《The Orphan Fox》Chapter 6: Learning the Basics
Waking up, i find myself inside a bed, all curled up while holding a few of my tails. To be honest, i don't want to let go. It feels to comfy. But seeing the Sunlight shining through the window, i blink for a second. Wasn't i in a cave?
My Brain wasn't fully awake, but i soon rememberd what occured. The Attack of the Crimson wolf, Uncle blacks appearance and this space containing a House. Knowing that i'm more than safe, i close my eyes once again while cuddeling my fluffy tails. Sadly, due to my exitement, a few of my tails jumped about, throwing the cover off the bed.
Startled by the sudden fresh air hitting my body, i jolt up. As i am awake now anyway, i stretch my limbs and yawn once. Feeling refreshed, i jump off the bed. Due to my lightweight and my newly aquired fox traits, even my casual steps make baerly any sound. But it seems that uncle black's hearing is extraordinary, as he shows up in front of my door not even half a minute later.
A Knocking sound could be heard as Uncle Black walks in, holding a small towel.
"Good Morning little one, I hope you slept well tonight." (Uncle Black)
"Yes Uncle Black, i slept wonderfully." (Arin)
Awnsering him with a big smile on my face, he looks at me, then at my tails, then back to me.
"I would sleep well too if i had tails that could be used as body pillows." (Uncle Black)
Laughing, he talks to me, making a remark about my seemingly new sleeping-Habit. As i get slightly embarassed, he just laughs it off and offers me the towel he was holding.
"Don't worry about it, you're just a child. Let me tell you a secret, passed down from generation to generation by my family: Enjoy your Childhood, cause you'll only have it once." (Uncle Black)
Kneeling halfway down, he touches my nose as he spoke those words. Afterwards, he puts the towel he was holding onto my head, making me close one eye out of reflex.
"Go wash yourself up first by the pond. The Water there is fresh and clean and will surely wake you up. Once you're finished, come inside, I'll have breakfest ready by then." (Uncle Black)
Speaking those words, he turns around and leaves the room. As i hear him walking down the stairs, i think to myself. What was this weird feeling, i only knew him for less than two days, so why? Is this the feeling one gets when they have a family that cares for them?
As i'm wondering about my own heart, i slowly walk outside, leaving the house. Even though the sun is artificial, you wouldn't know from its effect alone.
As i step towards the pond, i notice the clear water, mirroring me as i am staring in wonderment. So much happened actually, so, why do i feel so at peace here? Not even Maria could give me this feeling. Maybe because i don't have to fear anything?
As i’m thinking about the many possibilities, i don’t notice, that my knee started to slide off. I lose my balance and land inside the water, face first. A splashing noise is made as i am landing in the water. My tails are swimming on the surface, while I am shaking my head and remove the Water in my Hair. Regaining my sight i stand up, just to realize that my portable wardrobe seems to still be dry. Sadly, this didn’t help, as the rest of my Body was still dripping wet.
I leave the pond and make my way back to the house. Seeing me walking in, dripping wet, Uncle Black starts to laugh lightly as i look at him with reproaching eyes. He just nods quickly before he dissapears, returning with a big Towel. He helps me dry my hair and tails as i am not accustomed to do so. Afterwards, he summons air in his hand, blowing it through my hair to completly dry it. It felt pleasent, but what i saw in the mirror surprised me. Looking at me right now, i look like a monster that escaped fluffy hell as my hair stand up in every direction. Using his hands and a brush, he combs my hair until it’s shiny again. Lauging he then mentions…
"And i was thinking about letting you take a bath, seems like i don’t have to worry about that anymore. " (Uncle Black)
He smiles pleasently before his eyes land on my clothing.
"I am sure that this is Essence-clothing your wearing, but you are using it wrong. At the moment it can only help you cover yourself up, but… wait a moment, i’ll bring you some clothes. " (Uncle Black)
Uncle Black leaves the room again as i take a seat on the sofa inside the livingroom. He returns a minute later, holding onto some white and red clothes. They even resemble my Hoodie and Pants, even if not perfect. There was even some underwear and a headband, for whatever reason.
