《The Orphan Fox》Chapter 19: First Mana-Collapse


The night was peaceful, so right now I'm enjoying breakfast together with everyone. Uncle Black and Elrion both have flames burning in their eyes, an aura of competition oozing out of their bodies. Slightly worried, I nudge on the clothes of Sarek, the chef, to ask what happened between the two. It seems that their game of chess came to a draw yesterday after they lost every pawn they had, not to mention all the other figures. Anyway, they seem to have promised each other that they will play again, but I believe it is already more than just a game to them...

After leaving these two to their own devices, me and Cyan left for school. In class today we studied the different races and their features. It seems that there are actually still three living high-humans, with one even being within the dragon-mountains. There was also info such as details on the different beast-man races as well as the relationships between foxes and dragons as well as their subspecies.

The class was interesting, so time flew by In a flash. School came to an end when the sun stood at its highest point, resulting in all the students who weren't good with heat to hide in the shadows.

I leave the school-building while keeping an eye out to look for Cyan. Just as I am about to go towards him, I feel someone pulling on my clothes. It is the girl in black who holds onto my clothes while clenching her hand. Suddenly looking me into the eyes, she suddenly asks in a shaky voice.

“You know, I asked the clan, but they won't allow me to learn magic from them. Tomorrow is volunteer training day, can you teach me magic there? Because the teachers are forbidden to help me...” (Black furred Girl)

She looks at me with teary eyes while clenching her hand. But I am surprised, I only gave her an idea, I didn't think she would follow that immediately. Well, I have no reason to refuse, so I agree immediately. Giving her my approval, she just nods with a slight smile before she let's go of my clothes and silently leaves.

I look after her until I couldn't see her anymore. Well, since I am even a few centimeter smaller than her, this scene just now felt weird. Anyway, putting such thoughts into the back of my head, I pick up my speed again and meet up with Cyan.

After lunch back at the mansion, me, Cyan and Uncle Black walk through the town, visiting various shops. The shop-sellers and clerks readily provide us with info on their products and services, trying to make us buy things. When we reach a puppet store, my curiosity is piqued. Inside there are various different puppets and rough wooden dolls. It seems that most puppets have the form of animals and humans, but are nearly lifelike made. I don't have that much skill, but when I ask Uncle Black why some of them have a small crystal on their chest, suddenly the owner of the place appears. He is an elderly man with a kind face with wrinkles. He has pure white hair and a pair of long ears. If I'm not wrong he must be...

“An elf...?!” (Arin)

Looking at me who accidentally thought out loud, the old man just pleasantly laughs and shrugs his shoulders.

“The first time you see one kiddo? Well never mind. I am Lindo, a puppet-maker of the elven race, nice to meet you.” (Lindo)

The old man, Lindo, greets us in a friendly manner before he answers the questions I have. It seems that the puppets with crystals are actually tiny golems for entertainment purposes. So from this aspect, Lindo is actually a magic-craftsmen, someone with the ability to carve magic-circles into materials to create various magic-items.


Once I heard that one can control them, Lindo was kind enough to let me test one. Lindo searched through some of his wooden shelf's before he came back with a small, human like doll. The doll seems to be an older model who was also previously used. The chest part and the armor of the doll about the size of my head, all have scratches and damages here and there. I don't know why, but I can still feel how much this one was already played with, it has a certain amount of charm.

Following Lindos instructions, I infuse some of my mana into the small puppet, making the crystal on the chest begin to glow. When I try to move it, It feels kind of like the elemental-puppets me and Cyan made yesterday with magic, yet a lot more stiff but more energy efficient.

I start by playing around with it for a bit, before I notice that Lindo is looking at me with great interest.

“Amazing, for you to be able to control it this quickly, I'm amazed.” (Lindo)

Lindo suddenly praises me, so I thank him before I return to playing with the doll. I'm actually having so much fun that Uncle Black has to pull me away from the puppet. When I try to return it, Lindo just waves his hands and speaks in a gentle tone.

“I don't need it anymore. You seem to have fun with it, so why don't you keep it? Also, it seems that from the way you checked it out before you began playing that you like sculptors and have an eye for it. Well anyway, you can keep it, and if you learn something, even better. So hey, if you want, just come by from time to time okay?” (Lindo)

“Mmh, thank you Lindo!” (Arin)

I am excited, I can have this puppet for free? Well, I actually am more interested in the magic-circles that let it move, but that can wait. I express my thanks to Lindo before our whole group leaves the shop. Afterwards we keep going from shop to shop, but aside from the blacksmith who seems to be an old acquaintance of Uncle Black, there wasn't much interesting stuff going on, so I mostly fiddled around with the mechanics of my wooden doll.

