《Handyman》Chapter 7: Indulgences


Author's Note: Hey look!

It's a chapter despite injury to my pinky on my non-dominate hand...*ashamed at how lame that sounds*...*cough*

Anyway, if anyone is interested in PRing, let me know. I think I'd like to have another pair of eyes.

Chapter 7: Indulgences

“Normal protocol, of course, would be for me to file a report to the Pope,” stated Bishop Eladuni with feigned difficulty.

“The Bishiop of Vindar is, of course, a very busy man. I’m sure that we can provide enough resources to the Church that he need not be bothered. The East has it’s own problems after all, and the bounty of the West is dedicated to the service of Vindar.” Ahanu wasn’t Grand Duke for nothing. He excelled in diplomatic relations and maintaining an even keel.

The Church of the Unity was particularly tricky to deal with. By tradition they would always be allowed access to any court in the Empire, but couldn’t directly vote in any measures. Further, their positions were outside of the secular hierarchy, such that even the emperor would be expected to show some level of respect to even the lowliest friar. Church doctrine called the clergy to not be “of the world,” but they somehow managed to stay influential in politics all the same.

“The Church welcomes, and thanks you, for your generous donation. I’m sure our subordinates can work out the details.”

Damn, thought Ahanu, this is going to cost me more than I thought. “Now getting back to more important matters, are you sure of the validity of the information?”

“I’m certain that the boy, I mean the young marquis, thinks what he said is true,” replied Eladuni.

“I agree,” interjected Powaw. “Before even making myself known to your wife and heir, I set up wards of misinformation in the drawing room. Whatever the boy was saying, he did so without even the purpose of evasion.”

“But...I mean it’s fantastical! He still might be... somehow.. delusional right? Is there any precedence in the archives for such an event?”

“None. At least none that I could find within the Church. Perhaps previous cases did occur, and we just failed to become aware of them. If such an individual tried to keep this a secret, who would come up with such a conjecture?”


“And I don’t think he’s delusional. He knew of the concept of galaxies. That’s advanced theoretical astronomy. I even had to look up two scrolls to make sure I understood the word. And there’s no chance your Prixocal Phantom lied right? Or added information?” Powaw was always skeptical of beings from other planes. They always had their own agenda, and you could never be quite certain they were actually helping you.

“Of course not. The contract we entered was ironclad. I sweetened the deal by overpaying so that it wouldn’t need to indulge it’s crafty nature. It already thought it was ripping us off just going by the intent of the contract.”

“Then it’s settled,” decided Ahanu. “We will all take this information at face value until proven otherwise. This will be considered a national secret, and handled with the utmost discretion.” Ahanu paused to look at the other two in the eye. They each nodded, and he continued, “We will take his nurse and that steward, and elevate them to his permanent personal attendants. I will work on information control, and will trust you both with your own...containment. So...ideas on going forward?”

“I certainly agree on locking the information down. As much as I hate to say it,” sighed Powaw, “I think I should be the one to personally tutor the boy in magic. He could turn into a great wealth of information if he was a researcher in his previous world.”

“I concur. It will take me at least one year before I could try that summoning again, but I think collecting as much information as possible needs to be a priority.”

“He’s still my son. I won’t have him treated as a calamity. It could affect his psyche, and I want him to have the chance to develop as normally as possible. We need to think long term. For him to be a healthy, willing member of our family holds the most benefit.”

“I’m not suggesting that we mind rape him, but think of the consequences if you had someone else try and teach him mind magic. I’m not the best at it, but at least it won’t cause scandal if knowledge of his other world leaks into my head.”


“As much as I hate to continue to agree with Pow, I also feel this in our best interest. Tutors of the Grand Duke would always be chosen with great care, so we shouldn’t raise too much suspicion. I know a monk of the Eternal Order of the Butterfly who could be trusted. Like all in their order, he excels in mind and spirit magic.”

“If his mana well is truly formed in the orenda, then there’s no avoiding lessons in spirit magic.” Ahanu felt resign to this fate. Spirit magic was one of the most peculiar forms of magic. To make matters worse, it was often difficult to trace, which lead a disproportionate number of its practitioners into lives of crime and hedonism. They certainly wouldn’t publicize it if his son became adept in the spiritual arts. “What makes you think we can trust him?”

“Well first of all, he’s really old. Probably older than our pall Pow,” Eladuni looked to see if he got a reaction out of Powaw. Disappointed that he didn’t, he continued, “And really only has two desires left in life. His situation in the Order makes his life there more...difficult than what you could offer him here. I will agree to let him retire from the Order, and if you offer him space in the palace for the rest of his life, I don’t think we will have issues.”

“What is his ‘situation’ in the Order? I was under the impression that those who bore the Butterfly lived austere and boring lives.” Ahanu would not allow his son to be a dumping ground for the Church’s internal politics.

“He declined to take the new vows, despite substantial persuasion. I think after 300 years of asceticism he is quite ready to live a little more easily. Plus, I know he has experience teaching language through mind magic. He was originally a missionary to the Western Tribes.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better? No matter, I won’t hold onto old grudges, and we don’t practice the old faiths anyway. What’s his name?”

“Brother Caloner,” replied the bishop with a smile.

Where have I heard that name, thought Ahanu.

“Caloner also has a wealth of worldly knowledge. I think we should set him as… are we going to call the boy Talo or Huritt from now on?”

“You, should refer to him as Marquis Huritt. We can’t have such a foreign sounding name surrounding him. It would arise too much suspicion.”

“Right you are, Your Grace. As I was saying, I think that Caloner will be the perfect tutor for general instruction in addition to spirit and mind magic. We just don’t publicize the latter, and everyone will just think the young marquis is very dedicated to his studies. Powaw can be in charge of the rest of his magical training, and I will personally take charge of his religious instruction.”

“You would take the time, personally?” If Ahanu was skeptical before, now he was outright cautious. He didn’t trust someone as busy as the Bishop of the West to just take time to tutor a child.

“But of course. It is the duty of the clergy to serve those in need. I can hardly think of a more needy case for an experienced hand. He must have suffered great trauma if his story is true.”

“How about his martial instruction,” inquired Powaw. “If he was trained in some unknown art, an experienced fighter would recognize the novelty. How someone fights can easily give away their origins.”

“Ha! Have you met my wife? If anyone can beat the Forms of the Ancients into him, it’s her...Now that I think about, I’m starting to feel sorry for the little guy.”

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