《Emperor of Soul Pets》Chapter 26: The Divide
Rao Wu ignored the top nine special items as they were far out of his reach. Instead, he focused on the strange ‘Fruit of the Talking Tree’ that was surprisingly cheap. With a curious gaze, he asked the system. “What are Talking Trees?”
“Information on the Talking Tree costs 2,000 Chaos Points. Are you willing to trade?”
Rao Wu thought about it. The Talking Tree could not be something simple if the information alone was worth so many points. The child made up his mind, nodded, and then said, “Yeah, tell me.”
“2,000 Chaos Points Deducted. The Talking Tree is an ancient plant reared by Dryads that bears a single fruit once a year. The fruits reared by the Talking Tree grant beasts the ability to speak the common tongue. The Talking Tree requires an exorbitant amount of energy to bloom, more than most habitats are capable of providing. As a result, only high-ranking Dryads have been known to successfully raise these precious trees.”
Rao Wu’s eyes widened as he listened to the system. “Hold on. So, you’re saying, if I give one of these to Xian Da, he’ll be able to speak to me?”
“Ooh! Can I take them out of the test too!?” Rao Wu thought of his Uncle and Aunt. How great would it be if he got these as presents for them!?
“Whatever you earn in the test is yours to do with as you please.”
“Nice!” Rao Wu wore a goofy grin as he flashed the system a thumbs-up. “I’ll take two please.”
“Confirmation Required. You requested for two Fruits of the Talking Tree?”
“Yeah, exactly,” Rao Wu repeated and then shouted, “Ju Tu, come out!”
Ju Tu jumped out of the summoning circle with eager eyes. Soul pets shared their trainer’s senses when they were in the soul space. As a result, the excited Steelback Ape knew why Rao Wu had summoned it. Could it really talk!?
“Two Fruits of the Talking Tree confirmed. 1000 Chaos Points Deducted. Beginning Transportation…” A few seconds passed and then the system continued, “Received Package. Candidate, Please Retreat Seven Feet.”
Rao Wu did as asked, and then watched as a portion of the floor slid away, followed closely by an metallic altar rising to the surface. Two beautiful red fruits sat on the altar, from which Rao Wu sensed an enticing allure and powerful soul energy. Sensing the tremendous energy, Rao Wu looked at the system with a cautious gaze. “That thing isn’t dangerous, right?”
“Of the 27,354 recorded cases of use, only three subjects reported mild side effects. Statistically, the fruit is safe to consume.”
“Woah… that many cases?” Rao Wu viewed the test with newfound gravity as he wondered, ‘Just how old is this place?’ Rao WU guessed that information would cost lot of Chaos Points so he did not even bother.
Instead, Rao Wu walked over and grabbed the apple-sized fruits. He then fed one to Xian Da, and gave the other to Ju Tu, who quickly swallowed the entire thing, seed and all.
Rao Wu carefully watched both monsters after they finished eating. He did not know what he expected, but nothing happened. There was no engulfing power, or painful screaming. For all intents and purposes, it seemed like they ate an ordinary apple.
Rao Wu was just about to complain to the system when ‘it’ happened.
“Don’t worry Xian Da.” Rao Wu absent-mindedly promised as he prepared to clobber the ‘appendage’. “I’ll settle the score with this guy.”
“R-Rao Wao.”
“Xian Da, I got th—” Rao Wu suddenly paused just as he was about to wrap his hand around the system’s neck. He turned to look at Xian Da who was staring at him with a slight frown.
Xian Da opened its mouth, and struggled to sound out the word he knew well. “R-Rao Wu. Rao Wu!” The Dusklight cub had a childish, high-pitched voice. “Rao Wu! Rao Wu! Rao Wu!” Xian Da excitedly hopped in place as it repeated its trainers’ name.
Rao Wu’s eyes were like wide saucers as he watched and listened to Xian Da. He excitedly picked up the little cub and danced around, screaming, “Yes! Rao Wu! Yes! Yes!”
“Rao Wu! Rao Wu!”
“Haha! Hey, try saying something else. Try Rao Wu is Great!”
“Rao… Rao Wu… Wu—Wu.” Xian Da’s head drooped in sorrow as it failed to pronounce the words.
Out of character, the system provided an explanation before the cub started crying. “The Talking Tree only grants the ability to speak. Like every toddler, you must learn gradually, how to speak, and string words together. It is a process, so do not fret if it takes a while.”
“You hear that, Xian Da?” Rao Wu rocked the crestfallen Dusklight Wolf as he soothed with a smile. “Just take it slow, alright? There’s nothing wrong with you.”
“Mm.” Xian Da nodded, cheering up almost instantly. The duo then turned to Ju Tu, who had been murmuring something under its breath.