As i take the clothes, i run up the stairs and enter my room. There i reform this essence clothing, as Uncle black called it, into a glove on my left hand, which leaves the fingertips and back of the hand open. Putting on the clothes Uncle black brought to me, i afterwards decent the stairs, just to have a very delicious scent wave in my nose.
Entering the Room where the scent came from, Uncle black was sitting there in front of a breakfeast table, filled with all kinds of good looking food.
Being pulled in by the smell, i take the seat opposite of his. He invites me to eat, so i don’t hold back.
The Bread is slightly rough, but still tasty when combined with this weird looking kind of Meat. The blue milk I have also tastes sweet and I enjoy my breakfest like that. Weirdly, my body was never Hungry, yet i could eat like that, how does that work?
Such thoughts were easily gone as i was leaning into my chair with a belly filled with delicious things.
Uncle black only loooks at me approvingly before he gathers the dishes and puts them in some kind of wooden container. Seating himself again, he looks me in the eye and starts to speak.
"Seeing your expression, you must have enjoyed your breakfeast. I am Glad." ( Uncle Black)
He shows a weak smile before he begins to have a serious face and talks to me like that.
"You know little one, you’ve been only in this world for a little more than a few days, okay a year, but you were asleep so it doesn’t really count. Anyway, today i would like to sit down with you and explain a bit about this World and it's Basics. Also maybe about you, your Race and maybe a bit about what i am planning for the future. Are you okay with that?" (Uncle Black)
Mentioning Knowledge, Uncle Black seems to be a able to teach me what i don’t know. Understanding that this is important for me, i agree with his offer.
Walking into the Study, he returns carrying a map which he unfolds on the Table in the Livingroom. Beckoning me over, i stand in front of the map, as he slowly explains.
It seems that this world is named Treia and has 5 known great continents and many different Islands and external states, not belonging to any of the continents. It seems that the 1st till 3rd are connected, but due to terrain could still be differentiated. The are respectivly named Dranar, Yphil and Alba continent from west to east. The Dragon Mountains seem to be placed inside the Dranar Continent, but bordering the Yphil Continent. South of the Drana Continent, one could find the Pyra Continent, the only one the Humans were unable to conquer and where till today many fairy- and evil-Races live.
It seems that Demi-Humans such as Dragonians and Fox, cat and dog-Kin are accepted in most countrys on the human Continents, Dwarfs and elves too. But there was a catch. There were some Countries that abolished slavery as they saw that as an act against the gods or just because they wished to have equel relationship, but that didn’t mean all of them. Actually, the First Nation that abolished this, seems to be one of those that are bordering Dragon mountain. They were fearing a rebellion, so they forbid slavery to keep them from utilizing the Dragon Mountains against them. So when the Demi-Humans gained their freedom, the Kingdom started to flourish even more, making many Nations follow their example.
Back to the Topic! Next to Pyra Continent and right beneath Yphil and Alba continent lays Imrun Continent. Just like Dranar and the others, ecxept Pyra, it is a continent ruled by Humans. Though even if we say this, there are some Countrys still ruled by Demi-Human or non-Human races.
Leaving aside the Main Continents, there are many Islands, strewn everywhere along the Continents. The Map did show some of the bigger ones, as well as the mountain regions and Great forests, but to my question why the nations weren’t marked…
"Only we Dragons can fly around like that to make such a detailed map, and even then. Making such a map takes a lot of time, making it is quite unprofittable as the Nations, especially Human ones, keep changing Names and Borders. Because we Dragons don’t really Interfere in such things, we just stick with a continental Map. " (Uncle Black)
Hearing his awnser i was convinced, yet… How should i go about finding my Friends? Asking about that as well, he mentioned that Dimensional Holes were easy to sense for Dragons, and that they only had to track them down from there. Hearing this, i’m reassured.
Continuing his Explanations, he told me about the different Races. But really, it is like one of these Fantasy Books i read once.
