《The Trespasser》Chapter 16: Answers
On the beautiful balcony with a handrail, table, chair, and furniture made from entwined branches, the Ancient spoke to David about the nature of his quests.
"—an intruder. That's the term we might use to define a Trespasser. Still, it is an intruder sanctioned by the Source."
"Intruders are not sanctioned by anybody where I come from," answered a skeptical David.
"I do not know where you come from, Davi, but I can say that we pretty much agree on that topic. Which," she took a sip of her tea, "—leaves us with a fair amount of questions, some of which I can answer and some of which I simply have—no knowledge of. Do you want to hear my answers and some of my…" she rolled her fingers in the air, to catch a word she couldn't find.
"Conjectures?" David suggested.
"Exactly. You have to excuse me; I don't verbally communicate much; we developed a way of speaking through pheromones around here. It's more efficient."
David chuckled, "So I’ve heard. But please, go on."
"Well, let's start with something you are entitled to know, for it is tied to your very safety."
David shifted in his seat.
"A Trespasser is someone that has escaped the ire—the retribution of a Warden in its full powers," continued the Ancient, "So, for every Trespasser, there is at least a Warden.” She stood in silence for a little.
“Well, what are Wardens? The word seems clear to me, but I’m ready to bet that it hides something, innit?”
“Wardens are…custodians. Every place that has developed life has a Warden of some level. Most Wardens bear lesser Titles—for you must know that Titles are very important—ranked in terms of powers they are: Sentry, Defenders, Guardians, Keepers, and finally Wardens—although, Wardens are those that wield real power."
"There are indeed forms of wardency not sanctioned directly by the Source, every civilization or planet has them, but Wardens are sanctioned by the Source. For example, there is a warden in the southern jungle, where you've come from. The Guardian of that fraction of the jungle is a Varia'ati." The Ancient paused for a moment, "Think about it this way; the Varia'ati's Guardian is so important and has had such a weight in our society that this City, Varya, has been called as such in his honor." She grinned, "Still, he—like all the other ranks of Wardency—has been declared as your natural enemy."
“That’s not nice,” David said, taking a sip.
The Ancient ignored David's comment, "But the higher the Warden's responsibility, the greater their powers, we...We had a Warden once...Warden Calinel. He disappeared with the coming of the Fiends. He didn't even show his face once. I—I do not know about his intentions or the unfolding of the events; all I know is that he was supposed to be there as a mediator, but he wasn't. Nobody has heard anything from him since then." She sipped some more of her flavorless tea, "It is true that he was old, very old…but he was an Ancient, we rarely die once we reach such power; if we do, it is because we wish for it."
"So, you are essentially immortal…that seems reasonable."
"Is that the only thing you have gained from my story, very young Human?" The Ancient asked.
"Oh, no, that was just the part I managed to accept. I'm still processing the fact that I might essentially be the enemy of the people," David answered, sipping some more, then continued, "the enemy of all the people."
The Ancient chortled, "Well, that is neither true nor untrue, but I have yet to finish. So hear me out. When a Trespasser appears, it means that something is…shifting, brewing. It means that there is a need for it."
"Wait, "a" Trespasser? So, I'm not the only one there is?"
"Oh, no, by no means, there are dozens out there. Both Trespasser and Wardens, but your Title is locked, my young friend, so you are not truly one—not yet."
"Right…you see through my Status screen too—I should contact support for this bug…"
"Erin was true; you indeed speak humorous nonsense, what a peculiar child," she said with an amused gaze.
"I'm twenty-nine where I’m from…"
"Where are you from?"
"Earth, and yes, my race doesn't live hundreds of years; we live eighty years at best."
"Eighty years is a long while, Davi. You should be much more…learned than you appear to be."
"Well…each of your years is five times ours."
Her mouth formed an "Oh," then she continued, "Which makes you, essentially, a child here on Arthan—as I said, then."
