《Domain of Man》Webdomain of Man: Interlude 2
[14:33][RooDzz]: What’d I miss?
[14:33][Free Parking]: Big weird city place, a few new characters, long recap of everything we did from her POV. She cried a lot.
[14:33][Cantre11]: She’s trying to replicate auger’s circle using old blood and it’s not working. ‘Gen’ and ‘Merrilyn’ are very interested in seeing how the magic worked, ‘Kat’ is just hanging around
[14:33][Beholeth]: Captain Hook, Supermodel, and Chica
[14:33][Cantre11]: We’re not calling them that.
[14:33][RooDzz]: Which one’s which? I see a dude with insane legs, a guy in pirate coat, a blonde in an uncomfortably tight robe, and an Olympic medalist
[14:33][RooDzz]: Scratch that, I can guess which one’s which. Do we know what the leg guy’s name is?
[14:33][Beholeth]: Leg Day.
[14:33][Free Parking]: No idea.
[14:33][Misser D]: I’ve got a spreadsheet up for the ARG’s internals, anyone know why the circle isn’t working?
[14:33][Cantre11]: auger would be our best bet, but I doubt he’d bother to explain.
[14:33][RooDzz]: Well, the blood last time was fresh, wasn’t it?
[14:34][Free Parking]: Jinx, poor Leg Day seems really afraid of Supermodel.
[14:34][Free Parking]: I mean Merrilyn
[14:34][Beholeth]: Soon, all will be awkward nicknames
[14:34][Misser D]: She has training. It’s not super easy to tell now that they’re just messing around, but she closed that gap like a pro.
[14:34][Cantre11]: Noted. How can you tell?
[14:34][Pughly]: That question breaks Rule 2, Cantre11. They’re not hard to follow.
[14:34][Cantre11]: Not everyone here is from the same place.
[14:34][Beholeth]: Is the suggestion box open or not? I’ve been trying to get her to run away for a while now but she’s not reacting
[14:34][Free Parking]: I think we’re on rails at the moment. I got her to chuckle when I started spamming ‘the British are coming’, though, so I’m pretty sure it’s live.
[14:34][Cantre11]: I’ve been sending something too, I thought it was just dead.
[14:34][Beholeth]: care to share with the class what you've been sending?
[14:34][Cantre11]: Don’t worry about it.
[14:34][RooDzz]: Anyone notice Gen ogling Merilyn?
[14:34][Misser D]: Yes, actually. Not sure if it’s good acting or great acting.
[14:34][Free Parking]: Intermission’s over, crazy girl getting it back on the road.
[14:34][RooDzz]: I was trying to push my way through the walls and it wasn’t working, btw
[14:34][Cantre11]: In the city we weren’t having problems but this building seems a bit different.
[14:34][Misser D]: I think I’m going to jot that down on my sheet, their world can interact with our POV somehow or another.
[14:35][Pughly]: I’m guessing it’s magic.
[14:35][RooDzz]: Why?
[14:35][Pughly]: Because it’s magic, I ain’t gotta explain shit
[14:35][LaForest]: Vintage.
[14:35][Cantre11]: When did you arrive, LaForest?
[14:35][LaForest]: Same time as RooDzz
[14:35][Cantre11]: Please remember to announce when you arrive, everyone.
[14:35][Cantre11]: Not counting auger, that makes all 7 of us. No new joiners?
[14:35][RooDzz]: I’ve kept quiet.
[14:35][Beholeth]: New name: ‘Jim’. Nickname pending.
[14:35][Misser D]: That infodump was pretty useful for context but it actually conflicts with some of the stuff we know.
[14:35][LaForest]: How so?
[14:35][Misser D]: Merrilyn insists that control is the important bit and mind over matter and all that but crazy girl had little to no control when she poofed out of existence.
[14:35][Cantre11]: Damn, you’re right. Are they lying?
[14:35][LaForest]: My money’s on multiple systems. Think D&D.
