《The Primordial》Chapter 3 - A New Land and Awakening
—A beautiful lake with life surrounding it—
Standing near the base of a large monument with a picturesque scene depicting a woman standing besides this very lake, were a man, two women, and a floating pitch-black sword with a red tip. These four were, of course, Nox, Elise, Stella and Nyx.
“Elise, I think it’s time for us to leave. I can’t keep you from your family. “ Nox looked towards Elise.
“Are you sure? It’s only been three years on this side, while only a few weeks passed in Archaeos. We can stay as long as you want.”
“Yeah, dad, are you sure?” Stella and Elise spoke with concern in their voice.
“Of course, we’ll leave today. I’m fine, so don’t worry, I haven’t lived this long for nothing. Besides, it might be nice to start over. “ Nox replied while gazing at his deceased wife, Lings, monument.
As Nox replied, Stella, Elise and Nyx were conversing mentally. They became a lot closer over these three years.
‘Stella, Nyx, you know the plan. He might have finally moved on, but he’s still not completely himself.’
‘I know, Aunt Elise. As weird as it might be for me, not to mention how you are, even mom talked about it to me before. I’ll get him to let you use your soul power, and then we’ll leave the rest to Nyx.’
When Stella spoke, a loud cry of excitement and yearning came into their minds from Nyx.
From Nyx’s excitement, Elise and Stella developed wide smiles.
“What are you three on about? “ noticing that they weren’t even listening, Nox became curious.
“Nothing, nothing. “ Stella and Elise hurriedly spoke simultaneously.
“Sure… “ Nox didn’t believe them for a second.
“What about you, Nyx? Are you really that excited about this?“ Nox naturally felt her reaction just now.
Nyx hummed intensely, swirling around in the air merrily.
Nox was taken aback. In all these years, this was the biggest reaction she’s ever given. It turned out that yeah, she was excited.
“Dad, before we go, Aunt Elise needs to send some of her soul power into your mind. It’s not harmful at all.“ Stella asked in Elise’s place, not minding Nyx’s behavior.
Hearing his daughters sudden request, Nox focused on her before switching his gaze to Elise.
“Alright. “ Nox only thought about it for a moment. If it was Lings sister and his daughter, why would he question it? Besides, nothing could really harm him anymore.
Getting Nox’s consent, Elise nodded her head.
“Ok, open your mind and don’t resist my energy. “ Elise came close to Nox and pointed her index finger at his forehead.
Listening to her instructions, Nox closed his eyes as a bright energy materialized on his head. This was the entrance to his mind and soul; a very vulnerable area. Despite only knowing each other a few years, this proved his trust in Elise.
Her expression turning serious, grey energy formed around Elise’s finger and shot into Nox’s mind. Transforming into a thin stream, the energy was steady for only a few moments before her face changed. Putting more power into it, the stream rapidly expanded and entered even quicker.
After a few minutes, the energy finally weakened and ceased.
Feeling the process end, the bright light on Nox’s head disappeared, as he opened his eyes shortly afterwards. Elise was still in front of him, but beads of sweat covered her forehead. It was clearly a bit stressful for her.
“Are you alright? You must have used a lot of energy… but, I don’t feel any different. “ Nox asked worriedly. It was no easy feat to make someone so powerful strained.
“I’m fine, I only overexerted myself. It took a little more energy than I anticipated, but it worked. “ Elise replied, slightly out of breath. She knew it would be a little difficult, but it was many times more than she calculated.
Catching her breath, Elise returned to her previously energetic state after a brief few minutes.
Clapping her hands, Elise was ready.
“Alright, it’s time to leave. Nox, you’ll be leaving with Nyx, while Stella will be going on her own, and I’ll be returning home. Let’s say our farewells to each other and Ling. “
“Right. “ Stella stated while walking towards Nox.
Nodding, Nox grabbed Stella’s hand and walked towards Lings monument, as Elise and Nyx followed closely behind.
Arriving in front, Nox let go of Stella as a large bunch of white lotuses materialized and scattered across the base of her monument. The white lotus was Lings favorite flower.
