《The Primordial》Chapter 11 - Gateway
In the middle of a large plaza, a circular platform with large pillars spread evenly along the edges was located. That was the Transportation Array of Ulnir.
Close to the array were a few heavily armed guards along with a dark purple haired, finely armored woman seated on a chair.
Further away from the array and guards were a myriad of people strolling about, most with varying horns atop their heads and a few dozen of them observing the array.
‘Hey, do any of you know why Colonel Lena is waiting at the Transportation Array?’ someone whispered to a few other observers.
‘Are you daft? Who else but an important personage arriving would prompt the Colonel to take action?’ a woman replied in annoyance.
The surrounding observers that heard her all nodded in agreement, including the original speaker.
“Look, it’s activating! “ someone spoke up, causing those talking to each other and a few previously not paying attention, to turn their gazes towards the array. It was rare for someone to use Ulnir's array.
Viewing the engravings and runes lightning up across the entire platform, the seated woman, Colonel Lena, stood up with a sharp gaze as her chair disappeared whilst waiting for the people set to arrive. Next to her all the armed guards straightened their backs and looked on with rapt attention.
Shortly after, a bright flash of light exploded from the array, as three people abruptly appeared within the center. They were Nox, Nyx, and Sylvie.
Focusing on the three that appeared, Colonel Lena quickly noticed a woman with small white horns and long, light blue hair. Temporarily ignoring the other two, she walked up to the woman.
“You must be Lady Sylvie, General Ragnarr notified the City Lord of your imminent arrival. I am Colonel Lena, leader of the Western Fronts 1st legion. “ Colonel Lena said politely with a smile.
“Yes, I’m Sylvie Ragnarr. My father mentioned yesterday that someone would be here, but I didn’t expect it would be you, Colonel. I’ve heard my brother speak of your many exploits. “ Sylvie made a small curtsey.
‘Lady Sylvie Ragnarr? That’s General Ragnarr’s youngest daughter. No wonder the Colonel appeared. But, who are the man and woman with her?’ one of the guards thought to himself. The rest of the people were thinking similarly.
“Sylvie, not to mention how much your power will grow, you are master’s woman! You may bow in greeting to those you respect and feel worthy, but that is as far as you must go! Never kneel! To no entity, no power, not even to the heavens that everyone loves to worship. It would be disgraceful! “ Nyx reprimanded after she saw Sylvie’s action.
Bowing was a common practice that didn’t only entail subservience, but also could be similar to a handshake, so it was acceptable. Alas, kneeling was a different matter. Witnessing her curtsey, Nyx felt that Sylvie would kneel before someone one day, such as a monarch, and that was far from acceptable. Nox could go against and overpower the natural laws! How could anything make him kneel? Consequently, this concept would of course extend to his family. And Sylvie herself, how powerful would she become? Ordinary did not exist for those with a strong connection to Nox.
Nox was dazed for a moment due to the understanding he just gained from the Array's runes. Recovering within a few seconds, he managed to overheard Nyx. Opting for silence, he didn’t say anything, but agreed with what Nyx said.
Kneeling is natural in a world such as this, much like it was on Tian. You kneel before someone like a king or to those powerful, unseen beings, or to profess your allegiance and loyalty, or beg for something. Many matters. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, and multiple people treated such a concept differently, but he couldn’t have his own fiancé to kneel before someone. He would never allow it!
“Nyx…” Sylvie stared at Nyx, startled by her sudden outburst.
“I won’t, I promise. “ Sylvie expressed seriously after she glanced at Nox, noticing his silent agreement and conviction on the matter.
She was taught to kneel when greeting certain personages, but now had to throw that etiquette away. They’ve only known each nearly a week, so she didn’t know much about Nox, especially his true strength, but there were too many unfathomable things about him, such as perfectly reviving Stella, his Chaos, or increasing her own affinities. No one knew him, and it seemed like he would never care about that, but she realized that Nox would definitely be one of those personages. For those reasons, the fact she also never wanted to kneel before someone, and because she hoped to one day become powerful like him and Nyx, she wouldn’t question Nyx’s words, and she agreed with her.