[14:35][Pughly]: I know I just complained about asking for personal details but how old are you? I haven’t even seen those letters together in years
[14:35][LaForest]: not as old as you’re guessing. Anyway, it could be like “schools of magic” or even a huge split like Arcane Magic vs Divine Magic, where even the way you try to power them up is 100% different.
[14:36][Misser D]: I’ve got that as a footnote, we’ll see as time goes on.
[14:36][Cantre11]: Their conversation took a damn weird turn, Captain Hook brought up quantum mechanics
[14:36][Beholeth]: Muahaha also that’s stupid
[14:36][Pughly]: She seems to sympathize. This is clearly a fantasy ARG, not Sci-Fi. I mean, there were goblins and shit.
[14:36][RooDzz]: Why didn’t I hear about those? They seem kind of important.
[14:36][Cantre11]: Oops, they’re everywhere in the city, usually out of sight building or mining from what we could tell. Like serfs almost.
[14:36][Beholeth]: There are no slave drivers or anything, which was weird. They just do it.
[14:36][Misser D]: They move a little like platoons, probably a consequence of ‘Gen’. Anyone else think that’s just short for General? He’s wearing a greatcoat and everything.
[14:36][Beholeth]: General Hook isn’t catchy or a pop culture reference, vetoed.
[14:36][LaForest]: ‘Bearstrosities’ also sounds like something straight out of D&D too.
[14:36][Cantre11]: It’s working.
[14:36][RooDzz]: It actually is, too. It looks exactly like last time. Except with more clothes.
[14:36][Pughly]: Man, that’s dumb.
[14:36][Beholeth]: Man, that’s dumb x2
[14:36][LaForest]: Man, that’s dumb x3
[14:36][RooDzz]: Man, that’s dumb x4
[14:36][Misser D]: Where’d she go?
[14:36][Cantre11]: Other corner of the room, she’s in bad shape.
[14:36][Pughly]: Jot that down too, Misser D. Short teleport has her vomiting and passed out, but she’s apparently alive after teleporting at least 50 times that far minimum.
[14:36][Misser D]: What did she sacrifice this time?
[14:36][LaForest]: Nothing except her lunch, which makes things more complicated.
[14:36][auger]: She does not belong entirely to herself. Not anymore.
[14:36][Beholeth]: There he is! You still owe me a horde.
[14:36][Free Parking]: Back, why is the sound gone?
[14:36][RooDzz]: Yeah, sound’s down.
[14:36][Misser D]: Should we spam until they turn it back on?
[14:36][auger]: We have been invited to watch, but she is at war with it.
[14:36][Misser D]: Gonna take that as a ‘no’.
[14:37][Beholeth]: I’d go to war again just to spite the guy but it’d be too expensive, sorry
[14:37][Cantre11]: I’ve been sending stuff anyway.
[14:37][Free Parking]: Reading up, sounds like I missed a bit. Misser D, auger just gave us a shitload of info.
[14:37][Misser D]: Like what?
[14:37][Free Parking]: The fact she can teleport now is a consequence of that first teleport, I think, and it’s taken a chunk out of her, literally or metaphorically.
[14:37][Misser D]: I got that bit, anyone figure out what she got rid of?
[14:37][Cantre11]: I know a lot of you missed the first convo, but she apparently can’t use names anymore. She calls Gen ‘the General’, though.
[14:37][Misser D]: So it’s not necessarily a physical thing, got it. Also told you it was short for General.
[14:37][Misser D]: Wait, if she can’t say ‘Gen’ but can say ‘the General’, does that mean Gen actually is his name? Gen the General?
[14:37][Beholeth]: Gen the General is just silly enough to be an acceptable alternative.
[14:37][Free Parking]: The other statement is kind of confusing but apparently her using her magic interferes with our ARG pov.
[14:37][Misser D]: Got that, too. I wonder why?
[14:39][RooDzz]: Them just talking about random things is way less interesting when you can’t hear them.
[14:39][RooDzz]: Wait, guys? Where’d you go?
[14:39][Cantre11]: I think people are kind of taking a break.
[14:39][LaForest]: I’m still here.
[14:39][RooDzz]: Probably a good thing, shit’s going down. Do we know the guy who just ran in?