Rao Wu, with excited eyes, walked over to the Steelback Ape. “C’mon, you can do it. Say my na—”
“JU TU!”
“Yes! My name—what!?” Rao Wu stared incredulously at Ju Tu as it repeated its name with a satisfied smirk while pounding its chest. “You little—” Rao Wu let out a bemused laugh as Ju Tu jumped in place while saying its name. “Fine, fine. It’s all the same since you can talk. Congratulations, Ju Tu.”
Ju Tu flashed its terrifying pearly whites as it gave Rao Wu a thumbs-up. “Th-a-a-a-k Yew.”
“Pfft.” Rao Wu fought to hold in his laughter, but ultimately failed. He quickly apologized to the annoyed Ju Tu. “Pfft. I’m sorry. So sorry. That was so cute! Bahaha!!!” Ju Tu, as expected had a deep voice, but perhaps because he was still young, it was slightly cracked and sounded hoarse.
It took a while for things to settle down. In the end, Rao Wu was forced into sending the noisy children to their soul spaces, where they immediately pestered Lu Lin to teach them the common tongue.
Rao Wu chuckled and then turned to the holoscreen. The youth’s gaze burned with anticipation as he looked at the screen. It was time to spend his hard-earned Chaos Points. “How many Chaos Points do I have left?”
“16,780 Chaos Points, Candidate.”
“Wow. I spent that much already?” Rao Wu shivered. This system was truly money-grubbing. After a brief shake, Rao Wu returned to the soul core menu. Like any true soul trainer, his first and foremost priority was his soul monsters.
Rao Wu began his purchase with a pure dark-type soul crystal worth 2,000 points. He intended to use this to boost Xian Da’s dark type attribute that had lagged behind for so long. He then spent an additional 1,000 points on 20 beast/dark soul cores. These should be enough to sustain Xian Da for another month.
With Xian Da finished, Rao Wu decided to search for something for Ju Tu. To be honest, Ju Tu was Rao Wu’s biggest concern. Pure beast-types were easy to grow, but their maximum potential was also severely capped. Pure beast-types rarely broke through to the Emperor Level. Rao Wu often wondered what kind of hellish training Ju Tu’s father underwent to achieve monarch-level Diamondback Ape.
It would be easy to purchase an elemental soul crystal to give Ju Tu an extra attribute, but would that be the right thing to do?
Just as Rao Wu was racking his brains, he felt a disturbance in Ju Tu’s soul space. “Well, if you say so.” Rao Wu laughed and then shook his head. Ju Tu was ready to walk down the Steelback Ape path to surpass its father. No matter how difficult it proved, it was Rao Wu’s job as its trainer to make that dream a reality.
Having reached a decision, Rao Wu purchased 1,000 CP (50 soul cores) worth of pure beast-type soul cores. Ju Tu already consumed one soul crystal while in 2nd Phase, so it could not consume another until it broke through to 3rd Phase. Something about soul energy poisoning or whatnot.
Finally, Rao Wu purchased 500 CP worth of plant soul cores (100) and a pure plant-type soul crystal for Lu Lin. He did not think she would evolve to a higher rank from this crystal alone, but he did hope she at least picked up a new skill. In the future, he would also look into harvesting body parts from monsters that had a high chance of transferring skills to his monsters.
In all, he spent 5000 CP, leaving him with just 11,780 CP. Rao Wu then turned to the Soul Techniques tab. Doppelganger and Soul Burst cost 7,500 CP together. He intended on spending 2,000 CP on the Comprehensive Next Test Information. If he did all that, he would be left with…
Rao Wu, after struggling to solve the math, ultimately gave up. He did know however tat 9,500 was not much smaller than 11,780. Was he prepared to use up all those Chaos Points at once? What if he needed some later?
Rao Wu was not too prideful to admit he was in over his head. The youth glanced at the ‘appendage’ and then widened his eyes into wide, pitiful circles. “Could you please advice m—”
“1000 CP”
“Tch. Cheapskate.” Rao Wu’s pitiful façade immediately crumbled as he internally swore. “Alright. Whatever. Take it, you money-grubber.”
“1000 Chaos Points Deducted. Commencing Suggestions: It is advised that Candidate stay away from illusion techniques. The cultivation technique, Trickster contains the best illusion techniques in the continent. Judging from Candidate’s preference to fight on the frontline, it is advised that Candidate focus on combat soul techniques that improve strength and senses.”
“Strength and senses? What about elemental techniques? Like Fire Breath and stuff like that. Isn’t that way cooler?”
