inch-thick wooden door, with the wood grain so dense I could hardly see the pattern as I passed within a few feet of the massive frames.
Men stood atop the ramparts and corner towers keeping a diligent watch on the surroundings. Occasionally I could see a burst of light from the wall as some sort of spell or ability was used.
"Here is where I have to leave you and your friend. Quinton LaChes here can show you to a bunk and where to get a meal," Garret said motioning Quinton forward. "We don't have much in the way of amenities so you will have to make do with what we can offer," he said briskly.
"Nonsense Commander Garret, whatever you can offer us is more than reasonable. Thank you again for taking us weary travelers in."
This was when I got my first good look at the commander as he removed his helmet. He looked like a grizzled human in his early forties if I had to guess. Sharp jawline and short cut black hair with grey streaks along the sides and piercing green eyes. I took the chance to glance at the other soldiers I could see. They all appeared to be human. The ones with the Commander appeared to be slightly younger than him, perhaps closer to my age, although, with my minor tweaks from the system I looked to be in my mid-twenties now instead of my late thirties. I wonder what my friends would think if they could see me.
"Good, good. Before you go Frathsar, I wish to discuss something with you. If you could follow me to my office."
"Certainly Commander, Paul, I will meet up with you later."
I just nodded at the pair as they walked away and I followed the stonily silent Quinton, a man of middling height and dark brown hair that was matted in sweat from his helmet. As we walked he just pointed at certain buildings.
"Food hall."
I wasn't able to get another word out of the tight-lipped man. What a bore. He waved me inside at the Bunks and I was surprised to see separate rooms and not the normal military-style everybody bunks together type of layout. The building stood three stories tall with what must have been forty rooms per floor if I had to guess.
"Choose a room that has a key hanging by it. Do not enter another's room without being invited or you will be kicked from the compound. If you steal or start a fight you will be kicked from the compound," he said looking at me, daring me to ask him a question. I just nodded and walked down the hall to find a room.
I didn't choose the first room available instead I walked until I found a room that had vacant rooms all around it. I opened the door with the key and stepped inside. It was a simple room with a small dresser and a single bed with a pillow and blanket. I took off my backpack setting it next to the dresser. I set my staff down against it as well. Then I sat on the bed.
"Well, not the most comfortable accommodations but it will do," I said quietly.
I sat on the bed, hands on my knees, trying to suppress the shaking. The stress of the day finally breaking through my mental dam. How had I thought I was ready for something like this. This was nuts, I was crazy. My mind went over every mistake I made today, every time I almost died and I almost collapsed in despair.
After letting my emotions out for a while I forced my traitorous mind away from those dark thoughts. I was treating this like a game, I knew it wasn't but it had allowed me to get through the day. While this new world was dangerous, the way to survive was to continue to grow and for that to happen I would need to place myself in danger again.
I hadn't found anyone I trusted with my safety more than myself. Except maybe these Royal Guard, but they gave me an awfully chilly reception and I didn't fully trust their motives. Sure it seemed like they were doing some good by saving a few locals, and killing roaming monsters but at the end of the day they had to do what was best for them.
I also needed to figure out what I wanted from this new life. It wasn't like my old desk job would be waiting for me when I returned home. There were just so many possibilities. While I found that I was beginning to enjoy combat, I didn't really want to spend the rest of my life at it. I lay like this for a good hour unable to fall asleep before a soft knock at my door disturbed my melancholy mood.
"Just a minute," I said casting a quick Rejuvenate on myself to clear any redness from my face. The spell did make me feel better.
I stood up and straightened my bedraggled shirt wondering why I bothered because I was still sporting the hole in the center of it. I should have changed clothes, I had two sets in my bag from my camping trip. Oh well, it would have to wait. I went over and opened the door.
"Ah greetings Paul," Frathsar said in delight, "Would you care to grab some food with me? If you would like I can give you some time to clean and change?" He said, glancing down at my attire and wrinkling his nostrils.
"Sure, yeah that would be for the best. Do you want me to meet you at the food hall?"
"That would be fine, see you in 20 minutes?"
"Sounds doable, see you then."
Frathsar smiled and walked back down the hallway. I accessed my inventory grabbing my camping soaps a change of clothes and my towel.