Back at the mansion, I train for an hour before I begin playing around with the puppet while also creating ones from pure elemental-mana, trying to see the differences between them. First, the elemental ones are more agile and have greater versatility. They can also change form when required, but in exchange their consumption of mana is so much higher, making them, for people with normal mana-pools, rather inefficient.

I played around even after dinner, it even made Cyan worry, but I then became tired after multiple hours, making me yawn once in a loud manner. The maid, Saria, just laughs and prepares the bed before I change and jump into it. After making myself comfortable, I close my eyes and before long I drift off into the world of dreams...

I don't know where I am, the space I'm in has an azure glow and in front of me stands a person I've never seen before. He seems to be a about twenty years old and has clothes that look like they come from a science-fiction movie. His left arm seems to be robotic while his hair and eyes glow in an azure / purple color.

Suddenly the man begins watching me and speaks calmly:

“Oh, for someone to actually enter my domain, another Origin? Well, no matter, you seem a lot more special than just a simple Origin... maybe an ancient primordial? Well anyways, let me introduce myself, I am Daniel, an Origin of the Sol-dimension, glad to make your acquaintance.” (Daniel)


The young man who introduced himself as Daniel speaks to me with a calm manner. He then shifts his gaze to look at me in detail. After a few minutes I finally gather enough courage to introduce myself and ask the question that is bothering me...

“Uhm, hello? I am Arin, A Human from earth, or that's what I was originally. Anyway, where am I? How did I get here and what are you talking about?” (Arin)

There are many questions floating inside my head, making me kinda uneasy. I don't know why but I feel that whatever he talked about has something to do with me.

“Oh, so you didn't unlock it yet... Well, you're still very young. For your questions: this is my domain, something like a separate sub-dimension, but I can't tell you how you managed to get here as I don't know either. About Origins, we are beings that practically embody certain abilities and or dimensional laws. I am an Origin of human and embody the laws of the void and psionic-energy. So what Origin you are I don't know, but you seem to have not awakened you Origin yet... You probably first have to encounter chaos and balance at the same time to actually break off your shell...” (Daniel)

Daniel speaks about a lot of complicated stuff. I don't understand most of it, only that I have to encounter chaos and balance...? What does he mean. Well, whatever, I will just remember his words and maybe one day I will understand.

“But for you to be from earth, well maybe your fate is grater than mine as your current dimension seems to be superior... No matter, as a fellow earthling I wish to help you, but I can't help you awaken as that would destroy your chances of awakening successfully...” (Daniel)

Oh, it seems that Daniel is also from earth, so lets ask him a question that I was wondering. Especially, when did he lose his left arm, why is his hair and eyes azure / purple and so on...

“Daniel, actually what happened to you? I only fell through dimensions but you say you are also from earth, did you also fall through dimensions?” (Arin)

Posing my question, Daniel just silently denies it and answers with this.

“No, I am still in a connected dimension to earth, in another galaxy at the moment. And about my appearance, this is something that is since the day I awakened to be an Origin. My arm, well that was an accident that occurred rather early on my adventure, even before I awakened, making it unable to be healed using both psi or technology. I could fix it using artificial tissue, but that would make it unable to use my psionic abilities through it, so... Oh sorry, you probably don't know what I am talking about, sorry for confusing you...” (Daniel)

Daniel has somehow a lonely expression on his face towards the end of his sentence. If I didn't misunderstand, he can't use his power with artificially created arms, so he uses a mechanical one instead, something like Skywalker in star wars?

“Uhm, Daniel? I can use healing magic, I believe that should suffice to heal your missing arm. I don't know If I can actually completely heal it, but I want to try...” (Arin)

I mean, I have the ability to heal most injuries of a human, so when one accelerates the process I should be able to let him grow a new arm right? I mean, Uncle Black said that I should be able to easily heal any injury if is just a Human...

“Huh, healing magic? So there is actually something like that within the dimensions... Well, you may try, I can just reattach my mechanical arm should it fail.” (Daniel)

Ending his sentence there, Daniel grabs his left arm, and after pressing a few buttons, suddenly a sound like the one of an overcooking tea-pot resounded, before the arm detached itself and fell. But it is weird, before the arm could touch the ground, it begins to float around. Looking at this rather surprising turn of events, is this the force or is this high-level wind-magic? Posing that question, Daniel just snickers before he says that this isn't the force or magic, but his own psionic-abilty, making it look like it is just floating on it's own.

