

They cautiously entered the tea house and were surprised to find it empty except for a young kid sitting in a sofa in the back of the main room. There were two sofas and a table in-between. The kid was no older than nine yet Hilm and the other two could sense that he had awakened to his potential as a martial artist.

They thought he might be an expert in disguise. Changing one’s appearance while rare wasn’t unheard of to martial artists. The kid was wearing strange clothes as well. He had black straight pants, a white shirt and a black straight jacket of sorts. What’s more, he was wearing something to cover his eyes, a black item made of glass. It was strange.

Then, the kid motioned for the group to come and sit in front of him. The trio walked confidently and sat in front of him. The kid, with a childish voice, said:

“Thank you for coming so far. I was the one to request your services through Elder Lan’s help.

-It is our honor to be of help to the grand elder and a friend of his! How can we be of help to you today, Sir?

-Two years and a few months ago, do you remember trashing a co-disciple of yours and leaving him half-dead hanging on a tree on the bridge to the school?

-Hum…Well, yes, we did it for a few disciples though? Which one do you refer to?

-None. I just wanted to ask you if you would mind doing the same for a few others, for me? Obviously, I would reward you greatly from the intermediary of elder Lan.

-Of course, we would be glad to help, Sir! Just state their names!

-There are quite a few of them though, would it be fine still?

-No problem! We brought out all the elites of our Outer Fire Alliance!

-Is that so? How many of you are there?

-1532 in total Sir! All of us either at the eighth or ninth realm, Sir!

-Well, that is something to rejoice at!

-So, may I ask you, sir, who are the targets?

-They are an outer faction of the Burning Sea School. I heard they gathered their elites and got out today.

-Oh? Which one would that be?

-They call themselves the Outer Fire Alliance.”

As the words got out of the kid’s mouth, two arms got out of the sofa the trio was sitting on. Each one had pierced through the hearts of one aide, killing them on the spot. The arms and hands that shot through the sofa were covered in silver fur and blood. They retracted as Hilm was stupefied and horrified.

His two most trusted aides and great friends had been killed in less than a second. He was still trying to digest it when the kid moved and a normal knife was headed towards his own heart.

That being said, he was a martial artist, and a peak 9th realm at that! The knife heading his way was too slow and weak. Before it pierced his heart, he grasped it and laughed:

“I don’t know what tricks you used for this to happen but don’t you think you will be able to walk away alive from this!

-Fire Bullet.”

As the kid muttered the two words, Hilm felt a burning sensation to his chest. He looked down and saw a hole in his body. A burnt hole. His heart had been pierced through and he had no idea how. He died without understanding anything.


The kid took the knife back from Hilm’s dead body and slashed once in the air before putting the knife away. He turned back to the corpse and said:

“You can get out now.

-Yes, young boss.”

The sofa was broken through and a figure emerged from it. It was an adolescent wearing the same clothes as the kid. However, there were no more sleeves to his. His arms were covered in silver fur and blood from the two aides he had murdered.

However, he wasn’t moved at all by his actions and was even grinning. The adolescent had bloodshot eyes. Also, his nails had turned into claws. His ears were higher on his head and they were pointed. His hair was long and silver, it went down to his ass. He looked like a werewolf. And the blood on his arms made him look dangerous, very dangerous.

But the kid in front of him wasn’t fazed by his appearance. This young man was Oka and the kid was Mir, obviously. Oka asked Mir:

“Young Boss, how did you even think of this plan?

-What do you mean?

-Having me hide inside the sofa where they would seat? And the fact that only three of them would enter?

-They were coming to greet an elder, it wouldn’t be proper to have many enter a teahouse for that. Though, I thought more would have entered. But, does it really matter? Shouldn’t you start going out and take your revenge instead of wasting time on past events?

-That’s…You’re right, young master! I will be going then.

-Have fun… I’ll activate the barrier.

-Thank you, young boss!”

Oka darted out of the teahouse, surprising all the Outer Fire Alliance disciples. But being surprised is being surprised. Once the first few disciples that were the closest to the teahouse got slaughtered, they regained their senses and started to either run for it or jumped at the strange man.

Of course, the strange man was killing them all easily, regardless of what tactics they used. This led to more and more disciples trying to escape. After a time, the disciples that had ran away reached a wall made of energy, in the forest. What was that? What’s going on? They were scared shitless.

After some time, Oka had eliminated all the disciples that stayed closest to the teahouse. The barrier was triangular and went on for a kilometer in each direction with the teahouse as the center. A few had decided to stay and fight to avenge their comrades. They were more experienced as they took positions to trap him. One began the assault from the right, throwing a punch full of energy. Oka moved a few centimeters and dodged easily. He used that time to grab the arm of the opponent and ripped it off.

The disciple who lost his arm was screaming while convulsing on the floor. Oka just throw the arm away like it was some used tissue. Chills ran down the spine of all the disciples that remained there and a few more decided to flee. The ones that stayed changed tactics and rushed to Oka all at once.

