《The Primordial》Chapter 13 - Fenwell


High in the sky, a mass of darkness was soaring through the air towards a raging inferno located far below. Seconds later, it came to a crawl and stopped directly above a medium sized village.

“Get ready! Sylvie, descend with Nyx towards the squad facing the Orcs and support them. You should be able to handle yourself. “ Nox looked at Sylvie, who nodded resolutely in response.

“I know you’d like a go but let Sylvie handle most of them. “ Nox glanced at Nyx seriously.

“I am aware, master. I shall only interfere if true danger presents itself. “ Nyx assured.

“Alright. I’ll reinforce the east. “ Nox moved his vision below as Nyx opened a small hole in the darkness.

“Let’s go. “ Nox voiced as he leapt off the ship. Hesitating for a moment, Sylvie quickly followed behind as wind magic surrounded her, whilst Nyx descended simultaneously. As the trio exited the hole, darkness filled it once more.

–30 minutes prior–

“My liege, Fenwell is up ahead. It is one of the more rural villages in Zyrin’s territory, but fairly large in comparison to others nearby. I believe their lodgings should suffice for the night, but I regret we could not find a more prosperous village. “ a severe, short brown haired middle-aged knight clad in plain black armor commented next to a teenager clad in the same black armor. Behind them, a few dozen similarly armed men and women followed in an organized formation.

“It’s fine, Markus. I’ve already told you many times, I care not for comfort. That’s why we’re doing it this way. Although I’m forced to have such a squad and you constantly insist we stay at inns, I am traveling for experience. If I cannot experience what our people do, then what use would I be? I refuse to be failures like them! “ the teenager, who appeared about 18 years old and sported blonde medium length hair and blue eyes scolded the middle-aged knight, Markus.

Gazing ahead at the large wooden wall and gate in the distance, the teenager clenched his fists with determination ‘I will follow mother’s will!’.

Arriving close to the villages gate, an aggressive shout was heard from atop the wall “HALT! STATE YOUR BUSINESS! “

“As you can see, it’s nearly dusk. We are only here for lodgings.“ the teenager threw a small gold coin at the gatekeeper.

His eyes shining, the guard quickly caught the coin with fervor, inspecting it closely using the remaining sunlight. Signaling with his hand, the gate opened shortly afterwards.

“Apologies, my lord. I’m captain of the Fenwell guard, Kent. We’re but a small village and such a large, armored group is very uncommon.“ A well-dressed guard arrived, apologizing to the teenager.

He could discern that the teenager was the leader. A gold coin could feed a small rural family for half a year. No one that would just give a village guard a gold coin should be out for them. Not to mention the groups armor and quality. Attacking their village would be illogical.

“It’s fine. Do you have enough accommodations for us? “ the teenager didn’t mind and instead asked what was currently most important.

“Hmm. Yes, my lord. We have two large inns. One is straight ahead this path, and another at the northern side of the village. If you follow this path past the first inn, you’ll soon reach the village square. Follow the northern path and you’ll soon spot the second inn. “ the guard thought for a moment before answering. They were currently at the southern gate.


“Very good, thank you for the information. We’ll make our way to the inns, then. “ the teenager nodded amicably.

Hearing the teenager’s response, the guard was inwardly surprised. He was clearly some young master, yet no arrogance or disdain was evident. It was definitely a surprise.

“Markus, secure lodgings for everyone. Eva, scan the village and the surrounding area for any potential threats. When you’re done, head back and inform Markus. I’ll be going for a walk. “ the teenager issued Markus and a brown-haired woman orders, before departing from the small squadron.

“By your command! “ both Markus and the woman, Eva, gave slight bows and began carrying out their commands.

Making distance from his guards, the teenager was inspecting the village. It was very plain. Roughly paved streets with most of the structures made of wood, very few used basic stone. But, although the village was lackluster, it was indeed as Markus said, being fairly large. As for the few guards scattered about, they appeared very weak. Using some picked up knowledge, the teenager guessed that the captain of the guard, Kent, was 2-star at most.

Receiving many stares, probably due to his out of place appearance, he could see that although located in a rural area, Fenwell was more prosperous than most.