"Yeah, don't…just don't judge, we do our best. Long-living—deprecating, old, chimera-thing…"
The Ancient chuckled. "Well, let's get back on topic. There are many Trespassers with free rein out there, moving through worlds as they see fit. Still, this is something that should not concern you for now, but know that people will be looking for you. For the Title of Trespasser, as you might have understood, is transferable. As long as you don't come into your full powers, you will be easily apprehended, killed and your Title stolen. The Fiends, for example, are trying to study the powers connected to Trespassers for generations; they want it for themselves, so they can colonize other worlds."
"Of course I would be in danger. But then again, why do these people need to colonize other worlds, and why am I not dead if this Title is so important? Why haven't you stolen it from me? You are bloody powerful, are you not?"
The Ancient smiled, "We are Fey, I am a Wood Fay." She shook her head, "We do not kill, especially not for such foolish things—there is also a pledge we've made, many eras ago, but that doesn't concern you. Besides, having the Title of Trespasser is more of a curse than anything else. I have enough people that want me dead; having, even more, trying to hunt me down is not exactly what I'd desire for my already busy existence."
"Oh…that clears things up a bit. But what about Fiends and their colonization spree?"
The Ancient chuckled; she sipped some more, then she raised her head, "Well, they just can't keep it in their pants."
David almost choked on the tea he was drinking, "That was a good one! But I don’t see everybody sharing the same opinion about Fiends."
"We are not a hive-mind, child. I was at the forefront of the fight against their coming, for I knew what it entailed, but then I decided to take a more useful approach to the problem. Studying for a way to save Arthan from what is going to slowly, but undoubtedly come."
David nodded, turning back to the previous topic, "So there are other Trespassers and Wardens out there, but how many of them? I mean, is there a limit? Is it like One Trespasser shall raise for each a'thousand soul! Or something of the like?"
"It is unclear to me how gaining the Title of Trespasser the natural way works. I've told you the lore, yet I do not know more than that. However, I can comfortably say that there is one Warden per sapient species. Someone that the Source considers worthy enough to be the retainer of a whole Species. Of course, nonsapient species have lesser Wardens as well. Their ranks are directly related to the species' level of sentiency. It is likely that Humans as well have a Warden, but Erin told me your world doesn't feel the Source, so maybe they might not even notice it."
“This means that there are more Trespassers than Wardens overall right?” Davis asked.
“Yes, and no. Just as there are ranks among Wardens, there are ranks among Trespassers. I’ve heard and personally seen them among creatures of lesser sentience; yet if there is one thing that all ranks of Trespassers have in common that is their freedom. Freedom of movement, freedom from binds; no chains may hold them, literally and figuratively.”
"So, we could say that despite constantly being hunted for their Title, Trespassers are living the life? That's actually not that bad,” David stated.
"Indeed, isn't it? How weird for us to concur on this subject," she replied.
"Cheers." David nodded, raising his cup.
"Cheers to you, Human. Now tell me, what else do you want to know?"
"Oh, right, Quests, why do I have them? Is it natural? Do others have them?"
"Every rank of Warden or below has them, and every Trespasser, for they are people that have become free of a bind. Wardens are given quests for they need to protect the people, while Trespassers have rescinded their ties with their world of origins, species, family call it as you want, thus the Blessing of the Source is the only way for them to level up. Have you forsaken your world, Davi?"
"I…No, I think I didn't."
"That is why your Title is locked. One day, maybe sooner than you think, you will unlock it, but for now, you need protection, and most importantly—training. The Source will probably keep giving you easy Quests until it deems that you have reached a good level to survive in Arthan. But know that quests do indeed scale with difficulty, and the greater your powers, the more difficult they become because being an existence that should be an extension of the Source, you should be worthy of using all the tools it has given to you to perfection. Every time you complete a Quest there'll be another, and another, and another still..."
“Wait, I don’t follow. I understand, that Wardens get their Quests to become better at protecting people, but why to Trespassers as well, if we are the bad folks?”
“Why do you ask, Davi? The Source doesn’t take sides. There is darkness, and there is light to the Universe; there is good, and there is bad to life. So, why would the Source choose to help only one of these two categories?”
“So I’m on the dark side of the force—I’m practically a Sith?” David asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Can you ask it in a more conceivable way?” The Ancient replied, confused.
“Am I a bad guy?”