First there are The Humanoid Races; They Contain the Humans, Dwarfs and Giants. Though Dwarfs also count as a Half-Fairy race.
On that Point; the Fairy Races are the elves, Fairys and Pixies, something like evil Fairys. Counting into that group are also the smaller in number, yet stronger; sylph, Mermaids and Seraphim. They also have half races, such as the Dwarf and Legendbeast-People.
The Demi-Humans are all races that have appearance resembling Humans, but with nonhuman traits; such as the different Animal-Kin, and the Dragonoids. The Drachnid are different as they count to the Evil Races. The Legendbeast-people are Demi-Humans with ancient or unique Bloodlines, so they aren't definitly in either category.
Then there are also the Evil-Races. The Humans call them that because they have the superiority to Humans in both Physical as well as magical Combat. They also have an especially strong affinity with the Darkness element. But like the others, they have Ranks and different sub species like Succubus and Lords, which are two of the most powerful Evil-Races.
Then There is the last categorie, since intelligent Undead still count to the evil-Races.
That would be the Legend-Races. True Dragons, meaning Dragons of pure Dragonsblood, belong in this categorie, just like the Kitsune from ancient times. You could see it this way, all Races that had their own Unique Magic that only they could use to a certain degree, could be counted in this Group. My Existance also belongs here as well, even if i am "Special" to say the least.
Elves who know spirit Magic don’t count, as other races could theoretically use it too, but the elves never teach it to others.
Of course, every Race had their sub races and mixed-bloods, but going through all them would take too long, so he said that I will learn them as I go through Life.
"Let’s end the Explanations here for now, it’s already noon, and i’m sure you need time to let everything I just told you settle down. You can go outside and play for a bit, as I will start with cooking. I'll call you when the food is ready." (Uncle Black)
As Uncle Black tells me that i can go outside to play, i accept. There were many flowers i've never seen before, also there is something i noticed while i was „bathing“ in the pond. But i'm also curious; Could i actually run on a wall?
Urghh, theres so many things i want to do. Calm down, one thing at the time.
As i am deciding how to proceed, Uncle black already left for the kitchen.
Leaving the House, I bask in the Light of the Artificial sun down here. I wonder if I can see the real one soon.
Having nostalgic thoughts, i'm suddenly assulted by a strong headache. Sudden Knowledge and memories flood my Mind, making me unable to stand up. Kneeling on the ground, i'm panting heavily. The memories and Knowledge fused with me all to sudden.
After The pain subsided, i sat myself in the grass and took a few deep breaths. Calming down, i look over what i gained. It seems that all the Knowledge I gained is in relation to the continents and Races. Does that mean that if I learn something new, that my given Knowledge updates in detail what Lumi already knew about that?
Confused at the sudden revalation, i sat there thinking. It actually didn't take long before Uncle Black called for Lunch. It was tasty, just like breakfeast.
When i tried asking him about the Knowledge Phenomenone, he said that this is probably something akin to giving someone a picture, and after you know the Picture, the given Knowledge is roused and filles the Gaps it can. He said that it will mostly activate while i am asleep, and even if it happened while i was awake, it shouldn't hurt as much as today.
What happened today was probably only because there was a whole lot of Info; like traits, Mana Capacitys and even Details to the world. Though the Knowledge is here, it is like an old memorie. You have to concentrate and want to know to realize it. But somehow my Memorie got extremly good, i can even remember what the tunnels we passed looked like.
Anyway, Uncle Black said this to me about the knowledge:
„True, this knowledge gives you a headstart, but you can have all the knowledge in the world, but without Experience, it isn't of much use. Plus, this knowledge isn't yours, and can only become yours with effort and time. Unless you truly learn those things yourself, the Knowledge will never be prominent when it's important, remember that.“ (Uncle Black)
„Okay, Uncle Black“ (Arin)
Leaving it with that, i enjoyed my afternoon. Actually, i found needles and cloth. I might as well create a Plushie for Uncle Black as thanks. With this said, i created my first ever plushie in this world, i hope he likes it.
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