《Death Is a Reality》Chapter 13: Desert Bounty


Chapter 13: Desert Bounty


On a deserted street 2 players were heading towards the plaza when they spotted a hooded player walking past them. One of them kept his eyes on the figure and turned to his friend.

“Oi, look.... Is that him?”

“Hm? Who?”

“Dude. Do you live under a rock or something? I’m talking about that rumored hunter!”

“Hunter? Will you just tell me already!”

“Tsk, you’re hopeless.... There’s a rumor all around Tyrne that a pair of mages are killing every bounty there is around here!”

“You mean that guy? Come on! He’s only got some black leather and a coat on him!”

“You idiot. That’s what’s making them famous! No one has even seen their faces but only know their gear.”

“What about the gear?”

“Black armor, a white spear and white sword. That has to be one of them!”

“I thought you said two mages?”

“Yep, apparently one of them doesn’t need a staff.”

“Already?! It’s not even been 6 months!”

“You also know about the dragon hunters from Rygar? Same guys.”

“For real! Man, let’s tail him!”

“Don’t have to tell me!”

“Look he’s going around the corner! Hurry up!”

Rushing down the street they chased after the mysterious player and peeked around the corner.

“Ha, Ha? He’s gone!”

“Damn it, we lost him! It was a good chance to see his face too!”

“Well, if it were that easy everyone would know who they are....”

“Haaah, what a waste. We could’ve gotten a few secrets from him....”

Realizing they had lost the trail the players gave up and started making way to the plaza again.


It’s been a week since Sylva and I killed the giant earth worms. In that week we just completed bounty quests but somehow we managed to attract some attention...

After losing the players tailing me I sprinted to where Sylva and I agreed to meet up, just near the desert from last week.

As I got there I saw her already waiting with her arms folded.

“You’re late, Haruki.”

“Haah, sorry about that. I had to take a little detour.”

“Hm, then it can’t be helped..”

“Man, I thought there weren’t any fame points in this game but practically everyone knows about us now!”

“We do attract attention though. I mean look. We’re both in black carrying white weapons, that’s not easy to forget. Some even see us fighting monsters in the field.”

“Yeah, and now we gotta keep our hoods up even in the tavern....”

“Anyway, what’s today’s quest, Haruki?”

As Sylva asked I opened the active quest window and checked it

Quest: Desert Scorpion Bounty

A giant desert scorpion has been sighted attacking caravans heading toward Tyrne and disrupting trade routes. Witness claims it 2 giant poison stings and covered in a shell as hard as iron.

Quest Clear: Hunt down the Giant Scorpion

Difficulty: C+

“Let’s see.... A giant 2 tailed scorpion in the desert. The bounty said it was poisonous so I brought a lot of antidote potions.”


“Okay, then let’s head out.”

After checking the stack of antidotes in my inventory, I walked forward deeper into the desert.

The temperature was extremely hotter as we ventured deeper.

Thirst kept striking me as I continuously reached for the water canteen and noticed it was only half full even though we just started.

“Sylva, my canteen’s only half full..... You think you could conjure some ice? It’ll melt soon enough in this heat giving me water...”

“Sure, after we finish. Can’t waste any mana before we even fight.”


Being denied more water I just held in my thirst as sweat dripped from my forehead blurring my sight.

We scouted a large area but still didn’t find the target. Some regular desert scorpions but no giant 2 tailed one.

“Maybe we should try tomorrow?” Sylva asked as it was getting dark

We were worn out form fighting some regular monsters but I wasn’t about to waste a whole day without any results.

“No. I think when night comes the scorpion should come out from the sand.... It should be more active at night.”

“Fine. Why don’t you scout ahead while I setup camp. We might as well stay here today.”

“Good idea. Then I’ll be back in a moment.”

Walking around a few hundred meters I finally saw a giant shape coming out from its burrow.

“All right, found you now!”

I charged at the dark mass and suddenly found my feet stuck. I looked down and saw that it was quicksand!

Well that’s not good. I tried pulling my legs up to no avail as I slowly sank beneath.

Crap this is really bad... I can’t die here like this!

Using everything I have I discharged shocks from my feet and tried jumping up again. This time I didn’t only sink but the whole ground collapsed!



As I woke up I found myself in a small tunnel that was full of sand. I looked up and noticed sand slowly pouring from above. Looks like that was where I fell....

Hidden dungeon found: Desert tunnels

This is a dungeon? Looks like for now I’m separated from Sylva....

I was quite relieved to find myself stuck in a dungeon.

At least I wasn’t buried under sand suffocating.... And if this is a dungeon I should be able to get back to the surface.

Keeping my thoughts positive, I stood up slowly and surveyed the surrounding area. No monsters yet, but that was only a matter of time.

I started to walk while using a small electric spark on a finger to use as a light.

In front of me there was only a single path. I nearly had to crawl due to the size of the tunnel that was gradually shrinking. I kept going through and came out at a space enough to fit a building.

