《Emperor of Soul Pets》Chapter 5: The Strange Girl
Rao Wu landed on a tree branch, and his brows furrowed in thought as he observed the chaotic scene. A bunch of humans was fighting against the enraged Wild Warthogs. It seemed the Wild Warthogs had sensed the death of their leader and had gone on a retaliatory rampage.
Unfortunately, these humans got caught up in their vengeance.
This was not Rao Wu’s first-time seeing humans in the forest. Every couple of months, he would spot humans challenging soul monsters into becoming their pets. However, following Uncle Twilight’s warning, Rao Wu always kept his distance. This time was supposed to be no different, but then he spotted a small girl hiding behind the humanoid tree. Rao Wu recognized that the soul monster was a Soldier Battle Tree. Soldier Battle Trees could grow plant and wood life to control battlefields.
Just as Rao Wu guessed, the Soldier Battle Tree drove its hands into the ground, and five massive vines popped out. Five Vines! Rao Wu’s eyes lit up. That meant this was a 5th Phase Soldier Battle Tree. It seemed this wasn’t an ordinary company.
Thwack! Thwack! The vines indiscriminately smashed around the girl, clearing away any incoming boars. Unfortunately, despite the Soldier Battle Trees efforts, there were too many Wild Warthogs. At this rate, it was only a matter of time before one broke through.
Rao Wu’s eyes narrowed as he observed the group. Four uniformed men were accompanying the girl. The men had already summoned three soul pets each, revealing they were soul masters. Four soul masters should have been enough to clear out these herd, but, unfortunately, they were forced on the defensive to protect the little girl at their center. If even one defending soul monster went missing, then the monsters that broke through would be too much for the Soldier Battle Tree to handle.
The soldiers wanted to cry. Why were the typically timid Wild Warthogs so angry today? So much so that they were willing to trade their lives just to kill their young mistress? That’s right. It was evident that the Wild Warthogs had designated the little girl as a must-kill target. The soldiers could not figure out what the mistress could have possibly done to offend these bottom-feeders!
“Aish, isn’t this my fault?” Rao Wu muttered with a furrowed brows. Death and life were constant trades in the jungle. He did not care if the Wild Warthogs killed the humans, or if the humans slaughtered the Wild Warthogs. But, this time, he was partial―er, no solely responsible for the humans’ predicament. The Wild Warthogs, in their limited intelligence, evidently could not tell the difference between Rao Wu and that small girl. She was small and in the forest. That was enough to capture the Wild Warthog’s vengeance.
“Argh, I can’t leave this alone!” Rao Wu sighed and then clenched his bone spear.
Rao Wu chuckled and patted Loudy’s robust arm. “Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.” With those words, Rao Wu took out a cloth from his spatial ring. Recalling Uncle Twilight’s warning, he wrapped the fabric around his head, revealing only his eyes. Rao Wu always kept his identity hidden when interacting with humans.
“Wait here. I’ll be back!” Rao Wu jumped and then swung on a vine towards the battle. He then carefully skipped across several branches until he was just over the little girl and the Soldier Battle Tree.
“Your Highness!”
A guard screamed in terror when two Wild Warthogs broke through the Soldier Battle Tree’s defense and then rushed at the little girl. The Wild Warthogs soon descended on the little girl, their terrifying frothing mouths filling her vision.
Puchi! Boom!
But just when the little girl lost her mind to fear, a calamitous force crashed into one of the Wild Warthog. The wild beast collapsed instantly, and before anyone could react, the assailant rammed his elbow into the second Wild Warthog.
The second Wild Warthog coughed up blood from the force, but before it could recover and retaliate, the assailant grabbed his spear and then stabbed through its brain. The guards and the little girl stared in shock at the newcomer as he retrieved his spear. His body and stature suggested he could not be more than ten years old, but his calm gray eyes amidst the flowing blood did not belong to a child.
The guards, realizing their charge was in mortal danger, harshly shouted in fear. “Who are you!?”
“It’s fine if she’s not in danger, right?” Rao Wu ignored their question as he proposed. “I’ll protect her. Order your soul monsters to exterminate the Warthogs quickly. The big guys will soon be here.”
“You-” A guard wanted to scream, but another grabbed his arm and shook his head.
The second guard, who seemed to be the captain, looked at Rao Wu. “Why are you helping us?”
Rao Wu scratched his head and let out an embarrassed laugh. “This is kinda my fault. I’ll have nightmares if you guys die because of me. But, if you waste time, I’ll run away. I don’t want to be here when the big guys get here.”
