《The soul will tell》Chapter 5 - What levels used to mean
Chapter 5 - What levels used to mean
Back at the central librarian administration, Kif asked for Davros, the head librarian, specifying that it was related to the dakinum rank "quest".
The clerk was the same player as the last time, so even though he was suspicious at her demand, he still gave it a try. He knew very well that she was Crystal rank. Still, he was very surprised when the head himself came to get the girl. The dude had never been seen before... not even once.
Davros was a tall middle-aged and silver-haired high elf. Doing a once over of Kifirin, he nodded and asked her to follow him. His thin and lithe frame led the way to his office at the top of the library where he asked the rogue to take a seat and followed suit. Then he stayed silent, keenly watching her.
*What is he doing? Is it a sort of test? I don't fancy that kind of things. It'll probably come out as impolite if I talk.... Oh well.*
"Sir? Is something in your mind? You asked for me, so here I am. Let's not waste any of our precious time in obscure personality testing and proceed to the heart of the matter, shall we?"
Davros' stern face broke into a smile "Outspoken, I like it. Hmmm.... As you haven't been in the library for a while and yet managed to reach the dakinum rank so fast, I take it that you have Mudutu as well as a time warping skill, am I right?"
"Right on the money sir. From your observation I guess that you have the master book skill too."
"Indeed. Mudutu the 2nd. The First is said to belong to the Bright Lord himself, however it is but a rumor that I haven't been able to either debunk or confirm."
"I see. I hope that one day you finish the task, and would feel privileged if you shared the result of said research with me. I am keenly interested in Mudutu's history, for it is one of the few questions he hasn't been able to answer me at all. Obviously, I'll also be working on the subject on my side, and would gladly forward you any discovery that I may make."
The high elf nodded and they made small talk on many interesting subjects, bouncing ideas right and left, each learning from the workings of the other's mind. They were warming up to each other, and found themselves comfortable in the presence of one another.
"So, May I ask why you asked for my Xp reward to be frozen? I'm interested in the reason behind this seemingly strange demand, and am looking forward to your explanation" She smiled "Maybe it has to do with stats and their distribution? If it is the case, then I'm sorry but my race forcibly distribute points evenly to all my stats, so I wouldn't be a great test subject. Though... I didn't validate said distribution yet."
"Yes and no. Before I explain, would you mind showing me the entirety of your status window? I know it is impolite of me to ask, but I've been waiting for over two thousand years for a dakinum-rank such as you to appear. Apparently, our kind is a rare breed..."
Kifirin stilled. The demand was not impolite, it was outrageous. However, she had taken a real liking to Davros and knew that were she to give her trust to him, he wouldn't abuse it. Probably not.... the again she could still kill him if he did. It woud settle the score.
Moreover, doing so would cement their fledging friendship (trusting him, not killing him -obviously-), and having him as a friend would be no small deal. There was also the fact that her mighty strange race and class would interest him strongly... and his researching the subject may well be the best she could ever ask for.
"All right. First I must warn you of the fact that when I plane-shifted for the first time, two different forces interfered with my status because of my 'true nature'. Systra wrote something about having no control over the changes, because it exceeded her own dominion. I am at a loss before the contents of my status window, and hope that you may get interested in deciphering the conundrum. Show full status window and chaotic skills to Davros"
Humbled before the show of trust, and intellectually interested in her revelations, the high elf licked his dry lips before reading the newly appeared windows. As his eyes went down the text, his eyebrow kept rising higher. As he finished, his eyes glazed over for a few minutes as he began mumbling incoherently. Then he snapped back to reality and spoke his mind to Kifirin
"That's.... interesting. Tremendously so. Your race is unheard of, as is your class. Your profession is an impossibility and you have no rank nor grade, which breaks the law of balance. You also own an infinite chaos stat as well as an outrageous affinity to spirit, which is preposterous. Moreover, something tampered with your stats and characteristics, totally rewriting them DOWN even though your basics seem overpowered enough as they are.
That's absolutely baffling, it's like this unidentified something is trying to keep you low key, hidden... And your skills? Some are locked because of the profession, but the unknown true master skill that you may not unlock by yourself? It hints at a strong bond with one of the interferences.
But is the bond the one doing the hiding... or is it the one you're being hidden from? Is it registered as chaotic because unknown... or because it IS chaotic?
