《Lost Magic》Chapter Fourteen


"And perfect!" Servilia said, tying off the bow in Makina's hair and stepping back. "Oh you're just like a little doll!"

"I am a Spirit Goddess, not a doll!" Makina whined as Servilia continued to fidget with her hair.

"Still can't remember of what though?" Cross stepped into the room, arm in arm with Jiana. Jiana patted him on the shoulder and slipped away to approach Makina, who promptly ignored her to storm up to Cross.

"Idiot! Where have you been?" Makina snapped. Her foot shot out and caught him hard in the shin. Cross grimaced and looked up pleadingly at Servilia who was nothing but smiles.

"Isn't she precious?" Servilia cooed to Jiana who simply watched with an amused smile.

"Human, I asked you a question!" Makina said, kicking him again. "First you leave me unattended, then you come back without explanation? You should never leave a sleeping beauty unattended. Who knows what evil could have befallen me! I shall smite you! A thousand times over I shall smite you! Stupid mortal! Idiot!"

Cross sighed, lifting up his hand and placing it on Makina's head. He turned her head slowly until she was facing Jiana. "Makina, this is the Mistress of the Sleeping Dragon Guild."

"Hello dear," Jiana said, leaning down towards Makina. "My, you are a darling one, aren't you?"

"Hmph." Makina turned her head back to Cross for a moment before nodding. "Well met, Mistress of the Sleeping Dragon guild. I am the Spirit Goddess Makina."

"Please, call me Jiana," Jiana replied, dipping her head politely. "What brings a divine being such as yourself to our humble guild."

"Please don't encourage this," Cross muttered, but was ignored as Makina thrust a hand back towards him and pointed a small finger into his chest.

"I demand you give me this man as my servant," Makina said, putting as much authority into her voice as possible. It wasn't much. "As per the tradition of the Spirits, the first human we choose to grace with our presence shall become our most humble servant for life."

Cross said. "You know, I found you."

"Oh, I see," Jiana said, lifting a hand to her chin and nodding several times. "What will become of Cross then?"

"He shall serve me however I see fit," Makina said. "Despite his obvious failings, he seems capable enough, given time and proper direction."

"That was almost a compliment," Cross said, now resigned to the fact he was being openly ignored by all present in the room. He threw Jiana a worried glace, not liking the sudden spark of amusement that was shining in her eyes. Jiana leaned over towards Servilia and said something too low for Cross to hear. After a moment Servilia let out a soft laugh and nodded.


"I see," Jiana said, poorly hiding the laughter in her voice. "You may have Cross-"

"What?" Cross yelped.

"-But he must remain a member and resident of this guild. Of course, you will be given room and board as well, for the inconvenience."

Makina mulled over the offer for a few minutes as Cross shot Jiana and Servilia an incredulous look. In response the two smiled, through Servilia had the grace to hide hers behind her hand.

"I suppose that is acceptable," Makina said holding out her hand. "I accept your proposal."

Jiana accepted the younger girl's hand, sealing the deal with a firm shake. "Wonderful. I will have Servilia prepare you a room. Servilia, if you will?"

Servilia nodded and walked over to Makina. Taking the smaller girls hand she led her out of the room. To the surprise of Cross, Makina went without a fuss, happily chatting with Servilia. As soon the pair left he turned on Jiana.

"Why?" Cross asked, lifting up a hand to rub at his temples.

"I believe this would be a wonderful opportunity for you to better yourself," Jiana said smiling serenely.

"I fail to see how this will help me or anyone one else. In any way. Ever. In fact this might make me a worse person."

“You know, you are such a lonely person.”


"You spend so much of your time alone, too much. You go on the majority of your jobs alone. You even eat alone more often than not," Jiana said with a small sigh.

"I go with Lexi and Banksy when they need it," Cross protested.

"Yet you never ask them to go with you. You choose to go with them when it suits you," Jiana said. "This self induced isolation hurts you, and it hurts any team you may be placed on." She laughed softly at his gloomy expression. Reaching out, she patted him on the cheek. "Take this as a learning experience in teamwork and cohabitation. Oh, and you will be paying for the girl's expenses, of course."