“Ho” Colonel Lena raised an eyebrow in surprise at Nyx.
The observers, including the guards, audibly gasped when they heard Nyx.
“My word, did you just hear that woman in black!?” one of the observers exclaimed, unable to contain their voice.
“Unbelievable. How could she speak such blasphemous words? “
“Appearances can be deceiving. A one in a million beauty, yet she speaks with such arrogance. Not even kneeling before the heavens? There is no power greater than the heavens! And who is this master? That man next to her?“ a well-dressed man spoke from inside a carriage once he overheard Nyx. They heard Sylvie’s promise, but of course they couldn’t speak up about her.
As Nyx watched the crowd’s reaction, she coldly smirked in disdain ‘No power greater? Ignorant fools, you know not who stands before you.’
Glancing at Nyx’s expression, Nox could only sigh inwardly ‘So, she really did retain that trait of hers… but at least she isn’t treating them like an enemy.’
‘Come on, Nyx, I’ve repeated this for years now, but don’t get so aggressive over these trivialities. Like that one incident where you wanted to massacre the Flying Eagle sect for doubting my strength… and now this, although it’s not that extreme. How could these people possibly know the heavens aren’t the highest point? Don’t treat them so seriously, no one’s omniscient.’ Nox sent in slight annoyance. He had a feeling she must have gotten like that because the man mentioned there was no greater power… it was ridiculous.
‘These people are fools, but I understand, master, I shall try my best.’ Nyx nodded halfheartedly.
Gazing at Nyx, Nox knew this was a pointless endeavor. He asked countless times over the past several millennia, yet she never changed ‘Well… It should be fine as long as she doesn’t go too crazy.’
“Quite interesting words. I wonder if I could get an introduction? “ Colonel Lena asked amicably. She didn’t care for Nyx’s arrogant words.
“This is Nyx, my… future sister-wife and that is Nox, my fiancé. “ Sylvie spoke shyly. It would still take some time to get used to.
“Sister-wife and your future husband? Congratulations. “ Colonel Lena expressed, but couldn’t help but feel a little odd when looking at Nox. He was by no means unattractive. In shape with short black hair and a stubbly beard, but other than his unusual grey eyes, he looked very ordinary.
“What in the world. Such an unremarkable man has the youngest daughter of the Ragnarr’s and that arrogant, yet equally exceptional woman? What incredible luck. “ that well-dressed man spoke up once more in clear disbelief.
Hearing that man again, Nyx’s irises thinned as darkness subtly poured out of her. Almost instantaneously, she appeared right in front of the man with her arm raised and hand already turned into a claw.
Swiping down without hesitation, the man only saw her eerie red eyes, as fear gripped him, nearly pissing himself from fright. A shadow suddenly appearing next to him, a hand had grasped that slender arm carrying a malevolence which was ready to tear him apart.
“Enough. There’s no need to cause trouble after just arriving. We can’t just lose face for Valcor like this. “ Nox reprimanded Nyx and let go of her arm.
Valcor allowed them to use that specific Array and even informed someone of their imminent arrival. If they were to kill someone instantly, other than gaining their own annoyances, how much trouble would it cause Valcor? Even Ashuen, with her high position in Razzir’s Special Forces could be affected.
“Unremarkable? Only those without eyes would believe such a thing. Lucky? If luck existed between Master and I, it would be mine. Alas, it is you who is truly lucky this day. Lucky to keep your worthless life. “ Nyx voiced coldly, looking at the man with a murderous gaze, before turning around
“Forgive me, master… I was too rash. “ Nyx’s expression changed, speaking ruefully.
“It’s fine, forget about it. Let’s just move on, I want to head for Divinus. “ Nox sighed.
‘Nyx, you know I love you no matter what you do, but you would have just caused unnecessary problems, and not just for us. And you know my stance on innocents and the powerless. Just now, he did nothing worthy of death. ‘ Nox sent mentally.
‘W-what did you just say, master? Repeat that once more!’ Nyx turned around and replied hurriedly.
‘Huh?’ Nox felt puzzled.
‘LOVE, MASTER! YOU SAID LOVE!’ Nyx exclaimed with a crazy gleam in her eyes. She had ignored everything else he said.