Personally, I would tend to say that a force of Chaos itself is hiding you from the 2nd party, or even a 3rd unaware party. Then, the 2nd party would be yourself, a part of you that you have not discovered or acknowledged yet.
In conclusion, I would say that there is a great unbalance in you, unbalance temporarily being kept in check by the chaotic interference, but ultimately feeding it. You're a bomb. However, for the life of me, I wouldn't be able to tell you what kind of explosion you will bring forth."
Kifirin gulped. He was spot on. She had always known about the unbalance, but somehow ignored it... And while it was right that something here was keeping her grounded, she still felt the turmoil deep inside, seething.
She squinted. There was more than met the eyes to this game. Was it really a game? *Aww silly, don't go cuckoo on us would you? The game AI picked up on your less than stellar sanity level, patched you up quickly, and now another AI is more or less romanticizing the events. Maybe they'll make a quest out of it? We'd be the final boss! Haha! Ha... WE? I! I mean I, obviously, there's no WE here. Nope. Whisssssstle*
"You, Kifirin, are the one exception to the laws of this plane. However exceptions confirm the rule... so maybe it is by natural design? The thing is that I can't agree with this, because something PLURAL messed with your status, purposefully or not. Moreover Systra has no dominion on it? That's telltale... Hmm... .
I know of the one exception to a universal law, so why wouldn't it be able to break others? Hmm yes, that's the way to go at it. However, I won't expand on this because my idea is still at the state of groundless musings, and thus far from being complete or even rational."
"... I see. Well you understood more from it in a matter of minutes than I did for months... or years? It depends on how one sees time... so I'll wait for your idea to ripen before asking again about this peculiar subject."
"Right, back to the original theme then. Xp and stats plus skills.
I asked for your status window in order to see the balance of your character between stats and level. Nowadays, people see levels as the most important, and stats are secondary. I strongly disagree. The level should be but an afterthought. True, some pieces of equipment can only be put on at certain level platforms, but if one trains seriously, his natural stats can be better than his higher level peer wearing said pieces of equipment, and thus BEFORE he reach the level platform. Then the equipment would be rendered useless and appear quite shallow.
Now then, let me ask you... Are levels related to skill proficiency? No. Both levels and skills proficiencies are gained from fighting. Are levels a real indication of strength? No. A level 1 can hand his ass to a lvl 60 over a platter, and thus because of outside influences such as skills and stats.
So then.... what are levels? Levels are the one thing that all life share equally, a external factor that allows people/beings to measure their strength to that of the others. In the beginnings, they were only seen as a vague indication of power, and one who lost to a lesser level would not try to get his hands on rarer equipment as they do now, but he would get back to training because his stats and skills were obviously lacking. Levels were in no means a finality or a goal, but a proficiency measurement tool.
Then how was this system corrupted? Perverted? It is a question that I don't have an answer for, though the equipment rush may be part of it. Today, people put more care in finding equipment than in training their stats. It's messed up. The mortals are also stuck on the idea that the levels needed in order to activate the grade-up are the sole instrument of worthiness.
That's wrong. As I said, levels are solely a general indication of strength. And a lvl 300 today is far less than the lvl 300 of the beginnings that would breathe through grade-up. Our contemporaries are WEAK. PUNY. LAZY. And VAIN.
And then? AND THEN? And then they WHINE and CURSE when they can't grade up. If things go on as they are, your people won't be able to rank up. They'd be barely passing the grade up anyways. That I cannot allow.
The shifters are the future of mortal-kind, the hope that one day the natives may also surpass their initial condition. They're also a new leading force that will lead a general revolution of societal values. I've long waited for your kind to appear, and I've devised a special regimen that would allow the uselessness of experience to serve the betterment of stats and skills. However, said regimen is still at an experimental state and can only be applied to a Dakinum reader rank... yes, only an particularly open and fertile mind like ours can benefit from it. That's why I need you... I was already at my grade-up limit when my research paid off, so I'm a useless experiment material."
"I see... my rankless and gradeless state should seem like a godsend to you shouldn't it? Potentially I could stay at level 42 forever and still kick immortal and divine butts. No Overpowered heavenly form, no grade/rank UP rewards, and yet a major Power. That'd teach them HUMILITY heh?" Kifirin liked the idea. She smirked.