“Perhaps. But elemental techniques are very taxing on soul energy. As a result, soul trainers only employ them strategically. Whereas sense and strength enhancement techniques do not cost nearly as much.”
“Which one is better?”
“Elemental Techniques are much more powerful and far-reaching. Whereas Sense and Strength Enhancements have increased durability and are long-lasting. They are both powerful tools which only shine in the hands of qualified soul trainers.”
“Alright, I know what to pick.”
“Wait. If Candidate wishes to purchase the Comprehensive Test Information, it is advised Candidate does so before making a purchase.”
“Oh?” Fortunately, Rao Wu was quick on his feet. He understood that the system was giving him a hint. Whether this was part of the Suggestion Package, or a bonus, only the system knew. “Okay. I’ll purchase the Comprehensive Test Information.”
“Transaction Completed. Chaos Points Deducted. Beginning Transfer of Test Information: The next test is an endurance and reflex test. Candidate will be required to traverse a three-kilometers long hallway laden with traps. Candidate will pass upon reaching the other end. There is no time-limit on this trap, but death is highly probable so caution is advised.”
Rao Wu swallowed hard upon hearing the news. “Wait, doesn’t this mean Soul Burst would be useless in the next phase? No wonder you told me to wait. Thanks a lot!” Rao Wu shook his head and instead purchased two soul techniques called ‘Sensory Overload’ and ‘Overdrive.’
Sensory Overload, as its name implied, boosted the user’s five senses. In its initial stages, it would seem like the world had gotten twice as slow. The drawback was an intense, sharp headache after extended use.
Overdrive poured soul energy into the muscles, doubling their mass and density. This directly lead to an explosive growth, almost quadrupling the user’s strength. Unfortunately, Overdrive also had a nasty drawback. It could leave its user in serious muscle pain afterwards, or even worse, temporarily crippled.
The soul techniques cost 3,000 CP each. Looking at the terrible drawbacks, Rao Wu understood why they were so inexpensive. Little did he know that it was precisely these two unseeming techniques that would boost his legend in the years to come.
After purchasing the techniques, the system announced that Rao Wu had 3,780 CP left. Rao Wu spent an additional 500 CP on 25 beast soul cores to aid his cultivation. After a moment’s thought, he spent an additional 1000 CP to buy a beast/other type soul crystal. It wasn’t wrong to experiment after all.
Rao Wu was officially done after this last purchase, leaving him with 1,280 CP.
“Transactions Confirmed. Transporting Requesting Items… Items Received. Please Receive them.”
The altar once again receded, and then returned a moment later with several glittering objects on its surface. Rao Wu happily stored the soul cores in his ring and then looked at the altar with a strange expression. “What about the soul techniques?”
“Soul and Cultivation Techniques are transmitted directly to the soul. For this to succeed, you must open your soul without reservations. Are you ready?”
“Don’t you think you could have mentioned that before I bought them?”
“Does Candidate wish for a refund? It is not too late to cancel your purchase.”
“No. No!” Rao Wu quickly shook his head. “Relax. I was only teasing you.” The child heaved and then patted his chest. “Alright, let’s get this over with.” Steeling his resolve, Rao Wu closed his eyes, then spread out his arms and jutted out his chest. “Do it!”
“…That is not necessary.”
Rao Wu, startled by the system’s dry tone, opened his eyes in shock. “Wha—”
A bright light burst into Rao Wu’s eyes followed by a horrific force that blasted its way into his soul. “Urk!” Rao Wu was absolutely terrified! It felt like he was simultaneously burning in the depths of hell, freezing beneath a Tundra and crushed by a boulder. Rao Wu clutched his throat, struggling to breath under the horrific presence’s influence. Somehow, Rao Wu felt like the being rampaged through the depths of his soul, peering into every memory and learning things about him even he did not know.
Eventually, as if satisfied, the presence suddenly disappeared. At this point, a sweat-drenched Rao Wu suddenly realized he had new techniques in his memory. It was like he knew these techniques all his life. All he had to do was practice according to memory.
Rao Wu weakly opened his eyes, and was shocked to find himself flying upwards in the sky. Below, he spotted a pair of islands floating in a vast ocean. Initially, Rao Wu did not pay the islands much attention, but then he spotted the clean divide separating these islands from each other.
From above, it was very apparent that this was no ordinary divide. Anyone could see that it was an immaculately straight line! It was like… like… someone sliced the islands in two with a knife or sword!
…Wait. What if it was a claw!
Rao Wu swallowed hard as he wondered what sort of soul monster or human could cause this level of destruction. Fortunately, he did not have to ponder long, as accompanied by a blinding light, Rao Wu was once more pulled into a spatial tunnel. The chaotic forces immediately knocked the lightweight child unconscious.
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