《Lost Magic》Chapter Eight
"She was dying. She was not strong enough to hold on for much longer."
"She won't survive out there!"
"At least out there she has a chance. I shall not be held here, helpless, and forced to watch her fade away."
"And what will become of you? You had nothing to spare."
"Better even one lives than we all perish."
"Well, are you going to stand there like a simpleton or are you going to help me up?" The girl asked Cross. He frowned as he rose up to his full height and turned his head to face the tracks. The next train wouldn't be for another five hours or so. He could probably manage to jump on it, but he wasn't sure about the girl. Maybe if he threw her... Then again, he could always just leave her...
"Mortal! Your Goddess is still on the ground!" She shook a tiny fist at him.
"My name," he said, reaching down and grabbing her wrist. With a quick yank he pulled up to her feet. "Cross. Courier. You are?"
"I hardly think that is any of your concern."
Cross reached up and ran his hand over his face. He took in a deep breath. After a moment of contemplation he turned away and began to walk, following the path of the tracks. Behind him the Goddess yelped.
"Excuse me! Where do you think you are going?"
"What about me?"
"I don't know where your home is."
"You can't just leave me!"
“I disagree.”
“What am I supposed to do?”
"Feel free to tag along."
"How dare you!" She quickly skipped past him and planted herself firmly in his path. "It is the Gods who lead the mortals, not the mortals who lead the Gods! Now... Now... hmmm... Where are we, human?"
Cross looked up into the sky, taking a moment to regret leaving the train, not that it had really been his choice. He was going to have a very long conversation with someone about this. "We're just on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Voy."
"I see. Tell me, who is the ruler of this kingdom?"
"...Queen Cassandra the Fourth."
"Very well, I demand you take me to this Queen Cassandra so she may bask in my presence and let this pitiful country know I have chosen to share with them my grace."
Cross blinked slowly. "And when the Queen asks to know the name of the great divine being that has come to grace her what shall I tell her?"
"Makina!" She declared proudly before slamming her hands over her mouth, eyes widening. "You tricked me!"
"Yes, I did. Makina, huh? Pleasure. Now come on." Cross pushed past her and began to walk. "I'd rather not try to board the train here, there is a turn a few miles up, they will slow down and it will make it easier."
He didn't bother to see if the 'Goddess' was still following him, but after a few moments he heard an indigent huff and the sound of small footfalls.
"Good afternoon Alexis." Servilia greeted, reaching up and plucking the summons from Lexi's hand and offering back a file. "Job for you, if you are feeling up for it. It may be a bit dangerous."
Lexi nodded, glancing over the file as Servilia filled her in.
"A foreign spy, possibly from Ash. He was able to infiltrate the castle staff," Servilia said.
"A Son?"
"Possibly. He was going by the name Lee Vos. When he was discovered he managed to escape, but the royal guards caught up with him a few days later. They brought him back to the capital, but before they were able to interrogate him he escaped again."
"Apparently he managed to strangle his guard. He also murdered a woman and her daughter during his escape.
"Mmmm." Lexi's brow furrowed.
"The Crown has put a rather large bounty on his head. Alive is preferable and pays more, but they will accept dead as well," Servilia said. "So, would you care to go Hunting tonight? I have some very promising leads. Or you can continue to help Romeo and Banksy with their punishments as you have been doing."
"A team leader should accept responsibility of the actions of her team and share in the punishment they are dealt," said Lexi. Servilia wisely chose not to point out Lexi did not formally have a team and was not officially ranked as a leader. "I'll take the job. I should return tomorrow or the next day, if your leads are reliable."
"You know they are." Servilia nodded, making a note in her book before looking up. "Please be safe Alexis, the Sons are bad news, they especially won't take kindly to someone like you."
"I will be." Lexi said, turning on her heel and heading out.
"That was a ridiculous way to get on the train," Makina whimpered as she vainly attempted to straighten her windswept hair back into place with her hands. "Why did you not just tell them to stop?"
"Trains don't stop for hitchhikers. Not even Goddesses," he added, pulling her by the arm and into the train properly. After a short search he found a mostly empty car. Letting her go he sat down and rested his face in his hands.
"So, how long will this trip to the Queen take?" Makina asked after a few minutes of silence. Cross lifted his head up and frowned. Part of him had hoped this was simply a dream, but no such luck.
"Well considering we are on the edge of the Kingdom, and that I have absolutely no intention of entering the Capital... Never?"
