《Evo-Gaming》Chapter 23


Chapter 23

Okay, calm yer tits. We can figure this out. First, we need to deal with the most imminent danger – the acid. It has been gnawing on me since I got here, and my energy reserves are running low. What are my options?

Alright, when I got here, I received new upgrades. I think I saw a defence upgrade among them. Let’s see.


-Advanced defence system

-Advanced offence system

-Advanced movement system

-Intermediate sensory system

-Primitive conversion system

-Upgraded energy storage

-Extracellular offence system

-Additional basic modules


Alright, first things first, buy advanced defence.


-Cannot purchase ‘Advanced defence system’ no available modules.


Okay, deep breaths, I already knew this would happen. Let’s buy a module first.


-Purchased ‘Additional basic modules’ – x1


Now for the defence.


-Cannot purchase ‘Advanced defence system’ insufficient amount of free modules.


You evil motherfuckers…

Okay, after checking, whatever I absorbed before, came with large amounts of biomass. I can afford plenty of new modules. Let’s just go with 20 for now and try again.


-Purchased ‘Additional basic modules’ – x20

-Cannot purchase ‘Advanced defence system’ not enough resources.


I give up. We are just going to lie here until we die. This is the end, guys. I'm glad we met.

If I must die, I want it to be something more than slipping away in unfeeling darkness.


-Purchased ‘Intermediate sensory system’



Well, that was a fucking horrible idea. It hurts, it burns. Pain in every part of my body. Why didn’t I stick with the unfeeling option? Can we speed this up? I can’t take any more of this torment. Where was that suicide button? Oh, right, it’s still stuck.

It’s like I’m inside a volcano. I wish I had some water to…



If there is one thing I have enough it’s water. Every time my inventory works, it keeps on sucking inside more and more of it.

Release the floodgates! Down with the Nazgul riders!

I started to empty my collected water reserves outside of my body. The effect was immediate as instead of constant burning sensation, I was left with mild stinging pain. I slowly increased the output until the surrounding raising water pressure made me stop, and then changed it to a slow trickle just around me.

First things first, I tried to search for an exit, but it seems the module I used for the movement was lost, dissolved by acid. I could only float and wait for my body to regenerate my missing parts. At least, the bastards didn’t ask me to buy them anew. As long as I had enough biomass, my body tried to recover to the optimal state. I should not give those bastards any more evil ideas. Hope they can't read thoughts.


/New options added for evolution choices:

-Advanced defence system - updated

-Advanced offence system - updated

-Advanced movement system – updated

-Upgraded energy storage - updated

/Evolution options added:



Woah, I swam into more free stuff! Yay for the team Kevin! Oh no, I can’t believe I said that! I hope I didn’t encourage him. He kept using ‘team Kevin’ all this time, and I guess it stuck.

So much biomass tho! I need my movement back so I can collect it all. I just need to wait a bit more and all of thi… WOAH. What in the bloody hell is happening! Who turned on the carousel?

We are floating somewhere and it’s going fast. My newfound sense of direction and the continuous bumps on my sides are a pretty clear indicator of that.


Did I just cause a fish to experience explosive diarrhoea? I don’t want to become a poo stain! I will never be able to tell this to anyone.

Remember that guy from our class? I heard he came out of fish's ass. Eww, nobody would want to date a guy like that!.

I’m taking this secret to the grave. Whoever speaks of this, and I’m talking to you Kevin, will get castrated by a chainsaw.

The tunnel is getting narrow, and at this point, I'm sure this is the opposite way of the entrance. Figures, I got teased of all that loot, and in the end, I'm crippled and forced to watch as it floats by.


I just got launched into a wall. Where am I?



-Single cell organism


Heh, nice landing. I even got a pillow underneath me.

Has the danger passed? I don't feel any acid around me. I feel..'normal'? Sure my sides still hurt, and my leg will never be the same (there goes my football career), but overall, it's a great improvement!

Time to recover and upgrade my weapon arsenal! If I don't get nukes by the end of the day, then Kevin has to do 20 push-ups.

"No, I'm not being unfair here. The 'team Kevin' needs a strong leader."

"Yes, I might be slightly resentful because of that team name, but I admit nothing. Your lawyer can talk to my lawyer."

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