《Death Is a Reality》Chapter 7: Killing a Dragon


Chapter 7: Killing a Dragon



She’s here... I looked out the window to find the view outside to be still dark. Rubbing my eyes I check the time, it says 4 am in the morning..

Slightly annoyed I walk over to the door opening it to find a silver haired girl already waiting outside.

“Good morning, Haruki.” Sylva greeted me

“.........Morning.” well, technically 4 am is morning, but normally you wouldn’t wake up at this hour to go hunting monsters.

Sylva came over yesterday too at roughly the same time practically dragging my half asleep self outside....

“Are you ready, Haruki?”

“I am but.... couldn’t we rest for a couple more hours? We also started real early yesterday.”

“That would be unwise. We’re leaving Rygar tomorrow and heading east. We still haven’t checked out the monster in that area and if we’ll be able to face them. Using our last day here we should use our time efficiently.”

“Fine, fine” I put on my coat and headed out

Seventh day in Rygar. Walking side by side to the east gate we passed a few players that were done with their late night hunting but the streets were still deserted this early in the morning. Reaching the east gate we checked our gear and started heading to the thick woods where a straight road to Tyrne carved through.

“Based on what I heard from other players, the monsters east of here are basically the same as any area around Rygar, only that there are dragonlings here. I’m guessing since thats what we’ve never seen we’ll be hunting those” I asked

“Yes, we’ll test if they’re a dangerous threat or not.” Sylva nodded

“Right, they should be in the deepest part of the forest” I say while entering with Sylva right behind me.

After some time walking deeper....

“Haruki! Bears ahead!” Sylva warned me

In front of us were 2 bears much bigger than any normal bear. It’s fr was jet black and had red eyes that exuded an intense bloodlust. Getting into position I started running towards on while Sylva started chanting. Slashing one of my target’s eye I followed up with a kick causing it to retreat a little.

Finishing her chat, Sylva’s staff erupted with flames that hit the other one and formed flame walls around it separating it from the one I’m fighting.

Now that we’ve trapped one, I charged again at the half blind bear and jumped on to it’s back stabbing my sword in it and hanging on to it as a handle. Waving her staff, Sylva froze the ground underneath it freezing it’s paws making them unable to budge.

Using my other hand, claws formed as I repeatedly stabbed at the black bear’s defenseless back while it struggled to throw me off until It lost its strength and fell down the ground with a huge thud. Jumping of the corpse I Dashed in front of Sylva as the flame walls died out.

The now free monster looks at us and charges us with tremendous speed as I also ran towards it. Swing its massive claw at me, I dodged rolling under it while slashing a huge cut of its stomach as 3 fireballs impacted on its face.

Now staggering on its hind feet I stabbed its head from under the bears jaw piercing the skull as the tip of my blade exited from the top of the bear’s head killing it instantly.

“It seems the dark bears around here are at a slightly higher level.” Sylva comments while walking up to me


“Yeah, I guess. But still pretty easy to deal with.” I say as I sheath my white katana

The blade that Sylva gave me was much better than my old one. Besides its high damage properties the sword sharpness makes it easy to cut even monster bones as if it were butter!

With Sylva gesturing to move on. We ventured further into the woods clearing out various monsters including other dark bears, giant spiders, and rarely meeting some raiju.


After about 3 hours of fighting and searching for dragonlings we finally arrived at a clearing with a cliff in front of us.

“Haruki, look over there.” Sylva pointed to my right

Where she pointed there was an entrance to a cave nearly, it was about 4 meters high and had a width of 3 meters. Dragonlings usually lived in small caves so we carefully walked over to the mouth of the cave and took a peek inside. It was pitch black and we couldn’t see a thing inside.

I was about to step inside when Sylva held my shoulder stopping me.


She started chanting and cast a small fireball into the cave. I thought it would fly some distance inside but it unexpectedly hit something near the entrance. Suddenly a pair of yellow reptile-like eyes opened and faced us. It eyed us for a couple of seconds before I noticed the eyes position was nearly at the caves ceiling.


I quickly pushed Sylva to the left as I rolled to the right. Not even a second later I heard huge sound as if it were a fighter jet engines and a huge column of fire came out of the cave .

Looking at each other surprised, we quickly ran a distance away from the cave and was shocked to see what came out.

It was a lizard nearly 5 meters high with a single horn at its head near the long neck that attached itself to a massive dark green body. Covered in scales with razor sharp claws on its four feet and a 3 meter tail it was the biggest monster I’ve seen so far....

