《The Adventure in Arios (Isekai LitRPG)》Chapter 13- A Big One


Chapter 14- A Big One

“So Nvos was it.” The lady with bright hair said stretching her it out.

“Yes, and yours?” He asked shaking the ladies hand.

(Mage, Level 97)

“Liliandra, this is Theo.” She pointed to a big man kitted out in metal armour.

(Tank, Level 93)

“And this is Wolfy.” Pointing again to a man with long messy hair. He was wearing basic burgundy leather armour like the young chimeras.

(Warrior, Level 94)

“What are you skills?” Liliandra asked.

“I can tank, self heal and teleport. I can use a bow and my main weapon is a battle axe.”

“Strange it says you’re a scout.”

“My class is scout related but I have a variety of different types of skills as I’m used to fighting by myself.” He lied.

“Ok...Well I’m a ‘Rune Writer’ so I can use almost every type of magic.”

“I’ve never heard of a rune writer, can you show me?”

Liliandra lifted her finger in the air, Morpheus switched on Arcane Pulse and Mana Sight. She wrote ruins in the air and Morpheus felt a cold shiver around him. It was like what Loki had done except less powerful. He could see the mana leaving her body from her finger and stay stagnant in the air for a moment.

“So each type of magic has select runes?”

“Sort of, each spell of the same element is slightly different. It takes high intelligence and good mana control to perfect.”

“That’s awseome, I really need to get some long range spells.”

The man in the burgundy armour just huffed and the tank had a small smile.

“We weren’t going to take the request but since you’re Brevair’s ‘prodidgy’ I’d like to see what you’re all about.”

Morpheus smiled. “Well thank you.”

“We’ll leave at...Let’s say eleven, we need to get some stuff before we leave.”

“That’s great where should I meet you.”

“South Gate, don’t be late we won’t wait for you.”

“Sounds good.”

Morpheus left the unusual trio to their grumpy breakfast. He spotted Reyna twirling her thumbs with a cup of ale.

“Hey Reyna.” Morpheus said sitting down in the bench opposite her

“Oh hi Mor...Nvos was it.” She whispered.

“Yes it’s Nvos.” He quietly responded. “You waiting for your team?”

“Yeah we are going to a goblin hideout today. It pays well, so Michael took it.” She said.

“How many people are on your team?” He asked.

“Five, I asked again about you but he said it will mess up our ‘chemistry’.”

“Sounds like he’s into you.” Morpheus said while smiling.

“Well he wouldn’t be a bad boyfriend, he’s rich and he’s a good fighter.” She said.

“That’s perfect, what’s wrong with him then?”

“I don’t know, he gets a bit hot headed and doesn’t like anyone who’s not human.”

“Oh that’s the problem.”

“Yeah he came here from the empire when the empire lost their southern fort.”


“It’s fine though, are you going on any requests today?”

“Yep, I’m with the group over there.” He said pointing to the grumpy trio in the corner.

“The wreckon alpha!” She exclaimed.

“Yeah, I haven’t seen a big beast yet and a wreckon tore me up pretty good when I arrived in Arios, so I’d like to get my revenge.”

“You have to be careful with them, their claws will tear through you, and they breath fire.”


“Well it wouldn’t be fun if they were easy” Morpheus jokes.

“Anyway good luck.” She said.


Morhpeus left the guild hall and went to buy some food for the journey. He bought three loaves of bread and about ten goblin skewers.

The young chimera walked around the streets for a while admiring Ervos. He made his way over to the South Gate at eleven.

He saw the unusual trio standing at the gate checking their weapons.

“Oh you’re actually here, Wolfy didn’t think you’d come.” Liliandra spoke.

Morpheus felt offended but ignored it.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He said.

“Well anyway we’re setting off now, hope you can run fast.” She chuckled.

Morpheus just nodded.

The group set off at an extreme pace. The young chimera was shocked at how fast Theo was running in his metal armour.

Theo looked over to him. “You’re pretty fast, ok Liliandria pick the pace up when we reach the forest.”

As soon as they reached the forest they all began to run even faster.

He could barely keep up. So embracing the elf side in him, he jumped up into the trees and swung from them like a monkey.

Theo was as surprised as Liliandria but Wolfy just sneered as they were running.

You have levelled up Taste of Talaria Level (6)

The journey that took Morpheus roughly ten hours was just cut down to three. As they were getting closer to the alphas territory they stopped and dug into some food.

“So Nvos, what’s Brevair like?” Theo said.

“Big and soft.” He said with a straight face.