"Hmmm I don't know what the gods have in mind for your future, be there grade/rank up or not, but yes, that's the general idea. You, a lower-level totally destroying your 'better' is the prospect. You're exceedingly well rounded, and are already quite the broken character yourself if I may say so, so it's not like not leveling up as fast as your peers would harm your character growth. Are you in?"
"You bet I am! Yes... I mean yes, it would be an honor sir" sheepishly finished Kifirin after her outburst.
"Great" Davros smiled fondly at his new friend, stood up and got a package from a hidden drawer of his study cabinet. "Take this skill-book and use it. It's SS rank, so be careful" He handed it to her with shining eyes.
Uncovering the book, Kifirin looked at it with awe. It was the result of thousands of years of research, the work of a lifetime. A genuine treasure. She was honored to have been chosen as the one who get to would use it. She was clearly aware of the fact that if he had judged her unsuitable, Davros would have decided to wait yet another eternity for another lost soul to achieve the Dakinum rank. Yes, that's what she was, a lost soul, a lost child... and earning Davros' trust by first giving him hers was a major achievement. Not really because she gained his trust. It was wonderful by itself but it wasn't the most important part, no. The greatest here was that she had freely given her trust, and she had done it first (albeit with plans of dismemberment if he broke said truth... but hey.... details!).
Maybe she ought to make a wish now?
Reverently pressing her right hand against the beautifully engraved cover, she activated the skill-book.
It disappeared in a great and warm yellow flash.
System Notice: New skill! (SS)
[Beginner 1 - 0%] The turtle's path
Do you know the tale? No? Then just understand that the turtle won the course by a very large margin. That's what Davros wants you to embody. You will be his turtle.
Scornful of power levelling and mournful at the loss of meaning plaguing the leveling system as a whole, Davros dedicated his life work to the creation of an experimental skill that would transform experience into stat points and skill levels percentages. It is done thanks to a very obscure energy permutation that as S-rank mental trainee, you understand without real understanding, but can still grasp the general idea of.
Activate a form and the conversion will be done passively. To level up again, deactivate the previously selected form.
• Form 1: Xp points are converted into stat points (stats are selected by the actions that led you to the Xp gain)
• Form 2: Xp points are converted into skill proficiencies (Selected skills are those used in the Xp gain unless specified otherwise)
• Form 3: Xp points are equally converted into stat points and skill proficiencies
With your actual skill level, the conversion is as such:
- 1 Stat point = 100 000 Xp
- 1% [Be]skill proficiency = 30 000 Xp
- 1% [In] skill proficiency = 60 000 Xp
- 1% [A] skill proficiency = 120 000 Xp
- 1% [M] skill proficiency = 250 000 Xp
- 1% [TM] skill proficiency = 500 000 Xp
Subskill: The ouroboros
You can convert previously earned levels into RANDOMLY selected stat points
System Notice: Update!
Your 10 000 000 Xp gains (S-rank mental T + Dakinum-rank) have been unfrozen and converted using the form 1
- +50 wis
- +50 int
The turtle's path is now at [Beginner 1- 50%]
As the skill was now, its' use would be counterproductive to Kifirin because she normally earned 5 points to each stat at every level up, but Davros assured her of the fact that once the skill attained a certain level, the conversion would be done in her favor. The Xp cost for the conversion would plummet as the skill level rose.
*.... Itadakimasu!*
"Now if I may give you an advice? Wait until you reach level 66 before activating a form. Your profession is locked isn't it? My reasoning leads me to believe that it may unlock by itself at level 66, as this number is a symbol of Chaos."
"Is it? I thought that it was related to darkness... ah right! Darkness is affiliated to Chaos. Level 66 then huh? It makes sense, my profession is chaotic after all and it was said it would unlock on due time. It's worth giving it a try"
"Yes. First and foremost, this semi-perfect number is a description of the intangibility of chaos.
Through the ages and cultures, 66 has been seen as a number of evil and incompleteness because of its affiliation to darkness. But Darkness is not evil. Darkness simply IS. Moreover it is needed. There would be no light without it, as there would be no darkness without light... they are the basis of balance and values.
How could one appreciate basking into the light if he hadn't feared the cool touch of darkness? How could one relish the darkness if he hadn't first been exposed the searing of light? It's a story of internal balance and choices. Souls talk, we just have to listen.