"No, Davi. It doesn't work like that. As I just told you, the Source doesn't take sides, so not every Warden is necessarily good, just as not every Trespasser is necessarily bad."
"Okay, I think I understand that; let's put it even more clearly. Being a Trespasser means that I will, essentially, suffer—it means that the Source is a wanker, and that it's just relying on me to do its bidding; and that if I want out, I'll just have to...die?"
The Ancient finished her tea with grace, lowered the mug—made of wood like the rest of the furniture—then it locked eyes with David, shrugging, and said, "Pretty much."
"Son of a—"
Curse Resistance reaches level 5. resist low-level curses with a 5% increased efficiency.
When they had finished with their tea pause, the Ancient stood up, asking for David to follow; he did.
They neared the balcony, and soon, the nearby trees literally folded over to offer their branches as climbing steps for them.
"Is this, safe?" David asked.
"I am controlling it, do not worry," answered the Ancient.
"If you say so…"
They walked slowly from tree's top to tree's top, moving on top of branches that transfixed—stretched into steps for them; David had a much better view of the City like that, but it still made that little corner of the forest look very imposing.
"There are still a lot of things I have to ask you…" David said, as he looked beyond, a little jittery about the height—alright, he was a lot jittery about it, there's no reason to lie, he was practically about to piss himself at each step.
"I imagined as much, so ask, no one is stopping you," answered the little Fay, very at ease with the whole climbing thing.
"Well, chief among the questions I have is…why are you helping me; oh, please, don't come out with, "We Fey are like that, respectful of all that lives, yadda, yadda, yadda…", okay?"
The Ancient smiled with a mischievous grin, "But we Fey are indeed—"
"Alright, I'm going back, see you!" David turned around, looking for steps that had already disappeared.
The Ancient laughed, "Stop, stop, come here, I was joking. I have a need of you, David, well, not of you as a person, naturally. You are amusing, but nothing special; don't take it personally."
"No offense taken, old-hag."
"Yet, what your Title entails, your situation, and your future abilities could help me in my plan to…"
"Conquer the world?" David suggested.
"I was about to say heal it, but if that's what it makes you feel comfortable…I could lie for you."
"I can do with healing a world," David shrugged.
"Good, of course, I shall not offer to make you swear any binding, I could, but I will not. I do not need a slave as much as a friend when and if the time will come."
They had stopped, at the center of the right-wing of the garden.
"You know I would not write any binding of any sort, willingly, right?" Dave asked.
"Of course, it would defy your nature as a Trespasser otherwise."
"Good; but now tell me, how am I going to defeat," David raised his hand to show to the Ancient, it was turning violet, "my problem here? Have you got any of that Cleansing Water anywhere?"
"I do not, but you don't need my help in that or that of the Cleansing Water for what matters. You never needed it in the first place. You always had the means to survive, for the Source has given them to you. You just need to find them in yourself."
"Sure…" said an unconvinced David.
"But other than the chance of safe training, I'm going to offer you something that can help you in your path. Mind, he is still a child, and although he was the feistiest of the litter, it should be a faithful companion," saying so, the Ancient brought her hand behind her back, then produced something that directly left from the inside of her palm, stretching it open.
"That's disgusting," said David, bringing a hand to his mouth.
"Oh, the body is such a useful tool; you are just too young to understand. But look, if you want, this can be your companion," she said, passing her hand over the creature that had left her body.
The beast, looking like a serpent, flew in mid-air, unbridled by gravity, its body waving like that of a snake, but it couldn't be more different. It had two sets of little claws, looking like those of an eagle near its lower belly and up, where its shoulder lay. It had two sets of horns as well, one coming from the side of its head and the other from the top; they were small but were long for its overall body length, but what made it clear that the creature was some form of Chinese dragon was its muzzle. Long whiskers and the wavy crest that sprouted from its spine and ran through the whole length of the back of its body. Its skin was made up of blue scales while its eyes, crest, and whiskers were of an intense red.
Level: 7
"This is…this is—this is Earth’s copyright infringement, how did you get this creature? No, before that, is it real? Because I want one."