A third guard examined the boy with concern. “Captain, we don’t know his identity.”
“I know. But we don’t have a choice.” The captain’s eyes narrowed. Although the masked figure’s body was ambiguous, his voice belonged to a child. The captain did not want to believe they had the unfortunate luck of running into an extremely rare child assassin. Plus, regardless of the masked figure’s intentions, one thing was sure. The blood from this fight would attract many predators. They needed to end the battle quickly and flee the scene! And, so, gritting his teeth, he ordered the soldiers to send their soul monsters on the offensive.
Puchi! Splotch!
Blood rained down as the guards’ soul monsters reveled in the freedom to slaughter. The soul monsters excelled in full frontal combat anyway. Without the passivity of defense, the Wild Warthog’s numbers drastically dropped. Unfortunately, in exchange for the quick killing speed, more Wild Warthogs broke through the formation, and soon, even the Soldier Battle Tree was overwhelmed.
Soon, the Soldier Battle Tree could no longer hold the horde back. One Wild Warthog broke through and then charged at Rao Wu with red eyes. Rao Wu, in reply, grinned and brandished his spear.
Rao Wu danced around the Wild Warthog’s angry charge, and then quickly drove his spear through its throat.
The guards’ eyes nearly popped out of their sockets! They assumed that, like them, this figure was a soul trainer. But what was this? Was he fighting against a soul monster head-on? No one had ever heard of this!
Humans contracted soul monsters to fight for them. Humans could then choose to learn spells and techniques to support their soul monsters in battle. However, no matter what, it was monsters in front, and humans behind. Who had ever had of a human going to fight a monster? It had to be understood that a single monster claw to tear a human in half!
Rao Wu, oblivious to the shock and identity crisis he was causing these poor soldiers, grinned as he withdrew his spear from the Wild Warthog’s corpse. As expected, the 2nd Phase Servant-ranked Wild Warthogs were a million times easier than the 4th Phase Warrior-ranked Berserk Wild Warthog.
Reveling, in his improvement, Rao Wu shouted at the Soldier Battle Tree. “Let two or three past at a time. I’ll handle them!”
The Soldier Battle Tree hesitated and glanced at the captain. The captain blankly nodded. Indeed, if the Battle Soldier could let two or three past, then the pressure would significantly reduce. Upon receiving its trainer’s permission, the Soldier Battle Tree released the pressure on two Wild Warthogs, allowing them to charge at the masked man.
“Ha!” This time, Rao Wu charged at the Wild Warthogs. Then, when he was but a meter away, he suddenly stomped on the ground and then launched into a somersault over the soul monsters. “Twin Venom!”
Psh! Psh!
Rao Wu’s spear rapidly stabbed down twice like a cobra. The strikes were so quick that it seemed like he grew an extra arm and thrust two spears at once. Puchi! The Wild Warthogs crashed to the ground as blood poured out of their skulls.
The soldiers stared at Rao Wu in shock. They could attribute the first time to a surprise attack, but the second was a full-frontal slaughter. What was even more surprising was the ease with which Rao Wu carried out the massacre. The child did have any wasted movements in that kill. From beginning to end, it was one fluid movement.
Rao Wu chuckled as he looked at the Soldier Battle Tree. “Yeah, you can let them through. I’ll handle it.”
“Du-du” The Soldier Battle Trees eyes blinked in appreciation and then began freeing Warthogs to attack the masked man.
Rao Wu, meanwhile, happily accepted the challenge and began slaughtering every monster that passed through. The battle lasted for just under thirty minutes, and by the end, there was a small mountain next to an exhausted Rao Wu.
The young man gulped for air as he warily examined the surroundings. They had successfully eradicated The Wild Warthogs. He counted hundreds of badly mutilated corpses scattered around the perimeter.
Rao Wu shook his head. Indeed, the soul monsters of a Soul Master were mighty.
Be that as it may, it was time to skedaddle. Rao Wu estimated they only had about ten minutes before hungry predators overran this place. Plus, he did not trust these human guards. What if they took him, prisoner?
Rao Wu decidedly turned to leave, but he suddenly felt a tug on his shorts. Rao Wu turned with incredulous eyes to look at the young girl who was holding on to his shorts. “You...” Rao Wu had completely forgotten about this little girl that had been as quiet as a mouse during the entire fight.