‘Just because of that? I know I didn’t say it before, but after all that we’ve done, wouldn’t it be obvious?’ Nox said straightforwardly, before something dawned on him. Gestures and physical contact weren’t everything. Words were also very important and conveyed many things.
‘Listen, calm down. Do not attack me right now, we had an agreement. We have an eternity for these matters. ’ Nox realized and spoke frantically when he saw the gleam in her eyes. They were in the middle of a plaza surrounded by a mass of people!
Still near the array with Colonel Lena, Sylvie’s expression turned serious when she saw Nyx’s.
‘Nyx’s mood just completely reversed… What did Nox say to her?’ Sylvie thought.
“Colonel, sorry for this mess, but we need a moment. “ Sylvie apologized and sprinted to Nyx, not giving Colonel Lena a chance to reply.
‘What the hell is going on here? First that woman, Nyx, nearly kills a man for a small comment about Nox, then Lady Sylvie suddenly becomes frantic… What am I supposed to do?’ Colonel Lena was at a loss.
Her higher ups had told her to be courteous towards Sylvie and especially the two that arrive with her, therefore she and guards didn’t know to react. Nevertheless, at least they haven’t done anything too outrageous.
Seeing Sylvie running towards them, Nox quickly put up a mana barrier and surrounded them.
“NYX, calm down! “ Sylvie shouted.
“Impossible, Sylvie. Don’t worry, I shall conceal us. “ Nyx beamed excitedly as a torrent of black smoke erupted from her, surrounded the three in a small area.
Witnessing this abrupt event, everyone became flabbergasted, wondering the same thing: What was going on and why weren’t the Colonel and guards reacting? But, when Colonel Lena saw Nyx’s darkness along with her and Nox’s previous speed, her eyes turned sharp.
The well-dressed man, who had just escaped with his life became more frightened once he saw Nyx’s potent darkness. He would have died instantly if she used that… shortly after, he thought about how Nox stopped her effortlessly, thanking the heavens that he still decided to help even after being looked down upon.
Not allowing him a chance to speak, Nyx charged at Nox, wrapping her arms around his neck and covering his lips with her kiss, moving her tongue around the inside of his mouth.
“NYX! “ Sylvie’s shouted as her face turned scarlet.
Ignoring Sylvie’s cry, Nyx didn’t let go of Nox until a few moments later, now carrying a content smile on her face after the short contact, whilst Nox sighed inwardly. He would never deny liking that, and enjoyed it, but couldn’t Nyx just hold back for once? She was always taking the lead and doing whatever she wanted so now he was beginning to feel awkward.
Looking at Nyx, he noticed her content expression, yet also a meaningful gaze.
‘Fuck it.’ Nox understood as he walked in front of Sylvie, confusing her.
Now only a foot or two away and gazing into each other’s eyes, Sylvie became captivated as Nox began to feel what she did.
Bending down, Nox gently put his hand on her cheek, closing in on her face and covering her lips with his own. It was much gentler than the ones Nyx forces upon him.
Feeling Nox’s warmth along with such an abrupt action, Sylvie’s body froze, and eyes went wide, as ecstasy inevitably coursed through her.
Both enjoying the moment before Nox removed his lips, he gazed at her softly.
“Nyx freaked out because I said I loved her. It was the first time.” Nox slowly said.
“You and I haven’t known each other for long, but you’re to be my wife. We’re connected far beyond the norm; therefore, you’re permanently stuck with me. I’ve known Nyx for longer, but I won’t hold favorites. You are both irreplaceable, so it’s important to known that I love you as well. “ Nox expressed in a gentle, sincere voice. He resolved to stay true to himself, and that’s what he would do.
Listening to Nox, Sylvie’s mind blanked, taking a while to process his words. Men usually suppressed their emotions, thinking that it was not masculine. That you’ll be treated differently. Treated as weak.
Everyone has emotions, and it’s important to show them, particularly to those close, like Nyx and Sylvie. If you expect your partner to do that, then you should do the same. To suppress yourself before someone you care about, just because of preconceived notions of weakness, then that is truly weak. If you’re able to share them, burdens begin to dissipate, leading you to an unfettered and clear mind. A mind that has become stronger and will stay strong. Now that, that is called strength, not weakness.