"Never leave home without my trusty towel," I said to myself thinking of one of my favorite books.
I cleaned up in record time, having ice-cold water to wash with will do that for you and went to meet Frathsar. I found the Merchant waiting outside the food hall chatting with a few people. He looked towards me and waved as I approached.
"Take care gentlemen," I heard him say to the others, as they walked away.
"Greetings Paul, are you feeling better after your bath and a change of clothes?"
"You know what, I am feeling much better. Kind of wished for a shower but oh well, beggars can't be choosers."
"Shall we," Frathsar said, motioning me ahead. I nodded to the merchant and we headed into the food hall.
I grabbed a plate of what looked like oatmeal along with a hard bread roll and a slice of mystery meat. We sat down opposite each other at a long wooden table.
"So, why the dinner invitation?" I asked not in the mood for small talk, having a feeling the merchant wanted something from me.
"Actually, wait before that, why is everyone here human and why is everyone patrolling in full plate?"
Frathsar smiled, "This is why I like you, Paul, you cut straight to the point. Yes everyone here is human; the Asharon Kingdom is a mainly human-occupied territory and there are few non-human citizens. As with most kingdoms, they restrict sensitive positions to families of nobility or those with great wealth. As for the full plate, I'm not sure. Could be because of your people's guns, bullets can still kill people at great range if you can hit a weak spot like the eyes. Although, you would need to ask the Commander to find out for certain."
Well, that might explain all the sullen and unhappy looks I was getting from most of the soldiers. Can't imagine its fun walking around in full plate unless you are used to it. Heck, even my leather jerkin chafed sometimes and decided it didn't matter, I certainly wasn't going to ask the Commander about his security measures.
"It is also true that I asked you here to discuss a proposal, but first accept this gift."
The Merchant pulled out some more injectors from his storage bag; it looked to be four of each of the health and mana.
I raised an eyebrow, "What's this for?" I asked not reaching for the items.
Frathsar slyly looked around to make sure nobody was in earshot. He lowered his voice anyway, "Use these if you are injured or in trouble." He then spoke in a normal tone, "Your reward for getting me to safety," he said loud enough to make sure everyone heard him. Then he winked at me.
Seeing a dragon-man wink at you was slightly disconcerting, to say the least. I pocketed the injectors and nodded my thanks. I had a feeling this was a bit of a bribe to butter me up for what he wanted from me, more then what we had been through so far.
"So," I said, between mouthfuls of food, "What is this proposal?"
"As you may or may not recall, I need to reach a Bazaar to gain access to the rest of my merchandise. The problem is there is no access point in this city and without my carriage and shield, it is far too dangerous for me to go traipsing across your world looking for a city that contains this access point. I was wondering since you are more knowledgeable of the surrounding cities if you could locate it for me."
"I don't..."
"Before you say no, I will reward you handsomely for this task. Also, the Commander will be speaking with you tomorrow for a similar mission as they cannot leave this area and explore very far. Don't mention that I told you. This would be a doubly rewarding assignment for you."
I rubbed my chin while contemplating his offer. I was planning on heading south anyway, might as well get paid for my trip.
"Ok, but how will I notify you when I find it other than coming back here?"
He pulled out two silver cards handing them to me.
"These are contact spells. They are linked to me, all you need to do is spill a drop of blood on them and my map will update with the route you have taken since I handed them over to you."
"You may want to hold onto them for a bit then, I was going to scout around town for a few days."
"That won't be an issue, you can include verbal notes when you send it, for example, if you had to detour because of a monster sighting or road was impassible, etc. I won't be completely vulnerable once I make my way using your map."
"Ok, and what about the Commander's quest, won't I be required to return once I complete it?"
"I am unsure; you will need to discuss the particulars with him. What say you, Mister Paul? Do you accept?"
I grumbled a bit but eventually accepted his offer and the contact spells. He let me know that the reward would be waiting for me as soon as I visited him in the Bazaar town. This meant I would have to stick around in that area for some time, if what he told me about this building was correct it shouldn't be an issue. I might even be able to make a decent amount of credits myself by selling items off there.
"I trust you to utilize the spells in the best way you see fit. Now if you will excuse me I wish to get some rest," the Merchant said excusing himself from the table.
I needed rest as well so I finished up my food and headed off to my room to hopefully sleep.
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