《The soul will tell》Chapter 11 - Mayhem's Run
Chapter 11 - Mayhem's Run
Kifirin was walking through the main marketplace, looking for supplies when she felt an unmistakable sense of dread. It was so awful she got goose-bumps all over her body. Skittish she looked around her with increasing unease until she spotted she-who-must-not-be-named. Her eyes went round and a gulp lodged in her throat as she prepared to make a timely escape, but, alas, it was not to be.
Thus began the unfortunate event that would be referred to as the mythical “mayhem’s run” for years to be. Fate is unavoidable as they say, and right they were.
How did this come to be? Coincidence? Godly tampering? Abysmal luck? None knows, but it all began with one person. Ankara the blood witch. The catalyst.
Indeed, after witnessing the awakening of the personification of chaos, Ankara sanity took a big blow. Even as a being aligned to chaos, the sight had affected her strongly…. because none could withstand such an event unaffected. Yes, the seed of madness that flared the first time it was planted went to sleep in the form of a seemingly benign -however unhealthy it may be- obsession with “The goddess' body”. This… peculiar quirk of her led her to create a number of elemental statues that would temporarily grace the streets, and shock more than one unprepared passerby. They were….. graphic to say the least, and explored deeply the thing known as Yuri, or girl’s love.
And so, her life in-game was marked by a deep craving of Kifirin’s body. She needed her fix of it. As such, the statues were only a temporary solution to the void eating her up, the yearning possessing her. The seed planted that day was growing, the obsession gaining ground… hidden yes, but still present, waiting for the right time to reach its final potential and take over the last shreds of her sanity.
The red-head went bonkers for real when she saw her goddess that day. The first time she had escaped her, and the loss had torn at her heart. So seeing her yet again? It felt as nothing short of a miracle!
Her last sane thought was about the price of the loot she just sold in regards to the time invested in obtaining it. When Kifirin entered her sight, the seed bloomed violently, taking out the veneer of civilization with lust. Every moral code she ever learned, her prized rationality, and her whole socialization shattered under the force of the lewd cravings filling up her body. Her eyes glazed over and took on a rather reddish tint as she grew hot and needy. She locked on Kifirin like a missile, set on assuaging her primal needs, and when her quarry took flight, she naturally followed, empowered by the madness coursing through her blood.
Kifirin saw the witch formerly green-eyes taking on a strange hue and her face going slack before setting on a crazed expression. Even if she did not have her last encounter with the pervert in mind as a reason to scram, this blood curling image of madness would have been her cue to haul ass out of the market, as far away from the lunatic as she could.
Her self-preservation instinct kicked in, going into overdrive. With a sense of impending doom she tensed before breaking eye contact with the witch, and ran for the hills screaming “PLACE! PLACE! OUT OF MY WAY!”
Running, she forged a path of destruction through the marketplace, too desperate to care about ruffled feathers, or as things may be there, crashed into people and merchandises. She might have had exceptionally high agility stat points, but the place was crawling with merchants and customers, crates upon crates of merchandises as well as heralds forewarning the ends of days. Avoiding all these hazards was a disaster in the making, and it was sheer luck that her desperate run for virtue did not end sooner than it did.
In fact, her luck ran out when she came upon the farming area of the market…. Smack dab into the Annual Beast Fare. Avoiding a herd of prize griffins suddenly stretching their wings, she had to do a spinwheel at the last moment in order not to crash into unhappy looking chickens, thus tripping upon a cage holding baby wyverns, a rare delicacy of the Marches.
“DUUUUUUUUUCK!!!” was the sole word that escaped her lips when she saw what was to come.
Her landing ungracefully on a poor merchant whose head met the floor with rare violence was the turning point of the mayhem’s run. Things really went south at this particular moment.
Trader Vyx was patiently waiting for his contact, acting as normally as an ordinary picky merchant would. Of course, if you looked carefully you would see that this peculiar merchant was in fact quite uninterested by the wares being traded around him, as he refused to haggle. It was quite suspicious indeed, because the Beasts Fare only happened annually, and every merchant worth his salt would sell his soul to get his hands on some of the merchandise he was dismissing.
However, in the general disorder created by the events, his behavior did not stand out, even helping him blend in, as predicted by Vyx. He was THAT good. Or devious. You judge.
Discreetly scanning the crowd coming from the east entrance of the Fare, the hot latino was quite blind to the commotion happening on his left, and when a piercing shout for ducking attacked his ears, he only had time to turn half way towards the noise before being hammered by fate…. all the while wondering why he was the idiot sticking his head out rather than ducking as asked.