“Really? Everyone says he’s tough as nails.”

“Well he is, but he’s a family sorta guy.” Morpheus responded.

“Such luck he was marked by Osiris.” Wolfy muttered.

“I wouldn’t say luck, more determination and strength.” The young chimera said much to the annoyance of Wolfy.

After their food break, Liliandria opened a map up and gave it to everyone so they could update theirs of the wreckon’s territory.

Morpheus could only see a small outcropping of stone in his map, against the red of the crimson forest.

Liliandra cleared her throat “We will first survey the area and take out most of the adults that we can find so he doesn’t call for them. The alpha is apparently in a large area enclosed by stone. The only entrance is via a large crevice. Once we are inside the area, Theo will taunt and draw its attention. I’ll fly above and hit it with freezing spells and Wolfy can use his spell sword. The small fry around the outside shouldn’t be a problem and Nvos try not to die.”

“Right.” Morpheus stated. “That’s all you want me to do?”

“How about attack the fucker and try not to die if that’s better for you.” She snarkily said.

You have been invited to a party by (Mage, Level 97) Do you accept Y/N

“Yes much better.” To which he accepted the request.

The crew took their weapons out and began to observe the area as they were walking up. The crimson trees began to part as they saw multiple large rock formations jutting out. Theo had a large metal shield that covered his whole body, while Wolfy had a sword with multiple holes in the blade. Morpheus guessed it was to reduce the weight of the sword and to allow it to be pulled out easier.

They were edging close to the nest, and saw three Wreckons.

(Wreckon Adult, Level 61)


(Wreckon Adolescent, Level 49)

(Wreckon Elder, Level 72)

They were in close proximity to each other, laying down on top of a large flat rock. Liliandra began to write runes and the air around them began to get cold. A wreckon began to sniff the air and growled toward the group which alerted the other two. All three of them stood up with their teeth bared, Theo hit his shield and they all began to charge at him.

Liliandra wrote a rune at her feet and she levitated up in the air, and began summoning crystals of ice to fire at the wreckon. The wreckon lunged at Theo who met them with his shield. Morpheus wasn’t just watching, he went into action, buffing himself with Spartans Essence and Arcane Strike.He swung his axe down on the adults head, neatly splitting it in two.

The elder who was at the back of the other two began charging up a flame attack in his mouth.

“Get behind me.” Theo shouted.

Wolfy and Morpheus quickly hid behind Theo as a large blast of fire struck his shield. The young chimera could feel the intense heat almost suffocating him. When the blast had ended Theo’s shield was tinged red from the blistering heat. Morpheus leaped above Theo in the air using Taste of Talaria, the smaller wreckon caught him in mid air knocking him to the side but Morpheus didn’t fall, only skidded on his feet. The hit had barely dealt any damage due to Arcane Hardening and Spartans Essence.

Wolfy’s sword became engulfed in flames as he swung down, decapitating the smaller Wreckon.

Liliandra let go of all her ice spikes in the air which slammed into the elder who reared up in pain and let off a roar. Morpheus rushed forward swinging his axe wildly towards the elders chest. The axe went in deep, pushing it onto its back. Wolfy jumped on top of the elder and pushed his word in the gash that Morpheus caused, dragging his flaming sword up into the wreckon’s throat killing it.

“That was fun.” Morpheus said, taking a breather.

“You ok? He got you good.”Theo asked.

“Yeah I’m fine, healed it up fast.” Morpheus lies.

Liliandra floated back down.

“I think there will be a couple more groups, probably weaker. The wreckon’s rarely get to elder. Killed off by the alpha.”

“That’s comforting.” Theo said.

Amazing! You have slain (Adolescent, Level 49) Experience shared.

‘Congratulations’ you have gained Fire Magic Resistance Level (1) You have felt intense heat.

You have levelled up Arcane Hardening Level (2)

You have levelled up Arcane Hardening Level (3)

You have levelled up Flow of the Valkyrie Level (3)

‘Congratulations’ you have levelled up Level (57) (1 stat point available)

Morpheus wiped the blood off of his axe.

“Nvos, climb that tall rock and tell me how many groups you see.”


“Did you see his buffs, it was arcanic.” Liliandra said to the two of them.

“I was surprised he didn’t break a rib when he got it.” Theo said.

“Eh, he wasn't that good, better than his peers though.” Wolfy chatted back.

“You fucking idiots, he has an arcanic self and weapon buff. And supposedly healing too! I’ve never seen someone with all three. Where do you think Brevair found him?.”

