《Worlds' Gatekeeper》Chapter 20: Sennerth
Chapter 20: Sennerth
Before getting on the plane, I excused myself to the comfort room in order to go to [Harus] for a minute.
There, I met Moon, Evie, and Kyle.
“Well well, look who’s finally back.”
Immediately upon meeting, Moon let out a teasing smile.
“Ugh, just let it go, will you? Anyway, I have some stuff coming up and I will most likely disappear for at least a week...probably...if I’m still alive. *Cough* Well, just investigate the west for now. I’ll catch up with you guys when I get back. Oh, and there is one more person who's joining the quest. I’ll notify her too. If there are any problems, notify me through the [World Home].”
The three blinked for a while in confusion.
“What do you mean if you’re still alive? Where the hell are you going? Did you get into some kind of trouble? My family’s pretty influential, maybe I can help.”
Hm? Didn’t think Moon would be from a wealthy family. And from the sound of it, it seems pretty powerful too.
“No need to worry about it. No matter how powerful your family might be, I doubt they can help. Anyway, I was just joking. I doubt I’ll really die...I’ll be in Japan for a while.”
I doubt her family can help me deal with otherworldly stuff. As for dying...I still have an extra life after all…
“Japan? Hey, we both live in Japan!”
Suddenly, Evie clapped excitedly and also Kyle nodded.
“Where are you staying? How long will you be there?”
“Ah...well, where I am is a bit...confidential at the moment so it’s not possible for you guys to meet me. I don’t know how long I’ll be there exactly. Once I’m done, I’ll probably sightsee for a day before heading back to the Philippines.”
I told them I’ll be going to Japan since I thought it wouldn't matter anyway. But I didn’t think these two live in Japan so it was a bit hard for me to answer. Can’t really tell them I’ll be going to another world through a residue spatial distortion in a Japanese high school classroom which summoned the entire class in another fantasy world…
“Just what are you involved with?”
Moon frowned, seemingly worried about me.
I didn’t know how to explain so I just gave her a vague answer.
“Well, just finding some lost people. Anyway, I’ll see you all later.”
“Hmph, if you don’t want to answer, then don’t answer. Go! Go find some lost people!”
Moon pouted. To which, I can only smile wryly and sigh.
I nodded towards Evie and Kyle as well, then left [Harus].
Next, I called Ms. Lisa.
“Ms. Lisa, you still want to join in my quest?”
[[Lucas? What happened to you? Who were those people?]]
“I’m fine. Anyway, if you want to join, find a wizard named Moonlight, or a thief named Evie in [Kiel] City. If they’re not there, then just head west. I’ll not be around for a few days so I can’t accompany you.”
[[Well...alright. Where are you going?]]
[[Huh!? Why so suddenly!?...Is it those people? Lucas, what are you involved with? Is it dangerous? There’s no need for you to go right?]]
Hearing her concerned and worried voice made me recall the times in high school.
I smiled wryly and reassured her.
Only after a few minuted did she let me go and I left the comfort room to board the plane.
I made sure to tell her not to mention anything to my family as well so the wouldn’t get worried.
“Mr. Lauwers.”
I nodded to the man in black and chose a seat.
After which, I can only patiently wait till we reach Japan.
+ + +
Touching down to Tokyo, I didn’t get in the car prepared by Trask and instead, asked them where the school was so I can enter it as Mr. Knight.
The reason for this was while we were in the plane, Trask called and mentioned that the reporters had already gotten inside the school and they were no longer able to contain the situation.
In a scenario where cameras are everywhere, I didn’t want to be seen as Lucas Lauwers.
So after finding out the location of the school. I went a remote area and changed into Mr. Knight outfit.
The helmet I’m wearing now is no longer the same as before which was ragged and looked hastily made.
This time, the helmet is properly polished and a different design to it. Nevertheless, it still looks like a knight’s helmet...though, a bit modernized.
I made the visor similar to a motorcycle helmet which was glass with black tint. I made it this way cause it’s really hard to look around with an old fashioned knight helmet.
The first time I appeared with this helmet, the internet raged. El was laughing all the times when she sees someone comments about me...I think she also started to read fanfictions about be...even though those were merely fanfictions, it’s still embarrassing after all.
Shaking my head, I shook the embarrassing thoughts away and used [Stealth] to disappear in plain sight.
