《Death Is a Reality》Chapter 24: What's Important


Chapter 24: What's Important


After Hime and I had won our first match we were thrown into the second one almost immediately. It wasn't a problem though since the second team we fought was weaker than the first so we won rather easily. By the time the second rounds were over the sun had started to set. From the 128 teams at the start there were 32 left. From all these ours was the only one left from Roden!

Since time wasn't enough for today, the remaining battles are going to be held tomorrow. If Hime and I win 5 more matches than we would win this tournament! For now though we were heading back to where the others were. On the way we met someone I didn't expect to see.

"Congratulations on your victories." A sweet voice rang out

".....Queen Diana." I lower my head uncomfortably

"Does Your Majesty have business with us?" Hime calmly asked

It seems that only I felt uncomfortable around her. I don't know why but I kinda feel as if she has some sort of secret motive...

"I merely wished to once again meet Roden's best. It seems I wasn't mistaken about you, Haruki." She smiles bewitchingly at me

"...I'm honored you even remember my name, Queen Diana." I said with a hint of sarcasm

Not noticing my tone, she came closer and started to whisper directly in my ear.

"I have high hopes for you. Keep winning and I'll see to it that you're properly rewarded..."

"UWAAAH!!" I involuntarily scream out

"Nii-san? What is it?" Hime looks at me

"N-n-nothing! I'm fine."

What the hell!!? I felt something warm and wet on my cheek! It was definitely a tongue! That woman just licked my cheek!!!

"Fufufu, I'll look forward to tomorrows matches you two." She said while leaving

"What's the matter Nii-san? You're staring at the Queen's back...." Hime looked at me as if I was a strange animal


"I understand she's beautiful, but she's an NPC remember." She said with a frown plastered on her face

Thinking that telling anyone about what happened wouldn't be a good idea, I decided to keep my mouth shut. As Hime and I exited the coliseum gates the other Roden players quickly surrounded us. They did not look good. Some had bruises on their faces while slightly reddened bandages covered their bodies.

"Hey! Great job guys!"

"Looks like you still have a chance!"

"Maybe we should give them a name. You know, we do have 'Nero Argento' right?"

"Please don't. And isn't that going to give me two names...."

Squeezing through the crowd Sylva and Amy walked over to us.

"Haruki, Hime! Are you both alright?" Sylva asked

"Of course they are! Didn't you watch the fights, Sylva?" Amy butted in

"We're fine, Sylva-san." Hime ignored Amy

"Man you guys were awesome! Go pulverize them tomorrow!!"

"Amy, please calm down." I said

Today’s battle really left me worn out. But of course the main cause wasn't that. Why was Queen Diana paying attention to me? From her actions I could kind of guess but that doesn't make sense......

"Ah, you two must be exhausted. Let's find the quarters the Lord prepared for us." Sylva suggested

Nodding to show my approval I gestured my hand for Sylva to lead the way. Ah, looks like we're all staying at a rather fancy mansion just outside the palace gardens.


"Hime, let's go!"


It was the third round of the tournament. Our opponents this time looked like a pair of rogue-type players. They both wielded two daggers and were running straight towards us! They were trying to outmaneuver us using their high speed and agility. No doubt they were looking to end this fast with critical hits.

With Hime running behind me I also charged straight at them. If they want to fight with speed then we'll just have to match them!

Activating 'lightning movement' I quickly bolted to the guy in the front surprising him with my sudden burst of speed. I stabbed towards him but his stats and skills must be pretty good since he managed to block it in time with the daggers.

I wasn't gonna let him get away though. I instantly crouched down and rolled underneath him. Since I was covering Hime from his vision he didn't notice that she had already notched an arrow at her bow!

Releasing her arrows from close range they met their target and punctured the rogue's light armor staggering him backwards.

"I'll leave him to you Hime!"

"Got it!"