[14:39][Cantre11]: Nope. He sort of hung out and stood by the door when they came in, though.
[14:39][LaForest]: Goblins outta nowhere.
[14:39][Cantre11]: Yeah, I think Misser D was right, these guys are way too organized to be normal Goblin-types.
[14:39][RooDzz]: This is the same ARG where quantum mechanics let you teleport.
[14:39][Cantre11]: Duly noted.
[14:39][LaForest]: Damn, Chica can run fast.
[14:39][Cantre11]: Kat.
[14:39][Beholeth]: Hate to see her leave, love to watch her go.
[14:39][Cantre11]: You guys are the worst.
[14:39][Pughly]: What’s the actual hubbub?
[14:39][RooDzz]: Sound’s still out, but a weird guy ran in and got them. Must be an emergency.
[14:39][Misser D]: She can fly?
[14:39][Misser D]: Sorry, not enough emphasis. She can fly!?!?
[14:39][LaForest]: Damn right, and that’s a problem since she hasn’t sacrificed anything as far as I can tell.
[14:39][auger]: Loyalty is rewarded.
[14:39][Cantre11]: Loyalty to what?
[14:39][Cantre11]: Wish they’d make the ARG plant just a bit less cryptic, it’s getting irritating.
[14:39][auger]: I am not here for your amusement.
[14:39][Beholeth]: He’s being a lot more talkative, this time. That actually sounded like a response, too.
[14:39][Misser D]: I’m going to go ahead and put ‘Chica(Kat)’ down in the new category with Jim and toss in ‘Loyalty is rewarded’.
[14:39][auger]: What I know of the Jim implies that he is of the Conduit, not like this one.
[14:39][Misser D]: Ooookay
[14:39][Cantre11]: What are they doing? We haven’t been to the floating place yet, but it makes no sense now.
[14:39][Beholeth]: Looks like they’re splitting off. I almost feel bad for Gen the General, these girls seem pretty capricious.
[14:39][Free Parking]: Have we confirmed what sort of relationship they all have?
[14:39][Cantre11]: Kat and Gen hit it off, our girl is an outsider, and Merrilyn may or may not be interested in any and all of them.
[14:39][RooDzz]: Any and all of them?
[14:39][Cantre11]: She’s pretty mercurial, every time I look at her she seems to change her mind on who she’s ogling, what her mood is, and what sort of posture she wants to assume. It’s actually kind of unnerving now that I think about it
[14:40][LaForest]: I wish I could see her without that robe.
[14:40][Cantre11]: Didn’t take you for that sort.
[14:40][Pughly]: lol
[14:40][LaForest]: Let me rephrase that. I feel like I recognize her but I’m not super sure.
[14:40][Cantre11]: First RooDzz and now you? Who does she look like?
[14:40][LaForest]: This is going to give an awful lot of context as to who I am so I need to be sure that’s fine.
[14:40][Cantre11]: That means you two miscreants.
[14:40][Beholeth]: I’m not a miscreant!
[14:40][Pughly]: I won’t do anything with it.
[14:40][Cantre11]: If you’re not a miscreant, why did you know I meant you?
[14:40][Beholeth]: drat
[14:40][auger]: None of you shall come to harm without there being dire consequences.
[14:40][Beholeth]: Ominous threat aside, I wouldn’t do anything with it either.
[14:40][LaForest]: I’ve taught at a number of language-oriented education centers.
[14:40][Misser D]: Really? That makes a lot of sense actually.
[14:40][RooDzz]: Education centers I get, but ‘language oriented’? Like English?
[14:40][Beholeth]: Programming.
[14:40][LaForest]: That’s right. When I was younger I got caught doing some unsavory things and part of my penance was teaching people how to keep themselves safe from that.
[14:40][Beholeth]: You’re really LaForeste? I’m almost upset I didn’t think of that sooner, all things considered.
[14:40][LaForest]: Shit, I didn’t know I was famous or I’d have put some more effort in
[14:40][Beholeth]: Not everyone would recognize you but I would have to be braindead not to.