Now about the intangibility of Chaos and its relation to darkness... Can one define Darkness? Define its limits? Tell me, when you stand in the dark, can you see where it ends and begins... where it leads to? No, you can't, and that's what makes it scary. Light, its counterpart CAN be defined. It is of the tangible, you SEE. Thus it is soothing, comfortable. Whereas light illuminates the way and give you straightforward answers, Darkness leaves you blind, letting you stumble every part of your circumvoluted path. Tough love, I'd say, because regardless of what people say, Darkness is radiant to those who know how to look."
"You're an interesting person Davros. You're obviously a being of Order and light, and yet you somehow strive to understand Chaos and Darkness without judging it. Plus you see the beauty of it. You're even befriending and helping an obvious agent of chaos. Maybe intellectual curiosity is the answer to the cold war going on between our people. Haha! For pure curiosity to be the solution... funny. In most cases, shifters see it as something best reigned in."
The high elf chuckled "That they do... and so do we. My behavioral pattern has quite isolated me from my peers after all"
"Well.... their loss!"
"Indeed. By the way? Other than Xp you were supposed to be awarded an S-rank skill book for the Dakinum-rank. Do you want the generic librarian one or would you rather tell me the kind of skill you seek? I may have it."
"Oh? That's nice! Hmm.. Battle-sense skills are S-rank aren't they? I haven't fought for real yet, so I'll probably not get one if I use the generic skill-book. I would gratefully take off your hand one that would allow me to define the strength of my opponents, not in terms of level" she winked, "but more in terms of competency and proficiency ... maybe. It would allow me to see their real worth in comparison to me. Do you have one that does this?"
"Smart choice. Interesting demand. Congratulation, you asked for what I would have in your stead. You may answer that it was quite natural after our conversation, but not everybody would have made the leap. As it is, I do have what you're asking for. It is called 'Perception of worth'.
It ranks people in a scale of 1 to 10 by using the perceived strength for the level they have. A level 900 can find itself rated at 1 and a level 2 ... rated at 10. Sadly it doesn't work on you... which is another strange thing about you, but who's counting now? I've never seen a 10 by the way.... or a 9, or even an 8 for that matter. If this isn't decadence, then what is?
However it doesn't mean that the level 2 would beat the level 900, be careful, just that he's waaaaay more capable than the other for his level. Capish?"
"Yup! It's exactly what I need"
"Great, I'll find it for you... hmm... where is it already? I'm sure I put it here... around here. Somewhere. Maybe?" frowned Davros he took yet another skill-book out of his study. The number of discarded books being piled up on the floor was growing. Apparently the drawer was a magical storage space keyed to him....
In fact, the head librarian took out half a ton of paperback volumes before finding THE ONE. Talk about a needle in a haystack. Talk about a hidden treasure!
Kifirin helped him tidy the mess before learning the new skill.
System Notice: New skill! (S-rank : Battle-sense)
[PASSIVE](Battle-sense) - Perception of Worth
This skill allows you to determine the real worth of people's level, their competence.
A number between 1 and 10 will softly glow behind the name of peoples/beings you see, 1 being the less proficiency and 10 the best.
- A 10 has used the whole of his current level's potential
- A 1 hasn't even begun to tap said potential
Regardless of their level, you can rate anybody and everybody
You cannot rate yourself, ask a fellow skill-owner to learn your proficiency level.
Trivia: It is said that all the warriors of old waited to reach at least 8 before attempting grade-up
"How many 7 have you seen Davros?"
"Hmm? Less than the number of fingers on a hand. Why? Would I be a 7 by any chance? You sure are smooth..."
"Nope. You're a 9. Congratulation for being the worthiest you've ever met!" Grinned Kifirin
"That's moving. I guess. I knew I was good. But a 9..... it means that there are still ways for me to get better. Interesting... there is still place for progress... I have untapped potential. I should try to research the -- " and on and on he went.
Smiling, Kifirin understood that she had just lost Davros. She quickly wrote a note and put it in plain view of the far-gone Librarian. It thanked him for his help, joked at his loss of attention and gave him her contact info while asking for his. It also promised that she would regularly come back to discuss.
After properly registering her rank with the now jaded clerk -a 2 by the way-, she left the library, and then the game.
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