《The Orphan Fox》Chapter 21: New state of Mind


Looking at the enraged five tailed fox screaming his lungs out, I suddenly feel a bad premonition. Could it be that he is aiming at me? Well, last time we saw us he was already unreasonable, so what is his problem today?

While asking myself questions in regards to Rune's attitude, he stomps his way towards me. The lackeys following behind him actually push through the crowd making way for him. They act like lap-dogs, or at least that's what such people were called in the old movies I once saw. Anyway, before long he finally arrived in front of me. So he is aiming at me!

Just as I want to open my mouth, a nearby teacher interferes and tells Rune to stop, but Rune doesn't listen and only yells in a loud voice...

“You bastard Kid, If you have the guts, prove it to me and duel me! I will determine myself if you are worthy of her!!” (Rune)

What? Worthy of who? I don't understand what is happening, but it seems that I was pulled into unnecessary trouble. Uncle Black said something about the Fox-Clan scheming against me, but could it really involve Rune?

Unable to understand his intentions, Rue suddenly loses his bearings and fires a tennis-ball sized flame in my direction. Taken by surprise from the sudden attack, I can only barely dodge it, causing my skin to feel the passing heat.

Just that moment I noticed, the girl with black fur is still standing behind me! Turning around, I utilize my learned water magic to interfere and block off the fireball, but to no avail. As the world slows down around me, many thoughts form in my head, is this really okay? Suddenly attacking someone without warning, being unreasonable without explanation?

No, this isn't alright! I fell anger creeping in my heart as the wish is born to teach Rune a lesson, so without much thinking I trigger my Ice-magic and create a massive wall to defend the girl.

Rune's flame leaves a big hole in the ice upon impact, but doesn't manage to break through. Just then I notice, seeing the sudden appearance of Ice to defend the girl, many of the people around us begin looking at me with curious and shocked expressions. Seems that it was too much after all, but my anger towards Rune still hasn't died down.

As I can feel my blood beginning to boil, I slowly start walking towards Rune...

“I can take you insulting or slandering me, but it is wrong to suddenly attack someone, especially bringing someone innocent into danger!” (Arin)

Yes, she has done nothing, yet because of his sudden attack and my carelessness she nearly got harmed. Am I also to blame? Hadn't I dodged but defended, could the outcome be different?

Such thoughts are easily dispersed as my anger blazes up once more.

Shocked by my sudden change in attitude, Rune suddenly shoots out one bullet after another, aiming for my vital-spots. Actually, some of the students and teachers try to interfere, but Rune's followers keep them at bay.

Anyway, shooting out small water-balls of the same size, I perfectly counter his attacks. Upon understanding that his attacks are useless, Rune shows an ugly expression and begins silently chanting. Yes, normally we don't need to chant, but him chanting must mean that he is preparing a big magic.

Slowly losing control over my thoughts, my rage flares up and I begin shooting out condensed water-bullets towards him. Aiming at his feet and arms, I also fire a small one towards his throat, hoping to keep him from chanting. But unlike my expectations, suddenly one of his goons jumps in front and takes all the water-bullets head on. To my surprise, the young man seems to be fine as a thin azure shield flickers around his body. But before he can react, I shot out a wave of concentrated lightning, paralyzing him, yet before it reaches Rune it is once more extinguished.


Seems like Rune prepared some defensive measures, but that doesn't matter. I have to get rid of him, he is annoying. Huh, I can hear a faint voice, but where is it coming from?

Distracted by the sudden thin voice that was like a scream, I haven't realized that Rune finished his chant and a huge amount of fireballs suddenly appeared beside him. All the fire-balls suddenly begin spinning before they aim at me and begin shooting towards me. Instinctively, I begin raising Ice-walls one after another, causing massive explosions and a huge amount of mist upon impact.

This barrage of Fire-spears keeps on going until suddenly everything returned to absolute silence. Even a pin dropping on the floor could be heard. Even the teachers and students who by now evacuated the surroundings were silently watching from afar. Sadly, the followers of Rune still keep them from interfering.

Anyway, just as I am about to initiate an attack, I suddenly hear a voice that seems to be filled with madness...

“You know, I went after her for years and we even had an agreement, but then you appeared and everything went downhill... You need to die!” (Rune)

Oh right, most Fox-Kin should already be about 16 years old with the appearance of a twelve year old. This would explain a few things. Still, just as I am about to shoot out the Ice from my walls to stop him, I hear this voice again, but this time much clearer and louder. It comes from my head!

“Arin, return to yourself, don't let the anger and instinct take you over! It hasn't been long since your blood-rage, you still aren't stable! Please, return to mama!!!” (Lumi)

Screaming in a worried and sad voice, I can hear the desperate cries of my mother. As though waking up from a dream, I suddenly realize the situation I'm in, and actually see how I am already gathering mana to from spikes from the wall, is this really me?

