《Reluctant Visitor》Chapter 20 - Rabbits


After collecting the rabbit corpses for their supplies and returning to the camp, Daniel and Anna were part of the first guard shift. During that time, they cooked some rabbits and had a good satisfying meal, before ending their shift and going to sleep.

Daniel woke up in pain. Something had bitten him in his arm. Not fully awake, he grabbed it and was rewarded with a bite to his hand. He cursed and opened his sleepy eyes, only to look at an angry rabbit that was trying to bite his hand again. He grabbed the rabbit's head with his other hand and ripped of its head. Then, he crawled out of his sleeping bag and got up. Just as three other rabbits were jumping at him, he activated his Lightning Armor. The rabbits got electrocuted and fell to the ground.

He looked around and saw that their camp had devolved into pandemonium. There were dozens, maybe hundreds of rabbits swarming the travelers. Looking to the side, he saw that Anna still asleep. He shook her to wake her up and then started to attack rabbits. He used his saber in his right hand and his dagger in the left. Daniel decided against using other spells. There was no way to know how long the fight would last and he didn't want to forgo his armor.

While he killed five of the little fur balls, Anna had gotten up, too. She started to fire Mana Missiles to snipe rabbits. Daniel tried to estimate where his help was needed the most, but the dim lighting from the goblin pyre didn't give enough illumination for a clear picture. He decided to concentrate on the nearest group of travelers that was under threat and attacked.

Just as he was killing two rabbits, his domain warned him of an incoming attack. He pumped more mana into his armor and jumped back, but he was too late. One water lance hit a rabbit next to him and another hit him in the side. It hurt and it felt like one of his rips was broken. A look at his life said him that he was at 80%. Thankfully he had trained his toughness in the last days, Daniel thought.

"Be careful with your fucking spells. Friendly fire is far more dangerous than these stupid rabbits!" Daniel shouted. He didn't know who exactly missed his target and hit him, at least it wasn't Anna's water magic. She was still firing mana missiles on his other side.

The next minutes were a chaotic mess, but it didn't take very long to finish off all the enemies. When Daniel assessed the situation, he saw that two people were seriously injured from badly aimed spell attacks like he had been. One more person, someone who had been on guard duty, was covered over and over in bite marks. John was already there, bandaging the worst wounds with a first aid kit. Thankfully, with the system, as long as you didn't die outright, you'd make a full recovery.


"Stupid bunnies! We should have traced their origin when we found the wolves!" Fedor cursed behind him. Daniel turned around and saw that the Russian was fine, but Isabella, who was standing next to him, had some serious looking bite marks on her arms.

"Maybe, but I wouldn't want to be swarmed like this in complete darkness without the goblin pyre's light." Daniel responded and Fedor grudgingly nodded.

"As soon as the sun goes up, we need to find the source of this pest! I don't want to be woken up like this again!" Isabella decided while showing her bloody arms to strengthen her argument. Anna, who had joined the group, just nodded in agreement.

"I think our party is best suited to fight the rabbit nest. But, the question is, will the others stay here or move on? Both options could be risky in their own ways, without the best fighters present." Daniel asked and Fedor just shrugged, before he answered.

"That will be their decision. I'm not sure everyone is in a condition to keep on marching through the high snow right now."

Three hours later, the sun was starting to climb over the horizon. It had been decided, that they would stay for one more day in the camp. For one, there was enough food right now. In addition, some of the injured people didn't have a very high regeneration and needed a rest.

Fedor, Isabelle, Anna and Daniel made their way to find out the origin of the bunny plague. It wasn't very hard to follow the footprints left behind by hundreds of the little creatures in the snow.

An hour later, they were able to follow the trail to a small cave entrance. It was big enough for a person, but wouldn't give much room for a fight. Daniel decided to go in front, he was better equipped than Fedor to fight in small spaces and in addition he would be able to decrease the enemies numbers with his spells.

You are entering the dungeon Rabbit Burrow!

"Seriously, a rabbit dungeon?" Daniel said while shaking his head.