Extending his arm and running his hand across the area with her name on it, Nox whispered with a nostalgic expression and voice.
“My wife, I think it’s finally time for me to start over. Stella is here and she’ll be joining me. Just like you wanted, she’ll finally have her own life to live. I’ll keep her safe, I promise…”
Stella teared up and Nyx made a low hum when they heard Nox.
“Bye, mom. I can finally go out and do what I always wanted. Dad and I will come visit again one day. Soon, he’ll be good as new, just like you talked about years ago. Love you lots. “ Stella wiped her tears and donned a smile.
Listening to the father and daughter duo, Elise felt pained.
‘Rest easy, little sister, I saw your final moments; your beloved husband and daughter will be fine, I made sure of it. I’ll bring my family to visit one day.’
“Alright, let’s go! Now’s the time to be happy. It’s what mom would’ve wanted, especially for you, dad. “ Stella stood with her arms akimbo, lecturing Nox.
“Heh, I guess you’re right. I don’t really know what to do when we get there, but let’s go. “ Listening to Stella, Nox couldn’t keep a serious expression. Stella always made him happy. Besides, he now wanted something new.
A loud screech suddenly rang out as Nyx flew towards Lings monument. She was delicately carving something.
Watching Nyx, a big grin appeared on Nox’s face. When she finally stopped, a sea of realistic white lotuses were carved into the jade. It looked very beautiful, perfectly complimenting the rest of the mural.
“Looks like you didn’t want to be left alone. That was nice, thanks.“ Nox expressed happily. He had forgotten to add lotuses for some reason.
On the side, when Stella and Elise saw this scene, they looked at each other with mischievous grins.
“Well then, how do we go about transferring to Archaeos? “ Nox looked at Elise.
“I’ll open three spatial tunnels. One for Stella, another for you and Nyx, and one for me. When you’re inside, use these. “ Elise took out small translucent tablets and handed them to the three.
Inspecting the tablet, Nox noticed it was only the size of his palm. It seemed very ordinary.
“There will be two pedestals with an indentation the size of the tablet. The one on the left will allow you to choose any race on Archaeos that can take on a humanoid appearance. You could even pick a normal human. The one on the right is allowing Fate to decide for you. Keep in mind, that the core of Archaeos has no say. It’s purely Fate. “Elise said.
“When you decide, just place the tablet inside and Archaeos and Tian will transfer you over. Your bodies will be deconstructed and reconstructed. So you don’t worry, the universe cores can’t do anything with souls, so yours will stay intact. After that, you’ll be placed somewhere on Archaeos that’s not too dangerous. When you arrive, focus and think about a panel with your name on it. That’s it! “ Elise said enthusiastically.
‘So that’s it?… and our souls will be fine? If not and something happens to Stella or Nyx…’ Nox thought, as an incredibly murderous intent boiled inside him for a moment.
“Don’t worry, trust me. “ Elise said seriously after noticing Nox
“It’s fine, sorry. “ Nox apologized and calmed down. He trusted Elise and realized he was thinking too negatively.
“The process sounds ‘simple’ enough, so let’s leave now. “ Nox became decisive. There was no reason to hesitate any longer.
“Okay. “ Elise waved her hand as three spatial passageways opened up.
“The two passageways next to each other are yours, while the furthest one is for me. “
Observing the two passageways, Nox turned his gaze towards Stella.
‘Abandoning the body I spent seven millennia to bring her back to, and so easily at that… Well, at least she’s finally getting what she wants.’ Nox sighed, reflecting on this situation.
“It’s time to start your own journey. I don’t think we’ll see each other for a while, but know that I’ll always be there if you need me. “ Nox said seriously, patting Stella’s head.
“I know you will. I love you a lot. “ Stella grinned, hugging Nox.
“Love you too. Be safe and don’t forget the things your mom and I taught you. “ Nox looked at Stella lovingly.
Parting, Stella looked at Nox “Dad, I’ll go on first! “
“Aunt Elise, thanks! Maybe I’ll see you soon. “ Stella gave Elise a quick hug, before running up to the passageway on the left.