When Kifirin rammed into Vyx, the many vials he was carefully holding broke on impact, exploding all over them. The liquids began glowing pink all over the 2 poor sods before a strange and yet somehow pleasant smell permeated them. Vyx, finally out of the daze forced by the fall damage, widened his eyes and blanched before looking around spooked. Whitening even more, he wailed: “WE RUN NOW OR WE WISH WE WERE DEAD!!!”
Not asking as to why, as well as in a hurry herself, Kifirin grabbed Vyx hand and scampered off like a bat out of hell towards the market exit. He went quite willingly, seemingly desperate himself.
Finally out the ambient chaos of the marketplace, she rapidly looked behind them to check on Ankara’s progression and had to do a double take.
“HELL! WE’RE SCREWED IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD!” Despair coated his words…
Following them was not only the crazed witch, but also the entirety of the able bodied animals present at their side of the fare. Their pursuers counted in the hundreds and all had a common expression: out of control lust. The new additions to the mayhem’s run fit nicely with Ankara indeed…..
Vyx was tasting despair. Doomed, they were doomed. Hell this was a nightmare come true. Here be the first victim of bestiality… or maybe the second, seeing that the girl running with him had also been drenched in the pheromones, but….. semantics right?
He would kill himself if his body would not be left to be defiled by the beasts. Necrophilia… Yuck!!! Yes, defiled, even in death! Their sole chance was to get out of reach, because water would be of no help. The vials that had broken over them were full of animal pheromones, a mana blend especially mixed by him. It forced beasts to mate together regardless of specie and gender. His client had been clear on that point. Surely the guy was making strange experiments. It was illegal as hell, and as a dark trader, THE dark trader, Vyx had been happy to comply for a very hefty sum.
It’s not like he would have to stick around to SEE what would be happen because of the mixture.
A drop of the mixture was enough to force a mating. Now, it did not work on humans, so thanks the spirit he had no urge to bang his new companion of infortune or any of the beasts for that matter, but being soaked as he was with the liquid made him THE hot thing to bang for the whole animal kingdom.
Karma heh? He was almost a believer now.
The mayhem’s run tore through Hamlin, creating stampedes and bringing destruction everywhere on its path.
Yes, following the wake of 2 persons, havoc was being wrecked on the city…. An enormous herd of crazed animals was following the runners under the flabbergasted eyes of citizens running for cover. Black Friday seemed tame in comparison.
It was disorder, it was anarchy, it was glorious.
Chaos took over and blazed bright on the wake of the mayhem’s run
Adding 2 and 2, Kifirin got the hang of things, but saw no solution other than continuing the run for virtue, even the more so that the stakes had grown exponentially. Or maybe they could try to ask for refuge at the nearby church.
Yep, the church of Chaos had reinforced doors as well as paladins, and it’s not like they could go on with the mad dash for much longer anyways, their stamina would run out sooner than later. Well…. Her companion’s would, but she wasn’t gonna leave him to face that on his lonesome.
Abruptly changing direction, Kifirin also decided to try her hand at chaos release with a little idea she never got around to execute.
“Hold on I’m gonna try something!” yelled Kifirin, “We need refuge at the church and I may have a way to get there before our stamina hits rock bottom”
Not seeing any way their situation could get worst, Vyx acquiesced to whatever harebrained scheme she had in mind.
He was wrong. It’s then that things took a turn for the worst, going from a desperate situation to a catastrophe of abysmal proportions.
Holding onto the image of roller blades channeling wind, she yelled “CHAOS RELEASE” and willed the new creations to appear on her and her new friend’s feet
[Sub-Skill Creation of Chaos release] Hell’s blades
You have created “Hell’s (roller) blades”, roller blades with wind wheels that allow you to fly through the air very fast.
Beware of balance, this new mode of transportation is hard on the internal ear and you may find it difficult to go straight
Price : 500MP per second
This sub-skill had been added to chaos release and its efficiency is linked to chaos release skill level. You may delete it from the sub-skills later if you wish
Red glowing roller blades appeared on the 2 lads’ feet and took them high up in the air. Freaking, the 2 scaredy cats gripped each other’s like departing lovers and took comfort in knowing that their fate would be reciprocal. Sharing a moment of mutual understanding, they bonded strongly over their impending doom. It was a very emotional moment for virtual strangers who didn’t even know each other’s name, but as it is, every good time has it end, and theirs ended abruptly.
The contraptions of hell flew them past the inner ramparts right above the chaos church (more or less 75 meters high) before disappearing after Kifirin’s sealed mana ran out. Their stomach lurched as they plummeted to their death.