[14:41][Cantre11]: Personal revelations aside, why would you know Merrilyn?
[14:41][LaForest]: Beautiful, reserved, wore a tight bun. Blonde hair but a smidge darker, could be a trick of the light or dye or both. Looked almost entirely the same as the robed woman, but the more I see her, the less they seem alike.
[14:41][RooDzz]: How?
[14:41][Cantre11]: How?
[14:41][Cantre11]: apparently we have a ninja in our midst, too.
[14:41][RooDzz]: I wish
[14:41][LaForest]: The girl I taught was named Jane, was incredibly shy, and couldn’t hurt a fly. She looked very similar, but the mannerisms are all wrong.
[14:41][Cantre11]: Why off with the robe, though?
[14:41][LaForest]: Scar. The kind doctors can’t fix, too. It’d be on her left lower arm, and while it’s hard to see in general, that sort of thing doesn’t escape you when you have to watch someone type a few thousand characters a day for a month.
[14:41][RooDzz]: I’ll try to watch out for it.
[14:41][Beholeth]: Why not just shift POV over and peak under her “sleeves”?
[14:41][Pughly]: I tried earlier, doesn’t work. Bonk on an invisible wall.
[14:41][Beholeth]: Typical.
[14:41][Cantre11]: You’re typical, in more ways than one.
[14:41][Misser D]: That’s one hell of a coincidence.
[14:41][RooDzz]: Yeah, lol.
[14:41][Free Parking]: Woah, what is this place?
[14:41][Misser D]: It’s beautiful!
[14:41][Cantre11]: I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many firearms in one place.
[14:41][RooDzz]: I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many firearms.
[14:41][Pughly]: I don’t think I’ve ever
[14:41][Beholeth]: I don’t
[14:41][Misser D]: General’s got the big guns.
[14:41][Free Parking]: It’s pretty empty, though.
[14:41][LaForest]: I get what you mean. Why are they there? Big leg man isn’t even escorting them, though I don’t blame him after Jane/Merrilyn’s shenanigans.
[14:41][Cantre11]: They’re just sort of sitting and chatting.
[14:41][Free Parking]: and we still don’t have sound
[14:41][RooDzz]: Speak of the devil, mine just came back on.
[14:41][LaForest]: Mine too.
[14:41][Misser D]: I’m pretty sure she’s not supposed to be fondling those high explosives like that.
[14:41][Cantre11]: High explosives! I thought that was clay?
[14:41][Misser D]: Old mil tech in an even older formula.
[14:41][LaForest]: Shit, that really is her.
[14:41][Beholeth]: I don’t see it.
[14:41][LaForest]: It’s kind of faint, but you can’t miss it once you actually know it’s there.
[14:41][Beholeth]: It’s right. Guys, look at her left arm when the robe drapes back.
[14:41][Pughly]: Yup.
[14:41][Cantre11]: So she’s another real person, albeit with a dramatically different personality and new name. Is she acting?
[14:41][Misser D]: It’s getting kind of slow even with sound, so I’m going to do some digging on this ‘Jane’ person.
[14:41][LaForest]: I’ll check school records too.
[14:42][Cantre11]: I wonder if these guns are all real or just CGI, like the big plant.
[14:41][auger]: The guns are every bit as real as the 'big plant'.
[14:41][Cantre11]: So not at all.
[14:41][RooDzz]: Maybe it was just really good practical effects and that’s what he means? Like, he’s gloating because of how crazy this ARG is?
[14:41][Pughly]: Honestly kind of feel bad it’s just us. This thing’s been fucked up enough but it’s still the best thing since Grasshopper.
[14:42][RooDzz]: Grasshopper?
[14:43][Free Parking]: Crazy ARG with real world puzzles. Ended with a huge fake cult scene that exposed an actual real cult to the public.
[14:42][RooDzz]: I think I saw that in the news actually.
[14:43][Beholeth]: Grasshopper? More like Crickets. Chat’s dead lol
[14:45][Cantre11]: Why don’t they at least talk? I get that Janeilyn is kind of intimidating, but it’d be common decency.