Several minutes later after many twisting turns, the teenager arrived near a very small rundown shack. The few people walking nearby were clearly keeping a large distance from it.

On the ground outside the shack, a thin little girl, less than 10 years old and covered in dirty clothes, was huddled against it, blankly staring at the slowly darkening sky.

Noticing the little girl, the teenager was surprised. In a village where the inhabitants are supposed to be relatively close, a situation like this was occurring? Avoiding a child like the plague and leaving her in such straits was perplexing.

Deciding to approach the girl, the teenager gave rise to many shocked reactions from the villagers.

Seeing someone approach from the side, the little girl became startled and very wary.

“Hello, I mean no harm. I only saw that you were alone. My name is Brann. I’m a traveler resting here for the night.” the teenager in black armor, Brann, smiled and introduced himself amicably.

Observing his demeanor for a bit and realizing he’s a traveler, the little girl lowered her guard, thinking that he was being sincere.

“What’s your name, if I may ask? “ Brann questioned curiously.

“Name… My name? I don’t remember.” The little girl thought hard yet couldn’t remember.

“You can’t remember? “ Brann looked at the girl in surprise.

“Mmm. I tried lots of times, but I can’t.” she nodded honestly.

“Well, why are you sitting here all alone? “ Brann continued.

Looking around, almost every villager was keeping their distance and gazing at her with wary and antagonistic expressions, which baffled him. She seemed very innocent yet beget such treatment from them.

“Everyone… says I’m a bad omen. “ the little girl teared up as she spoke.

“What? A bad omen? How so? “ Brann queried with a puzzled expression.

“Umm… I-I woke up in front of the village a few weeks ago… I don’t know how I got here… when they saw me they got frightened. They… said I was a devil. “ the little girl said, distressed.

‘So, it’s not only her name that is lost. And devil, what?’ Brann became even more confused.

‘Could the cause be her eyes?’ Brann inspected the little girl.

‘Grey eyes… Extremely rare, but not unheard of, and definitely not the sign of some devil, although they do appear different to the typical grey I’ve seen... I did not realize the education in these rural places was so poor. I must gain more knowledge and experience. Such incidents mustn’t occur.’ Brann thought in understanding, further reinforcing his ideals.


“Don’t feel upset. You are far from a devil, these people only lack knowledge. “ Brann assured with an amiable smile. He was confident in his judgement.


A loud ringing suddenly resounded throughout the entire village, halting all its residents. Moments later, a cacophony of sounds and voices erupted.

“Move, move, head to the square! “

“Hurry! Bring your kids! “

“Move quickly!”

Witnessing the huge disturbance, Brann became solemn and the little girl startled.

“Here, I’ll take you to the square. “ Brann motioned for the little girl to come by his side and follow him.

“Mmm. “ she nodded and went next to Brann. During their short conversation, she felt that he was a nice person.

Walking for only a brief period, they heard multiple shouts.

“Keep that devil away! “

“She’s the cause of this! “

Throwing all pretense aside and ignoring Brann’s clearly influential status, the villagers refused to let the girl near them.

Observing their responses, Brann stood there, stupefied.

“My liege! “ a hoarse voice echoed from the distance, swiftly revealing a large middle-aged man in black armor.

“Markus” Brann looked at the man who just arrived.

“My liege, Eva detected a multitude of hostile presences to the south, possibly a small army, as well as a large mana signature rapidly approaching from the East. Fenwell will be under siege within minutes. What are your orders? “ Markus inquired respectfully, whilst slightly curious about the little girl Brann was speaking with.

‘… Two forces are attacking such a small village? In an area like this? ‘ Brann subconsciously glanced at the once more teary eyed and anxious little girl to his side.

“There is no way Fenwell’s militia can fight something of this magnitude. These are our people, and it is our duty to protect them. We will not retreat in the face of this danger. “ Brann expressed valiantly.

“Tell the militia to stay here or they’ll throw away their lives. Send a quarter of the guard to the eastern gate while the others will defend the south. The rest is up to your discretion, but I believe you would be needed in the east. “ Brann instructed Markus after a few seconds deliberation. If there was a large entity to the east, it should be powerful, and as there was a small army to the south, more people were needed.

“By your command. “ Markus nodded approvingly and gave a slight bow, turning around and returning from where he came.