Now that the fight was over, Rao Wu had time to scrutinize her. Like he initially guessed, she appeared to be around his age. Like most people in the Hua Kingdom, the little girl had a beautiful honeyed skin tone with beautiful, fluffy fiery-red hair that bounced on her shoulders. Warm, imploring gold eyes wetted as she looked at Rao Wu.
Rao Wu frowned. By holding him, she was putting him at increased risk. “What do you want?”
Rao Wu’s frown deepened. He did not have time to entertain her shyness. “If it’s not important, I’ll be leaving.” With those words, Rao Wu jumped into the tree before the guards could return.
Fearing that he would leave forever, the little girl mustered up her courage and shouted, “Thank you for saving me! My name is Aeriole Von Basten. I shall repay this favor one day.”
Rao Wu’s brows shot up. “Aeriole? Weird name.” However, pleased by her gratitude, he mindfully added, “I don’t know why you’re here, but you should probably get out of this forest. Even I can smell the blood on you. You’ll attract too many predators.”
The captain stepped forward and asked, “My apologies, benefactor, but could you please point us in the direction of Jiandao. Our guide, unfortunately, lost his life to poison, and we lost our way.”
Rao Wu scratched his head. “I don’t know about any Jiandao, but there’s a HUUGE city just over the hills that way.” Rao Wu pointed the way with his hand and then added, “Uncle said I would have to go there soon, so he showed me the way.”
The captain smiled and then nodded. “Thank you very much. May we have benefactor’s name so we can offer rewards later?”
Rao Wu shook his head. “Uncle said I shouldn’t give my name to strangers.”
“Strange―” The captain nearly choked. If he wasn’t sure before, now he was. The masked man was a masked child. What the hell? Did this make sense? What was a child doing in the jungle? No, this would not do. This child was most likely lost. He could not leave him here alone. “Child, where are your parents? I’ll take―” The captain froze when he realized the child had disappeared from the tree. “What? Where did he go?”
The other guards pointed deep into the forest. “Should we pursue? That kid looked weird.”
The captain hesitated. He stared deep into the forest, and then at the young mistress. Eventually, he shook his head and came to a decision. “No, we should make haste to Jiangdao. The child was right. The blood will attract many beasts. We can’t waste any more time.”
With those words, he summoned a horse-like soul monster with blue flames burning on its manes and legs. This soul monster was called a Winderfarer Colt and was a popular choice for long trips. The captain gently carried the little girl Aeriole, and then mounted his Colt.
Then with an order, he and the other guards who had likewise summoned their travel mounts, quickly charged out of the open field, headed for the safety of the city walls. Aeriole peaked over the guard’s shoulder and was stunned to see the strange boy standing at the center of the field, watching their retreat. She wanted to open her mouth to say something, but the Windfarer Colt burst through dense thickets, thus obstructing the child from view.
And so, this was how the first meeting between Rao Wu and Aeriole Von Basten came to a strange conclusion.
Several minutes later, an exhausted Rao Wu and Loudy walked out of the forest into a familiar clearing.
“Ah! No!” Rao Wu laughed and begged as a Dusklight Wolf suddenly tackled him to the ground, and then started licking his face. “Argh, stop Mo Five! Ah, I’m injured!”
Loudy walked past the chaotic scene like he was used to it. Carrying the Berserk Warthog’s corpse, he headed to a flat boulder, which was strangely dyed red. On the way, he passed by quite a few Dusklight Wolves who first regarded him with hostility, but upon confirming his smell, let him past and then charged towards Rao Wu with excited yelps.
Loudy remembered his father talking about the great massacre of Midnight’s Dusklight tribe. Some thought it would be the end of her, but many Dusklight packs, upon hearing of her loss, quickly migrated to join her pack.
A Monarch-ranked monster would always attract followers in this forest.
Before long, Midnight’s pack was more than double its original size! If it wasn’t for the fact that Midnight did not want too many Dusklight Wolves around her, that number might have even tripled.
“Guu.” Loudy groaned as he dumped the Warthog on the boulder and then let out a relieved breath while twisting his arms to assuage the dull pain. Afterward, he picked up a large tooth bone that was placed on the boulder and then sat down.
With practiced movements, Loudy used the tooth bone to tear open the Warthog’s corpse and then began removing its innards. Uncle Twilight taught Rao Wu how to properly disembowel and preserve meat so it could be consumed later on rather than wasted. Loudy once saw Rao Wu practicing, and decided to join. Before long, it took over the job of preparing the meat.