Recovering, Sylvie peered into Nox’s deep, grey eyes, as a smile crept onto her blushing face.
“I… love you too, Nox. “ Sylvie whispered, never expecting to say those words so soon. But that was what she truly felt. Nox said he wouldn’t take favorites, but he’s known Nyx far, far longer. Although that was the case, Sylvie knew they had plenty of time to build on it.
“MASTER, I LOVE YOU TOO!” Nyx shouted with a grin on her face, not wanting to be left out.
“Heh. “ Nox chuckle slightly, feeling good about his decision to listen to Stella and come to Archaeos.
“Alright, retract your darkness. We’ll speak to that Colonel Lena and whomever else, and then we’ll leave. “ Nox said as he removed the mana barrier.
Observing the dissipating darkness, Colonel Lena took the initiative and walked up to the trio.
“Sorry for the wait, we were talking about an important matter. “ Nox spoke up first.
“Lord Nox, it is quite alright. I have been commanded to receive you three, hence I had time to wait. “ Colonel Lena nodded calmly.
“Are we required to meet with anyone else? We’d rather get going right now. “ Nox inquired. He didn't want to deal with any nobles or officials.
“No, not at all. Command only ordered me to receive and confirm your arrival. Once I confirm your passes, there is absolutely no obligation to remain any longer. “ Colonel Lena replied concisely.
“Good, here. “ Nox materialized his thin pass and handed it to Colonel Lena.
Following his lead, Nyx and Sylvie did the same.
‘Nox Ferrum
Race - Unknown
Clearances: Divinus Gateway, Razzir, (Full, bar the capital) – Approved by General Valcor Ragnarr of Razzir and General Hayde Braam of Razzir. ‘
‘So, both General Valcor and General Hayde approved. Both Nox and Nyx’s races are stated as unknown… how could that be possible? They clearly bound the pass, yet their races weren’t registered… unbelievable. I must report this to command once they depart. ‘
“You’ve all been confirmed. “ Colonel Lena handed back their passed after glancing them over once.
“I’m assuming you’re headed for Divinus? “
“That’s right. “ Nox answered.
“I believe you would care not for a guide. As such, if you look to the West, you should see our defensive wall. Head West out of this plaza and the path will take you all the way to the western gate. Upon exit, the very first road will head directly to our Divinus Gateway. That gateway is connected to Hyperion’s southeastern Tartarus Gateway. Our relations with Hyperion are neutral, therefore as your group is small and your passes approved, all should go without incident. “ Colonel Lena advised with assurance.
‘To think it would lead specifically to Hyperion... The human kingdom… Besides mana, I doubt there will be any differences. All life appears to take the same or similar paths.’ Nox thought. Valcor and Ashuen mentioned the gateway a few days ago, but not where it lead to.
He still wanted to see humans, so being able to head to their kingdom this quickly was nice, but his initial thoughts of the chance there would be differences with Earth or Tian, lifestyle wise, seemed to be a mistake, as he learned much more during the last few days.
“Thanks, your information will be useful. We’re already prepared, so we might as well leave now. “ Nox nodded in thanks.
“Thank you for the kind reception, Colonel. We’ll be off then. “ Sylvie nodded as well.
As for Nyx, she only glanced indifferently at her, as the trio began heading towards the Western Gate. Seeing them walking away, the bystanders were intimidated due to the previous events and opened a wide path.
“Safe journeys, Lady Sylvie, Lady Nyx, Lord… Nox. “ Colonel Lena gestured kindly, but an unusual gleam was in her eyes.
‘That woman, Nyx… Her attack on that foolish merchant wasn’t lenient. It seemed slow and weak, but if I faced it directly, I would’ve had to pull my sword. Yet, Lady Sylvie’s fiancé, Nox, stopped her with a single hand, and so easily at that. As if it was nothing… Then Nyx’s darkness… No wonder command told me to be courteous. Other than their relations with two generals, at the bare minimum, they both should be 5-Star' Colonel Lena ruminated on their abilities, before dismissing a few of the guards that arrived with her. Tapping her foot on the ground, she instantly disappeared from the plaza, leaving mana bystanders in awe.