“What… should I do? “ the little girl anxiously looked to Brann. The villagers wouldn’t let her near them, so she didn’t know where to go.

“I must stay near the battle. I can ask one of my men to escort you to the village square. The villagers might be against you, but they won’t attack. “ Brann was sure the villagers wouldn’t try anything if she had one of his guards.

“Can I… come with you instead? “ the little girl hesitated but decided to ask.

“Come with me? I might have to fight and won’t be able to protect you. It will be safer in the center of the village. “ Brann refused. Taking a child close to a battle would be too dangerous.

“No, I’ll go! “ she gathered her courage and said stubbornly. She felt unnatural. As if something was compelling her to go.

“... “ Brann didn’t know what to say, but he could see her seriousness, which was quite unusual for such a small child in this kind of situation.

“Fine but stay by my side. If I say leave, you mustn’t question me. It's for your safety.“ Brann relented but spoke firmly. Although it was her choice to follow, if it got too dangerous, he would force her to leave if necessary.

“Mmm, I will. “ she nodded fervently.

“Good” Brann nodded, satisfied, before his face turned severe.

Throughout the entire village, a rumbling that came and went in a perfect rhythm was felt vividly, constantly increasing in intensity.

‘So it is an army... and they’re close.’ Brann muttered silently to himself, looking towards the southern end of the village.

Swiftly moving his head towards the east, he noticed a red light that was also increasing in intensity, but the increase was much faster than the rumbling.

‘Is that fire? Not good. Markus will probably head there first.’

“Come, let’s go to the southern gate! “ Brann glanced at the little girl, running at a pace that allowed her to keep up.

–Present, Fenwell’s eastern side–

“HOLD! DON’T LET IT ENTER THE VILLAGE! “ a deep shout was heard within a raging inferno.

“EVA, HOW IS THE SOUTH DOING!? WHAT OF THE PRINCE? “ the same voice was heard once more.

“Reporting, Captain Markus, there is currently one casualty but the line should not break, although only a third of the orcs have entered battle. The champions have only moved to destroy part of the wall. If the three champions and the remaining orcs were to simultaneously enter the battle, I estimate we’ll be routed within minutes. The Prince is currently observing from the rear with a little girl by his side. It appears he has no intention of participating at the moment. “ a woman with long brown hair was stood atop the village wall with her eyes closed, sending her voice via wind. It was the scout, Eva.

Within a hundred meter radius, a fire was raging in the forest with some stray flames burning Fenwell's walls. The world that was supposed to be turning dark, was brightened by the flames.

‘Hmm... The Prince is still with that child… It seems she’s holding him back. That is for the best.’ Markus thought while staring at a large red salamander a dozen meters away. It was half the size of a small house and releasing fire from its skin. The fire was strongest around the salamander, as trees toppled and turned to ash with a massive cloud of smoke and embers filling he air.

Next to Markus, several other black armored guards were with him. On the ground, a few charred bodies were slowly turning to ash with molten metal around them. They were the corpses of a few of his men. There were no villagers in the battle. If they entered, they would only serve as cannon fodder.

‘This damn Salamander. Why would such a beast appear here and attack some tiny village? Alongside orc champions, no less?’ Markus was irritated as the heat assaulted his body which was further intensified by his armor.

“Come, use everything you have! We need to quickly reinforce the others! “ Markus shouted to the guards still alive. The champions were not something his men could handle alone. Even he would have trouble.

Carrying a sword and kite shield, Markus charged towards the Lesser Blaze Salamander. Mana flowing out of him, the earth underneath his feet shifted, propelling him forward even faster. At this distance, he could arrive in front of the salamander within a second.

Earth gathering on his shield, it turned into several spikes that protruded from the surface. With a shout, the earth below him exploded, launching him into the air and arriving directly in front of the salamander’s head

With a loud thud, Markus slammed his spike filled shield against the salamander's head, piercing it and causing it to stagger and cry out. The ground shook due to the salamander's weight.

Turning slightly midair, Markus flipped his sword upside down and pierced into the salamanders’ chest. His equipment supplemented weight bringing him back down, the sword cut downwards as a large gash was created on the salamanders' chest, causing it to cry out once more.