Afterward, I used [Blink] to travel all the way to the school. It’s easier this way as there are no traffics at all.
Well, one time, I misjudged the location and bumped into a bird which immediately canceled the [Stealth]. Thank god I was traveling in the sky so no one saw such an embarrassing thing...I think...no one was looking, right?
I looked down and instantly saw a kid pointing to where I once was.
“Mom! I saw Kamen Rider just now!”
“Did you now? Hoho, he must be fighting evil then. Let’s go back home where it’s safe.”
...Kamen Rider? I can’t believe I would be mistaken for Kamen Rider in my lifetime…
Anyway, it’s good that no one other than that kid saw me…
I better hurry to the school.
Arriving just outside of the school, I used the x-ray vision of [World Eyes] to look for the classroom in question.
Through the x-ray vision, I saw many people seemingly gathering in one particular classroom. Even though the school was mostly empty, these people didn’t seem to be students as they were carrying all kinds of equipment.
Focusing more, it would seem that they were mostly reporters and cameramen. While some wore black suits like the guys who were with me before.
I [Blinked] towards the open window and sneaked inside.
“Please give us a statement regarding the investigation of the students’ disappearance! Many parents are now worried about their children who suddenly disappeared! Please answer to them!”
“School Principal, is it true that this school is a front for human trafficking? How can you explain an entire class to disappear?”
“Witness say a flash of light appeared in this classroom. Was there some sort of anomaly which caused the people to disappear?”
“Everyone, please step away from the crime scene!”
It’s nice how my body auto translates at real time. Really convenient.
Seeing the police having a hard time containing the reporters, I frowned and canceled my [Stealth].
Instantly, I appeared in front of everyone wearing a black suit with a knight helmet.
“W-who is that!?”
“I-is that…!?”
“There’s no mistaking it! This is Mr. Knight! The mysterious super-powered hero in the Philippines! Why has he appeared now!?”
“Mr. Knight! Mr. Knight! Any word about the class’ disappearance!?”
“Mr. Knight! Are you involved with the students disappearing!? Where are they now!?”
“Mr. Knight! Just what kind of power did you have to suddenly appear here? Was it teleportation? Are you able to teleport to any part of the world!?”
I ignored the reporters for now as I looked over to a familiar figure in the scene.
It was Forest Trask himself while beside him, was an old Japanese man.
I nodded towards them and looked towards the reporters and spoke in a deep voice.
“The students and the teacher in this class was transported to a different place. There are traces of spatial distortion around here and can be tracked. As for why I am here, it is naturally to find them and bring them back.”
Ever since I entered the classroom, the [World Key] in my chest had been vibrating.
Usually, I leave the key in the [Inventory] but now, I wore it on my neck to see if there’s any reaction when I enter the room.
As expected, there was a reaction and it had been vibrating for a while now.
“A different place? Where is this place?”
“What is this spatial distortion? Is it safe to stay here?”
The reporters continued to ask while I just ignored them and took out the [World Key].
The World Key has found a spatial residue around the area, do you wish to follow it?
Seeing this window, I sighed in relief.
It’s good that I don’t have to do anything complicated.
I glanced back to Trask and the others and nodded again.
Without minding the noisy reporters, I chose [Yes]
+ + +
It has been 2 days since the entire class was summoned to another world.
The class was composed of 34 students, and 1 teacher. Including the teacher, there are 18 females and 16 males.
Upon being summoned, princess Aleris received them and explained the situation.
Their world, [Sennerth], has been stuck in a war that lasted since the ancient times.
Humans, Dwarves, and Elves, had been allied from the very beginning to deal with the race of Demons.
Until recently, the war had been in a stalemate where neither side can advance any further.
However, the demon general, Slazore, suddenly seemed to gain unimaginable power along with the demon troops. Since then, the demon race had been slowly pushing the other three races back.
Left with no options, the three races colluded together to summon heroes from another world.
It is said that the people summon from the other world would have the blessings of the gods upon summoning and would have extraordinary abilities.
The class’ most handsome student, Ren Mizushi, went ahead and agreed as the ‘representative’ of the class.
He had gained the skill [Hero’s Might] from the goddess and had cheat like stats which had made him arrogant and domineering.
As the most handsome guy in class, most people had sided with him in order to suck up to his popularity.