‘Pretty fast without mana. I wonder how many Stars she is. 4 or 5? Possibly more?’ Nox pondered after subtly using mana to view Colonel Lena's departure.
Over the past five days, Nox consulted with Locke and returned to the library a few times to read some more essential information, and one subject was about how power is generally ranked on Archaeos. Due to the environment, he expected some kind of Alphabetical system, like S rank or A rank, but that wasn’t the case; it was in Stars.
In general, all beings that meet a certain universally agreed upon threshold are ranked in Stars, whilst those who don’t are unranked. This is mostly based on your mana, as everyone has the capability to use mana to some degree.
Now, let’s take races such as humans and demons. Humans are a heavily populated yet originally weak race, so most are unranked. Demons aren’t as populated as humans, but they are all mostly 1-Star once they awaken. When ranked, a ranked human would be considered a 1-Star Human, while a ranked demon would be a 1-Star Demon. There are also many races that are born at the 1-Star level.
Using this system, the higher the stars, the stronger the individual. But, all beings varied. With two at the same rank, one could be significantly stronger due to different factors, such as control and strategy or innate abilities.
Other than taking mana into consideration, the physical body is added as well, which becomes the largest variable in measuring a being’s power. Although mana and the elements are an integral part of Archaeos, physical strength is not to be underestimated.
Some races might not have much ability with mana, but they could be very strong, physically. The reason it's a variable, is because it's very easy to hide physical strength, and not so much for mana. That's because someone stronger could usually see through the depths of your mana, even if you suppressed yourself, but how could they check your physical strength? Unable to measure their power through mana, Nox and Nyx's physical strength is the reason Colonel Lena could only gauge them at a bare minimum of 5-Stars.
Still, many exceptions always existed. Some could completely hide their power or completely see through someone else, regardless of strength differences and their body.
Nevertheless, even if Stars weren't completely accurate, they are absolutely essential for roughly measuring capability, and works for an innumerable number of things. If you took Death’s Hand as one example, their ‘Daggers' are a hierarchy and should have a Star requirement, and the more Stars a target has, the higher the Dagger needed would be, as their strength needed to be up to par.
This would also apply to beasts or monsters. If you have a specific wolf and it's known they all will mostly be 1-Star, someone weaker will know to stay away and not take a risk.
Learning this information was important to Nox because he finally began identifying the power system of Archaeos. Similar yet very different to Tian, he now needed the ability to accurately differentiate the power tells of Stars, so he could be prepared, mainly for Sylvie. She was newly awakened, and although she had incredible affinities and potential, her power was currently low. She needed experience, but he couldn’t just let her encounter something too dangerous or too weak due to his own ignorance.
Nox was much stronger now, than during his original journey through Tian, so although he could use his soul to bypass innumerable obstacles, such as sensory details, he wanted to conform to Archaeos’ system. To experience most of this universe as a native would. If he didn’t, how lackluster would his life become?
During these last few days, Nox also checked the Gifting System, but other than gaining a little over a hundred merit, no other noteworthy changes occurred. The categories all had relatively useless items. He didn’t know how high the requirements were, but it needed to be upgraded to have any semblance of use. Thinking about that, Nox wondered why it wouldn’t have been more useful to begin with.
Walking along the wide path and enjoying the various scents of foods and flowers permeating through the air, the trio didn’t shop for anything, opting to keep heading towards the western gate Colonel Lena mentioned. Approaching the gate a while later, if you looked to the left and right, you would see a pure grey wall towering at 10 meters tall and spanning as far as the eye could see. It was very imposing.
'The wall... It has runes embedded deep within... Same with the gate. They must be for defensive purposes. Impressive.' Nox noticed patterns in the structures. He couldn't see it before, so he must have attained the ability after understanding some of the array.
Gazing at them a bit longer, Nox commited them to memory.
Moving along and inspecting the area, carriages and people were moving in and out of the city whilst a few armored guards were checking and verifying everyone, especially the carriages. Unusually, those carriages didn’t have normal horses pulling them. These horses were taller than a normal horse, much more well-built, had black fur, and two heads with black horns atop them.
