《Death Is a Reality》Chapter 22: Celebration


Chapter 22: Celebration



Stretching my arms up, a huge yawn escapes from my mouth. It’s been 3 days since we set off. So far nothing worth mentioning even happened to us. A few monsters ambushed us but they were so weakened from the previous battle that I didn’t even get a chance to step in!

“Bored?” Amy looked like she was in the same situation as me

“No kidding, we’re just walking doing nothing here....”

“At least the views nice.” She said dejectedly

It was true though. The mountainous terrain was really a sight you could rarely see now. The green thick forestry of the mountains and hills were something you wouldn’t find in the real world often today. Even though this is just a virtual world, I felt as if I were right in the middle of nature.

“Didn’t you already go through here a while ago.” I asked her

“Monsters chasing our group constantly didn’t exactly give us much chance to sightsee.”

“I did hear about that. Were you and Hime alright?”

“We were fine. We don’t fight up close after all.”

Before I met Hime again I was worried sick when I had heard about the quest she was on. It was basically a journey into the unknown! Normally quests had clear goals but the expedition quest wasn’t guaranteed to succeed and that kept me up at night for a couple of times.

“Hey, Haruki. Are you worried for Hime?” Amy curiously asked

“What sort of brother would I be if I wasn’t?”

“I know what you mean, but...... aren’t you being a bit overprotective?”

“Huh?” I was dumbfounded at the statement

“You know I’ve been with her for six months now. Believe me when I say that she’s strong. I don’t really think she needs a babysitter.”


“Of course we were depressed at first. But she picked herself up and started to move on. Eve against the odds she would always do her best and give it her all. She never whined or cursed her fate. She even helped me out to stay alive.”


“Just saying. Maybe you should think about it?”

“Did she tell you this?” I couldn’t hold back asking

“Haha, no way. Just call it a best friend’s intuition?” she laughed mischievously

“I see.”

Was that really the case? Does she actually think like that? Wondering about the issue I found my gaze turning to Hime in front of us. Her long hair was tied up just like when she did club activities back at school. With a bow and quiver on her back she really did look like a strong woman....

Does that mean I actually see her as a weight I have to carry? I always seem to be finding myself doing everything to shield her from harm’s way. But looking at my sister right now it truly didn’t look like she needed someone to do that. Was I wrong with thinking like I did? Of course she’s not a child that had just lost her parents and only cried anymore. She was already an adult now.


“Nii-san, are you alright? You have a funny look on your face...” Hime caught me staring at her

“Wha- No, no. I was just thinking about you a little.” I said

“Re-Really? I see... “Her face turned a bit red

“Yeah, just thinking you’re really not a kid anymore.”

“Isn’t that obvious? Where have you been these past few years?” She pouted

“Ahaha, well to me you’ll always seem like a little girl I guess.” I answered her with a joke

“........That’s right. I’m your little sister after all.” A sad smile formed on her face

“What’s wro-“

“Ambush from the left side!! Guards to your stations!!!” Commander Gil’s voice cut me off

“An attack!? Hime get behind me!” I said looking to where she was

I didn’t see her beside me anymore. Looking ahead I spotted her already rushing to the defensive line behind the soldiers. The mage and archer players all let out a coordinated assault on the beasts that had ambushed us. It looked like Sylva and I weren’t really needed anymore...

“Damn it! I’m tired of doing nothing!”

Muttering that to myself I unsheathed the nameless katana and started to charge into the disorganized monsters with the city soldiers. Using my movement skill I easily avoided all the clumsy swings and thrusts that the enemy did.

Slashing my sword left and right I hit a few tall orcs that caused them to retreat with open wounds gushing out thick blood. Not letting them escape I charged up mana into my left hand and started unleashing a barrage of lightning spells at their backs! To train my magic mastery I keep killing them off with bolts fired from my hand.

This method of fighting while useful to improve my magic skills meant that I had to neglect a few other skills. Though I didn’t really need ‘lightning blade’ on these kind of foes, not using it meant it’s proficiency increase would halt. Even more, it was on the last few levels of the intermediate range. The rate at which it gains exp was really slow even with the added bonus of ‘Bond of Love’!

I guess at the core this game is still and MMORPG huh? Grinding was the sure way to keep getting strength in this game! This meant double the work for me since I have to divide my focus on the melee and magic front of my fighting style...

I need a balance between the two that makes me capable of dealing with any situation. If I leaned too much to close quarters combat I’ll have a hard time against enemies that could attack from a distance! At the moment that was exactly what my condition is like making me grind my magic skills instead for now.

I have to be careful though. If I end up completely neglecting my warrior combat skills I’ll just end up like every other squishy mage type out there only with weaker magic skills....

“Nii-san! Stop daydreaming already!”

Hearing the loud shout I look up and realized a kobold had tried to smash my head with a bone hammer. Stuck in its dog head was a metal arrow that had pierced one of its eyeballs. That was close! Even though my defense shouldn’t be broken by weak monsters like that the slight pain I would feel was unpleasant to say the least.


