《I'm Just a Nameless Side Character in a Vampire Romance Novel》Chapter 41 - The banquet
James had strawberry blonde hair and a slender build. He was only slightly taller than me and had a surprisingly calm aura about him. James didn’t appear in the book, so I didn’t quite know what to expect when I’d finally get to meet him. All I had to go off of was the stories Heinrick had told me while we trained together. He was always the calm mediator between Heinrick and Richard and I hadn’t heard a single story yet where James had been the instigator.
“It is a pleasure to finally meet you your highness. I apologize if this is too sudden.” James smiled, “But when I heard that I have you to thank for being here, I couldn’t wait.” It felt like I was talking to someone I worked with, rather than a noble, or a vampire at that. Perhaps it’s because James’ looks weren’t celebrity level perfection?
“I don’t mind. I’m sure Richard will give you an earful enough for the both of us anyways.” I laughed when he gave me a pained grin, “I am in your care Sir Etten.” I curtsied and accepted his escort. As he led me through the halls, I realized I’d already forgotten the way back to my rooms. The palace was massive and without a guide there was no way I wouldn’t have gotten lost already.
“Have you spoken with the duke yet?” I tried to make small talk but realized too late that I’d set off a bomb. He flinched before answering.
“No. Not yet.” He gave me a reassuring smile.
“Don’t let him brush you off. It’s important.” I wanted to say more but had to bite my tongue. In the palace everything was heard.
“Now I’m curious as to how I’ve earned my ladies support.” We shared a smile, unwilling to share anymore on the subject. James stopped us in the hall. “Are you ready my lady?”
“You don’t believe Richard when he says a ball is a battlefield for the ladies… Right?” Uncertainty coloured my voice. He gave me a smile that said, ‘I do.’ With a sigh, I hardened my resolve and gave him a nod. “I’m ready.”
James’ shoulders shook and he continued leading me down the hall. When we turned the corner, I realized why he had stopped us there. We entered the main hall, filled with other noble couples heading to the ball. None of them dared to stop us here, though etiquette didn’t stop them from stealing glances our way. Their stares burned into the back of my head and I entertained the thought of twisting around and sticking my tongue out. Perhaps the finger would do the trick?
James laughed when he noticed my expression, somehow reading what I was thinking. When I gave him a questioning look he just said, “You remind me of someone.” Before I could ask him to elaborate though, we’d reached our destination. Unlike us, the other nobles continued on down the hall towards another set of doors.
Infront of us stood two large white doors, decorated in gold and guarded by Imperial knights on either side. With a nod from James, the doors parted and a Herald on the other side announced our arrival.
“Announcing Sir James Etten and Jasmine Rose of house Dumont!” His voice rang clear and loudly through the entire hall. The place was huge with large arching windows lining both sides. The doors opened up to a grand dining hall. Rows of large long tables stretched the entire length of the hall and were covered with dishes already, with more entering the room. No one was eating yet as the seats were still filling with the last of the nobles. The room was filled with white marble pillars lining every side, between each pair was draped a large tapestry depicting the crests of different kingdoms and houses. Only three tapestries held a single crest on them, one for Dumont, Alenta, and the Emperor draped above the Imperial dining table side by side.
I understood now why the other nobles didn’t use this door. It led to the elevated balcony at the front of the hall where the imperial family dined. It made sense unfortunately. Eclis still hadn’t renounced his candidacy for the crown, so we were both considered Imperial royalty at the moment on top of the fact that this ball was in his honour.
The Emperor’s table was crescent moon shaped with all the seating placed on one side so that all who dined at it would be facing the rest of the banquet hall. Four people were already seated waiting for us. Richard sat beside Eclis with two women to his right. When my eyes fell on Eclis I couldn’t contain the smile that crossed my face. At least for the moment I didn’t have to focus on the fact that I’d soon be dining with that cold Emperor. Eclis’ eyes fell on my for a moment and while I saw no expression cross his face something passed in his eyes. I wonder if I could crack that poker face of his? Perhaps it was worth a try. My smile turned into a grin at the thought. James escorted me to the empty seat beside Eclis and as we approached the entire table stood to greet me.
“Your highness!” Richard exclaimed moving like he intended to hug me. Eclis’ arm gently caught me at my waist stopping me short from reaching him. Realizing this, Richards arms deflated at his sides, and he moved to introductions instead. “This is Yennifer, my Countess and better half.” Richard placed his arm possessively around Yennifer as she curtsied in greeting. She had beautiful dark skin that was complimented by her deep berry coloured dress. It was richly adorned, further complimented by the various red gemstones she wore. I also marvelled at her elaborate updo that brought to attention to how glimmering her raven black hair could be.