[14:45][Pughly]: I just went off to do something else. We’ll have stuff to chat about when those other two get back.
[14:45][RooDzz]: I hope so
[14:48][LaForest]: I found the record.
[14:47][Beholeth]: Hurrah! What’d it say?
[14:47][Cantre11]: I’ve got a guess.
[14:47][LaForest]: Name: Jane Doe
[14:47][Pughly]: And no one called her on that? Not even you?
[14:47][LaForest]: I think it’s safe to assume that if you’re throwing thousands of dollars at a place they don’t care what your real name is. I never heard her last name.
[14:47][RooDzz]: I guess her real name is Merrilyn then, but what was she doing in your class?
[14:47][LaForest]: She’s one of my favorite pupils, top five at least. She really did seem to be there to learn.
[14:47][Cantre11]: So a highly qualified programmer is going around and fondling guns and explosives. I think my immersion is irreparably broken.
[14:47][Beholeth]: Tell me about it. This is fun in some ways, too.
[14:47][RooDzz]: Is that all you found?
[14:48][LaForest]: She paid her entire tuition out of pocket.
[14:48][RooDzz]: Hot damn.
[14:48][Pughly]: Supermodel might not be too far off, lobbing that kind of money around.
[14:48][Cantre11]: I hate to admit it, but that might be right. I guess we’re just waiting for Misser D.
[14:48][Beholeth]: Almost calls for a P.I.
[14:48][Misser D]: Those two are the same thing.
[14:48][Free Parking]: welcome back
[14:48][Misser D]: thanks and I found some stuff
[14:48][LaForest]: Shit, like what? I’m curious now.
[14:48][Cantre11]: Teachers usually aren’t so prone to swearing, you know.
[14:48][Beholeth]: Most teachers haven’t had full access to more than four national banks.
[14:48][RooDzz]: I think most teachers haven’t had full access to any national banks, for the record.
[14:48][Beholeth]: You never know.
[14:48][Misser D]: Steal my thunder, why don’t you.
[14:48][LaForest]: Go ahead, we’re all listening, even if they’re a bit obnoxious.
[14:48][Misser D]: Fine, fine, the long story short is that Merrilyn doesn’t exist.
[14:48][Beholeth]: I thought you ‘found something’?
[14:48][Misser D]: I did, but not through the sorts of channels you’d expect.
[14:48][Cantre11]: Interesting, go on.
[14:48][Misser D]: I found her in footage. I have access to certain tools to look at appearances and certain consistent details- like a discoloration of the forearm.
[14:48][RooDzz]: Do you all have to be super-spies and hacker professors and shit? I’m feeling left out.
[14:48][Pughly]: If it’s any consolation, I’m completely normal.
[14:48][Cantre11]: I know for a fact you’re lying.
[14:48][Pughly]: Shhh.
[14:48][auger]: The ordinary would not heed the call.
[14:48][Cantre11]: I’m going to take that as a compliment.
[14:48][Beholeth]: I think it was one.
[14:49][Misser D]: Long story short, I found Jane Doe. And another one. And another one. Including, I might add, the one that was in LaForest’s class.
[14:49][LaForest]: That’s not creepy at all.
[14:49][Misser D]: You have no idea how much access certain people have to everyone’s lives.
[14:49][Cantre11]: Wasn’t that a myth?
[14:49][Misser D]: For the sake of my continued employment, yes.
[14:49][Beholeth]: Sweep your tracks on the way out.
[14:49][Misser D]: I appreciate that warning, and trust me, I’m on it. I’m not particularly tech literate, but there’s a few things you have to be able to do.
[14:49][Pughly]: I can almost hear the van now.
[14:49][Misser D]: You guys haven’t actually heard the crazy bit yet though.
[14:49][Cantre11]: The anticipation is killing me, stop delaying.
[14:49][Misser D]: Each Jane Doe is a completely different ‘person’.
[14:49][RooDzz]: Just like ‘Merillyn’?
[14:49][Misser D]: Just like Merrilyn. There are a lot of things that set off red flags for suits, right. Don’t go looking up certain medication and related organic chemistry on the same day, for instance.
