《Reborn as a Magic Firefly, Help?》Chapter Fifteen: A conveniently located village is located


I flew into the sky, my heart lofty and light, unburdened by my unforgiven sins.

Before me, roiling green forests tucked tight with trees I've never seen before. In the far distance, the ground rose to become shallow mountains, covered with pine-like trees, creating a surreal, almost moving world. I had never seen so many trees before. As I flew higher and higher into the skies, the forest only seemed to stretch farther and farther, expanding to fit my humble views.

As the winds howled in my ears and mountains rose proudly in the far, far distance, I faintly saw how the sun rose, hidden partially by the grandest of peaks. The dark skies were vanished into obscurity, revealing a light blue, vast expanse. Dainty little footprints of light speckled across the vast sea of green below, turning their leaves more yellowish than green.

I let myself fall, slowly, surely, and before I knew it, I plunged into the overgrowth below, the bright, airy world replaced with a still-dark one. The sun was too weak at this hour, and had yet to penetrate through the leaves and the pine needles and everything that kept the forest in darkness.

When I entered that mystical place, I was met not with grass, but with moss. Moss and stones and towering trees and short trees and pale trees. There were so many trees I didn't know, that I had yet to be introduced to. Even so, they welcomed me amongst them.

Through the woods, I flew with increased vigour. In there, not a trace of human life could be found. The most noticeable trails were so shallow and faint that I almost missed them, and I recognized immediately that they could only have been made by animals.

But, after some time, after light started shining on the woods, I found what I had to consider a larger road. It was well stepped on and well used, and I lingered around it. Nearby, a tree was marked with an X, proving it to be the trail of a human. Or, at least, humanoid.


Fuck yeahhhhh!

Okay, yes, I'm out of it. Man, this place really is a fantasy world, I can't imagine this place existing where I'm from! I wasn't exactly searching for a trail or anything, but... Here it is! I could go left, or I could do right. Red pill, blue pill. Hrm. Left. Right. Up. Down. Hrrr-,

"Waff, waff!"

"Runner, calm down."

Oh shiT-,,

As fast as I could humanly move, I zig-zagged behind a tree, letting only my little tiny head poke out. Someone is coming...! Oh, man, if this is a human I will be so-,,

It should be, right? I needed goblin language to talk to the goblin girl, so I should need the other humanoid's languages to peak to them, but I used to be a human and I understand what this guy is saying, so... if it isn't a human, I will be very confused. Also, he has a dog, so...

Please be human. The goblins scare me and I don't want to know what the other humanoids are like because they sound scary.

Eventually, I catch sight of him. Wearing a white, puffy but slightly dirty shirt, a dark red unbuttoned vest and a pair of wool pants. His pants were tucked into a sturdy pair of boots, and on his hat was an old-timey cap, like the one grampa wore before he got sent to that home.

Overall, the man was... Old. With a short but roundish grey beard and tired eyes. The oddest feature, the one that ensures that this was not my world, was the two axes at his sides, the perfect size for throwing.

Skill (System Recon Interference) has been used, information will now be shown

Human "Antonio Bouldevarde" Lv. 46 (Race)

A hunter native to the Deep Forest of Toum, Antonio spends his nights hunting the local wildlife, his trusty dogs Runner and Sprinter at his side.


The second the man came a bit closer to me, a pair of perfectly identical dogs hopped out from an underbrush, each about the size of an exceptionally large dog, both carrying a deer each. It would have been a more impressive sight, had the dogs not seemed so damn happy to be carrying the deer.

Skill (System Recon Interference) has been used, information will now be shown

Dog "Runner" Lv. 16 (N/A)

A specially trained hunting dog, owned by Antonio Boulevarde. Skill (System Recon Interference) has been used, information will now be shown

Dog "Sprinter" Lv. 14 (N/A)

A specially trained hunting dog, owned by Antonio Boulevarde.

This was the perfect opportunity! As they say, all rivers lead to the sea. If there is a human, there is a village. Hopefully. I kind of want to believe that this man doesn't eat two deer all by himself, but each to their own.

A plan forms in my head, and I execute it as quickly as the man passes by my hiding-spot. I fly after him, at a safe distance, making sure to keep myself at least somewhat hidden.

Hehehhe. Hell yesss. Easy game, easy play, baby!...

After just a few minutes of following the man, Antonio, as it turns out, we reach somewhat of a plain. It's really more of a gaping bald-spot in the vast forest, but what it lacks in trees, it makes up for in houses.

I have to physically restrain myself from entering the village along with him. As much as I would love to see more humans, considering the way the goblin girl looked at me, I don't think I'd be greeted with much fanfare. Even so, I can't help but drink in every glance I get of the little collection of houses.

All and all, I spot only about a dozen or so houses, and each of them is about as small as a cabin, with the largest house being twice as big as a regular one. They all have this curious red colour as if to purposefully stand out from the forest surrounding them. Not much people can be seen milling about, but that's probably since it's quite early and they're all asleep.

...That reminds me, don't I need to sleep?...

So far, I only seem to need the kind of things I feel like I need, such as moss or f l e s h, but I have never had any particular need to sleep. Hrmm, maybe my mana keeps me awake?...

That's probably it, probably.

Now, I need to figure out a way to talk to these people...

I'm not craving social contact, I swear.

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