《I'm Just a Nameless Side Character in a Vampire Romance Novel》Chapter 7 - The Market


My lungs burned and my knees shook from the exertion of running here. Who ever she was, she really didn’t exercise did she. Resting my hands on my knees I stopped to catch my breath, keeping an eye out for anyone following me. Around me were various stalls selling their wares. I’d managed to run myself right into a street market. To its left down the road a ways was one of the entrances to the port. The side closest too the port was full of various seafoods, some I recognized, others I didn’t. One section housed various exotic produce and spices, while another sold trinkets and everything else it would seem. Was this the East Market or the west one? I couldn’t quite remember everything the boy had said earlier. It didn’t matter anyways.

Eclis said he’d find me if I ran. Then find me. I certainly wasn’t going to go crawling back. I spent the rest of the day happily perusing the entire market, starting with the really cool fish. I asked the vendors about the ones I didn’t recognize and left when they’d caught on that I didn’t intend to buy. There were fish and squids able to go invisible when alive. Different kinds of mollusks and urchins that gave special effects when eaten. All the creatures that had magical properties were flashy and colourful compared to the normal ones that existed in our world too.

In the exotic foods section were many of the fruits I loved. Strawberries, kiwis, and mangos to name a few. There were plenty of fruits that didn’t exist in our world as well. Some vendors sold fruits that would change your hair colour temporarily. Other fruits acted as aphrodisiacs and others still had various magical effects. One vendor even let me try a sample of one of the more normal fruits. There isn’t a flavor in our that would compare to it. I was in love.


There were many spices and of course, ones that provided magical effects to the things you cooked or brewed. The one that caught my eye was a more recently discovered spice. It was MSG. I laughed after noticing it and the seller tried in earnest to convince me to buy. I would if I could buddy.

In this world magic was quite common. It replaced technology and all creatures of this world had the ability to learn it. In Tyrra it was common for nobles to learn magic as part of their studies, but it was purposefully kept expensive and out of reach of the common folk. Instead, they relied on the magical devices that Ganimede produced to fill that gap. Too this end, this final section of the market was as large as the first two combined and filled with all sorts of devices and trinkets. Turns out, this world does have something like a blow dryer, as well as devices to curl hair and set hair. I’m saved. Smiling too myself I discovered all the neat things this world had to offer. The sellers were happy to show their products too me, and I only then realized it was because of how I was dressed. The clothes make the man I suppose. I was happy to use their courtesy to learn more about how things worked here. Of course I was heavily distracted by all the sparkly things, my true interest was in the devices.

Before long the day had given to dusk. Instead of closing shop though, the sellers switched shifts and lanterns lit up the market as bright as any night markets in our world. I smiled. It was almost familiar, enough that I felt comfortable here.

Not wanting to miss my first sunset over the ocean of this world I headed to the pier. Since we were so close to the port there was no access to the beach here, and being unfamiliar with the area I couldn’t find a proper lookout. I ended up hoisting myself up and over a sea wall.


The sky turned beautiful hues of pink, orange, purple, and blue as the sun set over the water. The sense of melancholy I was feeling all day was absent in its beauty. As it dipped beneath the water I was left alone. The sea breeze was cold and the lights from the lantern provided no warmth.

“And here I thought you had run Jazz.” Yelping, I moved to leap off the wall, but his strong arm caught me before I’d really moved. “Ah, my apologies. I didn’t mean to startle you.” I could hear him trying to hold back his laughter.

“Yeah, about that. Could you give me some warning before you pop up out of no where.” My heart was thundering still. His arm still around me wasn’t helping. He let me peel it off this time.

“I will.” He sounded far to amused, “Why didn’t you return to the room.” I shot him the best glare I could. Did I really need to spell it out? He waited for an answer and eventually I relented.

“Because there was only one bed and I wanted to see where we were.” I realized I was still glaring at him over my shoulder. I moved to swing my legs back over the ledge. Before I could protest, he helped me down, keeping his hands on my waist until I put distance between us. The predatory aura he had before was gone, and his eyes appeared normal again… Though still brutally sexy.

“You must be hungry then. Come.” He held out his elbow and instinctively I knew he meant to escort me. If I let him, I knew I’d forgive him for mind controlling me so instead I just walked beside him, keeping the same distance as before. I planned on staying mad with him for as long as I could. He just looked more amused. I pointedly looked away from him.

The silence between us was long and uncomfortable. For me at least. When I stole glances at him, he looked serene and unperturbed. Eventually I stopped paying attention too it myself, falling back into that sense of melancholy. I kept wondering what had happened to my body back home. Was I still alive? Sure, I drank a little but there was no way it was enough to kill me. Was time passing there, like it did here? What about my family.

“Here we are.” His words cut through my thoughts just before they spiraled into darker places. “I hope you like seafood, Eridia is famous for it.” I do like seafood, but I wasn’t in the mood to eat in the first place. Ever the gentleman, I’m sure he noticed my change in attitude, but he didn’t comment on it. Instead, he led me through the restaurant too the second floor where each table was in its own separate room. Of course, with a splendid view of the harbor.

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