《The Gate of Shadows》Chapter 7: ~Fenris and Shade~
That night, after making all that ruckus, Fenris woke me up again. Me, Shade! The gall of him to wake me up multiple times today! I had forgiven him so many times before. Especially when he was making Lily happy, but now she was deep asleep next to him. And his phone made the most obnoxious high pitch noise again! It would sometimes do that a night. Though it was more frequent. It seemed only me and Fenris could hear it as Lily would always stay asleep, even though it rang so loudly in my ears.
Lately, something bugged me about what was happening with Fenris when he disappeared at night after receiving the messages. Unable to sleep because of the noise that persistently came from the phone. Fenris groggily got up from the bed, fully naked, grabbing the phone from his bag by the side of his bed. Seeing him walking nude made me realize he had little to no respect for me! The gall! Instead of punishing him this time, I watched as he threw the phone on his bed.
Fenris then walked over to Lily and sat down on the bed, pondering the message he'd received. Troubled, he leaned over to Lily and pecked her on the cheek. After making sure she was warm, he headed to the bathroom and got ready to leave.
Where is he off to?
It bothered me that Lily did not know that Fenris was gone, as she usually was a heavy sleeper. Little noises would not wake her up from her dreams. Especially when she felt safe, and right now she felt the safest she had ever been. That much I could feel. The warmth that radiated from her was almost comforting for me as well. However, my curiosity rose as I wondered who was the one who woke me up from my slumber so many times before. Getting off from my tower of glory, I wormed my way into his bag, knowing he never left without it.
After a while of being stuffed into that bag, Fenris picked it up before heading out of the room and into the unknown. He did not know I had infiltrated his belongings as he usually paid little to no attention to me whenever he left. Lucky for me. I giggled happily, having accomplished my mission, but no one other than Lily could hear me. And she was out cold from all that Fenris had done to her.
Somehow, though, I could not get mad at him for exhausting her after making her feel so good. I do not think she had ever been that happy before. She felt so loved by him when she was in his arms. Ever since I met her, the only one who could ever make her feel the slightest hint of happiness was him. So even though he was on my blacklist for not respecting me in the slightest. He was the last I would ever kill off. If at all.
Not that I could ever execute Fenris off without hurting my precious Lily. So, he was lucky to have more than a free pass from me. But if he ever hurt her! I did not know what I would be capable of. Even though I doubt no matter how much he would hurt her, Lilith would never hate him. She did not hate anyone for some fucking reason. Somehow, she just could not bring herself to do it, even when they mistreated her. She always shifted the blame onto herself. After a while of swaying within the bag and his belongings, Fenris opened the bag, finding me in it.
"What the... Shade, what are you doing here?!?!" Fenris questioned, looking even more troubled than before.
It seemed he was in the front of a door I never had seen before. I could not see whose it was. They usually had nameplates on the frames to identify the offices in Cerberus.
Following you, you interloper of my sleep! I answered, but Fenris could not hear me.
He glanced at the door and at me, then back to the door, as he did not know what to do with me now that he had found me. Even though I could not see, I heard footsteps that got closer towards the door from the other side.
"Shit! Fuck,” Fenris cursed, shoving me down into the bag.
There was movement behind the door.
“Stay in there and do not come out or move," Fenris mumbled under his breath, retrieving out a folder.
Someone answered the door.
"Fenris, is that you?" That voice... Ryker?!?!
It was unbelievable that he was the one disturbing my sleep! He always looked at Lily with such scorn. He was on the top of my shit list now! Ryker, an elf, was the temporary headmaster of Cerberus. They assigned him about a year ago when the council was formed to veto Ben from power. They all thought he was not fit to lead during such dark times.
"Yes, sir... Ryker.” Fenris began, zipping up the bag.
“I thought I requested you not to call me at night anymore." Fenris sighed, relieved the elf was none the wiser.
I did not know why he was protecting me. These high-ranking mortals knew not to mess with me. I was immortal, after all. After my show of dominance on the battlefield, they did little to get in my way. In fact, Tania showered me with gifts! Yummy treats.