"I don't know if what you are talking about has some sense in your language, but it didn't in mine," slowly replied the Ancient, sincerely squinting to try and make sense of what David had said. "However, if you are referring to your world, know that this creature was originally a Sourceborn, which means that it might have appeared on your world too. Yet I like them," she said, caressing the beast that soon wrapped around her hand in pleasure, "so I recreated them as a pure breed. Anyway, I was offering this child to you. I've made it myself so you can be sure of it," she stated with pride.
"Mmm, suddenly I don't want it anymore."
"Oh, don't be a fool now; it'll serve you well, even if so small it could be considered stronger than you. No, I believe it actually is."
"That was offensive on so many levels…" Dave said.
"Take it; it's yours; place your hand on his head, he won't bite."
"Why am I risking my fingers right now?"
"I'm his temporary bond. You will form a sanctioned bond with him, hoping you fit his tastes, though," she added.
"Oh, there was a chance of rejection; look at that. Like a kidney even."
The Ancient turned her gaze over to the edges of her forest-garden, "Be fast, child, for there are situations that require my presence, come." She literally took his hand and placed it on the dragon's eyes.
The Source
You are about to bind a familiar.
Familiar of the Loong species, binding this familiar, every other type of familiar will be excluded.
If you wish to form another binding, this familiar will reject you, and the bond will shatter forever. Familiar bonds can only be applied once between each individual.
Do you want to bind it?
David looked, really looked into the little Chinese Dragon's eyes; they were intense, slitted red eyes. They were the eyes of a predator, and he was staring back at David, trying to understand what he was made of.
What was really David made of other than meat, bones, and foolishness? He had no idea, but after a few seconds, the dragon seemed to...smile.
The Source
Familiar has accepted the bond; do you wish to confirm it?
A mostly surprised David willed for yes.
Name: None
Level: 7
Race: Loong
Race Perks: Flight, Underwater Breathing
Health: 100%
Stamina: 100%
Well: 0%
Alacrity: 11
Constitution: 6
Perception: 19
Strength: 5
Mind: 19
Resilience: 86
Charisma: 42
Attribute points: 0
Lightning, Level 13, 13% Well-filling, 13 seconds of cooldown.
Thunder, Level 30, 30% Well-discharge, 30 seconds of cooldown.
Water jet, Level 7, 7% Well-filling, 7 seconds of cooldown.
Water tank, Level 12, 12^3 meters, 1.2% Well-filling per minute.
"Eighty-six Resilience! But you are ten-foot long, at best!" He exclaimed; but the dragon simply flew in the air, circling around him.
The Source
You have bonded with a familiar; how do you want to name it (it cannot be changed later)?
"I'd go with Kaido or Shenlong, but you look more like a Mushu…but that might anger someone—so, let's go with Wushu."
The Source
You have named your familiar Wushu.
"Is there anything I have to know about this thing?" David asked as the creature swam in the air around him.
"Yes, he is very fragile but the more he grows the mightier he gets. So keep it well-fed, and let him fight, he has levels, but like every creature, his stats mainly grow by eating stronger creatures, so he likes to challenge himself, let him have his fun," said the Ancient; her attention was still focused in the distant entrance to the garden.
"What is it that you are looking at so intently," David asked as he stared at the unfocused Ancient.
"Just troublesome children, I get these sorts of visits every once in a while; I'm kind of one of the five most powerful entities in this City so, it's only natural that I receive attention every now and again, but don't you worry about it. It's nothing that I can't handle."
"If you say so…Well, what about this training? Also, I wanted to ask you for a while—I'm kind of hungry, is there anything you could off—" before David had finished asking, the Ancient literally grabbed him and lowered him to her face, showing an incredible power for her tiny body, "Your training starts now, David. Unlock your Title, for I won't be able to protect you for much longer."
Dave was befuddled, but he became even more so when she pushed him off the edges of the wooden steps, staring at him as he fell down toward the not really close-by ground.
“You can do it, Human!” She shouted at him as he fell.
The only thing the wide-eyed David could think as his body fell off the absurdly tall tree was that the bloody tea he had had was a shitty last meal; it tasted like lukewarm water.
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