Not a moment after I greeted her, James introduced his Rose. “This is Annabelle, my only Rose.” James’ eyes softened when he looked at her. Annabelle had strawberry coloured hair and bright clear purple eyes. She wore a beautiful pink dress that made her look simultaneously like a doll and a princess all at once. It was full of laces and frills and unlike everyone else’s dresses here, her skirt stopped at her knees. She gave me an exuberant smile as she curtsied.
“I’m so excited to finally meet you here in the capital.” I gave them both a warm smile. My hope was that I could make fast friends with them and lean on them for the rest of the night. For the moment it looked like they were both wary of me and neither looked like they were friends with each other either. “Shall we?”
With that we all sat again with James joining Annabelle near the far side of the table. To my left the rest of the chairs waited empty, and a knot of worry turned in my stomach while I wondered who might be sitting next to me. Heinrick! It must be him! Neither him nor his Rose had arrived yet. Out of all the Sacrifices I would meet today Heinrick’s was the one I was most curious about.
According to Richard the Emperor always timed his entrance to when the hall would be nearly filled. As I observed the nobles seated below us it was obvious that would be any time now. Almost as alarmingly I noticed how many people were watching me. For many this was their first good look at their newest princess, and the return of their lost prince. I hoped they couldn’t see how nervous I felt. I could feel my heart in my palms and I had to consciously keep my breathing steady.
My eyes lingered on the empty seats at the table. Even without the Emperor dedicating this night to the crown prince, he would’ve dined with us. I sighed. I had banked on the fact that he hadn’t arrived in the capital and had planned to dodge him at every turn for the short period I was here. Instead, I’d be seated at the same table as him for an entire banquet.
A jolt rocketed through me when my eyes connected with Eclis. “Bored already?” He kept his tone perfectly neutral but this close I couldn’t miss the sparks that flashed in his eyes when they met mine. I wondered how long he had been watching me for.
“Do I look bored?” Try as I might, I couldn’t figure out why he would ask me that.
“You’re sighing already.” It was such a small thing, yet he noticed instantly.
“I’m…” It was hard to have a conversation with someone when you knew potentially dozens of others were listening in as well. “I’m just a bit overwhelmed.”
“This is your first midnight ball, is it not?” Yennifer interjected, smiling empathetically at me. She was sitting two seats away from me but due to the nature of the crescent shaped table it was easy to see and converse with everyone else.
“It is.” After a moment more of hesitation I decided to just wing it. I was nervous enough already without the added fact that I was trying to screen every word I spoke for all the people who would be listening in. So long as I avoided certain topics it would be fine. No biggie. “Have you done many of these?”
“I have. They only host a midnight ball for important events, so it has been a while admittedly, but I’ve been to my fair share.” Yennifer had an alluring confidence about her that made me instantly respect her.
“I think its what, been five years since the last one Yen?” Annabelle chimed in happily. She was seated directly beside Yennifer, though had been conversing between herself and James until a moment ago.
“When did I say you could call me Yen?” Yennifer sounded annoyed but Annabelle continued like she’d never heard her.
“They’re really tiring events. Fun! but so tiring.” Annabelle sighed the last part. “Did they tell you about-“ She looked around as if checking if anyone was listening before leaning in closer. “The sex rooms?”
“The- Pardon?” When she leaned in, I instinctively followed before realizing I was too close to Eclis.
“They’re not called sex rooms Annabelle.” Yennifer chided. “They’re called the red-light parlours.”
“It’s Anna to the both of you,” She corrected, “And let me tell her!” Anna looked excited, “They were added only a century back or so and on the first year they were installed there was so many scandals!” She giggled. For a moment I was reminded that these girls as well as everyone else present today were decades older than me, if not centuries older. Annabelle looked like she could be younger than me and Yennifer would only pass for a couple years my senior, but they spoke so casually about the years passing.
Yennifer added on to Anna’s explanation. “They’re meant to allow private time for couples… To, you know.” Yennifer was gesturing with her right hand as she spoke, and I could imagine what sort of private time she meant. “Though entering one alone also signals to others your… Availability. Especially to the person you just danced with.” I couldn’t control the look of shock that crossed my face. She gave me an empathetic smile, misunderstanding what that look had meant. “One difference you’ll need to learn to accept now that you’re here in the Empire your highness is that this society is polygamous. The monogamy of Tyrra doesn’t reach here so those rules still stand, even if you’re already contracted of course.”