"I hate my life." Cross sighed as he walked through the shopping district, Makina a few steps ahead of him. The girl was practically bursting with excitement. As she began to move too far away, Cross reached out a hand and snagged the back of her dress, tugging her back towards him. She turned around and swatted his hand away.

"Do not pull me as though I am some common beast to be tethered! If anything, you should be the one with a collar," Makina snapped. "Now tell me, which store here is best."


"For what."

"For clothing, obviously," she said. "This dress that Miss Servilia was so kind to lend me is quite nice, however, I will require a full wardrobe. Your Mistress has informed me that you shall have the honor of purchasing it for me, and anything else that I shall require."

"Of course she did. The honor is just flowing over me. Really. Honor.”

Of course it is," Makina said with a curt nod, taking no note of Cross's sarcasm. "But first, I have grown hungry again. I would like something rich and filling. Perhaps a stew? With meat! And bread! Fresh bread!"

Cross sighed and took the lead. Makina followed after him with only a small amount of verbal abuse. Opening a door for her, he ushered her into a restaurant. Catching the eye of the host, he lifted a hand in greeting.

"How are things, Zachary?"

"Cross! Long time no see!" The older man boomed, extending out a large hand. "Last I heard you got into a bit o' trouble with the Followers."

Cross waved him off. "It was nothing more than a misunderstanding."

"Ain't that always the case?" Zachary smiled, showing off dazzlingly white teeth. "And who is this little angel?"

"Goddess, actually,” Makina corrected him. "You may call me Makina."

"Makina, such a pleasure to meet you," Zachary said, dipping into a short bow before turning back to Cross. "Just the two of you then?"

"Unfortunately," Cross said then winced as Makina kicked him hard in the shin. Zachary laughed and seated them quickly before taking Makina's order, nodding approvingly at her demand for extra meat and a freshly baked loaf of bread.

"I like her. A girl who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to ask for it!" Zachary said with a laugh. He slapped Cross on the back, hard enough to make him wince, before heading back towards the kitchens.

"I take it you are quite familiar with that man?" Makina asked as she watched Zachary strut away.

"This is Zachary's restaurant. He brings food for the orphans whenever he can, and allows them to train under his chefs to help get them jobs outside of the city. He's a good man." Cross said, leaning back in his chair and turning his head to face the window.

"That is generous of him," Makina said, glancing around the restaurant. After a moment she rapped her knuckles on the table. "I have a question."

"Don't you always."

"Who was the girl at the guild you were speaking to before we left?" Makina asked.

"Lex?" Cross said. "She's a guildmate. She specializes in Hunting."


"Bounty Hunting, mostly. She's pretty good at it. Might be the best," Cross said with a small smile. "If she's after you, she'll find you."

"That seems dangerous. She must be quite strong. Tell me, could she defeat you in battle?"

"Yes," Cross replied without missing a beat.

"Hmph, I'm not sure if I should praise you for your honesty or insult you for your failings. Honestly, what kind of servant are you?" Cross ground his teeth, but didn't respond. Makina reached up and toyed with the bow Servilia had tied in her hair. "Why does this ‘Lex’ cover her face? Is she ugly?"

Cross shifted uncomfortably and looked out the window. “Mmmmm.”

“I said is she ugly?” Makina repeated.

Cross pulled his eyes from the window and looked at the diminutive Goddess. He was struck with the unfortunate feeling that she wouldn’t be letting the issue go.

"No, she's not ugly."

"Then for what reason does she cover her face?" Makina said.

"I… It's a long story." Cross said after a moment of hesitation. Makina drummed her fingers on the table, waiting with noticeable impatience. Cross sighed and began to speak. "I was dropped off at the guild only a few days after I was born. I'm the youngest orphan they've ever gotten. I was always a little… I just didn’t get along well with most people at the guild. I avoided the others as much as I could."

"I fail to see how this is relevant to my question."

"Just shut up for a minute and I'll tell you." Cross ran a hand over his face. Makina stuck her tongue out at him, but waved her hand for him to continue. "When I was about ten Lexi joined our the guild and over the first couple of years we didn't really get… along…"

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