‘Those must be the Dire Horses of Tartarus that I read about.’ Nox thought when he saw how powerful they appeared. It was weird that were called horses, but they did look somewhat similar.
“Interesting variant, master. They appear unruly, yet they’re very tame. “ Nyx looked at them curiously.
“Dire Horses only act this way on Tartarus and become unruly if transferred to another continent. There’s a legend that a powerful Devil tamed and ingrained obedience into them for the benefit of Tartarus' inhabitants. “ Sylvie looked on proudly.
‘As I thought, Devils are also here. Why didn't the books mention them?' Nox and Nyx glanced at each other simultaneously when they heard Sylvie. Both felt the same murderous intent as when they learned of the Gods.
‘Both corrupted by their own immortality, turning into a scourge upon the universe. A pack of weaklings. ‘ Nyx sent with a cold voice as she remembered the Gods and Devils.
‘We’ll handle them when the time comes. ‘ Nox replied calmly, putting everything to the back of his mind. There were other things to do right now.
“Interesting legend. To do such a thing for the benefit of Tartarus as a whole, that Devil is quite impressive. “ Nox said honestly. If the legend was true, then that Devil would have been one of the few genuine ones.
Walking a distance further, they finally arrived in front of a guard after waiting a few minutes due to the amount of people.
“Verification. “ the guard they approached said blandly, as if he was sick of his duty.
Taking the lead and pulling out her transportation pass, Sylvie gave the guard a short look at it.
Noticing the pass and approval of two generals, the guard suddenly regained his vigor.
“My apologies for the offense, right this way. “ the guard spoke attentively, gesturing for Sylvie, Nox, and Nyx to pass.
“Thank you.” Sylvie nodded to the guard, leading Nox and Nyx outside of the city. Behind her, others who were waiting in line were surprised after witnessing the guards display.
“Why did the guard react that way? “ Nox queried, clearly puzzled.
“Oh, right. Because Ulnir is right on the border of Tartarus and Divinus, as well as the gateway, security is important, and proof of identification is needed upon entry, which leads to the guards giving the visitors a mark. This mark is linked to the visitor’s mana and is used to make sure that someone who entered illegally would be stopped and arrested upon attempting to exit. Due to the nature of Ulnir, anyone able to travel here via transportation array would be a V.I.P. or someone highly trusted. “ Sylvie replied thoughtfully.
“I guess this little thing is more important than I thought. “ Nox brought out that small rectangular pass and held it in his palm, before gazing at Sylvie. She was more natural and knowledgeable with these matters than he anticipated. It made sense with her age, though. Even though she was isolated in Grenir, she had plenty of time to gain knowledge and some experience.
“Yup, especially because dad and Uncle Hayde approved us. “ Sylvie smiled when thinking of them.
Not minding the time it would take, the three walked past the somewhat constant stream of people, walking for a few hours before seeing the Divinus Gateway in the distance. Not another person was in sight, because the qualifications to cross continents was much stricter than transportation arrays. People could use the arrays to travel very far, and the qualifications to use one in many cities was low, but that wasn’t the case for gateways. Gateways had much more significance because they connected continents!
Surrounding the structure, there was only stone and rocks. Further behind, you could catch a semblance of a large body of water, as a refreshing breeze brushed towards them carrying the unique smell of the ocean with it.
"What's that smell in the air?" Sylvie asked curiously. It smelled odd, but soothing at the same time.
"That should be the ocean between Tartarus and Divinus. Smells nice, right?" Nox replied. He knew what an ocean smelled like and that this was the very edge of Tartarus.
"Really!? I saw it once in a Recording Orb. It was very beautiful. I want to visit one day." Sylvie expressed longingly.
"We can just go right now, even for a look. It should be past the gateway." Nox pointed forward.
"No, it's alright. I don't just want to see it, I want to go in! But, the Ocean of Beasts is too dangerous for me right now. I know you and Nyx can protect me, but I want go with my own power! " Sylvie expressed with determination.
"Alright, then we'll go some day and you can be our guide." Nox smiled at Sylvie.