Thus, the rest of the students and the teacher didn’t have any choice.
After that, using his newly gained power, and the fact that they’re no longer bound by the laws of their world, Ren tried multiple ways to sleep with all the women in the class and even hit on the teacher as well as princess Aleris.
However, not all the females were easily swooned by him and certainly not the teacher or princess Aleris. In fact, princess Aleris had even grown disgusted by him and no longer made any contact with him.
Using the excuse that there were important matters to do, she would hole up in her room and simply wait for the demons to be destroyed.
Her father, the King, naturally knew her thoughts and didn’t force her to do anything. In fact, he also didn’t like the behaviors of this Ren Mizushi but since he was powerful, he had the potential to defeat the demon king so he can only endure for now.
Other than them, there were a few female students that didn’t get affected by his charm. Two of them were twins. Mii and Mai Shiratori.
After being summoned, Mii gained the skill [Soul Voice] which allows her voice to affect a person’s soul. While Mai gained the skill [Healing Whisper] which allows her to heal a person through whispering.
Together, even with Ren’s power, the two were able to stop Ren from taking advantage on them.
Especially Mii. With just her voice, she was able to make Ren fall unconscious and he would be unable to make any moves.
Since then, the two stuck together like glue and didn’t separate from each other.
As for the boys’ side, there was naturally one loner who was isolated by the whole class. Whether intentional or not.
It was unknown what skill he got, but the day after the summoning, he had disappeared and no one had bothered to look for him.
Though the teacher was worried, she had no time to look for him as she needed to power up faster in order to survive in this world.
2 days had passed since the summoning, the class group left the castle and was tasked to clear a low-level dungeon in the east.
At this moment, princess Aleris finally had the time to leave her room as Ren was no longer there to bother her.
Seemingly lost in thought, she walked towards the summoning circle in trance.
“I wonder...if it’s the right decision to summon them or not?”
She muttered to herself as there was no one to ask around her.
Suddenly, the space above the magic circle warped and bright lights gathered.
“Huh? The summoning circle is activating on its own?...No, this isn’t the summoning circle...what...”
Aleris backed up a few steps and hid behind a pillar, warily watching the lights above the summoning circle.
The next moment, a man wearing a black suit and an odd looking helmet appeared at the center of the circle.
+ + +
You have been sent to a different world: Sennerth!
A world of magic where the war between the three allied races: Humans, Dwarves, and Elves; are at war with the Demon race.
You have received an A rank quest: [Retrieving the Summoned Heroes]!
The war with the Demons had caused the three allied races to resort in summoning heroes from another world! As a result, a classroom full of students and a teacher had disappeared in [Earth]. Find them, and bring those alive back home.
Reward: +5000 Fame, ???
Sennerth this time huh? Seems like a typical fantasy world.
Hmm...certainly a room that gives a ritual-like feel.
I thought to myself as I looked around the place.
Below, there was some sort of strange scribbles. Probably a magic circle or something. There are also weird apparatuses around it.
Hm? There’s someone here...
With the [World Eyes] minimap, I was able to see a person hiding behind a pillar at the corner of the room.
“No need to hide.”
“!? W-who are you!?”
The girl hiding behind the pillar flinched and revealed her head cautiously.
“I’m not going to hurt you. All I need to know is where the people who were summoned here are.”
“You...you’re from their world? But how can you come here!?”
“I am, and I can. Now answer my question.”
“...They’re clearing a dungeon at the east of the kingdom. They should be back in, at least, a week.”
Dungeon huh? Another classic from a class summoning novel. There will probably be an accident there and a cheat character will emerge.
“Why did you summon them? Is it something like defeat a demon lord thing?”
Hmm...I wonder how strong this demon lord is? If I can handle him, it would be nice as I would get EXP too...but nothing ever goes that well with me.
“Where’s this dungeon?”
“...Are you going to take them back to your world?”
“But...but our world!”
The girl bit her lips and shouted in grief.
It seems the demons in this world is slowly about to win huh?
...Hm? Demons...are they connected to the dark forces as well?
If I remember correctly, [Harus] was once a waypoint for all worlds. And that there was a [World Gate] which demons from other worlds could go to...then, how about this world? There are demons here as well…
Guess I’ll investigate.