Making my way to the other one I noticed that he was gone. Looks like he has some sort of skill that allowed him to hide his presence! Looking around trying to find him I suddenly felt a sharp pain at my side.

Damn it! He managed to stab me dealing critical damage instantly decreasing my health by 40%!

Having no other choice I start to release mana from all over my body. Lightning formed into an aura-like shape around me and prevented him from sneaking upon me again. This use of discharge slowly dealt damage too me too. My resistance just wasn't enough to maintain full body use...

Gritting my teeth from the shock I started casting 'lightning arc' around me trying to hit him.


I spotted the sand nearby moving as he tried to dodge my magic! Using my heightened reflexes I launched a 'lightning bolt' at where he was heading to and managed to hit him causing smoke a little smoke to rise from his location.

"I have you now!"

I drew my short blade from its scabbard while charging mana into it and threw it like a throwing knife.


I could hear him click his tongue as the blade managed to stick itself in what should be his right leg. With my weapon on him I could see his location even though he was invisible!

Since this was active combat, skill growth could occur even though I was fighting in the arena! Making use of this I started hurling thunderbolts at where the floating blade was continuously.

He tried running, jumping, and rolling around using his high agility trying to dodge my spells. This was obviously useless. No matter how fast you are you can't run faster than lightning!

That was the characteristic of my element. Fast movement, huge destructive power, and high precision! Of course every magic element had their advantages but in my mind lightning is the strongest one of all.

When my fifth bolt finally hit him again, he finally turned visible and collapsed on his back. Turning around I found that Hime was already done and was watching me fight. Huh, guess she finished up quicker than I expected. with the fight over I start to check my magic skill growth.

Magic Mastery (Beginner) lv. 8

A skill that every magic user has knowledge of. The user will be much more attuned to the flow of mana and will be able to master basic magic spells.


4.5% magic damage ; 2% mana reduction cost

Lightning Discharge (Intermediate) lv. 8

Able to produce lightning from various body parts according to players will. Direct contact will also affect user.

With strong will, the emotions of the user will now affect the nature of the lightning created

Mana cost depending on shape and size

Lightning Arc (Beginner) lv.7

A continuous discharge of lightning that is maintained by consuming mana. It is much weaker than the a fast lightning bolt but can be controlled for a longer period of time.

Lightning damage (small+)

Cost: 35 mana/sec

Lightning Bolt (Intermediate) lv. 4

A spell all mages focusing on the element of lightning use. It is releases a bolt of lightning that targets what the user aims for with high speed and precision

Lightning damage (medium+), knock back (small)

Cost: 330 mana

Lightning Blade (Intermediate) lv. 10

Imbues swords with lightning made from your mana

Lightning damage(Large), chance to stun enemy(medium+)

Cost: 120 mana/sec

Lightning Affinity (Intermediate) lv.10

Increase effectiveness of lightning based attacks, also grants resistance

80% lightning damage, 60% lightning resistance

Looks like their growing quite steadily. The only problem was 'lightning blade' and 'lightning affinity'. Those two hit level 10 for some time now but currently wouldn't progress any further. Normally they would advance into the advanced level but it won't level up no matter how much I use them. If this keeps up my lightning resistance will have no way to improve leaving me with weaker magic.....

"And another win for the Haruki-Hime duo! Looks like we've got a dark horse up our sleeve! They'll show you Prax people what we're made of!"

The announcer was of course, Cameron, the young boy storyteller. I don't even know how he was allowed to be a commentator for our battles...

What's more, he's talking as if Roden and Prax were enemies! Did he forget the quest was to form an alliance?

The crowd cheered at our third victory. Some of them had started to cheer for us. I guess an unexpectedly strong participant is something that was interesting to watch...

"Good job, Nii-san. Did you really have to bully him though?" Hime walked up to me

"I wasn't doing that! I was increasing my skill level!"

"Shouldn't you do that by grinding with monsters?"