"Hehe, okay." Sylvie beamed.
Finally inspecting the gate, Nox was a bit surprised. It had two 10-meter-tall grey and inscribed pillars separated by about 5 meters. Seamlessly connecting the two at the very top, was a large arch with engravings that exuded an ancient aura.
‘Looks a bit like the door to the Mines of Moria…’ Nox thought, finding this funny. From the fictions of Earth, to the legends of Tian, Archaeos resembled many of them, and was almost certainly based on the memories of reincarnator’s crossing universes.
Gazing at the gateway in the distance, Sylvie couldn’t mask her excitement. Nyx looked on calmly, but you could see the excitement in her eyes.
“Haha, I see you two are excited. “ Nox chuckled when he looked at them, but he was also looking forward to it.
“Yes, master. Life has become different for me, after all. “ Nyx smiled lightly. She had a new body that could experience many things, so of course she’d be excited.
“Yes, definitely! I’ve heard many things about Divinus from my parents. Now, I’ve finally left home, have you two, and we’re even heading to another continent!“ Sylvie nodded emotionally.
“That’s good. There are many places to see; Divinus is only the beginning. “ Nox voiced, focusing his gaze on that massive gate slowly filling his vision, before he looked on in confusion.
‘Shouldn’t this area be heavily defended?’ Nox thought as he noticed something far past the gate towards the water. Upon closer inspection, it was a man standing with his back facing them. Even from a large distance, he could tell the man was at least 2 meters tall. Black plate armor covering his lower half, his chest and arms were bare, and a Black horned helmet covered his head.
As if sensing Nox’s gaze, the unusual lone man turned around towards Nox, seemingly staring him in the eyes. Looking into the helmets eye holes, you could see a glowing white light within.
‘Oh? This guy isn’t normal. He must be the reason Razzir has no standing army anywhere in sight.’ Nox thoughtfully observed the man, as he purposefully lowered his guard and waited.
‘Do you have a pass prepared?’ a deep voiced resounded in Nox’s mind. If he didn’t lower his minds guard, then the man wouldn’t have been able to contact him.
‘We all do.’ Nox pulled out his pass and faced the front forward. Noticing Nox’s action, Sylvie appeared confused by the sudden action. Meanwhile, Nyx was also gazing at the man after she followed Nox’s vision.
‘Very well. I will activate the gate upon your arrival.’ the voice boomed once more in Nox’s mind, as the man’s gaze never left him. It seemed that he only wanted to inspect Nox and see his pass.
‘What’s your name? I’ll remember it.’ Nox stared back, as if seeing right through him. The man gave him a very unusual feeling.
‘You’ll remember mine? Bahaha, I never expected someone would say such a thing to me so naturally, as if it was my honor for you to know. ’ the mans voice boomed through Nox’s mind with a laugh. He could tell Nox didn’t say it with disdain.
‘I am known as Krede.’ he replied in an amused tone but could also tell Nox was more than meets the eye. He had noticed Nyx also looking at him yet didn’t care much.
‘Nox Ferrum, as you must have seen on my pass. When you’re free of your guardianship, I hope we will cross paths once more, Krede. ‘ Nox looked at him calmly. He felt that it had been many, many years since he had seen someone like Krede, and it wasn’t due to his personality or words.
‘That might not be too bad. ‘ Krede looked at Nox with interest, before he once more turned towards the water.
A few minutes later, the trio nearly arrived in front of the gate.
“Hey, there’s a man standing behind the gate! “ Sylvie exclaimed when they finally got close enough for her to see Krede. She had read about the Divinus Gateway before, and her parents mentioned it a few days before they left, so she figured there would be guards or an army, yet no one was here. But now she finally saw someone else.
“He’s the one who guards the gateway. “ Nox looked at Krede once more, as he saw mana sweeping out of him, activating the multitude of runes and engravings on the gateway.
Looking at the gateway and basking in the feeling the runes gave off, Nox felt as if another understanding was dawning on him, before it abruptly disappeared.
“So strong? “ Sylvie was shocked after she heard Nox, understanding the implications. If he was the sole guard, he should be incredibly powerful.