"Your impudence will be remembered," Makina said darkly, her bangs falling over one sky blue eye.
Cross closed his eyes and leaned back. "You know that might have been intimidating if you weren't such a cute kid. What were you doing out there anyways? Get lost, running away, or are you just crazy?"
"I... I am not some simple child!" Makina sputtered. "I truly am a Goddess. The Spirit Goddess Makina of... of..." She trailed off, a frown forming on her face. Cross cracked an eye open just in time to see the young girl drop her head into her arms.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing!" She lifted her head up and looking at him with watery eyes. "So, you refuse to take me to see the Queen? Then I demand to see your Master. I have terms to discuss. I trust you are part of a respectable guild and not simply some vagrant who attempts to pray on young, innocent girls by pretending to be a courier?"
"I am employed by Sleeping Dragon. You're welcome for finding you, by the way." Cross said choosing to ignore what looked suspiciously like tears in the young girls eyes. He closed his eyes and attempted to find a sitting position comfortable enough to fall asleep in.
"Hmmm, fitting," Makina said, then after a moment, "Human, I have another question."
"It can wait." Cross replied flatly.
"Sorry girlie, nothing interesting has come through," the bartender said without looking at Lexi, wiping down a glass before grabbing the next. "Just the usual customers, and I know most everyone 'round here."
Lexi stared at him for a moment before reaching down into her pocket and pulling out a small gemstone and laying it on the bar.
Cross did occasionally have good ideas.
The bartender stopped his work and picked up the gem. Holding it up to the light he smiled. "Oh, you meant interesting. Now that you mention it, there was a guy. He wasn't here long, didn't even order a drink. Just asked if there were any ships leaving any time soon. Didn't recognize him."
"And you told him which ships were leaving?"
"O'course," the bartender said, pocketing the gem and continuing his work. "This is a port city. Lots of ships coming and going."
"Did you give him any specifics?"
"Not sure." The barkeep grinned, looking down at her. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Hard to remember, ya know?"
Lexi visibly tensed before reaching down and pulling out another gem and holding it up for him to see. His smile grew.
"Oh right. I told him Pearson's ships are heading out tonight. They are always looking for new dockhands. They travel through the darkwater. Always need new help when traveling through darkwater. Ship won't have left yet. You hurry you can probably catch'em before they do."
"Thank you." Lexi said, slamming her hand down on the bar. There was a loud crack and the gem was left embedded deep into the dark wood of the counter. Eyes flashing in amusement Lexi left the building, leaving the barkeep sputtering behind her.
Cloaked in the dark of night, she made her way quickly to the harbor, easily finding the ships owned by the Pearson Corporation. Only one looked like it was making preparations to leave. She approached the ship slowly, doing her best to stay out of the sight of the sailors that were preparing to depart. A group of them stood off from the rest, huddled around a small table lit by single lamp. From the light Lexi could see coins littering the table as one of the men animatedly pointed at the coins, then at the ship. He was dressed differently than the rest. Simple black robes clung to his body, dirty and worn from travel.
"Don't kill him," she said softly, looking down as she drew her black blade. She reached up and made sure her hair was securely tucked into her hood before striding forward confidently.
"Hey! This is Pearson property, you're going to have to leave, sir!"
Lexi swung her sword around and caught the sailor with the flat of her blade, launching him off the dock and into the water below. The resulting splash and cry of surprise were enough to draw the attention of the table. Lexi held the sword out.
"I'm here for Lee Vos. He carries a bounty put in place by the Crown. Any attempt to protect him will be seen as an act of treason against the state and will be punished as such!" Lexi called out.
Without hesitation the sailors quickly stepped away from the table, leaving the robed man alone. He stared at her with unrivaled hatred.
"Lee Vos, I take it," Lexi said, lowering the blade. "I will give you one chance to come with me. I can promise you safe passage and a fair trial before the Queen."
"Trial?" Lee spat. "You filthy users have no right to rule, or to pass judgment. You cling to your memories of magic and follow a whore who claims the sight. Magic was nothing but a curse that slows the true progression of mankind. Soon it will be nothing but a faded memory. An afterthought on the pages of history."
Unimpressed Lexi walked towards him. Kicking the table out of his way, Lee pulled a knife from under his robes. Lexi noted the blade, still stained with dried blood. Her fingers curled tighter around the hilt of her sword.
"Don't kill him."
