《The Adventure in Arios (Isekai LitRPG)》Chapter 11- A New Man
Chapter 11-A New Man
“Morpheus wake up.” He heard a familiar voice say.
He opened his eyes slowly to see Reyna sitting next to him in the vine shed.
“You’ve been out for the whole night.” She said.
“What happened?” He asked.
“You were in the garden for an hour, so we came to check on you and we found you lying on the ground.”
“I just remember accepting my class.” He replied.
“We thought as much, it must have changed you quite a lot, show me your skills. Wait no don’t.”
“I couldn’t care less, they are all passive skills.”
“Don’t say that, a Valkyrie would only want the best for the one they chose.”
Morpheus slowly got up, he had a strange sense of everything around him. He couldn’t see it but he knew where everything around him was.
“I gained a skill called Arcane Pulse which makes me see everything around me every second, it’s like I have eyes all around my head.”
You have levelled up Arcane Pulse Level (2)
Morpheus then proceeded to throw up next to Reyna.
“Ewww gross, you could of at least warned me.”
Morpheus chuckled and fell back in his vine bed.”I’m starving, when’s breakfast?”
“Right now, put some clothes on too. Clean this up as well, mother won’t be happy.”
Morpheus looked down, he was in his underwear. He used his cloak to clean up the vomit and then washed it in the pond. Reyna left with a smirk and Morpheus checked his new body in the mirror.
His skin felt like steel, it was less soft but more flexible. He looked at himself up and down, he could see the new runic circle on his chest. Down by his ankles on the outside of them seemed to be a picture of the Talaria, Hermes’ shoes. They were very small, just covering an area below the joint of his ankle.
He pulled up his new stats.
Name: Morpheus Nvos (14 Years Old) Level (54)
Titles: Friend of Loki, Challenger IV, Born to Kill Giants, Saviour, Follower of Thermetruük.
Marks: Hercules, Isis, Thermetruük.
Origin: Unknown
Race: Chimera (Elf/Human/Troll)
Primary Class: Path to Valhalla
Secondary Classes: Heart of Sparta, None
Sub Classes: None, None, None
General and Class Skills:
Flow of The Valkyrie Level (1)
Taste of Talaria Level (1)
Arcane Pulse Level (2)
Arcane Hardening Level (1)
Arcane Step Level (14)
Arcane Strike Level (14)
Spartan’s Essence Level (14)
Battle-Axe Arts Level (15)
Arcane Rebirth Level (17)
Pain Resistance Level (15)
Fear Resistance Level (4)
Strength: 90
Vitality: 96
Constitution: 60
Endurance: 73
Agility: 50
Dexterity: 60
Wisdom: 40
Intelligence: 70
Charisma: 23
Luck: 18
Morpheus felt euphoric, more so than the time he got his secondary class. It didn’t come up with a mark for Hermes or for his class. But then again Morpheus knew he didn’t get a notification. He got dressed and gathered his belongings. He sat down with the family for breakfast.
“So Morpheus, you happy with your new class?” Sophia asked.
“Very much so, bit disappointed they are all passive, but if it’s what the Valkyrie wants then so be it.”
Brevair said “You got the right spirit boy, any plans then.”
“Hmmm, I was at the dashing horse inn before so I might spend a night there. I want to get stronger too, so I’ll probably do so more adventuring.” He finished with a wink.
“We just want you to know that you can stop by any time. Your part of our family now.”
“Thank you, I never had a family and I get a warm feeling when I’m here.” He said, feeling a bit tearful.
“When you get famous, I’d love to hear your stories too.” Sophia added.
“That’s if I make it.” He mumbled.
“Ha!” Brevair chuckled. “The Princesses coming of age ceremony is in two weeks, you can come along as our guest if you like.”
“How did you get an invite?” Morpheus questioned.
“We ain’t some random adventures, me and Sophia were both given blessings by the King.”
“Morpheus my parents are the ones who drove back a huge monster horde fifty years ago and fought in many more.” Reyna said.
“So you guys are like legends?” Morpheus asked.
“Well I am but I don't know about my wife.” Brevair said followed by a sausage flying across the room.