“Heh, that’s right. Come, it’s time to leave. “ Nox didn't feel bothered by the enlightened feeling disappearing, as he moved his vision towards a massive blue portal that materialized within the gateway.
“Amazing…” Sylvie was bedazzled by the portal, appearing very excited. The real thing was nothing compared to stories and books.
“Quite pleasing to the eyes. “ Nyx nodded in appreciation.
‘Farewell, Nox Ferrum.’ the rough voice of Krede resounded in Nox’s mind.
Smiling briefly in Krede's direction, Nox began walking towards the portal.
“Let’s go. “ he decided to step through first, as Nyx and Sylvie quickly followed behind, disappearing from sight and leaving Tartarus behind.
A few moments later, far past the Divinus Gateway, mana poured out of Krede once more as he moved his gaze onto the closing portal, muttering in that rough voice
‘Nox Ferrum… why do you feel so familiar?'
- In Serial38 Chapters
The Forgotten Angels
A young angel caught between two sides of a civil war is locked away, her memories sealed. For millennia she lived in darkness, never knowing the warmth of the sun. Until a strange man breaks her free, join our heroine as she works to unlock her past and grow strong enough to protect her loved ones. Watch as she grows into a woman who will bring about a second war, the likes of which these universes have never seen.
8 173 - In Serial28 Chapters
The Rise of Echo: A MOBA Gamelit
Elzio Shilon, like many heroes, has grown up knowing only one purpose: Championing his nexus and homeland in Arena Battles. But when he uncovers a plot to sacrifice his kingdom's nexus to a power-hungry rival, he must reconsider everything he knew about the nexi, their rule, and their ultimate goal for universal dominion. Instead of fighting for his people, he teams up with an Echo Nexus, a being whose sole purpose is to be farmed by a larger nexus. Together, the two of them embark on a quest to defeat the nexi, not for power or glory, but for the salvation of mortal-kind.
8 107 - In Serial11 Chapters
Civilization falls but life rises from the ashes, the entire has world restarted. Humanity have not fallen but it is split off into countless pieces. And I have witnessed countless important events before the Revival because my Familiar gave me endless lifespan at the cost of my humanity of course. Were we even human ever since were born? The Ancients didn't have Mana, Authority nor Aura and yet they called themselves humans. -Avaritia's Undying My story's ideal pacing of text is for 22px on PC. I don't know about the mobileps the cover isn't mine
8 53 - In Serial50 Chapters
Tenebrous ↠ Volturi Kings {1} ✓
Rowan Ailes has always taken solace in the comfort of darkness. It was darkness that pulled her into its embrace and concealed her from the drunken rage of her father. It was the darkness that reached for her as a loving parent for their child and shielded her from the monsters that lurked in the light. So it only made sense that Rowan Ailes fell for the beings that made their home in the shadows.Volturi Kings/OC.Cross-posted on fanfiction.net.Rated M for graphic violence and abuse.The sequel, Penance, is available now!Started: 11/11/2018Completed: 3/8/2020Top rankings:#1 in queen#4 in twilight#1 in cullen#1 in alicecullen
8 185 - In Serial11 Chapters
Interstellar World Struggle TV
Ever wondered how an apokalypse could happen in other countries beside the US ?Arn Tschiller, a student of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, makes a tourist cruising drive at the north sea. Suddenly, a big explosion illuminates the horizon, and the ship braces for its impact of the airstruggle. As the effects go by, everybody on the ship gets a note :Welcome to Interstellar World Struggle TV....Author's note :Hello everybody, this is my first attempt to contribute to this site. As written above, I wanted to submit a fiction of an apokalypse in another country then the US. Don't misundertand me, I love this sort of stories, like Once a hero and Apocalyse now (2) , which are clearly also 2 of my role models.But nor the whole world circulates around the US, as also Insania online can show.So i would be delighted about comments, reviews and suggestions to this fiction.Thank you in AdvanceDARTHKECKS
8 104 - In Serial15 Chapters
Sander sides oneshots
I hope you enjoy. Started- 8-6-20Ended- 6-16-21-sorry it won't be getting updated anymore!!-
8 69