《I'm Just a Nameless Side Character in a Vampire Romance Novel》Chapter 21 - Our second date


It was the same dining room Eclis and I had dined in together when we’d first arrived at the palace. It was brightly lit and richly furnished. Paintings, each done in the style of a different race across Ganimede, depicted various scenes of feasts and festivals hung in between grand white pillars lining the walls. At the head of the table Eclis was waiting. He wore a white button-down shirt with a deep burgundy vest. My breath caught for a moment at the sight of firelight dancing in his ruby eyes. Our appetizers arrived first, a beautifully plated sushi carpaccio. Once the servants had exited the room I spoke.

“Richard is a spy.” Eclis raised a brow in question, “And you’d know that if you’d simply take my knowledge on the novel.” My brows were furrowed. Life was simpler when you had someone to be angry with and Richard was the perfect scape goat. He considered me for a moment longer.

“I heard you requested some tomes on magic.” It was only natural Alphonse would tell Eclis about what I was doing. Given my relationship with Eclis I had to assume everything I did here was reported to him.

“Are you just going to ignore that then?” I knew I was just itching for a fight, but good lord did I even have the strength to stop myself? His eyes studied me while we ate until a lazy smile crossed his face.

“I take it you had some difficulty with magic then.” His amusement only annoyed me more. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Taking out my anger on Eclis may make me feel better now, but I’d feel worse about it later.

“No. No it didn’t.” My annoyance still seeped in my voice but at least I didn’t snap at him.

“Tell me about it then.” I glared at him. Why was he avoiding the novel?

After another deep breath I spoke, “I was able to cast a single spell after hours of trying. Only one.” I had to consciously loosen my grip on the cutlery in order to continue eating.

“So you managed one on your first try?”

“I wouldn’t call it my first try. It seems I’ve gained some of the basic motor skills from who ever previously owned this body.” I held up my fork, “Like being able to maintain proper etiquette.” He nodded thoughtfully.

“I’d assumed it was because of the novel that you could follow etiquette.” My head shook in answer while I furiously stabbed the last of my food. From the corner of my eye it looked like he smiled but when I glanced at him it was gone.

“Magic isn’t tied as directly to one’s body, as it is to their mind and soul. Give it time Jazz, you’ll get stronger.” This wasn’t what was explained in the novel.

“Isn’t it though? In the novel it says it was tied to your body’s natural capabilities.” He scoffed.


“That is what is taught in Tyrra,” He practically spat the word, “They teach that as a way to separate the aristocracy from the rabble. Magic isn’t purely an inherited ability, nor is it dictated by the quality of your blood.” You could tell he detested the idea with just how disgusted his voice sounded.

“Then is it still true that people will have affinities with only one element of magic?” My voice sounded calmer. It was one of the integral pillars of how the magic in this world was explained in the novel. If this was wrong, how much else was? We were interrupted by the next course being served. Fish, on a bed of wild rice mixed with exotic vegetables. It had a butter fried crust and the inside was flakey and light. I was grateful for the portion sizes the chef now sent me.

“That is the only inherited part of magic. A child will inherit the affinity of one of their parents and in rare cases both, but one’s strength and talent in it must be honed through practice and will.” Surprisingly, he’d found the words to comfort me.

“Then I guess I’ll need a teacher for that too.” Yes. Even if right now I could barely cast a single low-level spell it didn’t mean I couldn’t improve. I’ll just have to work extra hard at it. I smiled.

“That can be arranged.” Eclis looked to be in a good mood to, though he wasn’t smiling. It seemed they were a rare treat.

“Also, just so you know, I want a teacher who can teach me combat magic. Books like ‘A Ladies Magic’ isn’t exactly what I had in mind.” I chuckled a bit. Eclis raised his brow. “Surely you don’t think I’m the type who wants to learn party tricks.” His expression said he did.

“I’m not sure what to think Jazz. You subvert my expectations every time. What exactly is it you plan to do in this world I wonder.” He marvelled.

“You’ll just have to wait and find out at the tower I guess.” I shrugged nonchalant. “Or you can trade me answers. Will you take my knowledge on the novel or not?” The corners of his mouth twitched and he deflected my answer.

“There are foods as well as artifacts I could fetch you to aid your mana development.” He was very generous at least.

“I’d be curious about what foods can help me. I don’t want to use artifacts though; I want to learn to use magic on my own.” Surprise once again crossed his face.

“Are you sure?” Given my inability to manage a single tier one spell he wasn’t wrong to question me.

“Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect I’ll become anything remarkable with magic, but I do at least want to be able to stand on my own with it.” I shrugged, “Besides, like you said; So what if I don’t have an innate talent for something. That doesn’t mean its out of my grasp.” He looked pleased with my answer.


The main course was four beautifully seasoned and roasted lamb chops served with roasted spring vegetables. I didn’t know any of the veggie’s names but as I ate them, I felt my headache recede and the soreness in my muscles disappeared. If nothing else, the food here made me second guess my resolve to go home.

“So, do you want to read the novel for yourself, or do you trust my ability to recount everything relevant.” I smiled at him, “You even get to learn about your future love.” It was hard not to feel bitter at the prospect, but I managed.

“I have no interest in someone I’m ordained to fall in love with Jazz.” He sounded annoyed, though I couldn’t place why.

“No? Why not, you two were so cute together.” Not at first of course, but damn by the end I was one hundred percent in Eclis’ corner.

“And what of you?” He didn’t try to hide his displeasure.

“I’m sure it’ll be a good show.” I laughed, “And I’ll likely be off doing my own thing or heading home by then.” My face grew serious, “Just… Don’t let the crown prince get to her this time, ok? He doesn’t like to share.” The crown prince was apparently a good man, except when it came to his love for Julia. He forsook everything to have her. Eclis searched my face for some time before answering. I wondered what he was looking for.

“We’ll talk about it when you’re no longer coughing up blood. How is your condition?”

“Better.” Alphonse likely mentioned yesterday so I added, “Since yesterday I haven’t coughed up blood.”

“Good. It seems Michael’s suggestions were the right call.” He still looked annoyed from the previous topic… You know what? I bet its because he’s been betrayed already by a sacrifice. Knowing your destined to fall for one must be unpleasant. A pang of guilt struck me. Julia also betrays him at the very end. Not gonna let that happen.

“What do you mean? It could’ve been worse than this?” The thought made me uncomfortable. I thought I was already managing it poorly. I didn’t want to imagine what worse would feel like.

“I won’t let this kill you Jazz. Relax.” That wasn’t very comforting.

“Right.” I didn’t sound convinced even to my own ears, “Well, what about your. It’s been four days since you’ve drank anything.”

“I will wait until your condition improves.” Try as I might, I did not see any signs of him starving or weakened. “So, will you tell me your goal now Jazz?” I would never get used to how my name rolled off his tongue. It was like he purposefully took every opportunity to say it making my heart flutter each time.

“Well, since you only gave me a half answer I’ll do the same. I came up with a goal a while ago. A couple actually.” The lamb was so tender. When I finally looked back up from it, I was momentarily paralyzed by the smile he was giving me. Did he like lamb too? It was hard to make eye contact, he was such a vision right now. Why couldn’t this man smile more often? “Anyways, offers still there if you want to find out or you’ll just have to wait until I meet with Michael.”

“You’re quite tenacious.” His compliment brought a blush to my face.

“My mother called it stubborn.” I sighed. He seemed just as stubborn. “Anyways, I was serious when I said Richard is a spy. He’s been reporting on the movements of your house for a long while now.” His smile died and I felt guilty that I was the cause of it. He’d been betrayed a lot throughout his life and if we weren’t careful it wouldn’t stop at just Richard.

“What information does he have on you?” He’d schooled his face back to that of a perfect noble again. Unreadable.

“He invited me to the palace for the crown prince’s victory ball. I told him I’m still recovering from my time at the prison and would likely miss it. I’ve been avoiding him otherwise.” He nodded.

“Stop avoiding him. If he catches on that you are, the info we feed him won’t be as effective in the palace.” Now it was my turn to be surprised. He’d immediately believed me over a man he’d known for over a thousand years. He read my expression.

“Jazz, you seem to forget that I can tell when you lie. However, as you’ve said, the things you know from the novel come from the perspective of a human girl.”

“Hey, what’s wrong with human girls?” Did he forget I was one too?

“What I mean is that she isn’t omnipotent. She can be lied too, just like her knowledge on magic was a lie.”

A palate cleanser came, a lovely lime mouse with tart berries. We ate it in silence while I considered his words. Some big events happened off screen and were later recounted to Julia by people who would benefit from lying. Other things that happened were simply interpreted by her incorrectly with the truth later being revealed. What truth’s then could have been missed?

The next course came but my appetite was already satiated. “Don’t worry yourself over these things Jazz.” Earlier his voice was hard while speaking about betrayal and the novel. Now it was gentle. “Unlike the events in your novel, this time I have my strength and wits about me. We will be fine.” He sounded so confident. I wanted to believe him, but it was his life at stake. What if we’re both wrong?

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