[14:49][Free Parking]: Only on weekends.
[14:49][Misser D]: Well, of the Jane Doe’s I found, she has enough qualifications to be a lot of things. Actually, a few very specific things.
[14:49][Cantre11]: Such as?
[14:49][Misser D]: Poisoner, domestic terrorist, vault-cracker, drug dealer, poet.
[14:49][Pughly]: One of these is not like the others.
[14:49][Misser D]: It was somehow the most surprising of the bunch, yes. She sets off enough red flags that I’m actually kind of amazed we didn’t clue in sooner.
[14:49][Cantre11]: How the fuck did the ARG rope her in if she’s so dangerous?
[14:49][Misser D]: I’m actually about ready to initiate a full-scale investigation for that exact reason.
[14:50][auger]: Such a thing would be intensely undesirable.
[14:50][Misser D]: Did you guys know when you hired her on?
[14:50][auger]: You mistake my allegiance, even if my intent is one in the same.
[14:50][Misser D]: I don’t have time for abstract bullshit and you know it.
[14:50][auger]: The ones responsible for her “recruitment”, as you would consider it, were far less discriminate than I.
[14:50][Cantre11]: Make sure to get that down in the spreadsheet.
[14:50][Misser D]: Cantre11, unless I’m 100% certain the crazy bitch isn’t going to blow up the city they built their set in, there is no more ARG.
[14:50][Pughly]: Don’t be a partypooper.
[14:50][auger]: I will put it like this. Unlike you, she has no ability to influence Earth.
[14:50][Misser D]: That’s bullshit but I’ll buy it. If she’s not turned in by the end of the week, I’m starting an investigation.
[14:50][auger]: That is entirely doable. “lol”.
[14:50][RooDzz]: Uh, is anyone else actually watching the blog?
[14:50][Free Parking]: I am. I’m good with multitasking so It’s not so bad to have both open.
[14:50][Beholeth]: Imagine the headlines. “Potential mass murderer surprises cat”.
[14:50][RooDzz]: I wonder what took them so long.
[14:50][Cantre11]: She almost seems like an entirely different person.
[14:50][Free Parking]: At some point she started flourishing and pirouetting and she hasn’t stopped.
[14:50][Pughly]: Lookit Chica getting all jealous.
[14:51][RooDzz]: Gen doesn’t actually seem too interested. Actually, he might be more than a little cognizant of what sort of person she really is.
[14:51][Cantre11]: That is not the sort of face a guy looking at a woman that pretty should make.
[14:51][RooDzz]: Exactly.
[14:51][Pughly]: Crazy girl is the only sane person in this whole scene
[14:51][Misser D]: “Hey, let’s toss all the explosives in one place!”
[14:51][Free Parking]: lol
[14:51][LaForest]: I just wonder why they need it all.
[14:51][Cantre11]: Army of killer plants.
[14:51][RooDzz]: We’ve done killer plants, maybe it’ll be killer bugs next?
[14:51][Free Parking]: Too cliche.
[14:51][Beholeth]: Oh shit we’re on the air! And here I thought they muted the suggestion box.
[14:51][LaForest]: I’ve been flooding it, too.
[14:51][Cantre11]: I’m famous now!
[14:51][Misser D]: Told you it wasn’t a ‘pirate coat’. The dude’s clearly a Prussiaboo.
[14:51][RooDzz]: Stream cut.
[14:51][Cantre11]: same
[14:51][Beholeth]: yup
[14:51][Pughly]: puy
[14:51][Free Parking]: can we not do this every time something vaguely out of the ordinary happens?
[14:51][Pughly]: fuck you, pay me
[14:51][Beholeth]: There’s a time and a place for memespouting.
[14:51][Pughly]: That time is now and that place is here
[14:51][Cantre11]: Misser D, make sure to note that the stream cut as soon as a character actually tried to talk to us.
[14:51][auger]: It is a consequence of how the link was constructed.
[14:51][Misser D]: Noted.
[14:52][Free Parking]: Even with the strange end, I think this was somehow more exciting than the murderplante episode.