“Yes we were blessed by the king, he was kind to us and we wanted to settle down anyway.” Sophia said.
“Well I’m honoured to be in the presence of legends.” He sarcastically said. “When’s the coronation?”
“Two weeks from now at seven. Meet us at the guild ten minutes before and we’ll walk up together.”
“You can be my date!” Reyna exclaimed.
“Deal!” Said Morpheus.
“Ha so be it then.”
After breakfast Morpheus said his goodbyes to the family, and went on his way to Ervos. He changed his face to a much younger brad Pitt but with long hair.
He tested out Taste of Talaria as he began running, he willed the space beneath his feet which launched him into the nearest tree. The force didn’t expend any of his mana so he assumed it was a part of the gift that Hermes had given him. He tried it again but only a small amount, he bound over a fallen log in one long step. He could basically make his fall slower or faster, or push him forward. By the time he reached the farms close to Euros he had already gotten used to it. During his jog be practised using Arcane Pulse, he could see the path he was following before his eyes could, he could sense small animals hiding in bushes and trees .
You have levelled up Taste of Talaria Level (4)
You have levelled up Arcane Pulse Level (3)
He joined the line to enter Ervos.
“State your name and business in Ervos.” The same scribe said.
“Nvos”He said. “And adventuring.”
“Fee is two coppers.” The scribe said.
Morpheus placed the two coppers on the table and walked into the city, feeling like a new man. No one stared at him, which made him feel less special but more comfortable. The first thing he wanted to do was buy new armour, the leather armour from the boss fight was almost in ruin.
He ended up going to the closest shop which sold armour and bought the same premade black leather he was wearing. It seemed like it was a standard armour for most people in Ervos.
He next walked over to the guild. It was more convienient being in the northern district. It looked more orderly and clean than the south and west.
Morpheus walked in not catching any stairs and walked over to the counter. Ellana was sitting there going over some paperwork.
“Urm Ellana it’s Morpheus.” He quietly said.
Ellana looked up at the handsome Brad Pitt.
“Show me your ring.” She said.
Morpheus lifted his hand on to the counter casually.
“Fantastic, would you like to register under a new name?”
Morpheus went with his last name.
“Oh and Lance wants to speak with you about a Nobles daughter or something. He wasn’t very specific.” She added.
“Where can I speak with him?” The young chimera asked.
“Urmmm. Go in and see Adam if you have monsters to sell. If not go see him in his office.”
“I’ll go see Adam.”
Morpheus walked over and knocked on the butcher’s room.
“Come in.”
Morpheus walked in to find Adam sitting alone.
“Where’s Boros?” Morpheus asked.
“Who are you?” Adam replied.
Morpheus changed his face.
“It’s me, I had to get one of these rings because the King would be after me.”
“Oh so it was you, those rumors were true then.” He said.
“Yeah, can you keept it on the hush. You seem like a trustworthy man. Oh and my new name is Nvos.”
“Of course, I’ll swear an oath.” Adam said.
He was unloading the orc bodies as Lance walked in. He shook the young chimera’s hand and then shook Adams.
“So you know Adam?.” Lance asked.
“Yes he just told me, said something about me being trustworthy.” The demon said.
“You can always trust a demon.” Lance joked.
“Anyway Morpheus I wanted to talk to you about the noble daughter.”
“Is it bad?” He asked.
“She’s rather upset, the spy told the noble about you giving mercy even when she threatened your life.” “He won’t kick up a fuss hopefully.”
“That’s good, what’s the nobles name?”
“Bellas, he owns the majority of exports to Southcross.” “When I told him it was the marked who cut off his daughter's leg he shut up quickly. To kill a marked is heavily offensive to the King and the gods.”
Adam chipped in. “You got a lot of balls, to do something like that.”
“Well I didn’t want to kill her.”
“You could have, and you would have suffered minor consequences.” Lance said.
“How? I would have killed someone.” Morpheus replied
“You offered her a choice, which she didn’t take. And she attempted to take your life.” “Nobles have a lot of children too so it wouldn’t have made a dent to his money.”