You have received an S rank quest: [Sennerth’s Hero]!
The dark forces that once lurk [Harus] had somehow found themselves in [Sennerth] and started causing mayhem and destruction by colluding with [Sennerth’s] Demons. Find them, and destroy them.
Reward: +10000 Fame, [Sennerth’s Hero] Title, S rank Active Skill
...Well fuck. There really was a connection! And now I got myself involved with something troublesome again!
“...Lucas, I must say, this queen is impressed in your ability to attract trouble everywhere you go.”
“Guh-!? T-that...”
“Also, you better not attract more than just troubles!”
“Hm? Like what?”
“You know what I mean!”
After shouting, El no longer spoke no matter how much I asked.
This girl...she’s gone crazy again…
I sighed. Anyway, it seems that I can no longer ignore this world with the dark forces being here.
The sooner I get these guys, the sooner I can be freed from this [Dragon’s Wrath] thing...
“I’ll deal with it myself. Those kids you summoned would take a long time to become the heroes that you wanted them to be. And I bet some are arrogant and annoying right?”
“...That look, don’t tell me there’s one of those guys that kept on pursuing you or something? A handsome guy?”
“...Right. That guy’s really annoying...”
“He’s handsome, and probably have cheat like powers. You don’t like him?”
“He’s disgusting!”
...Well, at least this girl isn’t the type to just blindly like a guy because he’s handsome and powerful. Not like those bitches you see in novels at all.
“Well, I should get going. Ah, right. You haven’t answered me. Where’s this dungeon in the east?”
“Oh, it’s in the ruins of [Dorville Forest].”
“...Which is where?”
“Ah, right...actually, why don’t I just accompany you there? We can take my wyvern to fly us over.”
The girl had already stopped hiding behind the pillar and was already walking towards me. Guess she’s lowered her guard...or decided that it was no use hiding anyway.
I nodded and followed her out.
“My name is Aleris. I am the princess of the Human Kingdom.”
Hm...it should be fine if I don’t keep the Mr. Knight attire now. Anyway, this is another world. I can simply use my white haired self instead.
Thinking so, I dropped the illusion formation array on me and switched equipment into that of the so-called [White Haired Adventurer] equipment…
But instead of daggers, I kept an iron sword at my back.
Seeing me change equipment, Aleris’ eyes went wide.
“You can change clothes like that? How nice~ If I can change like that, my life would be way easier.”
Smiling wryly, I followed her to a hangar-like hall with a few small dragons at the side.
Ah, no good! I can feel [Dragon’s Wrath] surfacing again!
“Ah! On second thought, I don’t think this is a good idea. I’ll just travel on a horse...”
“Hm? You...you're afraid of heights?”
“Ah...well...something like that...”
Gh!...This is so humiliating! But I can’t tell her that if I get near a dragon, I will lose control and kill everyone…
“Heh. Alright then, we’ll go with horses.”
Seemingly happy about finding my weakness, Aleris sneered with a gloating expression and left the wyvern hall with happy steps.
Sigh...the things you do to protect everyone from your inner demonic self…
Suddenly, after taking a turn, a middle-aged man with royal robes and cape walked in and saw us.
“Ah, father!”
“Hm? Aleris? Who is this?”
“Oh...this is...Lucas...umm...”
Aleris looked back at me, hesitating how to answer her father.
...Wait, father? Come to think of it, Aleris said something about being a princess earlier...eh? Then this guy is...the King!?
This...this...w-w-what should I do? Am I supposed to bow or something? Kneel? Do I call him your highness or your majesty???
To begin with, is it really fine for the King to be casually walking around!?
Oh, wait, this is his castle. Of course he can!
But I didn’t expect we would run into him...anyway, I should introduce myself first.
“Your Majesty. I am from the same world as the heroes you had summoned. I came to bring them back to our world safely. As for the demons, I can handle them myself...”
Actually, I probably can’t. But these kids you guys kidnapped definitely can’t do it! I bet they don’t even know how to fight or kill. Rather, those guys would just cause trouble with their powers so I want them quarantined as soon as possible…
“Hoho, by yourself you say?”
I straightened my body and looked at the King seriously.
“Fhuun...alright. Do as you will.”
“Eh? Father, you’re alright with it?”
