《Evo-Gaming》The ‘almost a chapter’ 20,5


The ‘almost a chapter’ – 1

There might come a time when you lose all hope in life. There might also come a time when you lose your hope in specific things.

I guess there are people out there who love things like gacha systems. I was not quite a fan. Always held a belief that it was cheaper and smarter to buy the thing you want online and skip the whole waste of money you do by spinning a wheel. Not to mention that the wheel is modified to make you lose more than it would otherwise be possible. Yes, I’m the guy who plays free-to-play games without spending a single cent. Screw being a money whale for a shady gaming company.

The irony of me still playing those games, is not lost on me.

That leads me to my current situation – I’m going to spin a wheel! I’m giddy with anticipation as I pull the imaginary lever and watch the slots align.


/System UI upgrade – x1


Finally, something I could really use! I was getting sick and tired of this old shitty UI, where, most of the time, I had to guess what the heck anything does. Not to mention that menu navigation is a piece of shit, and it takes too long to do anything productive.

I happily activated it, and soon my proverbial smile turned into a frown.

Fuck this, I’m never using gacha again.

Nothing had changed. At least, nothing useful. It was the same old UI, but now, instead of blue, it was grey and it flickered like an old TV.

Now, where is the undo button? Darn it…


The ‘I had this stupid idea once’ fake chapter – 1


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Hey, fuck you system. I know what you did here, I'm not stupid.

“I'll take the option that starts with ‘V’”


-V…Plant – selected


Wait, no! That was not what I had in…

Then, the darkness took me.


My future life was spent unmoving and in total darkness. After few weeks Susan grew tired of my constant singing and left me. Kevin joined her soon after and I was left alone. The rest of my days were spent calculating the root of Pi and singing a horribly mutated version of “Who let the dogs out”, where I replaced the ‘dogs’ part with Kevin and Susan.

I managed to last a few more weeks until my energy bar started drastically dropping. I do notice these little changes as without sleep there is nothing else to do than to cycle my menus around and pray for anything to change. I knew my time had come. Something bigger than me was chomping on my leaves and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

As a last desperate attempt of getting back some control in my life. I activated the suicide button.

If there is an afterlife, I will spend all my free time torturing the sickos who came up with this shitty game.


-Game Over


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