‘Damn, the wounds aren’t even severe.’ Markus dropped below, falling back to create distance. Observing the salamander, it now had blood dripping from its head and chest. As the blood fell to the ground, it bubbled and released steam due to the heat.

To his side, a black armored guard holding a bow, infused an arrow with water and shot it at the salamander. Upon contact, the arrow created no impact, instead shattering while the water turned into steam.

“Dammit!” the guard shouted before infusing an arrow with a larger amount of water.

Getting no chance to attack, a claw of fire from the now enraged Lesser Blaze Salamander suddenly descended upon the guard.

Startled, the guard raised his bow, simultaneously creating a meter long and wide shield of water, attempting to block the claw.

A large amount of steam erupting from the elements colliding, the guard was slammed into the ground, but the water and steam managed to diffuse most of the attack, allowing him to survive.


“Shit. “ the guard coughed up a large amount of blood, struggling to stand back up. His bow was also heavily cracked.

‘Damn, what can I do!? They’re all 2 and 3-star. A 4-star beast is too strong for them! Who would have thought this simple journey would entail this kind of danger in our own lands? ’ Markus was distressed. He also had 4-star strength, but beasts and monsters were normally stronger than humans, especially physically.


“Plus one on this side. “ Eva heard a man’s voice and felt a tap on her shoulder as a chill went down her spine, causing her to reflexively bounce backwards in fear. She specialized in sensory magic but didn’t sense even a sliver of his presence!

Gazing at the new face, it was a man with short black hair, stubble on his face, and deep grey eyes. The man was Nox.

“The two that appeared will be helping your people in the south. I’m here for this side.“ Nox stated, amused by her expression. It’s been a while since he’d done something like that.

“Who are you!? “ Eva mustered her courage and asked. She didn’t feel any hostility and he seemed human, but if he could hide his presence so well, then what about intent?

“Just a passerby. “ Nox lightly smiled, before turning towards the group surrounded by flames. Pointing his finger, Nox began writing symbols in the air that began disappearing after completion.

‘Rune magic!’ Eva’s expression turned into one of shock upon seeing glowing white lines forming in the air.

In battle, Markus couldn’t take his eyes off the salamander, but he heard Eva and Nox’s exchange.

An enraged roar suddenly coming from the salamander, its several meter long tail erupted in fire and whipped towards Markus.

Unable to think further, Markus braced himself, hastily putting his shield forward and covering it with a layer of dense earth.

Instantly arriving in front of him, the large and powerful tail covered in flames brought about an intense, scorching heat and slammed directly into the shield.

Anticipating a large force, Markus' arm only slightly shook.

“What!? “ Markus exclaimed, flabbergasted. The salamanders attack barely shook him.

Noticing a light glow on his shield, Markus twisted his arm so he could see the front, stunned by the new addition.

Multiple symbols intricately woven together, it was a glowing white rune.

Turning his head, Markus quickly looked towards Eva far past the trees, noticing a man writing in the air.

‘Rune magic… so he really is here to help. Luck is on our side this day.’ Markus sighed in relief, reinvigorated once more. To his side, the archer that had been injured, now had runes gathered on his bow, arrows, and armor. The few other guards nearby were experiencing the same phenomenon. He as well, suddenly gained runes on his sword.

“Hmm, the fire. “ Nox thought out loud as his hand moved faster. Soon, an immense number of runes covered the trees closest to the villages perimeter which were about to make contact with the salamander's spreading fire.

Some fire making it to the rune covered trees after a few moments, no changes happened. It was as if the fire encountered an invisible wall.

Shortly afterwards, runes also began covering the villages walls which were covered in flame. The runes reinforced the wall and prevented further damage.

“Good. I guess you guys can handle everything now. I’m off to the southern gate. “ Nox nodded at his work and glanced at Eva before jumping down the village wall and leisurely walking away.

He practiced rune magic a bit during their journey. As rune magic was similar to the arrays of Tian, along with a few examples he’d seen up until now, such as the transportation arrays and Ulnir's reinforced walls, Nox was able to extrapolate a few concepts and apply them.

Unable to reply, Eva stood there staring at the careless man, stupefied by this turn of events.

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