“It’s a harsh world.” He softly spoke.
“Indeed it is, anyway some youngins want a training session so I’ll leave you to it oh and you’re going by Nvos now?” Lance said, stopping at the door.
“Yes.” He responded.
“Morph..Nvos can I see your mark?” Adam said.
Morpheus pulled his sleeves back.
“Ha Hercules!” He exclaimed.
“You are one lucky chimera.” Adam said.
“I know, what can you do for me, with all these bodies?” He asked.
“Well the weapons won’t sell that well but the bodies will, especially the boss.”
He noticed the chimera’s silence and carried on “The Alchemists will pay a decent amount for a boss. So let’s say eighty silver.”
“Why so much?” He questioned.
“I want a good customer, plus the boss smells of a curse of sorts.”
“It was a death curse, scared the shit out of me. My eyes couldn’t follow him.”
“A strong curse type.”
Adam handed the silver and he set out for the Dashing Horse Inn. He arrived at the building and walked in to find Rose's mother at the counter.
“Hi I’d like a room please.” He said.
“A room is one silver for a single and a silver and twenty coppers for a double.” The lady said.
“That’s quite steep, I heard this place had a good price?”
“Well I'm short handed young man at the moment I’ve had to hire work?”
“Why are you short handed?” Morpheus asked. He hoped nothing was wrong.
“Well a family member has gone off somewhere, ran off with a man to be exact.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?”
“No the mans in a gang, I shouldn’t even be mentioning that.”
“Which gang?” Morpheus was getting interested in the problem. If it was Rose then he would have a problem. Morpheus could never leave someone in trouble, he was not exactly a hero but he had morals.
“Why are you so interested? It’s none of your business.” She harshly said.
“When I’m in Ervos I like to know what’s going on and places to avoid.” He said without compassion.
“Well you have a head on your shoulders at least. The gang is called Orc’s Hand, they operate in a tavern on the west side.”
“The name of the tavern?”
The lady stared at him. “You’re not thinking of going there, it’s dangerous.”
“Absolutely not, I’m no fighter.” He lied.
“Well even if you do, don't anger anyone there, it’s called The Komodo.”
“Like the beast Komodo?” He asked.
“Yes the owner named it after his favourite one.”
“Nice name actually.”
The lady sighed and told him when dinner was and then showed him to his room. It was noon when Morpheus laid on his bed. He was thinking of picking up some requests at the adventure board. But Rose was in his mind, he also wanted to see the gangs in Ervos. If Rose was in trouble he would want to help her if possible. He made up his mind to see if he could find a good axe for himself. He had to give Brevair his axe back that he had gotten attached to it.
He walked downstairs and asked the lady where a good blacksmith was. She told him of quite a famous blacksmith that was back taking orders even though it was expensive.
He headed over to the blacksmiths that the lady talked about. It was called Archer’s Blacksmiths, not a creative name he thought but it wouldn’t matter if the weapons were good.
He walked into the blacksmiths to find a demon in his early twenties sorting some weapons out.
“Hi, I was looking for any battle-axes?”
“We have a few in store, not everyone’s favourite weapon.”
“I can understand, have you got any that are really heavy?”
“Not sure how heavy you mean but there over here if you’d like to take a look.”
The demon showed him to a chest in the back of the shop.
Morpheus picked up the axes but they all felt too small or light.
Morpheus asked “Are these the only ones you have?”
“Yes, as I said they’re not that popular. We are taking orders at the moment but I’m not sure if they’d be in your price range.” The main said looking at his cheap leather armour.
“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” He said.
“Never heard that saying before, but we can go talk to my father.”
“Sounds good.”
The demon led Morpheus to the back where there were multiple men hitting glowing metal with hammers. They all looked up at him as he followed the demon.
“Father, this man is looking for a custom.” He said to the burliest dwarf he had ever seen. The dwarf was packed with muscles upon muscles,he had a long beard reaching his chest and wore a dirty apron which covered most of his chest. He wore only the apron across his chest and some brown trousers.
(Blacksmith, Child of Vulcan, Level ???)
