《I'm Just a Nameless Side Character in a Vampire Romance Novel》Chapter 15 - Why are you angry?


Michael smiled, “Given my station I believe it would be more appropriate just to call you Madam.”

“It’s my choice to let you call me Jazz. Unless that’s going to be taken from me as well.” I glared at Eclis. He flinched.

Reading the room, Michael bowed to both of us. “If there is nothing else, I will be leaving. Madam, I look forward to hearing what your goal will be.” Eclis didn’t acknowledge Michael at all. I watched his retreating figure leave, wishing I had a reason to ask him to stay. Its not that I feared being alone with an angry Eclis. It was the embarrassment that was killing me.

“So… You uh. You heard all that huh?” I even cried! “I didn’t notice you there.” His glare remained. Why was he so mad? It’s just a nickname.

“I heard.” Unlike the anger in his eyes, his voice was like a purr. “When did you start feeling sick?”

“Today… Or yesterday technically.” I’d spent more time asleep in this world than I had awake. He didn’t seem to like my answer.

“Why didn’t you tell me.” His voice was nearly a whisper and I had to strain to hear him.

“I just thought I was feeling homesick.” I smiled embarrassed, “I really didn’t think it was that serious.”

“Then tell me if you’re feeling homesick.” My mouth hung open for a moment. What? But he continued, “Tell me if you’re injured, if your sick or hurt. You’re my sacrifice Jazz.”

“You want me to… Tell you. If I’m feeling homesick?” The embarrassment! Just picturing the image of me telling him I missed my mommy brought a flush to my cheeks.

He moved to stand by the edge of my bed closest to me. With his eyes never leaving me it felt like I was watching a predator close in on its prey. He didn’t sit on the chair Michael was in, instead he sat on the bed, leaning in close. I could feel his breath on my cheek. Like on queue, my heart began to race.

“Won’t you?” My heart leapt at the sound of his voice, gently coaxing me to give in. This wasn’t fair. He knew he had the advantage here.


“It’s just really embarrassing to talk about though.” My voice trailed off when I realized he was starting to lean in closer. “Ok ok, I will. I promise.” Oops. Never make a promise to a vampire. They hold them like sacred contracts.

“You promise me what Jazz?” From the look in his eyes, I knew he had me where he’d wanted me. If I weren’t so flustered, I’d never have slipped like this.

“I promise I’ll tell you if I’m homesick alright?” I couldn’t back out now, “Or injured, sick, hurt.”

His breath tickled my neck as he spoke. “And what will I do with you if you don’t next time?” In the Empire it was customary to agree on the punishment for breaking a promise.

“You could… Put me in a time out.” My nervous laugh didn’t sway him. At this point I was leaning back as far as I could on the bed. He was practically on top of me now with one arm steading himself on the back board.

He gave me a devilish grin, “Some of your time then? Yes, then I’ll take an hour of your time if you break this promise.” With that he pulled himself away giving me time to catch my breath. An hour of my time… I eyed him suspiciously.

“Jazz, pushing people away will only shorten your time here. You’ve saved my life; I will repay that debt.” Ah. I was a little disappointed. For a second there it seemed like he’d liked me or something… Actually no, that’s a good thing. It means even when Julia arrives, I won’t just be thrown to the wayside as stronger feelings take over. A sense of responsibility is far more reliable than feelings.

“I understand. Thank you… For worrying.” I smiled at him. His anger was no where to be found.

Before he left, he turned back to me, “And Jazz. I was the first one to call your name, and I intend to take every other first of yours.” He’d left before I’d had a chance to ask him what he meant. A moment later two maids entered the bedroom and the lights brightened.


“We greet her highness.” They spoke in tandem. “We are the personal maids assigned too you Madam.” One had purple hair tied into a ponytail, two tiny stubs of horns peaking through. The other had short curly maroon hair, held back by a headband with equally stubby horns hiding in it. Both had deep purple skin and completely black eyes. Beneath their dresses I caught a glimpse of their tails, tucked around their legs. They studied my expression.

“If our appearance is not too your liking, just say and we shall fix it.”

“We apologize for any offence.” The other added hastily, bowing once again. I blinked in surprise.

“No, no. There’s nothing wrong with your appearance. I was just waiting for you to give me your names.” I knew it was improper for nobles to know the names of those that served them, but I wasn’t originally a noble from this world. If I was going to own a place here, however temporary, I was going to do it my own way. They looked taken aback, but after a moments hesitation they answered.

“I am Maybella,” The purple haired one spoke, bowing again.

“And I am Misa,” The red haired one spoke, also bowing.

“And we’re both sisters.” They spoke in tandem. I couldn’t hide the smile it gave me. They’re so cute.

“Then I am in your care Maybella and Misa.” They set about bringing my meal and as I ate, they explained how they planned to be useful to me. Maybella was the elder sister and was skilled in all thing’s makeup and hair. Misa, her younger sister, knew all the fashions and trends in both the Empire and in Tyrra. Both oversaw my quarters, my meals, and would act out any errand I wished. I could tell they were scared of me. They moved stiffly and spoke only when spoken too. It was honestly giving me vicarious anxiety just watching them.

“Misa, what time is it right now?” In all honesty time didn’t matter in the Empire. A healthy vampire didn’t need to sleep, and so the capital was open day and night. This palace was also awake day and night.

“It’s daytime Madam.”

Misa chimed in, “Would you like to go shopping? We took care to stock your closet with a few dresses to prepare for your arrival, but only a few-”

“Since we were sure you’d like to shop for your own attire once you’d arrived.” Maybella finished her sentence.

“Oh! But you only just woke up.” Misa looked panicked thinking she’d suggested something reckless. Now I remember. In the book, Julia had to win over the hearts of the people working here, who feared humans and how they’d act if they knew what they were. It had taken her months. Then here I came forcing them to abandon their glamour for my own selfishness. I felt bad. Would I manage to win their hearts? I might not even be here in a couple months though… I closed my eyes banishing the thought. This was going to be a hard habit to kick. The undercurrent of anxiety I was feeling strengthened.

“It’s ok Misa. I don’t think I want to go shopping today but it is a good idea. Could you organize for a designer to come to the palace instead? For now, I just want to explore my new home.” Misa perked up at the thought of a designer coming in.

“Yes! Of course, your highness, did you have anyone in mind?” She looked like a puppy who had just gotten a treat.

“Since its my first time here, I’d like to see a couple different designers. If I’m going to wear something it needs to speak to who I am.” I seemed to have struck a chord with Misa.

“Exactly Madam! Fashion is a language one must speak poetically! Only the best designers could ever step foot in our palace! I will go at once and ensure you find only the perfect dresses for your closet!” She ran out of the room leaving me and Maybella alone.

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