“Holy- That’s no dragonling! That’s a freaking DRAGON!!!” I shout out

“No, that’s no dragon. See, it has no wings.” Sylva said to me

“OH, REALLY!?! I always thought giant fire breathing lizards were called DRAGONS!!!” I yelled sarcastically

“That’s incorrect. I think it’s an adult dragonling. With time it’ll grow wings and become a full dragon. Anyway calm down, Haruki. Get ready to fight.”

Well no choice now. I don’t think it’ll let us go after we woke it up.....

Pouring mana into my blade I activated lightning movement and ran up to the huge reptile dodging it’s claw and slashing it’s front leg. The sword cut through the tough scales but didn’t do a lot of damage.

Backing me up Sylva unleashed a small blizzard at its head pelting it with small ice shards. Distracted and unable to se me I kept slashing and stabbing lighting blade into its leg slowly chipping away its HP.

As I kept attacking it as fast as I could the huge dragonling turned to the side sweeping its long tail at me. Unable to counter I got hit hard and was sent flying back near Sylva.

Damn, that did a lot of damage... my HP is already at 50%.

Standing back up I faced the dragonling again and found Sylve standing in front of me.

“Haruki! Behind me!” As she said that she raised her staff high and pillars of ice rose from the ground forming a thick ice wall.


I was about to ask why but then flames swept past to the sides of the ice wall that was protecting Sylva and me. Looks like the monster used its fire breath again. While hiding behind the walls I took out a health potion and drank it returning my health to 80%.

When the fire blast ended the ice wall was already melting fast as I shot forth at the dragonling this time jumping while aiming at its neck. Stabbing the neck I poured mana into my left hand and thrust my arm at the neck forming a fist sized hole that dripped deep red blood.

It should have some troubling blasting flames now. Still hanging on my sword that was stabbed into its neck I kicked with both legs dislodging the blade from the dragonling and landing in front of it as it swung its head feeling the pain on its neck.

“Haruki , use your bolts at the eyes!”

Nodding, I sheathed the white katana into its scabbard and raised both arms. Carefully aiming I shot out lightning bolts from the palms of my hands that were like high speed precision bullets hitting both of the eyes simultaneously. Suddenly blinded by the electric shock the dragonling started to thrash uncontrollably swinging the tail and claws wildly.

Unable to get close I retreated back to Sylva’s side and saw her already chanting.

Focusing a huge amount of mana to the staff I noticed dozens of ice pikes forming in the air around her. Finishing the cast she thrust her staff forwards and all at once the ice spikes flew at the monster thrashing about and stabbed it repeatedly as it let out a deafening roar.

Out of breath Sylva started panting as she used up all her mana. Nodding at me signaling she was fine I wielded my sword again and ran up to the dragonling that was covered in ice spikes.

Realizing it was already on its last legs I used all my remaining mana and activated lightning blade and started attacking the weakened dragonling. First I slashed into the tail that couldn’t withstand the sharpness of the blade covered in lightning causing to get cut off and tumbling to the ground.

Continuing my flurry I quickly sliced of one of the still standing dragonling’s back legs . Again without meeting much resistance the blade cleanly sliced of the limb spraying the deep red blood all over the ground.

Falling to the side the dragonling was now helpless as it tried to stand back up. Realizing my mana gauge was nearly empty I rushed to the head and slashed at where the head and neck were connected.

With the head chopped off, the body finally stopped struggling and fell limp.

Relieved the battle was over I noticed two windows popping out in front of me

You have killed the adult dragonling that had nested near the town of Rygar. As this monster is a special bounty bring proof of the kill to the lord of Rygar to receive a reward

You have killed a monster from the dragon species for the first time.

For killing a dragonling that was nearly a grown dragon you have revieved a new title

-Rookie Dragon Hunter

All stats +5 ; increased damage to all reptiles


“You okay?” I ask Sylva offering my hand

“I’m fine” she said as she grabbed my hand

After standing up she looked around.

“Haruki, let’s check the cave.”

“You sure it’s safe?” I questioned her

“There shouldn’t be even small dragonlings inside. According to the game bestiary dragonlings are cannibals.”

“Well...That’s reassuring i guess.”

Walking past the dragonling corpse we entered the pitch black cave. Sylva created a small fireball and spun it around her staff as she use it as a torch. Heading inside the cave it turned out it wasn’t really deep as we stepped in the end of it. It was a bigger part than the pathway with tons of monster bones littering the floor.