Afterwards, at his side, I begin to apply Regeneration Magic, a subclass of healing magic, on his left arms stump. It seems that everything from slightly above the elbow is gone. While treating him with my magic, I suddenly feel another energy I don't recognize trying to aid the treatment. I just silently look at Daniel who just smiles back, indicating that it is probably his doing. I just continue, and after a short amount of times suddenly the wound opens and tissue starts to grow out. Actually, I don't understand why I don't need to have a picture in my mind to use regeneration-magic, but it works, so I take it.

Actually, I didn't know, but I somehow let my magic read through the DNA, rebuilding the missing parts directly from the memories of the body. But I didn't find this out until waaaayy later.

I don't know how much time passed since I started treating Daniel, but my mana-pool is slowly draining. Regeneration-magic requires a lot of mana and sadly there is no MP in this region. Using a bit of mana, I try to interact with the energy that Daniel circulates. Maybe I can use it to accelerate the process or at least lower the pressure? I don't know, but trying is better than doing nothing.

To mine and Daniels surprise, the psionic-energy? of his accelerates the process to a certain degree. While slowing my mana use in order to regain some, I can see the regeneration reaching the wrist already. Actually, when the arm suddenly began regenerating, Daniel made an astonished face, probably because it actually looks creepy from up close.

I don't stop and just keep infusing my mana, continuing the healing-process, but my rather large mana-pool is nearly drained. Seeing that only the fingers are missing, I circulate my mana through my own body, trying to speed up the process of mana-restoration. Just as the root of the nails is nearly complete, I am suddenly attacked by tiredness and black out. Before I can even form another thought, my consciousness is blown away.

---POV-Change: Daniel---

Looking at my newly restored arm, I am overcome with emotions. I move it around and look at every finger. I also try channeling Psionic-energy into it, surprising me as it goes even better than on my right one.

Just then I notice that the small boy who was kind enough to heal me, collapsed right next to me. I immediately pick him up, and infuse my psionic-energy into him, looking if there is any damage. Luckily there is no damage, he seems to be just completely drained of power. Well, he did me a major favor, so I should repay him. Thinking this far, I begin infusing my own psi into his mind, trying to look if he possesses psionic-capacity.

To my astonishment, he possesses one that doesn't lose out to my own, but it seems to be sleeping. Well, I will just nudge it a bit, It will still take time until it is fully functional. But I should impart knowledge how to control it, or else it will damage him. So using knowledge transfer, I infuse some simple techniques into his memory and the rest he should figure out by himself. Well, should we meet again, I am sure he will have become something great. I only hope he doesn't become drunk on his own power, because that would be his downfall.

Just this moment, his body suddenly lights up and the space around him distorts. It seems that the temporary connection he had with me here seems to weaken. Well, anyway, I wish you luck in your life, little Arin, may we meet again.

With those words said, Arin suddenly vanishes from my space, making it calm and silent once again. So, what am I gonna do with this now useless mechanical arm of mine... should I modify Loki a bit with this?

Showing a smile like I haven't done in a long time, I leave my temporary dimension and return to my ship, I wonder what everyone's reaction will be on my restored arm...

---POV-Change: Arin---

A shaking feeling and a worried voice, what is going on...

Opening my eyes, I find Cyan and Uncle Black sitting next to my bed, looking at me with worry. I can't clearly remember, but I had a weird dream... I know I collapsed from mana-exhaustion, but I can't remember why...

Uncle Black just suddenly hugs me and speaks in a happy yet also sad voice:

“Arin, I'm glad you are awake. You wouldn't wake up no matter what we have done and your mana kept dispersing before vanishing rapidly. What happened, did you have a nightmare?! How could this happen?!?” (Uncle Black)

Rising questions in a flustered tone, Uncle Black kept hugging me. I just let myself sink into his arms and enjoy the fact that he worried for me. After several minutes he let's go and I tell him what I remember. Sadly I don't remember much since my head hurt, but Uncle Black's conclusion seems that I had a nightmare and subconsciously released all my mana to defend myself. I don't know if this is true, was that really just a dream? Well, not even Mom reacted, so maybe it really was just a dream.

I don't know, but before my thoughts could go any further, Elrion brought in the breakfast I seem to have missed. My mana-pool seems to still only have minimal amounts left, so Uncle Black told me to stay in bed today to restore myself. I actually want to go to school as I promised the black furred girl to teach her magic, but Uncle Black denied me in a very strict tone. He did tell Cyan thou to tell her what happened so that she can just come tomorrow. I just hope that she doesn't blame herself for this...

Well, with that said, my room easily becomes empty again, leaving only me and Saria. Well, I have enough free time, so let's draw a bit like back in the orphanage, haven't done so in a while...

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