“Oh, and dad, good luck! Nyx, take care of him! “ Stella shouted and then flew into the passageway.
Gazing at the figure disappearing behind the closing passageway, Nox felt some reluctance, but also confusion. Besides him, Nyx hummed loudly.
“Why did she say good luck? Good luck with what? “ Nox asked Elise with a confused look.
“Ah, no idea. “ Elise feigned ignorance.
He didn’t want to waste time, so instead of digging deeper, Nox decided to just forget about it.
“Well, you two should get going as well.” Elise gave Nox a farewell hug and winked at Nyx.
“Thanks. Archaeos should be something good for us, especially Stella and Nyx. If you need something from me in the future, don’t hesitate to ask. “ Nox expressed sincerely.
“No need for that, we’re family, after all. And you know, I think it’ll be just as good for you, as it will be for them. “ Elise smiled.
‘Family, huh?’
“I guess you’re right, maybe it will be better than I think. “ Nox gave a faint smile as he walked up to the passageway with Nyx floating besides him.
“Oh, right. Did you ever recreate your body? I’m sure you could do it. ” Nox turned his head when remembering a thought he had earlier.
“I could, but no, I never did. My children were born from this body, and if I changed, it would be pretty unusual haha. “ Elise replied with a chuckle.
“Besides, to use the energy of Archaeos, you need a body made for it. I don’t need it, but you do!”
“I see. ” Nox nodded. He was only curious.
“Next time let me meet your side of the family. “ Nox said to Elise and took one final glance at Lings memorial, before calmly walking into the passageway.
Waving around for a moment towards Elise, Nyx flew in right behind Nox.
Watching the two disappear, only Elise remained as she proceeded into her own passageway. Gazing towards Lings monument one final time, she whispered.
‘Farewell, Rin. You have a good husband and daughter.’
Elise turned around as the passageway closed behind her.
—Inside one of the spatial passageways—
Nox and Nyx were in a very plain room. There were no doors, and the only thing inside this room, were the two of them and two stone pedestals.
Much like Elise said, the pedestals had indentations on them, except these ones had two each.
“Alright, it doesn’t really matter to me, so I’m going to choose the right side and let that Fate decide.” Nox decided.
“What do you want to pick?” Nox looked at Nyx on his side.
Flying over to one of the pedestals, Nyx also chose the one on the right and hummed excitedly.
“Then we’ll both let it decide.” Nox smiled.
Taking his tablet and placing it inside the indentation, Nyx did the same using her energy.
After a few seconds, lines creating intricate patterns started to appear on the pedestals. Turning bright white, the lines began extending from the pedestals onto the floor, before covering the entire rooms surface, forming what seemed to be an array.
In a bright flash, energy erupted inside the room and swallowed Nox and Nyx. Allowing the energy to invade his body, with his soul still conscious, Nox witnessed his own body disintegrating. This sight was definitely a first.
By his side, Nyx had completely disappeared. He still felt her presence and the energy doing the same thing. It seemed that the process was only visible to themselves.
A long while later, Nox’s body was finally deconstructed. As soon as it finished, an incredibly large volume of energy started flooding the area where his body used to be.
Looking very carefully, Nox could make out that the energy was forming into the same shape as his old body. Noticing how slow this was happening, Nox felt that his body would take a lot longer than Nyx’s, so he entered a meditative state and waited. Regardless, when the time came, they both should leave at the same moment.
—In an unknown, lush and lively grassland—
A bright flash of light abruptly covered the entire area, as two silhouettes appeared; they were a man and a woman.
The man looked ordinary, in his late 20’s with short black hair and a stubbly beard, but if you peered into his deep and unusual grey eyes, it gave a direct contrast to that ordinary look. He was wearing silver armor with each piece having horizontal ridges. The chest piece extended to the front of his upper arms and thighs, leaving the backs open, gauntlets extending up to his forearms, and greaves. From the visible portions appeared a black cloth shirt and pants. Covering his shoulders and most of his back, was a black high-collared cloak with the bottom tattered. This was, of course, Nox.