Loudy’s eyes narrowed when the tooth bone struck something hard in the Warthog’s abdomen. If it was the abdomen, then that was where the core should be. But monster cores were squishy, not hard. Suddenly, Loudy’s eyes widened as he recalled something he heard from his father. All monsters had monster cores at a particular part of their body. It was the development of this core that allowed them to cast spells and techniques. Monsters usually ate each other’s’ soul cores to improve their attributes.
The Berserk Warthog should have had a pure beast-type core that would strengthen Loudy’s beast attribute. However, the existence of something hard alluded to something else. Something a thousand times better than any soul core.
Loudy excitedly stuck his hand in the Berserk Warthog’s abdomen, and then pulled out a shiny yellow crystal.
“A soul crystal!”
Rao Wu’s excited shout came from the side as he stared at the shiny crystal in Loudy’s hands. “Loudy, we hit it big!”
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A newly formed dungeon core awakes with no memory of who or what he was. In fact, he just found out that he died. He has no idea or when or how he came to pass, and now finds himself being forced to start all over as a dungeon core. Worse yet, he isn't even your average run of the mill dungeon. No, the Overseers, whoever they are, have designated him to be an experimental core. This means he doesn't have to play by all the rules, the bad news is that if the core oversteps his boundaries as a dungeon core too far he's more than dead; he's erased. Now he has to struggle to figure out what kind of dungeon he wants to be, all the while very aware that he can't play it safe. The overseers don't want safe, they want lines redrawn and limits reset. The question is, can he do it and survive? He asks, because he overstepped before he even made it to his new world.
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[Best Fantasy Story Winner at Wattpad Fiction Awards 2016] ? Adventure ? Mystery ? Humor ? Romance ? Systematic, almost scientific Magic ? Strategy in Fights ? Character Development Gallery | Wikia | Official Site | Patreon | Facebook | Twitter ————————————————————————————————————- Summary ————————————————————————————————————- In a world where everyone can use magic, where treasure hunters, alchemists, and warlocks are common professions, and where mage duels are the most popular form of entertainment, Kiel is a "non-mage" - a person who doesn't have the aptitude to use magic on regular basis - until he meets Elaru - a spell breaker of mysterious origin, wielder of the fabled 'Aethernea of Sight' - eyes that can see magic, who claims she can give him the power to become the greatest mage world of Halnea has ever seen. Coerced into binding his soul to hers, Kiel finds himself pulled into a web of secrets, where one wrong step could end in his untimely demise. Who, or what is Elaru Wayvin really? What is her relation to the ruling 15 noble mage families? What is the source of The Ink - a mysterious plague spreading through the continent? What is the Aetherneal bond between them and what has it turned them into? What is the truth behind gods and divine magic? Why has the third race of Halnea - the Ascended, mysteriously disappeared, and what is the connection between the remaining two races? In the search for truth, Kiel and Elaru enroll at the most prestigious University of Magic. Yet, between awkward social events, falling in love, thrilling competitions, blood curling battles, irritating peers, and damnable love rivals, there is little time for studying. And as if avoiding sinister plots from all sides wasn't difficult enough, their new detestable mentor takes them on a voyage into the uncharted forbidden zone filled with unspeakable secrets, ancient riddles, man-eating monsters, and deadly traps. A quest that just might end up changing the fate of the entire world. ————————————————————————————————————- What do readers say about it? ————————————————————————————————————- "Aethernea is my absolute favorite read on wattpad, I love it as much as I love Harry Potter and The Mortal Instruments. You have such an amazing way to make the words flow and unbelievable descriptions. Unique characters and a great story line. All the small clues and mystery in the humor and fantasy just makes the book perfect in my opinion. I read all chapters in two days! Less than 48 hours even! I'm REALLY looking forward to the next update, the world of Aethernea is so deep and well thought out, it's beautiful and magical. God I can't believe how creative you are, so many small details with so many families and stories everywhere. Purely fantastical, I admire you." - astro-logical from Wattpad "I love love love Aethernea so much! It is amazing how you created this new world with different creatures, magics, looks, illnesses, and evil! I was blown away by your explanation of the Mana pools and how to weave magic! Simply stunning really! You are one of my favorite authors and Wattpad and I am so glad I stumbled upon Aethernea because it is worth all of my time reading!" - Adriana_V_Blade from Wattpad "I absolutely am loving Aethernea so far. I am certain you belong in the ranks among J.K. Rowling, Rick Riordan, Suzane Collinings, and many more great and wonderful authors. You opened up a whole new world for me, which only a few great authors have accomplished. While it's true I am pulled into each and every book, few are able to capture me to the point of inescapability. Though, somehow, you have managed this feat. I thank you