Then again, I think the female vampire treated me like any other cute thing that came across her. She was also at the bottom of my shit list, along with Ben. Another one who would avoid destruction by my hands.
"I would do it in the morning, but Ben is here during that time, making it quite difficult to talk to you without his knowledge.” Ryker started, closing the door behind them.
“Your brother seems to disagree with the council's view on the matter. I hope you have come through already though. They tire of waiting." Ryker said, sitting down on a chair.
It creaked under his weight. Just from hearing his voice, I did not like him. He never hurt Lily personally, but something about him was always off. Then again, half of the people we met gave off the same vibe.
"Sir, I..." Fenris tried to speak, only to be interrupted by Ryker.
"Let me remind you, you must do this. The council is asking for it. And that thing seems to adore you, so you are the only candidate for this job. And we must have that petty tyrant fully compliant." Ryker clarified his argument on the matter.
Fenris seemed to be at a loss for words.
"Sir..." Fenris trailed off, not wanting to finish his thought, knowing it would not matter.
Ryker did not care what the little wolf thought or wanted. All that mattered was if it was done or not.
"Is it done or is it not? Do I need to remind you that the council will take the girl away from you, even if Ben disagrees?" Ryker threatened Fenris.
I tried to hold on to the urge to murder the elf, who seemed to be on a high horse. Though it would have been bad for the little wolf if this man saw me. It seemed Fenris could barely speak without interruptions, though.
"It is done, sir. But do not get me wrong." Fenris began, only to be interrupted once again.
This man gave no breaks.
"Then I can assume you made the monster a little more compliant?" Ryker questioned harshly.
It angered me to hear him call my precious one after that.
‘Monster?!?! He cannot be talking about Lily, surely...’
"Sir, she is not..." Fenris tried to defend Lilith, only to meet the same end as before.
Let him speak his mind, you jerk!
"Did you or did you not?" Ryker demanded to know if Fenris had done what they had asked of him.
"Sir, I do not get why this had to happen this way. I wanted to do that by myself. I wanted to wait for the time when she was okay with it. I do not need you breathing down my neck for these things. She is special to..." Fenris trailed off, knowing it would change a thing.
Ryker was only interested in what he wanted, and nothing more. All that matter was what the council wanted.
"That is irrelevant Fenris, all you need to do is control that thing by every means necessary. Own her body and soul if it helps. I do not know why you and your brother see that cursed girl as more than a ticking bomb waiting to go off at any minute.” Ryker argued, coldly.
Fenris breathed in deeply before letting it go. The elf was not done, though.
“It is a good thing; the council was formed. You Lycans seemed to have lost your touch. Your brother is too soft, and it seems it is rubbing off on you. Do not forget that she was the one who made you into an orphan, boy. I hope your brothers' heart does not run in you too." Ryker chided the little wolf.
It made me want to jump out of here and end him. The way he talked about my precious Lily. Our Precious Lily. There was no forgiveness for the elf.
Fuck my sleep. He is going to die by my paws just because of the way he thought of her. All who seek to harm her will die from our wrath.
"Sir, she is more than that." Fenris defended Lilith.
His words fell on deaf ears, though. It was painful to see the annoying little wolf have a hard time. It seemed all he wanted to do was try to defend her, but it did not matter.
"As I said, what you think is irrelevant. Though it worries me. From the way you are speaking, it is making me think you love her. If this is true, you do not need me to tell you to not start fall in love with that abomination. You already have a fiancée, Layla, who was assigned to you when you were born. In fact, she will come to join us here in Silverant soon." Ryker informed Fenris, who seemed to be surprised by this.
"Layla? I do not plan to..." Fenris trailed off again.
"You have not seen each other since you were children, right? I hear she is still very fond of you. She is growing to be quite a woman too. Compared to that abomination she will be more pleasing to the eyes." Ryker continued, triggering Fenris to clench his fist.
The wolf dug his nails into his palms. I could smell the blood from them, even though I was in the backpack. For a slight moment, I swear I felt a murderous intent from Fenris before he took a deep breath to calm himself.
"Sir, I do not need this," Fenris said.
Ryker had no interest in hearing him, though. He sighed.