‘So, this is my new body? Pretty much the same as before…My armor was recreated as well? Interesting.’ Nox thought when he inspected himself.
Closing his eyes, he opened them again after a moment.
‘Good, Stella arrived safely.’ Nox left a marker on Stella’s soul before he revived her, so he knew that she was fine. After this, he decided not to observe the marker again, as she needed to live her own life. But, if something significant occurred, the marker would automatically notify him. This was the benefit it gave.
“Master! “ a cheerful and passionate voice resounded throughout the grassland, startling some small animals and birds into alertness.
Hearing the sudden shout, Nox didn’t get the chance to think any longer, as he felt slender arms wrapping around his neck. Startled, Nox thought ‘Nyx?’
Those slender arms quickly letting go, Nox turned around with a curious look on his face. It was a gorgeous woman with fair skin and a shapely figure. Her hair was long and as black as his, but the tips were dark red. She was wearing a delicate black dress that went down to just above her knees.
Gazing at each other, Nox was drawn into her ruby-like eyes that had thin, vertical black iris'. Around her eyes, she had some black eyeliner. No, those were actually thin black scales!
“Hehehe, are you surprised, master? Did you already fall in love with me?“ giggling and twirling around as the bottom of her dress slightly lifted, the woman playfully asked.
Brought out of his reverie and observing this cheerful woman teasing him, Nox could only sigh inwardly ‘To think I would get like that…’
“Yeah, you did surprise me with your new body, but love? You’ve seen my path. Ours.“ Nox denied.
“By the way, why are you calling me master? “ Nox inquired, puzzled.
“Why? “ Nyx giggled with an ambiguous smile on her face, while slowly walking up to him.
Arriving in front of Nox, a glimmer was in her eyes as she suddenly leaned up and wrapped her arms around Nox’s neck, planting her lips onto his.
Feeling those soft red lips, Nox stood there stunned and in slight ecstasy.
“That’s because you are my everything. The only one close to me over these endless years. Who was unrelenting in the pursuit of his goal and overcame every obstacle. The one who gave me a life and showed me emotion. He, who didn’t discard me even after I was of no more use. You even brought me here with you. Me, that whom was only a weapon. “
“If you shouldn’t be my master, then who should? No one else. I will only be yours. “ her slender arms still wrapped around Nox’s neck, Nyx poured her heart out with a flushed yet serious expression.
Her warm breath brushing against his face, Nyx’s pure emotions pierced into him, as a scene from the past surfaced and reminded him of this moment. ‘Ling was also this straightforward back then... Now, so many years have passed.’
A serious look appeared in his eyes whilst a soft energy shrouded him. After a brief few seconds to understand the energy, his silver armor disappeared, leaving only his black clothes and a pair of boots.
“I guess I don’t have a choice.“ Nox sighed while grabbing Nyx, bringing her into his embrace.
“Calling me master yet doing whatever you want with me. Well, it doesn’t matter. Although we couldn’t really talk to each other, you helped me the most on my path. Kept me sane. I wouldn’t have avenged Ling or survived long enough to bring Stella back.”
“We’ve already been together for so long, so we might as well keep it that way forever. “ Nox whispered, returning her feelings.
Nox had always been a straightforward man, not to mention that this was Nyx. For him, the feeling he gets from someone’s soul or spirit is what drives him, and is what caused him to be with Ling.
Although Nyx didn’t have a corporeal body until now, it would be unusual if he didn’t feel anything for someone who had been close to him for thousands of years. Someone who, although couldn’t speak, he shared his emotions with. Now that she had a body and still feels the same as she did all these years, it all could finally surface.
Listening to those sincere words, Nyx felt complete bliss. This was the dream she’s had for so long now; to experience this warmth and be accepted and loved by the only one she truly cared about. This was why she wanted a real body. For this moment.
After what seemed like an eternity, they finally let go of each other. Nox felt like a piece of something that was lost, was regained just now. On the other hand, Nyx felt reluctance and an unusual energy seeping into her mind from Nox’s body. It didn’t seem like he noticed.