“It’s not a bad thing though.” Anna tried to comfort me. “Honestly. You just need to get used to things here.” It wasn’t the fact that I was against polygamy that caused my look of horror. It was the fact that it just added another land mine I would have to avoid when it came to the crown prince. There was no way I could explain that though.
“Yeah, I’m sure you’re both right. It’ll just take some getting used to.” I put on my most reassuring smile.
It was at that moment that the white doors opened, and the Herald announced, “All rise for the Emperor!” The entire room rose, except me and Eclis. Only the imperial family could overlook such formalities and Richard had pounded into my head that I needed to act on that privilege whenever possible in order to appear confident. Behind the Emperor was the crown prince and following in their footsteps were the three faction heads. The faction heads had all brought their roses but neither the Emperor nor the Crown prince had one at their side. In the Empire that favoured complex polygamous relationships it was a custom that each noble brought a rose, either their favourite who was given their title, or another that they were hoping would solidify new contracts. Balls, salons, and festivals were always the backdrops to new alliances between houses and it was this fact that ensured the capital of Ganimede held all the political power, even a thousand years after its formation. The fact that the Imperial family had been forgoing this custom had created tension in the Empire as kingdoms and nobles couldn’t form new alliances with the Imperial family. It also added another layer of danger for myself since I now posed as the only key to that world.
The nagging dread I was feeling earlier returned to me. It was a given that the Emperor would likely sit in the middle of the table and I was awfully close to that middle. Where was Heinrick??
When the Emperors eyes fell on us they darkened and for a moment my composure faltered. It was only for a moment though, as his attention turned to one of his aids whom he was giving instructions to. The feast would not start without the Emperor being seated and his delay gave Heinrick enough time to burst through the door as well, to a surprised Herald. At Heinrick’s side was a portly woman who looked to be in her late thirties. Of all the women here, she was among shortest, standing at just over five feet tall. Beside Heinrick who dwarfed her, one would think she was a child if it weren’t for her obvious age. They both gave a brief greeting to the Emperor before she led Heinrick to our table. We all stood to greet them, me with a massive smile of relief.
“You’re late.” Richard was a stickler for formalities and etiquette. The fact that he’d broken such customs with Heinrick really showcased just how peeved it had made him.
“Yes, yes, well my husband can take a right time getting ready let me tell you.” Heinricks Rose answered for him, much to my surprise. She had a stern and scolding voice.
“Ahh, lovely Gerta. It’s been a while.” The stiff mannerism Richard had taken with Heinrick melted away when he greeted her. Gerta was stunning in the dress she wore, though it was absolutely unlike the trend set in the capital. She wore a leather corset atop a beautifully and intricately woven dress. There were no gemstones to be found anywhere on the dress, but one could tell it would cost a fortune to own by the level of detail that was used to make the patterns. Her brown hair was styled in an updo, though it was done much more plainly when compared to Yennifer or Annabelle’s. The way she dressed and the way she carried herself gave me the impression that this was a woman who really knew who she was and what she wanted.
“Oh Richard! It truly has been too long. I take it my husband has been behaving?” She had a smile that crinkled around her eyes. “Oh! And my apologies,” She turned to address me, “You must be the young lass my Heinz has been just gushing about.” Heinz? My god that was gold.
Richard moved to introduce me but since she’d already addressed me directly, I beat him to it. “Yes, I’m Jasmine. Sir Heinrick has been a very capable teacher to me.” I returned her smile and she surprised me by giving me a hug.
“And I’ve heard you’ve been surprising him day by day. I look forward to hearing more from you now that we’ve finally met.” She gave Heinrick a pointed look at the last second there.
“And there’ll be plenty of time for that too,” He looked abashed. Instead of the domineering Knight Commander I was so used to seeing in the training field Heinrick was deferring to this small lady beside him. He gently placed his hand at the small of her back as if to urge her to move to their seats, but he put no pressure in it, letting her decide when she would go. “We should take our seats Lass, the Emperor will be here soon.” She looked at Heinrick for a moment before relenting. My heart sank and a pit began to open at the bottom of my stomach. They left the seat beside me empty and joined James and Annabelle at the very end of the table. Oh shit.