Listening to the voice of my mother, my heart and mind calm down, allowing me to think clearly. But just as I want to begin speaking with Rune as I still don't understand his circumstance aside from the fact that he is... heartbroken, I suddenly recall the girl who was behind me all this time. But looking behind me, what I find is one of Rune's followers pointing a small knife at her throat. What the heck, why aren't the teachers doing anything? Looking around I actually see a few teachers screaming and even fighting against the followers of Rune, but it seems that Rune prepared himself rather well and so the teachers can't break through.

Then I once more hear this crazed voice...

“See, now, remove your Ice-walls if you don't want her to get hurt!!” (Rune)

I don't understand, what have I done to Rune for him to go to such lengths, but because I can't risk it with him going completely crazy, I just obediently remove the ice-walls. As the walls shatter one after another because they lost my mana-support, I only silently stare into the eyes of Rune.

In there I can see worry, fear, madness and desperation, but also a tiny bit of twisted hope. I don't know why, but since the event with the blood-magic circle, I am highly sensible to such emotions, and it hurts.

Anyway, looking him into the eyes, I just ask in a calm voice:

“Rune, why do you do this? What have I done to you for you to suddenly attack me?” (Arin)


Asking this in a calm yet heavy tone, Rune flinches for a moment before he clicks his tongue and looks at me like he is staring at an idiot.

“You first make Feria break up with me and slander my name before you then ask what you have done! You... you!!!” (Rune)

“What? Who is Feria?” (Arin)

As Rune's face becomes red in anger, he speaks of things I don't understand. Feria? Never heard of this name, nor do I remember breaking someones relationships up! What is going on?!?

In my confusion, I notice too late how Rune draws forth a scroll and infuses mana into it. The scroll then begins to shine before it goes up in flames and vanishes. Just after this, a sudden burst of light occurs and a massive dragon of fire begins coiling around Rune, who displays a ferocious smile.

Giving his command, the dragon opens his mouth and shoots a fiery laser in my direction, causing the earth to be scorched out. Sensing the incoming attack, I just set up layer after layers of Ice and Lightning-defenses, hoping to destroy or disperse the attack.

Sadly, my shield is easily penetrated and the attack is headed directly towards me. But in that moment, suddenly a blinding green light shot out of the crowd in the fields corner and in the next moment it began blocking the attack. What stood in it's location was a young, sixteen looking human with dark-blue hair. His body is covered in black and green scales while his left arm sprouted something like a massive shield covered in scales. Hiding behind the shield, the young man keeps staying there, blocking and dispersing the incoming attack.

Yes, the young man is no one less than Cyan, my older brother. Standing there, he looks back at me and shows me a light smile...

“Haah, haah, can't... have my little... brother do every-thing by him... himself, now can.. I!?!” (Cyan)

Speaking while heavily breathing, Cyan encourages me. His expression still shows traces of fear and unwillingness, but I can also sense a firm resolution.

Nodding at him, I look behind, only to find the thug in a deadly grip of Luna who assumed a larger form. When did she even leave my mind-space? Shouldn't I have noticed? Leaving such useless thoughts aside, Luna just smiles at me and winks with her left eye. Looks kind of weird when a big serpent-dragon does that. To her side there is the girl in black, unconscious. This whole thing was probably too much for her. But leaving this aside, after a short moment the attack came to and end and the fiery dragon begins to vanish. Just as Rune wants to chant once again, I jump forth from behind Cyan's scale-shields and throw myself towards Rune, using the pommel of my dagger to hit his throat, keeping him from using chants.

Then, before he can wail, I push over his legs and throw him off balance before I leap onto him and lock his arms on the ground. Once there, I begin yelling at him, everything that is in my heart...

“RUNE, Listen To ME! I have no idea why you hate me, but I never saw this Feria girl or whoever and have no relation to her! Also, stop screaming at others, It will not help! As for Relationship, I don't care! Take Care of it yourself and find out what is happening before you hurt others!!!” (Arin)

Nearly screaming towards the end, I let everything out that is within my heart. Hearing my voice screaming at him, Rune's eyes suddenly clear up and a hint of confusion yet also hope and happiness appears. As his eyes begin to moisten up, tears gather and begin falling from his eyes one after another, a faint sniffling sound can even be heard... But that sound didn't come from Rune, it came from the crowd in one of the corners.

Looking in the direction where the soft crying sound came from, what appears is a young, red-furred seven tailed female fox. She appears to be slightly older than Rune, but her eyes stare at him while spilling tears with a sad expression. Letting go of Rune who lost all his strength while laying on the floor, I turn my head towards the fox-girl and ask in a angry voice...

“Are you Feria? If yes, please tell me why everything here is happening like this!” (Arin)

Stating my position clearly, like Uncle Black taught me, Feria just back off a little, but speaks in a soft yet silent voice...