“Only Odin knows.” Wolfy hissed.

“He chopped into that elder with a lot of force too, he must have high strength or a strength buff.” Theo suggested.

“Quite he’s coming back.” Liliandra said.


Morpheus scaled the tall rock with ease using Taste of Talaria. He couldn’t make out the conversation they were having but didn’t think much of it.

The young chimera could see another three groups of two Wreckons. They ranged between level sixty and eighty and were all adults.

He jumped back down, slowing his fall.

“Oh you use space magic too?” Liliandra asked.

“Sort of. What do you want to do with the bodies, I can carry them in my pouch if you want.” He offered.

“Yeah you can pick those up, we’ll put the others in our pouches.” She said.

The other two groups were easier to deal with. Morpheus used his bow from a distance causing a distraction for Wolfy and Liliandra to attack while Theo defended.

You have levelled up Arcane Strike Level (15)

‘Congratulations’ You have levelled up Level (58) (2 stat points available)

He dumped his two points into Agility.

“You level a lot slower in a group.” Morpheus said, pulling out his arrow from a wreckon.

“No you get a lot more.” Wolfy sarcastically said.

“Have you always fought by yourself.” Theo asked.

“Yes, from what I can remember that is.” He responded.

“That explains your variety of skills, most people specialise in just one area. Maybe branching into something similar.” Theo said.

“What’s with your arcane magic then.” Wolfy said.

“Hush Wolfy it’s rude.” Liliandra said.

“It’s fine, I was born with a high arcane affinity and my class offered me skills related.”

“No shit.” Wolfy said.

“Quiet both of you. We’ll be going into the alphas den, Theo give me the light crystal.” She demanded.

The party walked down into a large crevice, five metres wide. The rocks walls we’re getting higher the more they went down. Eventually the sky disappeared into a stone roof and the group was inside the belly of the beast.

The cave moved out in a circular direction the roof ten metres high and at the back lay a giant beast.

(Alpha Wreckon, Red Kindling, Level 111)

“Fuck it has a title, Liliandra you sure.” Wolfy asked.

“Might as well, we’ve come this far. Try not to let the fire touch you. Kindling means it’s flames will burn more if it touches you.” She responded.

“Well get your ass up there and start supporting us.” Theo said slightly worried.

“I can distract it.” Morpheus said.

They looked at him as if he was crazy.

“Trust me.” He said confidently.

“Your life.” Liliandra said. To which Morpheus nodded.

“Well let’s begin.” She said floating up and preparing ice spikes.

Morpheus activated all his buffs, feeling invigorated yet nervous. He kept his focus and his heart began to beat to a steady rhythm, fuelling his body.

The Alpha stood up lazily as if the group were just an annoyance. It’s claws began to glow a deep orange and the heat in the room picked up slightly. Liliandra countered the heat, spreading out cold air with her runes. It’s body, a darker crimson than the others and it’s scales thicker. It roared, sending chills through the young chimera. It was three metres high and two metres wide, while it was on all fours.

You have levelled up Fear Resistance Level (5)

Morpheus began running, not towards the beast but to the wall. He used Taste of Talaria to reduce his weight and he jumped onto the wall. He used his forward momentum to prevent himself from falling.

The Beast turned to him, flames pouring out its mouth. The Alpha released a dark red flame which was aimed towards Morpheus, he used Arcane Step to dodge forward, and propelled himself off the wall while holding his axe to his side with both hands. His axe landed into the Alphas back breaking a few scales and barely penetrating an inch.

Wolfy moved just before Morpheus did. Activating a black aura on his blade he slashed at the Alphas leg cutting barely through scales but leaving behind the black aura of his blade. The open flesh around the broken scales began to decay, turning black and rotting. Liliandra released three giant ice spikes, two bounced off and the other embedded itself into the beasts shoulder.

All the recent damage enraged the Alpha and it breathed out its dark red flame in a circle, attempting to catch one of them off guard. Wolfy hid behind Theo’s shield as he activated a powerful buff which seemed to absorb the flames. Liliandra erected a thin curved ice wall which diffused the flames around her.

Morpheus just moved closer to the beast’s side to go in for another attack ignoring the attack. He caught the Alpha above the nose and beneath its eyes, leaving a decent cut on its face.

Suddenly the Alphas' whole body seemed to explode into a dark red flame. Each scale emitted small dark flames around them, one caught the young chimera’s arm which spread to his shoulder. He doubled back, hissing instinctively at the beast. The wreckon threw its red claws out narrowly missing the chimera’s torso. He spun around with his axe and used the momentum to slash its bare and exposed chest.