Looks like this was the dragonling’s nest. Trying to find something we spotted some shiny stuff at the back of the nest. Heading over there we found some precious rocks, a few coins of gold , and a white shafted spear with a black metal head. I picked up the spear and checked its description.

Ascalon (Very Rare)

A spear that was crafted by a legendary weaponsmith. It is said to be able to pierce the metal scales and iron hearts of dragons.

Attack: 120-150

Large bonus damage against dragons

I looked at the spear somewhat disappointed. This isn’t really useful to me....

“You want this?” I offered Sylva

“No, I don’t know how to use spears. I’ll take the reward from Rygar’s lord instead.”

Aaah, I guess I have no choice. I don’t really have skills using spears as I practiced kendo.... I guess i’ll just add spear fighting to my daily training....

Exiting the cave we harvested the dragonling materials and headed back to Rygar.


In the city’s keep we were waiting outside the lords chamber before someone let us enter. In the room was a tall muscular man with tan skin sitting in front of a desk covered in documents. He looked up and called us forward.

“You killed the dragonling at the cliffs?”

“Yes, sir” I answered

Without saying a word he took out a large sack of gold and a ring and put it in front of us. Examining the ring I was shocked to see its description.

Ring of Mana control (Rare)

A gold ring without any stones in it. Enchanted by a master sage from the central continent.

Mana cost reduction 10%

It decreases mana cost! That’s a really hard to find enchantment even though the item was only rare quality.

Before I could even pick it up, Sylva already took it and put in on her right ring finger.....

Well, that was the deal...........

Inside the sack was 120 pieces of gold which we split up equally.

Pointing at the door the lord returned to reading and signing the documents in front of him. Getting kicked out we visited some shops buying potions, food, and repaired our equipment for tomorrows journey.

Heading back to the inn I found 2 familiar faces already waiting inside.

“Hey Haruki! Been busy eh?”

“Just the usual, Riley.” I answered the thick bearded man in front of me

“Hmmm, I heard about two people in black outfits that managed to kill a dragon east of here. That was you right?”

“Huh? Yeah, I just got back with Sylva... How do you know already?”

“Sylva? Oh right, your new pal! This is her right?” he gestured at the girl behind me

“I’m Riley, we’ll be together until Tyrne for a short while.” Offering his hand

“I’m Sylva” she replied and shook his hand

“Ah, wait a minute. Beth! Come here for a minute.”

Hearing Riley calling her the small girl walked up to us.

“This is my niece, Beth. She’ll also be travelling with us.” Riley introduced her

“Hello, my name is Sylva” she offered her hand while still putting on a straight face

“Ah... I’m Beth. Nice to meet you....” Beth quietly answered and shook her hand

“Hey! How do you know about the dragon!?” I asked Riley

“Huh? Well the guard NPCs were talking all about it... You’re famous now!”

What!? Good thing we’re leaving tomorrow. I’d hate all the attention....

“It wasn’t a dragon.” Sylva chimed in

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s just rest for now. We’re leaving early right?”

“Yup, We’ll be at the east gate in the morning.” Waving his hand he walked outside as Beth followed him.

“Well, let’s eat and then sleep for a while.”

Sylva nodded as we head to the counter.


The next morning we woke up a bit early and had breakfast downstairs. After checking our inventory we set out on the east road and walked to the gates.

“Haruki, Riley said they’ll be together until Tyrne. Does that mean they’re not going to Roden?”

“No, they’ll be staying at Tyrne. As for me I’ll probably be there for a few days.”

“Why are you going to Tyrne?” she asked, I haven’t told her about Hime yot huh?

“I’m looking for someone.”

“So you’ll be going to Roden if the person’s not at Tyrne. If you find who you’re looking for at Tyrne are you still going to Roden?”

“Probably, if it’s the biggest city in the east it should be better to go there. So bear with me and stay at Tyrne for a few days okay? We’ll continue to Roden together after that.”

Nodding she looked forward again.

Near the gates we noticed a crowd of players in front of the gate. What’s going on there?

Walking up to the middle of the crowd I saw a man covered in blood being healed by some players.

“Riley!” I quickly ran up to him

“Ha... Haru, yo- you have to help....”

“What is it!?” I joined in with the other players and started casting basic heal on him

“Beth, It’s Beth.”

“Beth where is she?!” I looked around trying to find the small girl

“Haah, haaah, He took her after beating me..... Please! Please, bring here back!”

“I understand Riley... Who was it and where is he?” I got up

“He... He just went outside of here... It was a guy, with red steel armor....”

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