A very bored spirit paladin with blond hairs named Lennart was quietly watching upon the Samhain Papal mass from the highest peak of the ramparts when he got a sight for sore eyes. Yep. 2 peoples scared out of their minds were flying haphazardly right next to him. They also seemed... relieved? That was mighty strange. What were they doing anyways? They seemed to be… running from something….. Ah! The flying witch. This explained that. Said witch appeared unsound of mind. Very much so. Oh. They were also followed by a herd of exotic animals. Interesting…
Lennart was getting lost in his musing, and the pair getting farther away when they suddenly fell out of the sky in a mighty scream.
A split-second decision had Lennart jump from the ramparts and tackle the pair in the air before using slow on them as well as himself in order to make the fall less deadly. He was a nice guy like that.
Now the problem would be their landing area which was…. well….. the mass. Spirits! That was not gonna fly (no pun intended) if they squished any dignitary. Yup, they were screwed.
He sure hoped the blue flash of his slow spell had alerted said dignitaries.
And did the 2 idiots smell?
Here began the apotheosis of the Mayhem’s run, the exploding end to an incredible event that would spread uproar throughout two worlds
Kifirin and Vyx were quite surprised when their falling to their death was interrupted by their new best friend which name they did not know, but that had great timing indeed. While it was true that their ending as a wet stain on the ground would resolve the problem of their remains being defiled by lustful beasts, they did not really look forward to death in such a fashion, as falling from this height would hurt like hell.
Kifirin wasn't even sure she'd die from it and wasn't looking forward to being incapacitated.... a sitting duck to the lust tearing up the city.
Suddenly something red flared around them and the 3 companions had a striking reunion with the ground. It was fast. It was hard. It was real emotional. And….. It was shared with a fourth new friend! Said friend seemed quite knocked out though. They had landed on him after all, which was why he cast slow on them too. Apparently he saw it coming.
Before they could ever begin to explain themselves to flabbergasted witnesses, a certain flying witch came to crash the party. Going straight for Kifirin, she ripped off part of her clothes off and tried her hand at molesting her before an amused Lennart (not ogling at all, nope) restricted her movement with a few earth shackles spells. Now that took care of his previous boredom didn’t it? And as he already ate the poison, he might as well lick the plate clean, right? He would enjoy the show.
None too bothered by it, Ankara proceeded to proposition her half undressed goddess with all her might. Things went from weird to embarrassing and the previously dumbfounded archbishop went red in the face.
A: [Incredible sexual innuendo] PROFANITY BLOCK!
K: [Super Strong rejection] PROFANITY BLOCK!
A: [Graphic sexual description] PROFANITY BLOCK!
K: [Resourceful cursing] PROFANITY BLOCK!
A: [Extremely graphic sexual propositioning] PROFANITY BLOCK!
K: [Violent call for death] PROFANITY BLOCK!
A: [Graphic BDSM talks] PROFANITY BLOCK!
While a certain paladin was trying very hard to keep a straight face, things were somehow coming to a standstill between the two ladies using profanities upon profanities.
Then the party came to an all times high. Nevermind tearing the city apart with a mad run. Nevermind landing on the Chaos Pope (yes, the pope). Nevermind the vulgar shouting match currently taking place before the high devouts of chaos. However…. Mind the humongous herd of beasts blasting through the inner courtyard’s doors and going straight for the delegation…… especially for the just awakened pope.
By contact, the pheromones of the mixture spread from the two lads to Lennart and to the Pope Marsh II. Somehow, Marsh’s high divinity stat (he is the pope after all) interfered with the unholy mixture making it way stronger for him as it fed on his mana, just in time for the herd that skirted around the rampart to ignore all but him. What followed was an almost gang bang of said pope by a whole lot of lust crazed animals while the archbishop went from red in the face to purple, and finally fainted while clutching his heart.
Meanwhile, paladin Lennart was laughing very loudly while rolling on the floor. Anybody with half a brain could tell that it came from the heart and that he was having the time of his life.
Vyx felt there would be hell to pay for the freak show that just went on.
Yes, hell to pay.
Bluebell’s POV
Something was going down in the city, but Bluebell could not be bothered to care. No… what he was caring about right now were the sweet spread tights of the lovely Melissa. Thanks to his skillful administrations, she was also past caring about the commotion going on outside. His tongue was simply divine!
Yes, they were certainly enjoying themselves, and around the time he popped her cherry, a certain archbishop was fainting. They soon followed suit, release denied, their interlinked bodies going slack from the aftereffects of a red flash that encompassed the whole church.
And so, the doors of the confessional they were in opened from the weight of their falling bodies. With a loud thump their secret tryst was exposed to the empty church, his long blue hairs protecting their modesty, but not her reputation. Soon, the church would fill with the remnants of the Samhain mass’ dignitaries, and a father would become vengeful in the name of his darling daughter’s lost flower.
Indeed, Archbishop Parish day was not finished. Far from it
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