‘What… is going on? Is this what Stella and Elise talked about? ’ Nyx was bewildered.
“Alright, I need to see what this universe gifted us alongside these bodies. “ Nox said.
“Oh? I can vaguely sense that fate energy Elise mentioned. I don’t know what it’s playing at, but along with the one Elise said there would be, some… ‘Unusual ‘ ones actually appeared. Give me a second, I’m going to sever them.“ Nox closed his eyes to concentrate, preparing to break them with his soul.
“NO! “ Nyx quickly shouted.
“Hmmm, why? I have everything I need now. You should know what I mean by ‘unusual‘. “ surprised at the sudden shout, Nox opened his eyes, feeling puzzled.
“You heard Elise, master, Archaeos' core only gave you an initial fate. It can only control a portion of the energies, so those other ones weren’t added of its own volition.“
“You wanted to come to this universe, not just for Stella and me, but also a new life. I can feel our connection, so you should just abide by it. If you sever these connections, you’re not just cutting your own, you’re also cutting mine and the ones connected to them. “
“…although I want you completely to myself, won’t we still be here even if this universe dies? How long would that be? Stella is out there going to live her own life with her own fate, so how can it be fine with just the us two? Isn’t that boring? Just go along with it, master. “ Nyx replied in a quiet voice.
“I understand the reasoning, but I don’t need that. Besides, what about your feelings? Wouldn’t the same also happen to you?“ Nox was a bit perplexed, but he could feel her conviction.
“Alright, enough of your bullshit, master hehehe. I’m not sure what caused it, but when we kissed, I saw so much about you. Things I didn’t know before…” pausing for a bit, she then continued seriously.
‘Bullshit? Where did she learn that from? Me?’ slight surprise flickered across Nox’s eyes, but it made sense. Despite being without a body and unable to speak for so many years, she was definitely aware and learned many things. That must also be why she could use her new body well.
“I saw some of your past life and even when you were with Ling. You’ve always had goals and things you wanted to do and see, but you were consumed with hatred and reviving Stella, so you neglected everything else. Forgot them. Did you only want to see this world and aimlessly wander around forever? You know the things you want, so don’t deny yourself anymore.“
‘My… past life? Earth?’ Nox was confused at first, before a foreign energy surfaced in his mind, awakening fragments of long buried memories.
“This world and these connections will be interesting. As I said, we’ll be here even if everything ends. Besides, can’t you feel that I’m also one of those ‘unusual ‘ connections? Do you really want to cut me off as well? “ Nyx playfully inquired.
“As for me, it won’t happen. I don’t want or need it, because I exist only for you. Anyway, why would I mind it? It was so common in Tian for immortals, and it’s probably the same case here, as well. It’s fine, I’ll also have more company” like she could peer into his soul, Nyx poked his chest and whispered with a seductive smile and tone.
“… after all, we’ll definitely share one thing in common”
Listening to her words, Nox's vision blurred as he lost complete focus. Seeing him in this dazed state, Nyx beamed; he was finally becoming free. This trance he was in wasn’t anything new. It always happened during a breakthrough in power or when comprehending something.
Like a spectator watching a movie, Nox saw his entire existence flashing before his eyes. His previous life on Earth and his current one. The things he thought would be fun, then his eventual death and reincarnation. His new ideals and the decisions that were made. The early days of cultivation, rise to prominence and death of Ling and Stella. Ling's parting words. His all-out attack to avenge them. The several thousand year journey, almost completely filled with loneliness, meditation, and his experiences in places filled with only death and destruction. Achieving the peak and finally ending it all. Now, the only time he truly felt happy in these thousands of years, was when he revived Stella and accepted Nyx.
Coming back from the dream, Nox's eyes regained their clarity, yet the corners of them were wet, and he was now laying on the ground with his head on Nyx's lap, gazing up at the sky.
“I can’t believe I forgot… Forgot how I used to be before all of that happened. The things I wanted in life. Ling told me not to lose myself, but I did, and I didn’t even realize it, even after I brought Stella back. It was her final wish and I ignored it so quickly. I didn’t honor it...