As I tried to move forward I heard the sounds of something crawling in the dark. Unable to see I cast lightning bolt at its direction to light up the room.

My God!

The scene that was there was something from a horror movie. Scorpions were crawling all over the place! Not just a few but at least hundreds!


They’re smaller then the giant ones maybe just 2 times as big as regular ones but to be crowded by them will be the end of me.....

If they all stung at me the poison would just slowly kill me anyway so I couldn’t get hit no matter what.

I quickly discharged lightning bolts from my hands but they were slowly creeping up at my position.

Damn! Lightning bolt only strikes for an instant.... I need a skill that can have continuous attacks....

Of course! I can just keep emitting discharge from my hands! Though if I use too much mana it’ll be useless...

Focusing mana to my hands I imagine electricity flowing from my hands and maintaining them.

Sparks flew out of my hand and hit the scorpions at the front. Okay I did it! Now I have to maintain it as long as I can.... Thankfully these monsters didn’t have much HP so they were dying pretty fast.

As the last of the swarm was wiped out a new skill window had appeared.

Lightning Arc (Beginner) lv.2

A continuous discharge of lightning that is maintained by consuming mana. It is much weaker than the a fast lightning bolt but can be controlled for a longer period of time.

Lightning damage (very small)

Cost: 15 mana/sec

Ah, this skill reminds me of a certain emperor........

Well whatever, at least I can move ahead now.

Behind the hundreds of corpses there seems to be an opening. Light was pouring out of it so I should be near the surface....

Not wasting another second in this cursed scorpion hive I ran to the light stepping on dead scorpions as their shells made a crunching sound.

I climbed out of the hole and saw the moonlight reflecting on a surface of water. Looks like the entrance was near an oasis....

I was just about to take a sip when I heard a huge thud beside me.

It was the quest monster!

Now that I think of it that dungeon was probably its lair.....

I drew my wakizashi and spear for this battle. If its shell is really as hard as steel I need some serious armor penetration,,,

The giant monster started to attack with its claws trying to get a hold of me as I dodged rather easily. I was about to stab at it when it stinger came down aimed at my head.


I blocked it with the dragonling blade and jumped back before the second tail could attack me. It seems with 4 limbs for attacking it’ll be hard to find an opening....

I tried using magic on it but the shell of the monster was just burnt a bit without any significant damage.

Looks like purely magic attack’s a no go.

The only chance I have is with Ascalon then! I ran forward again this time while circling to the right. When its sings started to stab I jumped forward causing them to hit the ground behind me,

Charging the spear with mana I thrust at its side. With the lightning magic the spear plunged into its body but not deep enough.

Pulling back this time I was too late to dodge one of its poison stingers. The tip of it grazed my leg poisoning me.

My leg can't feel a thing as poison starts to spread to my whole body.

I hurried and opened my inventory and took out several vials of the antidote I prepared for he hunt. It took 3 of them to cure the poison but my leg still had a wound gushing out blood.

I have to end this battle fast! Even with a small attack the poison’s effects are really dangerous! If my body becomes paralyzed then its over!

I stood up as the monster was about to crush me between its claws and jumped to the side.

I can’t just recklessly move forward now.

We started slowly moving watching each other’s moves. My eyes were glued to the tails that kept following me.

I kept poking at it without much damage as it tried over and over to hit me once more with the tails.

Alright then... If the spear’s also useless at least I’ll use it to pin it down.

I run to the direction I think I came from and found a sand dune. Running up the sand hill my feet was half buried with each step, but I have to reach the top first.

As soon as I reached the top I jumped to the giant arthropod and used to the spear to stab at the top of its body piercing it deeply with the force of my jump and making it lodge into the sand like a stake.

Rolling off the creature I tried stepping back but it couldn’t follow me!

Good. If it can’t move this should be easy now.

Sheathing the short sword I took out the long katana now.

I used hit and run attacks and quickly sliced of the legs one by one until it wasn't able to move a single bit.

Helpless against my strikes I finished it off by bashing lightning blade at its eyes and killed it from all the accumulated damage.

Oh looks like it dropped some materials!

Desert Scorpion plates [Material]

A material that is both hard and flexible. Obtained from the body of a special giant scorpion these pieces can be used to craft high level armor.

Yes! This is high quality loot!

If I make armor from this it should give me better defense without sacrificing speed which was my strongest point.

It’s been a while since I battled by myself so I was more tired than usual. Walking back to the oasis I decided to find Sylva tomorrow. The poisons effects are still making me rather drowsy.

For now I need a nap......

This should be the last bounty quest for now. With this quest's reward we have enough gold and our levels have risen by quite a few so we should start preparing for Roden....

Quest Completed: Desert Scorpion Bounty

You have eradicated the threat to merchants travelling the desert.

You may claim the reward for the bounty at the Merchant's guild.


-20 gold

-exp up

Level has risen by 1

Great.... I have to meet Sagami for the reward..................

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