[14:52][RooDzz]: I got here late and it still seemed longer.
[14:52][Cantre11]: A lot to look forward to, I guess.
[14:52][LaForest]: So we’re just going to leave, or what?
[14:52][Cantre11]: I’ll hang around for a bit and give you guys a heads up if it comes back.
[14:52][Beholeth]: Well, it’s been fun! Adieu
[14:52][Pughly]: Local garden gnome is now French
[14:52][Beholeth]: Wait, is that French?
[14:52][Cantre11]: Local garden gnome is now braindamaged.
[14:57][RooDzz]: Something about this whole thing just doesn’t feel right.
[15:00][Cantre11]: What do you mean?
[15:00][RooDzz]: A little too real. Too consistent. Like, why even cast someone like Merrilyn?
[15:00][Cantre11]: They couldn’t have known.
[15:00][RooDzz]: Coincidences aren’t so easy to find.
[15:01][Cantre11]: You sound like auger.
[15:01][RooDzz]: It’s just weird, that’s all.
[15:01][auger]: All shall be revealed, and sooner than you think.
[15:01][Cantre11]: like the fuckling oracle of delphi
[15:01][auger]: I am not she. I do not understand how you could even mistake us, since you have met her already.
[15:01][RooDzz]: and now I’m glad I stuck around after all. The guy’s as loose as a faucet this time.
[15:01][Contre11]: I’m hoping it doesn’t mean the ARG is almost over, it’d be sad to see it end so quickly.
[15:01][Contre11]: I’ve been getting a weird vibe too, though.
[15:01][RooDzz]: What do you mean?
[15:01][Contre11]: It’s about the way this all went down. The names, especially. Why is she ‘the conduit’?
[15:02][RooDzz]: I thought it just meant like a tube.
[15:02][Contre11]: Yeah, exactly. A tube to let us in, right?
[15:02][Contre11]: So what does that make auger?
[15:02][RooDzz]: I looked it up just now. It’s an old word for a drill.
[15:02][Contre11]: Yeah. A drill that bores out a hole, a cylindrical tube- a conduit.
[15:02][RooDzz]: I’m not sure what to make of that.
[15:02][Contre11]: Neither am I.
[15:02][Beholeth]: clearly that means he wants to bore out the conduit’s hole.
[15:03][Beholeth]: hole(s)
[15:02][Contre11]: You are the worst and I’m done here
[15:03][RooDzz]: Well, see you guys next time, I guess? Bye
Dungeon Core Story
*This story has been dropped. I was writing it very chapter by chapter, then left it for a long time. When I came back I no longer liked the foundations I've built. I've learned much and will be starting something new* A dungeon that isn't a reincarnated human, but an all natural freshly born dungeon core with lots to learn about a world filled with magic and power.
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All is peaceful for the jedi at the training temple until something happens and one of the padawans is kidnapped. A team of two jedi masters go to rescue her, but are joined by an unexpected guest. Together, the three of them uncover something fishy going on with the jedi order which promptly makes them fugitives. Being the good natured people that they are, they try to help make things right anyways.
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Wolf Oneshots. That's right. Oneshots, except with wolves.
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𒆜 Oᑎ-GOIᑎG 𒆜System: Host you just need to take revenge on the FLand complete task and your mission will be a success.Liza: Just these come on let's do it. ~~~~~after completing some worlds~~~~~Liza: system chan~~ How the hell is this demon following me everywhere like a curse ?!System: ..he..he..he.......congratulations host you have successfully completed the hidden mission .😊😊Liza: Abort mission I won't do it .A certain person: Since you have entered my heart don't you dare think of running.●○•° 《 Extremely slow updates😥 so please🥺 be patience 》°•○●
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hyejin meets a girl who isn't head over heels for her.
8 200New Game +
Life has many challenges for Drew (AKA ScoreStreak), but with a shit-eating grin on his face, he aims to get the highest score possible. Arcadey Litrpg. SuperPowers. Multiple Earths. Using some older ideas from mostly abandoned stories and some fun troups I give you this Frankenstein of a Story.
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