Coming here, although it was for Stella and you, and maybe something for me, I still didn’t know what I would do.“ with an emotional voice, Nox was finally opening his locked self. This time, it was a true awakening.
“I started on the path of cultivation so I could experience the world and gain the freedom I wanted, yet after I gained that freedom and brought both of you out, I had nothing else… In many ways, that freedom was artificial. I was still bound by the past.“
“We traveled for thousands of years, but we only saw the tiniest portions of our universe, and those portions were only full of death. Kill, meditate, kill, meditate, kill, meditate. That’s it. It’s not something I ever wanted, and it was me who dragged you along my journey through hell. I was never like that. I don’t think you were, either. Now... we can never turn back.“ moving his gaze to look Nyx in the eyes, Nox felt regret for doing that to her.
Nox paused and took a deep breath to relax.
“Like Stella, you took all of it so much better than me. I’m thankful for that. “
“Life is unpredictable; you never know what might happen, good or bad. Accepting those things is what’s most important. I’m here in the present. I have you, Stella, and a whole new life ahead of me. Time is endless, we are endless, and there are a lot of things that the future holds. I won’t be restricted any longer. It’s been too long... If I can’t stay true to myself, then why should I even exist? “ Nox stated with a powerful and renewed determination.
“I’m assuming Elise’s energy helped you see my previous life and awaken my memories, but I guess my personality didn’t differ much from now. It’s good that Elise did that. Such a short amount of time can still make me learn so much. Thanks for bringing me back, Nyx. Although, I do feel a bit different now haha. “ Nox expressed, chuckling.
“I was already lucky enough to find you years ago, but who knew I could get even luckier after you gained a body. “
“I’m going to see how interesting this world is. I want to see where this so-called fate will lead me to. “ Nox calmly spoke with a tinge of excitement in his eyes.
“Alright, no more of this emotional stuff. How could an old ghost like me keep breaking down?
What will you do? I know what you said and what we did earlier, but you have your own life now and you can do anything you want in this world. There’s no need to be bound to me. You’re no longer the weapon in my hands. “ Nox queried, yet he had an expectant look in his eyes.
“Old ghost? Doesn’t that mean I’m one as well? You should know age doesn’t have meaning anymore. You got those memories of your weird past life back, and I finally got a true life. Only those fools lose their minds and truly act like old ghosts. Even if it’s millions of years, I refuse to turn out like that, and you better not, either! Ever! “ Nyx pouted cutely.
“Ok, ok, you’re right. I’m still me and it’ll always stay that way, don’t worry. So, are you going to answer my question now? “ Nox hurriedly spoke.
“Master, I told you before, we’re bound. You finally realized it all and understood yourself.” Nyx replied cheerfully before continuing.
“I already told you, master, I am yours and yours alone, and the only thing I want…. is you! “ with a passionate gaze, Nyx bent her head down and kissed him once more, as her soft hair fell on Nox’s face.
This time, Nox finally and completely gave into the sensation of that kiss. Now, he felt free. Free of the regrets and chains that bound him. Free of the loneliness that he endured for seven millennia.
A glint flashed past Nox’s eyes, before grabbing Nyx. Their lips only parting briefly, he got up and flipped her beneath him, whilst covering her mouth with his kiss.
Startled at Nox’s sudden movement, Nyx’s ruby eyes widened. Her mind blanked and body went limp as she felt Nox’s tongue in her mouth.
Nyx might act coquettish and straightforward, but she was on the receiving end this time, and the passion from Nox made it even more intense. After all, she was only a weapon spirit who had just gained a body and was never able to ‘feel’.
After what felt like an eternity, they finally parted. Gazing deeply into each other’s eyes, they had a mutual understanding of each other. Lust wasn’t evident; this was an act of pure affection.
Drawn into Nyx’s ruby-like eyes, although she somehow had this personality, Nox knew that she was innocent in many ways. Never being able to truly experience life until today, who wouldn’t be? Therefore, how could he possibly lust after her?
Nyx felt true bliss. This was one of the many reasons she loved her master.
Today, their new lives in this world finally began.
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