“I-It was the elders... They wanted me t-to get Royal blood i-into the family... s-so they arranged things and told him lies to t-test you...” (Feria)

“So, It was them!” (???)

Suddenly the loud roar of a Dragon can be heard, and yes, it is Uncle's voice. It seems that he was watching just in case, giving me a warm feeling. Still, Only from the voice alone, I can feel a great pressure leaking from it, Uncle Black must be really angry...

Sorting my thoughts, I just speak to Feris...

“He has done everything for you, so I hope you know what you have to do. If you love him truly, show it to him, he needs it...” (Arin)

True, he was desperate, just as I was when I was about to lose my family again back above the Cavern. I actually never lost them, but the emotions brought to me by the formation made me imagine that, making me lose control...

Just as I try to return to Cyan's side, I suddenly only hear him screaming, and in the next moment everything went blank...

“Hello Arin, Wake up.” (Mom)

Waking up to the soft voice of my mom, I find myself back in the flower-fields within my mind while my mom gives me a lap-pillow.

“You did great little Arin, but unlocking your minds potential, I'm impressed. Still, you lose your childish charm when you are so serious, so I will have to keep you here until you are back to your playful self.” (Mom)

Slightly pouting while speaking, Mom hugs me dearly and won't let me go. I don't have a reason to resist, so I just lay myself back within he arms. Sensing my movements, Mom once more speaks up...

“You know little Arin, I am very proud to have a son like you, ready to defend your close ones any time, but you should stay more playful. Okay, today it couldn't be helped, but for you to archive the combat state of mind of full potential, I was shocked...” (Mom)

“Full potential combat state of mind?” (Arin)

I don't understand what she is talking about, but it seems to be related to me and my weird way of thinking mid-fight.

“Oh yeah, you probably don't understand that yet. That state of mind comes forth when someone surpasses his own instincts and is able to carefully analyze his surroundings mid-fight to take the best options. It also allows for the user to use the whole capacity of the brain at once, making your thoughts and senses accelerate to an unimaginable degree, but you body wasn't ready for the sudden strain originating from it, so you collapsed.” (Mom)

So it is something like a battle state? Weird... I haven't fought enough for something like this...

“Yours seems to have been born after you awoke from your Instinct control and went into panic. My knowledge and abilities as well as memories seem to have affected you to an unnatural degree, I am sorry.” (Mom)

Bowing her head towards me, I just silently hug her and begin encouraging her...

“Mom, it helped me defend someone and even find the solution to a problem, so I can't complain. Also, you saved me from being taken over by my instinct, so, Thank you.” (Arin)

Hugging her while thanking her from the bottom of my heart, she tears up and hugs me back even stronger.

“Thank you...” (Mom)

Meanwhile back in the training-arena:

“How is the boy?” (Teacher)

Asking in a worried voice, a teacher approaches Aaron Geyser who is currently treating Arin who suddenly collapsed in the middle of the field.

“He is fine, but the strain coming from him entering a full potential battle mode of mind for the first time was a bit too much.” (Aaron)

Coming directly to the point, Aaron answers the teacher. The teacher is surprised, but is more shocked by the fact that the kid could already enter said state of mind. The other fact is that an invisible pressure leaked from his voice, indicating that he is currently seething with rage. The teacher, slightly backing off, then turns his head towards the young fox-pair of five and seven tails who were the beginning of all this. The five-tailed boy was right now hugging the seven tailed girl while crying heavy tears. But this time not of sadness, but of joy.

Scyrra, the guardian dragon, appeared shortly after Aaron made his appearance and regulated the situation. It seems that she officially blesses the couple of young foxes in order to keep the fox-clan from further interfering, because no one goes against her inside the Dragon-mountains unless they don't fear the consequences.

So after their tearful reunion, Aaron... questioned the boy why he was so enraged. It seems that he was overly jealous and heartbroken, but the fox-clan instigated him and even gave him material and personnel in order for him to 'take care' of Arin. They probably wanted to see Arin's true strength and power, but because of the events going into the wrong direction, their plan failed.

Still, with this event, the Fox-Clan took a massive hit on their reputation and even received a threat...

“I tell you this now, touch my Nephew only once again, and I will come to you personally...!!!” (Aaron)

Even though he wasn't loud, his voice carried a pressure and killing intent with it that not even Scyrra would be able to ignore. Backing off, the elders of the Fox-Clan seem to have retreated, but not vanished.

Still, For now there should be silence for a while, allowing Arin to grow up and mature while keeping control of his powers which seems to grow beyond what he can take.

With that done, Aaron, Cyan and Luna all transported the small silver fox back home. But there was a second one...

Uncle Black was carrying a small, unconscious girl with black fur on his back, making his way towards the mansion.

As he was watching Arin since he left the mansion, he was aware of things that maybe even Arin himself wasn't aware of. So as a small smile showed on his face, the uneven crew arrived back in front of the gate of their home.

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