“What do you want?” The burly dwarf said.
“A heavy battle axe.” Morpheus said.
"We got orichalcum but that seems a bit flashy to ye. How about black steel?" The dwarf said while picking up a pitch black ingot. Morpheus held out both his hands, it didn't seem that heavy.
Morpheus nodded. "Pretty good."
The dwarf burst out laughing. “Me names Drakon, this boy is called jack.” “Sorry about that, just wanted to test ya!”
“That’s fine, I can understand.” Morpheus said.
“So ye want a heavy battle axe, any preferences?” The dwarf asked.
“Yeah, not the most knowledgeable on weapons, what would you recommend? The only ones I’ve used have equal circular sides.”
“They do be the most popular among the few, I would recommend one side being slightly bigger than the other. Gives it more of an impact.” The Dwarf moved over to the side and got a stool to grab some dusty books from a shelf.
“How about one of these? I can make it out of the black steel you just picked up.”
The dwarf showed him a battle axe that had a circular side larger than the other and a shard point at the top.
“This be one that I made for a veteran adventurer, he used to dual wield them.”
“He must of been a strong bastard.” Morpheus Joked.
“Ye indeed he was. If you're happy I can do a deal for forty silvers, the black steel is rather expensive."
Morpheus turned to the demon. “Is that a good price?”
“Haha ye bastard.” The dwarf chuckled.
“Yes, orders had been dry recently and the old man needs something new to work on other than weapons for the army.”
“Sounds good then, thank you jack. I’m just wondering how a dwarf ended up with a demon son.”
The demon laughed. “Drakon adopted me when I was young, I don’t have a knack for blacksmithing but one for money.”
“Makes sense.” Morpheus chuckled.
“Anyway, the down payment is twenty silvers and ye’ll pay the rest after. I’ll get right to it, it’ll be done by tomorrow. And I didn’t catch your name?” Drakon said.
“Sounds good to me and it’s Nvos.” Morpheus said, giving Jack twenty silvers.
He shook the dwarfs hand and left shortly after. He decided that he would go look for a shop that sold interesting items. He still had the bone dagger from the dungeon and wanted to get it identified. He asked around and was directed to a store which could as well be a pawn shop, no sign at all on the shop front.
Morpheus walked in to find a man with a wolf's face, he had grey fur and wore a baggy suit.
(Scribe, Level ??)
“Hello there young man, what can I do for you?” The polite wolf-man said.
“I was looking to get something properly identified.”
“Of course. Fee is twenty-five coppers for my high level object identification.”
“That sounds good, can I ask what your race is, I haven’t seen your kind before."
“Well young man I’m a Wolf Kobold, specifically from the grey wolves.”
“Sorry don’t mean to be offensive, I’m quite sheltered so I barely got to see other races.” He slightly lied.
“None taken my race is quite rare, now what is the item you wanted to show me.”
Morpheus took out the bone dagger from his pouch much to the amusement of the kobold and put twenty-five coppers on the counter.
“This is a ritual bone dagger the orcs use, the alpha marks his child with a cut on his arm. This dagger has gone through three generations of their line. It’s fashioned from an adult Wreckon’s spine. It is mainly sold to a collector such as myself.”
“That’s interesting, how much would you buy it for?”
“I would buy it for one gold.” The kobold stated.
His Arcane Pulse had picked up the erratic heart rate of the kobold which made Morpheus uncomfortable. He could feel the slight increase in pressure from the way his arcane magic returned to him.
“Thank you for the offer but I'll keep it for now. I will probably give it to my fiancé as a gift.” He lied. “If I change my mind I’ll be sure to come back.”
The kobold reluctantly gave him his dagger back and Morpheus walked out. For some reason Morpheus could feel he would have gotten scammed if not for his new skill.
It was starting to get late and Morpheus headed over to the west side of Ervos.
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From my heart, to yours.part.2Check out an active playlist for this story on Spotify!profile: smokeandtulipsplaylist name: stay for breakfasthttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/7ipJQ6kGGUB7KTNWotmDN0?si=Q1CkLB-FQRmpFDzLixKAag
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