Lee lunged towards her and thrust the weapon towards her chest. Nightmare spun in her hands and deflected his knife to the side before she brought it back around for a downward slash. Lee jumped back to avoid her blade and in his haste lost his footing as he stepped on the overturned table. As he stumbled Lexi stepped forward and swept her blade up. Off balance and unable to defend Lee was left helpless as the black metal cut through his fingers, severing them from his hand. Howling in pain and shock the knife fell from his grip. Stumbling backwards he turned to run, but Lexi quickly shifted to block his retreat. She held up her sword, the tip just touching his chest.
"You killed many people just to escape," she said quietly. "Even innocent bystanders who had nothing to do with your war. A Mother. A child."
"You have no innocent. Only complacent," Lee spoke through grit teeth. "Those who live in a kingdom of lies deserve nothing but death. My country, my people, burned to ash while you did nothing but watch. I will see yours do the same, down to the very last child."
Lexi pressed forward ever so slightly and the blade just began to push through his flesh. She held it for a moment longer before pulling the blade away and taking a step back.
“Surrender yourself to the crown or pick up your blade,” she ordered, voice soft but terse.
“Surrender.” Lexi slashed Nightmare down. “Or die.”
His eyes flicked from her down the blade and back. Hesitantly he bent down and retrieved the weapon with his left hand.
Lexi nodded. “I see. You’ve made your choice then.”
He stared at her for a moment, his left arm trembling, before flinging the blade at her and turning to run. Lexi caught the knife with a deft hand. She weighed it in her hand for a moment before throwing it at the retreating man. The knife spun once in the air before piecing into Lee’s right shoulder. He let out a howl of pain and stumbled. In that moment Lexi caught up to him.
Nightmare flashed once and blood spilled from the man’s ankles.
Crying out, Lee fell forward, his legs unable to support his own weight. Lexi caught him by the back of the shirt before he hit the ground. She slammed Nightmare into the dock.
"This blade is known as Nightmare," she said softly, pushing his face forward until his eye was only a hairsbreadth away from the blade. "Remember it well because it will not forget you. If you think the loss of your fingers is a steep price, know the next time it shall take something far more dear to you."
“I… We do not fear you. W-we will rise again, from the ashes. Your victory it means… it means nothing,” Lee shook more violently with each stammered word, tears beginning to stream down his face.
"I'm sure," Lexi said before she slammed his face against Nightmare’s pommel. She let his unconscious body drop to the deck. Letting out a deep breath she turned her head towards the nearest dockworker, her posture relaxing. "I shall require a cart, and please forgive me for the disruption and any damages. I will gladly pay."
- In Serial28 Chapters
Warning: This story is purely for practice. Do not expect me to finish it. Do not expect it to be good. Do no expect regular updates. Do not expect perfect grammar. Do not expect good story-telling. Do not expect innovative ideas. This will be very ameturish. Also there will be profanity, possible light-sexual content and possible gore. All criticism is welcome. Kenta is a 17 year old who on his way to a grocery store sale, dies and is reincarnated into a world of fantasy, where magic and mythical beasts exist. Everyone in this world has a status menu, like a game, which tells a persons name, title, skills and attributes. In this world the strong rule and the weak fall behind. As a baby people start out with 0 skills and 0 attributes. Everyone in this world can build up their attributes, learn skills and earn titles. A select few a born skills and raised attributes. Kenta having died in his previous world, is shocked to learn this, but quickly adapts to this game like reality and uses his knowledge and training to help survive in this new world. Upon opening his status menu, he notices he already has a skill. Skill: Eater: Allows one to consume any singular item (excluding proper food) to gain skills/attributes. Consuming dangerous substances will not kill you.
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****** There are certain universal desires, and chief among them is the desire to possess a button that will allow you to turn back time. The answer to all your problems. They thought that they had discovered the means to achieve the secret desire of their hearts. They thought they’d discovered magic. But we know that magic does not exist. Not in the way that most people wish it would. It was only an illusion. You cannot turn back time. You can only move forward. ****** Only two truths are certain. The Tower must come down. That is their only goal. Pima isn't certain that it's even possible, but when the task falls to her, she must try to set aside all her past fears and failures to reach into the past and change the future of the world. That's the first thing truth: The Tower must come down. The second is...It knows you're here, and it doesn't like being disturbed. ****** Note on the subtitle: Think of The Time Tower as a television mini-series. There are multiple parts, and sometimes you have to wait for the next one. Apart, they are somewhat short. Together, they are longer than a regular movie. This is part one - the first visit to The Time Tower.
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