Of course, it did not matter how many there were. They were weaker in rank. This was a kind of gap that you can’t climb. As a member attacked, he was dodged and grabbed by either his arm or leg. This led to a one-sided dismembering done by Oka.


He was not even blinking as he teared apart dozens of disciples his age and older. Once they were all writhing in pain on the ground, he began finishing them off. A martial artist, as long as their brains and hearts are both safe, can survive if healed correctly. Oka made sure they would not be saved by crushing all their brains with his feet. One after another, he turned their faces into soup.

The ground was soon died with organs, body parts and blood.

There was no one left around the teahouse but it did not mean there were no more disciple to kill. He wasn’t going to waste time chasing all the cowards. He activated one of his bloodline skills. He roared and energy projections of wolves appeared around him.

They were two meters tall and looked the part of a silver wolf. They had the same cultivation level as Oka though they were a bit weaker when it came to defense abilities. They were just projection after all. But they would be enough to deal with the cowards left. The wolves split up and ran through the forest.

Soon, cries of agony starting to be heard. The forest had turned into a hunting ground. The disciples were being devoured and toyed with by wolves. The wolves were cruel and enjoyed hunting, they were a representation of Oka’s mind and he wished to inflict pain. The wolves were biting off arms and legs until only torsos were left before finishing it by destroying the brain. It was a violent massacre. Barbaric to no end.

Mir got out of the teahouse and impressively looked at Oka:

“I didn’t know you had such a skill.

-It’s called “Rallying the pack”, young boss. It’s my only unlocked one. As you saw, I can summon small version of a Violent Flesh-eater Giant Silver Alpha Wolf. Though they are a bit weaker than even myself.

-Still, this is a nice unique skill you’ve got. Makes it easier on us to chase them down.

-This is only thanks to the young boss barrier set-up!

-Not at all, Elder Fin helped me. Just like for those clothes. Though you ripped them already.

-Sorry, young boss.

-It is fine. When you’re done here, let’s go back. We wouldn’t want to be left outside for a month. Though I doubt they wouldn’t let me in if I came back a bit late.

-Of course, young boss.”

After the 1532th disciple had been killed and the last scream heard, Mir and Oka went back to the school and the Herbal Mountain leaving an incredibly quiet forest. They were welcomed by a stern elder Lan that said in angry tone:

“Mir, come with me!”

Mir shrugged his shoulders and walked behind elder Lan as they entered his floor in the pavilion. He was led to the same table as always. This time, elder Fin was there as well. They sat down and after having sipped some tea, elder Lan broke the silence:

“What the hell have you done this time?!

-Nothing much, elder Lan.

-Nothing much he says?! You slaughtered a whopping 1532 promising young talents of our school! Using my name to set a trap! And Fin’s teachings as well!”

Mir didn’t quite know what to say. For once, elder Lan was right. He used both grand elders to do something evil. It was the first time he had killed directly by himself as a fact and it strangely wasn’t too bad a feeling. Though it was far from a good one.

For the first time in dozens of years, Mir was feeling bad at what he did. As a businessman, through his job, he destroyed many other men’s lives but never that directly and straightforwardly. What’s more, seeing the massacre done by Oka affected him quite a lot. He was responsible for the death of 1532 kids…Cruel deaths close to torture.

This was something he would have to live with. That sight was horrifying. Even in old horror movies he saw in his previous life, there weren’t that many limbs torn and not as much blood spattered. The ground there had turned red for real. And he knew that the weight of his actions would soon break down on his mind. He turned to elder Lan and said:

“I am not sorry but I do regret what I did. There might have been better ways…

-Of course, there were! How am I supposed to explain that so many elite outer disciples died on the way to a meeting point with me?!”

In the end, surprisingly, Mir was calm enough to understand that elder Lan was more worried about saving his ass than the deaths of those disciples. Elder Fin saw the change in Mir’s expression and laughed a bit before talking with him while elder Lan was cussing at the world.

“Mir, we don’t mind you killing people, our own hands are far from clean. However, we believe that violence isn’t always the way to resolve a conflict. Though most of the time, it is. By the way, unlike Lan, I wasn’t there spying so would you mind telling me how you used my teachings and devised your trap? I want details.

-Oh..Uh..Sure. Well, it started a bit more than three months ago…”

And Mir began his story about what he did during the past three months:

After deciding on claiming revenge for Oka, the two of them had planned to go to the market mountain. As its name indicate, it is where trading was mainly done. The Herbal mountain was an exception as it dealt with special products.

However, on the market mountain, you could find anything and everything.It was a place bustling with activity at all times of day and night. There, Mir first went to a clothing store and asked them to make special custom-made clothes. The ones he and Oka were wearing right now. He called them ‘formal suits’ and obviously, they were something unheard of in this world.

Or at least, in this part of the world. But the shopkeeper wasn’t a newbie and easily grasped the concept behind the clothes. The reason Mir wished for those was simple. He lived his previous life wearing them day in day out. It was the type of cloth he was the most familiar with and he liked their looks as well.

He missed his bright businessman past in a way and those clothes would constantly remind him of it.

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