"That's awesome. An endless supply of food." Anna assessed with a grin.

"Ok, let's be careful. Maybe, the small rabbits aren't all. There could be more dangerous ones." Daniel suggested.

"Yes, really big bad killer rabbits. Maybe, even that monster rabbit from that old movie. You know, the one that bites you and your head falls of." Fedor explained with a chuckle.

While Isabella and Anna were confused and didn't get that reference, Daniel had to laugh. There had been a Monty Python fan in his fraternity and they had watched some of the films on their weekly movie night together.


"It was a funny film. Let's leave it at that and get serious." Daniel responded and they entered the dungeon.

When the entrance tunnel led to a small cave, they were greeted by maybe fifty red eyed rabbits that immediately came at them. A few fireballs, air bombs and ice spells later, most of the fur balls were splattered over the cave floor. Daniel and Fedor killed the rest in close combat.

"Only level one enemies. We won't get much experience from that." Isabella observed.

After gathering the best rabbit corpses for their food supplies, they continued their way.

The next fights weren't much different until they got a warning that they were entering the boss room.

"Should we enter? There were only level one enemies here, I can't imagine that the boss would be very strong." Daniel asked and the others just nodded.

When they entered, Fedor started to laugh. The boss wasn't what they had expected.

Horned Rabbit - Level 2

It was just a slightly bigger rabbit with a small, maybe two centimeters long horn on its forehead. Otherwise, there were only twenty normal rabbits in the room. The only unusual thing was the small glowing crystal that was sitting on a small rocky pedestal in the middle of the room.

Daniel gave a short look to his party. They just shrugged. With that, they started to kill the rabbits. The boss exploded after it was hit by one of Anna's Magic Missiles. The rest of the rabbit weren't much of a challenge either.

Just as Daniel wanted to look for loot, he got a notification from the system.

Congratulations for clearing the F ranked dungeon Rabbit Burrow. You have one minute to destroy the core, otherwise you'll lose access to the system!

Fedor reacted first, he just went over to the pedestal and smashed the crystal with his mace. When it shattered, they got another notification.

Perk gained

Dungeon Killer F 1/5

For killing an F ranked dungeon, you are rewarded with +1 in every attribute.

"Seems like a big bonus for a dungeon this easy." Isabella observed warily.

"Well, it seems clear now that the system wants people to destroy dungeons. The question is why? This dungeon could have been used by a village as a food dispenser." Daniel observed.

"I don't really care. That were eight attribute points, almost as much as a level. We should hunt more dungeons." Fedor proposed.

"I don't think it is that easy. The one of five probably means that you get only a reward for the first F rank dungeons you kill" Anna responded.

"Probably, but if the reward is so good, it is unlikely that we will find a lot of weak dungeons like that. Every adventurer out there should be looking for dungeons like this for a quick attribute boost." Daniel said and showed the two lumps of ore, which he'd found while their conversation was going on, to his team.

"Not as good as the perk, but everything helps, I guess." Fedor said.

With the dungeon finished, they made their way back to the base camp. The other travelers seemed relieved when they heard that the source of the nightly rabbit attack was destroyed. The thought of not having to eat goblin meat, at least for the next days, had probably helped to improve the atmosphere, too.

The next two days were uneventful. They slowly made their way down the river and to the forest, which Daniel and Anna had spotted before. The end of the snow meant that they were able move a lot faster.

On the third day, Daniel and Anna, who were scouting ahead again, spotted a small village. They were able to see ten houses surrounded by a small palisade. In addition there were five more houses outside the palisade. One of the houses had been standing a little further away than the others, maybe 200 meters. Right now, it was burned down and the ruins were still smoking. The still standing houses looked sturdy. While they were made of wood, they had no resemblance to the ramshackle huts he knew from medieval villages in documentaries.

"Finally, civilization, but the still smoking burned down house suggest that we should be careful. Maybe, there were bandits or something. Let's get back to the others and tell them the news." Anna suggested.

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