for this and more! You are a wonderful author and can't wait for more to come!" - daughterofpercabeth7 from Wattpad "WOW! just caught Aethernea in gravity tales! Just when I was getting tired of most xianxia novels this appears and completely blows my mind! I really like the depth and the humorous touch you give the characters and it seems you have the storyline well thought out since you are always hinting about things in the past and the future. It has been such an enjoyable experience that I couldn't stop reading, finishing it in just one day and laughing my way through most of the episodes. But what keeps me so excited for what's coming is the magic system and the professions of the world you are creating.The magic mechanics have such a huge potential! They are simple but at the same time they open so many possibilities. Even though we still only understand the basics of transmutation and augmentation, I expect them to enable fights where there is need of quick thinking and skill, and not just brainless overpower of every opponent. In a way this makes me reminiscent about The Mistborn Series by Brandon Sanderson, which are one of my favorite series ever. The thing that sets Mistborn apart from any other series is that the mechanics are so well thought out that they could be used to create a super cool triple A video game and I cannot help but hope Aethernea reaches the same level or even surpass it. I really think it has that potential. Really hope this series gets the attention it deserves. As for me, Thursdays and Sundays just got a whole more exciting! =)" - AlexMLion "Your writing is fantastic and riveting, the chapters and character flow so smooth, and it captivates the reader with the many twist and turns that tricks one mind into thinking this is about to happen, when suddenly the exact opposite happens. You truly are in inspirational writer with a brilliant mind that can see and put words into chapters and into this one truly awesome book. Thank you!" - AshleyStaar from Wattpad "I loved this story, such detailed description and accurate words, both Kiel and Elaru completely caught my attention, your writing style is just beautiful and the plot is astounding and it's just the first episode! This kind of fantasy stories are my favourite, it has a lot of magic in it, rivalry and sense of humour." - BlackWhiteD from Wattpad
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Amidst all of the issues that any teenager girl usually has, Aika Tsunaboshi also secretly an Magical Girl. Much likes the ones you would typically see in anime and manga. Except these ones also hunts demons on the side. One day, while fighting against her nemesis, she is forced to make a decision and temporarily transfer her powers to someone in her family. Which according to her partner (AKA Sacred Beast) Nyamo, the Nekomata, was intended to go to her older brother, Akira Tsunaboshi. Who is always mistaken for a girl and barely able to form a full sentence towards strangers, which leaves him prone to many misunderstandings. Akira is already in his third year and everyone in the school still recognizes him as one of the most popular "girls" on the school. Making him quite unapproachable for most students, who thinks Akira lives in a higher place than the rest, rendering him to be quite a loner. However, during the transferring process, Aika got cold feet at the last second and her partner, alongside her magical powers were sent somewhere else. About to be stricken down by her assailant, Aika is saved by a strange fat man. Her savior... just happened to be one of her teachers, Shinjirou Tsunaboshi... and her uncle, who just happened to be passed out drunk in the gym storage nearby. Which she so utterly despises due to his being drunk more often than not, near perpetual state of hangover, his carefree nature, unrensponsible and perverted tendencies that earned him the title "Ero-Sensei" which caused many antics and headaches for Aika to deal with most of her life. The shock of seeing her uncle wearing her uniform, a frilly dress, alongside a set of cat ears, tail and everything made her pass out on the spot. By the time Aika woke up, not only he was casually partying with both her partner Nekomata and the demon, became best friends with them, as well but also convinced the two to form a strange alliance between himself, her demonic nemesis and through Nyamo, sent his unprecedented proposal to Arcadia, the group behind managing and recruiting all Magical Girls. Would Arcadia even consider Shinji's suggestion and his abnormal circumstance? Will Aika be able to handle yet another stress placed on top of her social life? Will Aika's powers ever return to her? Even if it does, will she be able to manage to put up with her troublesome uncle for the sake of justice until then? Only one way to find out!
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Fina is a Enforcers Daughter, she's been harshly trained by her father all her life. On the night of the change, to which you could find your soul mate- Fina finds hers. He's of course the soon to be Alpha, however he doesn't want her. Its not sweat off Fina's back, she's more worried about her Family finding out then being rejected. Her feet carry her to a deeper part of the forest, one she shouldn't of gone into. When things twist and stories become a reality Fina will have to pick what side she wants to be part of.
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Total drama cody x Noah
Thanks for 3k reads💗Btw this book is rlly bad and confusing so sorry if u don't like it
8 114