“Hehe, you bringing him out, aren’t you also fine with it then? Sigh, this was our world’s problem to begin with. It’s already good that he promised to help us.”
This King seems like a good person. Not like a bastard king like in the novels at all.
Wait, why do I keep comparing real people to novels to begin with anyway?
“Alright. I imagine you must be going to the dungeons the heroes were sent to? Go, be careful on the way. And...Lucas, was it? Take care of my daughter. Hohohoho.”
Hm? Aleris is blushing. Well, it makes sense that she’d be embarrassed after her father said something like that.
His words made it seem as if he’s giving Aleris to me or something. Haha...it can’t be, right?
We just met like, an hour ago...I couldn’t possibly trigger a flag in such a short time, right? Ah, it must be that damn title [Playboy King] at work. Damn this stupid title…
“Let’s go!”
Aleris pouted and left in a hurry.
Helpless, I looked back to the King one last time and followed afterward.
Human - Dragon
Peak Martial Emperor
Light Hero of Darkness
Playboy King
Elena Shenxue
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Crystal Guardian
An unassuming object from the Heavens Strikes the Earth, and in its wake the new age of man begins. The impact of the Objects Gives Birth to 2 new species of Neo-Humans, and one of the newly created Neo-Humans gives birth to a Hybrid of Human and Neo-Human. The 2 Neo-Humans are sometimes good and sometimes very-very BAD.The world is changed forever as the 2 Neo-Humans go to war with each other over the right to determine the destiny of the world. The war draws in the Hybrids and the Humans escalating it to the point where the survival of life on the planet hangs in the balance. An unexpected resolution and peace is restored; for as long as a tentative peace holds.- - -This is a story of Men of Honour and Women of Virtue. A story of Armies of Light and Soldiers of Darkness; A story of Great Battles. A story about the Home of the Warriors, the Reasons they Fought and How they Died.- - -Author's Note:I started this Work of Fiction before Realm Eternal, but at the time Realm Eternal was burning to get out of my head and onto paper/screen so I couldn't focus on Crystal Guardian, and now that the Realm Eternal itch has been scratched I can begin releasing Crystal Guardian Arc 1: Between the Darkness and the Light.To be honest despite my dislike of Overpowered Characters my Protagonists are OP. I try to balance it out by making quite a few other people OP.?Written in South African English which means closer to the British Standard.?- - -Warning: Mature Content ?Violence, Language and Adult Themes ?List of My Novels:?Realm Eternal??Crystal Guardian ??Exiled Nomads of the Galaxy??Soul Vessel Psyche?
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Rise Of The Heavenly King
At the start of the 20th Century, 10 meteorites fell all over the world carrying within it boundless power that would shake the entire planet. From that moment, some people started to gain abilities and use them for good and evil, waging wars all over the world. With this event, 10 kings would rise and rule the entire world. These kings were the strongest of all, each carrying massive amounts of power. One day, a war that affected the whole world had erupted. Because of it, countless people died both weak and strong. New people arose, taking over the old rule. After the worldwide massacre, all people who wielded these magical abilities disappeared. This century was secretly known as the "Battle Of The Kings" and was regarded as a highly classified information. Now, the old century has passed and a new one came with the power of technology. Living in this era was a 30 years' old man, Lucas Riel. He was commuting to home when suddenly, a meteorite fell over close to his location and since he was a curious person, he went ahead to check it out. When he got close, he accidentally inhaled the smoke coming out from the meteorite, started hearing whispers then passed out. One day, he discovered that he gained an ability after hearing those silent whispers. With his new ability acquired, watch as he slowly rises and becomes feared all over the world. He is known as the Heavenly King. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: I HAVE ALSO POSTED THIS STORY FROM OTHER WEBSITES UNDER THE SAME AUTHOR/TITLE. HERE ARE THE CURRENT WEBSITES YOU CAN READ FROM: - RoyalRoad- ScribbleHub Author's Note: This is the first novel that I have posted EVER. Atleast try out the first 3 chapters and see if it's to your liking. Sorry if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes that I might have made as English is not my first language and I am only writing this novel to relieve my boredom. - This story will have some R-18 scenes but there will be only a few of them as the story is not focused on sexual content. - Lastly, feel free to leave a review and your suggestions so that I could see if you like the story or if there are any mistakes that I have made. That's all and enjoy reading :)
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