《The Black Knight of the Demon King》The First Assignment...


Chapter V: The First Assignment...

After checking on the Hero, Irillith returned to Heaven, and went straight to her father, for she had a lot of things that needed answers. However, she wasn't able to see him right away due to two of her siblings having a dispute, but after he had solved it, she was able to see him.

Upon entering his chambers, and her siblings leaving the room, she was greeted by the sight of her father with an exhausted expression written on his face. He appeared to be a man in his late thirties with snow-white hair, and emerald green eyes. He had a small beard, a chiseled face, and wore white robes.

"Father, you look tired." She said as the angel who had prevented her from entering the room earlier closed the door behind her.

"That's because I am tired." He answered in a slightly agitated voice. He didn't hate her, but he, in all honesty, didn't want to talk about whatever she wanted to talk about, for all he wanted to do at the moment was lay down and sleep.

"Oh, well if you're tired then we can discuss this-"

"Just tell me what's bothering you Irillith." Her father demanded in a firm tone, which made it clear that coming to see him right now was a mistake.

"Well, I believe my sister Lucifer has summoned someone to our world, and I wanted to know if this is true did, and if so, why did you bless them with powers?" Irillith declared in a strong manner. As much as she wanted to say that it was unimportant and they could discuss it another time, she realized that this was something that needed answers immediately.

"... It is true, and I did it because she is my daughter and because I am allowed to do that." He answered after a few seconds of silence.

"But she was kicked-"

"Because you and a bunch of your siblings left me no choice." He interrupted in a powerful voice that made the Goddess of Love fall silent. "If I had refused then a war amongst the Gods would have started. Plus, I don't see why you're troubled by this, you had summoned seven otherworlders to try killing her, so why can't she have one to defend herself?"


"Because..." Irillith started in a weak-willed voice. She had been hoping that her father wouldn't be like this, but even after everything, he was still choosing Lucifer over her.

"Irillith, I have allowed you to do whatever you please and get away with many things, but if you try getting me involved with your sister, or bring this up again to me, I will strip you of your divine powers, is that understood?" Her father declared in a serious tone that had no traces of joking in it whatsoever.

Getting frustrated with her father, Irillith said, "If you wanna protect her so bad then why don't you just get involved in all of this? You could easily prevent everyone from inflicting harm on her, so why don't you?"

"Because that is not my role in this, and because if I did get involved, then there would be chaos." He answered with a sigh. While he did care for his banished daughter, he cared more about the order of things and knew what awaits everyone should he get involved in these petty disputes between the Gods. "However, I will step in and have a ban on all summonings on the otherworlders, for I have realized that what me and your brother, the God of Craftsmanship, have created will be misused."

"But, but how do you know Lucifer won't summon more people? What if she summons more of these people and build-"

"Don't be so ignorant Irilllith it's unbecoming for a beauty like you." Her father interrupted with a disappointed tone and expression. "Lucifer would never do that, for she knows that if I don't bless them, then they will be weak and useless to her."

"I, I understand." Irillith said with a hesitant nod of her head.

"Good, now if you don't have anything else to say to me, then please leave." He stated before averting his eyes to his desk and having a pen appear out of nowhere in his right hand.

With nothing left to say to him, Irillith quietly left the room, but as she did this, some tears started to form in her eyes. "Even with you gone, father is still choosing your side over mine."

After having a talk with the Demon King in front of the fireplace, Donovan continued his training, but with a new attitude. He poured his heart into it, and trained until he felt like he was going to collapse and then he would do it again the next day. It was the same with magic too, Donovan would use up all of his till he had nothing left, and then after doing so would rest until it was all restored and then do it again.


Time flew by at an alarming rate, but eventually, his training came to an end when the Demon King said to him. "We have an assignment for you, Lord Fane."

"An assignment?" Donovan said in surprise with a slightly puzzled expression.

"Yes," She affirmed with a nod of her head. "We have heard from our spies that the Hero Party is on their way to the Dwarven Empire, and would like you to make sure nothing happens there."

"So, what? You want me to attack them, and stop them from whatever it is they're doing?" Donovan asked with a small frown that was hidden by his helmet.

"Violence should not be initiated, at least by you." She answered with a shake of her head before letting loose a troubled sigh. "The Dwarven Empire has been a neutral party throughout this conflict, and has aided both sides, but we feel that the Hero Party is going to try convincing them to join humanity in their fight against us."

"I see, so you want me to go there and make sure that nothing of that sort happens, right?" Donovan asked in an understanding tone.

"Yes, but you won't be going alone." She affirmed with a small smile.

After those words left her mouth, she snapped her fingers, and suddenly two dozen purebloods clad in black armor that wore armor that was similar to Donovan's armor, but not as bulky, appeared out of thin air behind him. These were Dark Knights, and while Donovan wore a red cape, they wore black capes.

As he turned around to look at who was teleported behind him, the Dark Knights went down on one knee, and said in unison. "We're at your command, Lord Fane."

"Is this really necessary?" Donovan questioned as he looked back at the Demon King.

"Of course, as we have already stated, you will not be going alone. Lady Nyx will be going as well, but she will need a full security detail if she is going to be our ambassador, so we picked the best of the best for you to command." She said with what could be considered as a sweet smile before crossing her legs over one another.

"I see, but I'm not really suited to be a commander..." He trailed off as he glanced at the knights who were still kneeling.

"We know, but because you're our Black Knight, you are expected to be able to lead troops, so this will be a good learning experience for you, Lord Fane." She declared as her grin got a little bit wider. She wasn't concerned for her sister's safety, and that was because she believed that he wouldn't fail her when it comes to protecting her.

She also doubted that the Hero Party would be stupid enough to attack them, for if a conflict arises in any of the Dwarven Empire's kingdoms between either group, then the one who initiates the attack will be detained and sentenced to death.

As for the one who gets attacked, depending on what they did, they would either be allowed to stay, or they would be banned from entering the Dwarven Empire's territory ever again.

Realizing that he had no choice but to accept the twenty-four Dark Knights, Donovan bowed slightly, and said, "Very well, when do we depart?"

"Right now." The Demon King affirmed. "Lady Nyx and her attendants are already ready, and are currently waiting on you and your detachment at the stables."

"I see, then I shall go now." Donovan stated as he straightened himself. He then turned around and walked in between the two lines of Dark Knights, who had stood up and began to follow him after he passed them.

As he and the Dark Knights exited the throne room, the Demon King let loose a sigh and muttered under her breath. "Even though he's agreed to be my Black Knight, he still hasn't addressed me as, Your Grace, or Your Highness, or even My King."

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