Liliandra wrote a rune in the air which made the ceiling above the Alpha fall. It barely fazed the creature but distracted it long enough for Wolfy to slash the wreckon’s torso with his cursed blade. Decaying flesh rapidly grew from the cut, which seemed to weaken the Alphas.

The Beast roared up on two legs, slamming his front paws on the ground causing a tremor. This threw the parties flow off, Theo and Wolfy were sent flying by a backhand from the Alpha. Liliandra put an ice barrier around her head to stop falling rocks and Morpheus lost his balance falling to his knees. The Alpha set his eyes on the Young Chimera and began to charge at him. He could only teleport to he side using Arcane Step and even then he was caught by the Beast in his shoulder sending him into the cave wall.

The Alpha’s claw tore into Morpheus’s chest, five large cuts which singed his skin. He pushed Arcane Rebirth to its limits, the cuts sealing themselves. He managed to get out of the way of the next claw and dashed away,

By this point the rest of his team had gotten back to their senses. Wolfy had blood coming down from his ear and Theo looked enraged. Theo slammed his shield and a bright light was emitted. It instantly drew the attention of the Alpha off Morpheus and towards the tank. Morpheus didn’t hesitate to captivate in this moment. He used Arcane Step to get close and use all of his strength to slam his axe down on the Beast’s spine. He could feel his axe meet the bone halfway through. Leaving his axe lodged in, he jumped up using Taste of Talaria above the Alpha and increased his weight to the maximum he could managed. He slammed his two feet down on the axe competition severing it’s spine, the Beast cried and it went limp.

Before the Beast could get up breathe any more fire, he dislodged the axe and brought it downwards on the Alphas head. It penetrated halfway into the skull. The notification popped up.

Morpheus fell to his knees in exhaustion. He still had stamina but the adrenaline was leaving his system and the high just ended. He glanced around to see Wolfy hanging onto Theo’s shoulder, and Liliandra was alive according to the party information but he couldn’t see her anywhere.

“You guys ok? I can heal you.” Morpheus offered.

“I’ll be fine, but we should find Liliandra.” Wolfy said.

The young chimera trudged over to some rubble on the ground and began to shift through it. He found Liliandra with a large cut on her forehead, but nothing serious. He thanked Odin and dragged her out, while healing her whole body.

“Wha… Where am I?” Liliandra mumbled.

“You’re in Valhalla, you earned your place.” Morpheus joked, while the cut on her forehead healed.

“Ah fuck, is it dead?” She said, lifting her head up.

“Yes should be.” Morpheus responded.

She laid her head back on the ground and smiled. The crazy redhead looked rather pretty when she wasn’t barking orders Morpheus thought.

He turned to the rest of the group.

“We should get out of here, don’t know if any others would come back.”

“Agreed, Wolfy’s leg is busted though.” Theo said indicating to a bone sticking out of his leg.

“Fuck that looks painful.” Morpheus said, while walking over to him.

“Lay him down on the ground, I can heal him but I’m gonna have to chop his leg off. The leg won’t heal properly if I don’t.”

Wolfy looked mortified.

“Trust me I’ve done it before.” He said.

Theo looked at his friend. “I trust him.” He said and Wolfy nodded.

“Please by Hermes make it quick.” Wolfy said through gritted teeth as he layed down on the ground.

Morpheus grabbed his axe out of the Alphas head and cleaned it with his cloak.

Theo held his friends shoudler and put a rag on his mouth.

“What’s your pain resistance at?” Morpheus said smiling while cutting off leg with a clean swoop.

Wolfy winced almost biting through the rag. Morpheus dropped his axe and placed his hand onto the top of his leg and channeled Arcane Rebirth into him. He was still wasn’t used to the incredible speed when it was on someone else. The bone extended followed by bones, muscles, cartridge and veins. When the bone finally healed, he kept his hand on his upper leg.

“You’ve lost a lot of blood wait a sec.” the young chimera said.

By this time Liliandra had found her feet and walked over.

“What the fuck happened, all I remember is the roof falling on me.”

“Nvos went crazy on the Beast split his spine in two.” Theo said.

“Well it’s nice to know you ain’t all talk Nvos.” Liliandria said.

“He saved us, one of us would have died.” Wolfy said.

“Nice to see you’ve changed your attitude Wolfy.” Morpheus joked follow by a wink.

Theo laughed “Well that was definitely a big one.”

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