Postponing my thoughts for later I refocused on the battle in front of me. Consuming a potion to replenish my decreasing mana, I then sheathed my blade and completely focused on magic.

I released all forms of lightning to defeat the enemies. Besides the usual bolts I also formed various projectiles freely and threw them at monsters from a distance. I also dashed around and dealt close range magic. Using my speed to outrun the slow enemy I release electric currents on my arms and shocked them at point blank range. Against the tougher ones I literally blasted their heads with close range lightning bolts while my hands mere on their body.

Before long the small skirmish was over. Without any deaths or even dangerous injuries our side was victorious. Looks like the players were getting stronger and stronger just like myself. I can’t be left behind if I want to clear the game.....

“Nii-san! What were you doing!?”

“Huh? Well, I was fighting of course.”

“Wasn’t that a bit too reckless!? You didn’t even notice an attack coming!”

“It’s true. You were quite careless there Haruki.” Sylva also chimes in

“I can’t help it! I was thinking about something important!”

“What could be so important that you even thought about it in the middle of combat!?” Hime raised her voice

“A way to get stronger.”

“What!? That’s not really so significant isn’t it?”

“Of course it is! I need to be able to protect you all.”


Without saying a word Hime turned around and left me with Sylva. Staring at her back I questioned Sylva beside me.

“Did I say something wrong?” I furrowed my brows

“......Sometimes you really are stupid Haruki.” Sylva also left me

What’s their problem? Frowning, I return to the group and started walking again.


“So this is Prax...”

The city in front of me was completely different from the cities I’ve been to. The entire city was decorated with beautiful structures that seemed to be made from pure white marble. Statues and various attractive landscapes could be seen at every corner of the city.

It was a huge difference from the gray looking stone walls and old wooden buildings from Roden region. The view here was like a piece of art compared to the dull city I left.

So each territory has different characteristics huh? If I would take a guess Roden and the other cities I’ve been to were modeled from middle age European cities from history. This place though, with all the fine art, was no doubt based on Rome or ancient Greece

“Haruki, let’s go!” Sylva called me


Having reached our destination we were now heading to the city palace. Technically Sylva and I didn’t really need to follow but getting split up in an unfamiliar city was asking for trouble.

On the way the players that were from the city eyed us with interest. I guess this was the biggest game event they witnessed during the past few months. After all, it didn’t look like this region had contact with any others except our own.

“Look! Those players came from across the border!”

“You mean the ones from a few weeks back? Why are they here again?”

“Maybe it’s a chain quest? It definitely looks important.”

Reaching the palace I noticed that it seemed like a palace that had the best sculptors and painters commissioned. Extravagant sculpting and paintings adorned the hallway as we headed into the central chamber. When we reached the door we were ushered to the side to make way for Roden’s lord to pass through.

Flanked by his personal bodyguards he confidently entered the chamber followed by the players behind him.

“Ah, so you are the lord of Roden! It’s an honor to have you personally visit my humble city!” A beautiful voice could be heard

Looking up I saw the figure that was seated on a throne that was made from precious metals and gems while the seat was covered in soft velvet that seemed to be made from high class materials.

The one sitting was a lady that had stunning blue eyes and straight gold hair. Her face was the very definition woman of royal class. Her face was perfectly balanced without a hint of imperfection on it. A crown in the shape of a tiara was resting on her head which showed a broad smile. She seemed to be in her late 20s but her age didn’t show at all.

“I am Diana. The queen and ruler of Prax and it’s surroundings! May you be so kind to introduce yourself, sir?”

“Of course, my lady. I am known as Romel, lord and protector of Roden to the south.”

“Hm, hm. I see. What brings you to my palace so soon Sir Romel? Haven’t we only established contact a few days ago?” she raised her slender hands to her chin

“My purpose, Queen Diana, is to propose an alliance between our neighboring territories.” Lord Romel answered

“I see, I see. Aren’t we being a bit hasty here Lord Romel?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Celebrations! This most historical event must be celebrated! In honor for our new found relations!” She proudly announced

“.....And what would this ‘celebration’ be?”

“My proud city has boasted its fighter’s abilities for generations! Our arena is the pride of the city where blood and sweat determine the powerful and weak.” A bloodthirsty smile that didn’t match on Diana’s face surfaced

“Do you mean to propose-“

“Yes! You have brought champions from your lands have you not? We shall have them test their strength in combat!”

When the queen finished speaking I noticed the other players had received information windows. As I didn’t get one I asked Hime to show me the contents.

Quest updated: Formal Alliance

You have managed to escort the Lord of Roden in reaching Prax. The alliance however has not been formed due to an upcoming celebration proposed by the Queen of Prax.

Quest: Coliseum Festival

The tradition of Prax has dictated that warrior prove their worth in combat witnessed by the entire population! To celebrate Roden-Prax relations, Queen Diana will hold a large tournament between fighters from Roden and Prax.

Quest Clear: Participate in the team battles of Prax

Difficulty: B

-each team will be limited to 2 fighters forming a tag team.

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