I cast another nervous glance towards the Emperors party. The aid he was speaking to left the hall and finally the Emperor approached the table.
“Emperor Donner, this is my Rose, Jasmine.” Eclis spoke as if these introductions bored him. The Emperor’s heavy gaze measured me. The cold calculative look he had at the ceremony was no where to be seen now, nor was the dark gaze I swear I saw when he first laid eyes on us. Instead, his eyes held warmth, like a father welcoming home his children. It made the hairs at the back of my neck stand on end. Somehow, Julia had fallen for this.
“Welcome to the family miss Jasmine.” He spoke warmly and with a smile, using respectful language that one might use when being introduced to a cousin. “It warm’s my heart to finally have a princess join the Imperial family.” That honour was supposed to go to Julia. A twinge of guilt pierced me.
“I’m happy to recieve such a warm welcome.” I intentionally hesitated for a moment, “If I’m being honest, I was rather nervous meeting you today.” I smiled again, trying to play a dim-witted girl.
“Oh child, there is no need to be nervous. Think of me as your father from now on, after all, you’ve joined in union with my first son.” It was a line said right out of the book, but to Julia. It sent a small shiver down my spine… Except this time added on, “Please, let’s forgo the honorifics. If you’ll allow me such a courtesy.” Forgoing honorifics was only done between best friends or close family members.
“Thank you then… Father.” The fact that I couldn’t refuse something like this of the Emperor was a burden. I knew he meant it as a way to earn my trust but all it did was solidify the notion that he planned to use me. I couldn’t pretend to think I was smarter than him, but I wasn’t backing out of playing this game. The Emperor’s smile grew hearing that.
“Hahaha, you don’t understand how long I’ve waited to have another daughter.” Was he referring to Eclis’ former rose there? “This is my second son and our empires crown prince, Claude Alenta.” Now that I was forced to finally look at the crown prince up close it was impossible to deny. He was attractive. Very attractive.
Up close the crown prince’s eyes were a piercing blue that sparkled in the candlelight and the laugh lines around them only added to his attractive charm. His golden hair was wavy and fell down into his eyes. He had a strong jawline and plump lips. The fact that he often fought in pseudo wars was evident in his wide set shoulders and the way his clothes hugged his figure closely. The white and blue of his attire was in stark contrast compared to the black and purple that Eclis wore. Like night and day, even down to the aura of the two, they were opposites. It was like I had a black panther behind and a white wolf in front of me.
I didn’t quite understand what to read out of the fact that the Emperor personally introduced me to the crown prince. I would have to remember to ask Eclis when we were finally home.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, princess.” The crown prince kneeled in front of me, waiting for my hand. Of course a romance novel would have a scene like this. For a brief moment I toyed with the idea of refusing him, but the fallout of that was too much of a bother. Despite my begrudging thought, it still brought a blush to my cheek.
Several sentences came to mind, but I couldn’t say, ‘It’s nice to finally meet you,’ nor could I say, ‘the pleasure is all mine.’ They’d sniff it out for the lie it was. “Yes, I do apologize that my health has prevented me from meeting you sooner.”
“My lady, I will gladly wait as long as it takes.” He was really laying it on thick there.
After that I was introduced to the three faction heads and their Roses. They gushed about how excited they were to finally meet me in a way that felt rehearsed. Each of their Roses mentioned oddly specific tidbits about me and would somehow draw some connection as to why we would be fast friends. One of them mentioned their love of seafood, another talked about sweets, and another still talked about how we both loved painting which I found odd. Where did the rumor that I liked painting come from?
Finally, the big reveal was upon us. Who would I sit beside? When it appeared as though the Emperor truly did intend to sit beside me, the crown prince pulled out another chair for him instead. There was a moment where he stared into the princes’ eyes as if he were considering rejecting the offer, but that moment passed, and he sat one chair away from me. The tension in my shoulders began to relax, until the crown prince sat himself beside me in the Emperors stead.
The crown prince tilted his head into my view and smiled, “I’m excited that we get to sit together for your first feast in the capital.” When I saw him earlier today in the parade it was his dazzling golden hair gleaming in the sun that caught my eye. This close I was in range of his truly deadly weapon, his stunning eyes.
“You make it sound like you have been waiting for me Prince.” My voice was perfectly polite and I didn’t have to fake an embarrassed blush that coloured my cheeks.
“Haven’t I though?” Before he could finish what he was going to say, a hush fell upon the hall as the Emperor stood to speak.
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