Well she was right, what I was doing was kind of like toying around with him. Still, even though these aren't fights to the death I can't afford to go easy on my enemies. Realizing something I started to walk over to the player's unconscious body.

Gripping my wakizashi's hilt, I pulled it out of his thigh. Good thing he wasn't awake.

"......" Hime looked at him silently with pity in her eyes

"Oh, as one would expect from 'Nero'! Truly merciless against those that stands in his way!!" Cam started to shout again

God, can't he just shut up about all that crap?

Ignoring the growing cheers from the audience Hime and I start to walk back to fighter's waiting room.

"Haruki and Hime from Roden? Can I talk for a bit?" a voice suddenly called out to us

Turning around I moved my hand to my sword's sheath. If this guy tries something funny I'll make sure he regrets it!

"Relax. I just want to talk."

The person I was facing was a man slightly taller than me. His face indicated he was the same age as me give or take a year. His wavy light brown hair and green eyes and smile gave of the appearance of a friendly guy. His gear was also similar to mine with golden light armor covered under a silver cloak with a dove emblem on it. A long sword was also strapped to his belt. From the looks of it this guy was probably equal in strength with me.

"Who are you?" I asked

"Ah, my name is Arran Lancaster. I am also a participant in the tournament."

"What do you want? Are you going to tell us to give up?" I furrowed my brows

"No,no. I wish to discuss about the future after the matches. From what I see you're both quite strong. I am seeking allies in an attempt to beat this game while protecting the other players." He said with a wide smile

"Protect the players?"

"As you know most players don't have much power and are in danger each time they step outside the city. I have a goal to defend as many of them possible and finally beating this game."

"You want to protect all of them? That's pretty nice...."

"Of course!! Don't we have a duty to protect the weak?"

"And why are you asking us?"

"Because from what I see even the best of Prax can't hope to match you. I'm willing to bet you reach the semifinals rather easily!"

"That really doesn't have anything to do with joining with you..."

"Yes, it does. As the strong don't you feel an obligation to join us in defending others? I'm sure with your-"

"Sorry, not interested." I replied swiftly


"Basically you're trying to recruit me right? I'll have to refuse."

"May I ask why?" Arran gives me a questioning look

"......Personal reasons."

"Hmm, I see. That's unfortunate. I'm guessing that you also refuse?" He glanced at Hime


"Haah, that's fine. Nevertheless, should you change your mind please come look for me." He said while walking away

"Are you sure refusing was right? His intentions seemed genuine." Hime asked

"I'm sure. If I join we'll most likely end up with differing opinions."

"Huh?" Hime tilted her head to the side

Without answering I walk into the room and sat down while thinking about what he said. To protect the weak. Of course I think it's a noble and worthy goal but I can't find myself agreeing to it. Now, my only goal was to protect Hime, Sylva, and Amy. Honestly, I don't really care about other people. This thought is why I declined Arran's proposal.

If I chose to join him it could end up with me having to make a decision. There could come a time where I have to choose between my friends or the lives of others. I definitely wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice others for the people I cared about. I would choose the few over the many. My ideal clashed with Arran's way of thinking. As long as those girls are safe I would do anything. I can't abandon them to protect others even if they are weaker......

Since there were fewer teams we didn't wait long before our turn came again. True to what I heard earlier Hime and I didn't meet any difficulty in winning our fourth match. Even though they have more experience in the arena my unusually high stats and good skillset coupled with ranged support from Hime's bow skills made us a top contender for the winners!

Stepping out to the arena again for the fourth time today the usual loud cheers of the audience filled my ears. Only 4 teams were remaining!

Stepping to the edge of her balcony the Queen started to address the entire coliseum.

"My dear citizens of Prax! At last we have reached the final stretch of this tournament with eight mighty warriors left! Let us witness their true potential, for the best will be separated from the pack in these battles to come!"

"As Queen of Prax, I give to you the semifinals of the Coliseum Festival!"

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