"Children are always a pain. I hope you grow up soon, Fenris, or else you will never be the leader your father was.” Ryker snapped, standing up from his chair.
Fenris clicked his tongue, annoyed at what the elf was saying. He would not stop, though.
“Though, I would love to see the monster heartbroken in the dungeon. It would be safer for everyone if they deemed you unworthy of leading this organization." He chided the wolf, who sighed in response.
There was no use speaking to this man. He saw Fenris as a little cub.
"Yes, sir. I will go now." Fenris bid farewell, setting down the folder he had in his hand on the desk before exiting the room.
After getting a good amount of distance from that room, Fenris opened the bag to let me out before sliding down onto the ground next to me. He seemed so distressed.
"What have I done? Was this the right way to go about things?" Fenris seconded guess himself.
I hopped off the bag and came closer to him. It almost seemed like he wanted to cry.
What is it that those fur dumbos that I represent did to comfort these mortals? Ah yes...
I rubbed my face on his arm slightly, releasing a small purr from me. He seemed surprised by my reaction to his distress.
"If I hurt her, you will eat my head, won't you? Is that what you are saying by that?" Fenris nervously chuckled, tired of everything.
The pressure was being too much to bear for this poor wolf.
No, you idiot am trying to comfort you!
I wished he could hear me say that, pushing my tiny paws on his arm. For the first time, he picked me up and placed me on his lap.
"I... do not get why they want to ruin Lily so much, but do not worry. I will not allow it. She is just a normal girl.” Fenris began, shaking his head a bit.
“She was just a small girl in my arms a few hours ago.” He sighed, voice cracking a bit.
“Why don’t they see it was not like she wanted Silverant destroyed. I do not see how they cannot see how Ben was right. If the spell the psychos were doing had worked, those who survived would not be here right now. If it were not for her sacrifice, none of us would have been here. Why can't they realize this?" Fenris continued to vent to me.
I sat there and listened to him, wishing to help him as well.
Those crystals one day will not be enough to hold us back. Do not worry, we will finish what we started! I declared, to comfort Fenris, but he could not hear me.
Back then all we wanted to do was protect Lily from anyone who would try to come to harm her. She was the first one to summon us for selfless reasons. I did not remember how special she was, though. The only thing I remembered was hearing her plea and bonding with her.
I was determined to make the world safe for him and her, and every child out there. It was why the only survivors in ground zero were children. Ben and Tania were just seventeen too at the time. Lilith made us go easy on them, but they were on our way. Or at least that was what I remembered.
We thought we were doing the right thing by eliminating all cruel adults. But it seems we had just made it harder on Lily. Her mind had merged with all those who left through the gate she opened. So, we knew she did not want that to happen. It was our rage that blinded us to that. We were just so angry that we saw pure red.
The world seemed to be headed towards the end we had predicted, though. However, some surprised us. This boy and his brother were part of them.
"I will not allow them to take her away from me. I will do everything I have to do to keep her with me even if it might hurt her in the end." Fenris whispered, covering his face with his hands.
His voice was full of sorrow.
Your pain will be sweet to bear compared to what they want to do to Lily. I will forgive you, little wolf. No, we all will forgive you for protecting her, so do not feel sad.
"Seems you might eat my head after all." Fenris joked.
I meowed at him, hoping he would hear me at least a bit.
I will forgive you, little wolf. I promised.
He smiled, almost as if he had heard me, before petting my head gently.
"This has to be a secret from Lily, you know that, right?" Fenris sighed.
I nodded in response. It would destroy her to know how much pressure he was in. She would do her Lily thing and yank all the blame to herself for it. I realized how much he cared about her. I could not trample over his efforts to keep her safe. So, this would be one secret I would keep from my other half. She could never know how much he loved her.
After that, he picked me up in his arms before going back into the room, where Lily laid asleep peacefully. Placing me down on my tower of glory, he dropped clothes on the ground before joining Lily back in bed. Softly and gently, he woke her up the moment he touched her.
"Fenris...?" Lilith called out to him groggily.
He kissed her cheek in response. What happened next would not allow me to sleep until dawn. He was such a selfish little wolf, but I forgave him. As he was her world, and she was his. Even if she could not know it.
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