

-You’re a good kid Mir! But the show itself isn’t that great. To old foxes like us, it lacks excitement so there is a special system to make things more enjoyable. And it is one of the reason I invited you. It is the joy of betting!


-That’s right! We bet on who we think is going to win the duel! I was really impressed when you got the cultivation levels of the disciples previously, even more when you found the second inner court disciple. I wish to see whether this old man’s eyes are no good anymore. Will you play with this old man, little Mir?

-I don’t mind but I have nothing to bet elder Lan.

-Do not worry! I prepared us an amount of golds to play today. The maximum amount one can bet at once in a battle is 100 golds so I prepared a thousand golds for each of us, Boras as well. The more players, the more interesting it gets!

-Elder Lan, I’m very sorry, but I can’t be betting…A thousand gold is just…

-Dad, let’s play!

-You heard your son, Boras, just play with this old man here. Don’t worry, even if you lose it all, it won’t matter. When you get as old as me, a few coins don’t mean much! Ahahah!

-Well then…”

Playing with a thousand golds was something a bit too difficult for Boras. He who never had held more than one gold in his life was going to bet with a thousand…Mir however was overjoyed. It was exactly as he expected. And now, he had a choice to make heaps of money for his family. But just to make sure, he asked:

“Elder Lan, if I win money, will it be mine?


-Don’t reprimand him Boras. He is right to ask. I will say it only once, little Mir: this money is your capital, it belongs to you. Whatever is left by the end of the day is yours to keep! It is the same for you Boras. But I hope to have you play with me till the end.

-Yes, elder Lan!

-Good, good, good”

Elder Lan was enjoying himself. He discussed with a few other elders and Boras while waiting for the beginning of the competition. It began with a ceremony like every day and the insight division. Hundreds of disciples from everywhere were given a scroll and they went outside the arena to cultivate and learn its contents. Then, a commentator walked on the giant arena. It was so big that he looked like an ant. However, his voice was that of a lion yet had a nice ring to it.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome for the fourth day of our Genius Tournament. Once more, we give our thanks to the Imposing Thunder Mountain School for hosting this event this year as well as the Royal Cin family for presiding over it. And now, what you have all been waiting for: the fourth day match-ups! For our first match, we will have to young men battling it out. From the south, disciple of the Wide Green Valley, Jun yan! At twelve years old, he is already at the sixth realm, a genius between geniuses! And opposing him, from the Calm Torrent School, Al din! Fourteen years old and at the sixth realm as well! And now, please welcome the contestants on the ring!!!!”


After that, two young men wearing different colored robes jumped on the stage. They were facing each other. They both looked eager to go at it. Elder Lan was stroking his white beard as he observed the both. He was trying to get insight on the future of the duel. After all, he was here to bet. Mir only gave them a glance. After they jumped on the ring, the commentator spoke:

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, you have five minutes to place your bets!”

Elder Lan looked at Mir and said:

“Young Mir, which one will you root for?

-I’m not rooting for anyone. I’m betting 100golds on Al Din because he is going to win.

-Oh? You seem to be quite sure of yourself. Very well, I shall play against you and bet on Jun Yan! What about you Boras?

-I’ll believe in my son’s judgement and bet on Al Din as well.

-Very well. You! Take our bets!”

A disciple from the Imposing Thunder Mountain School took the bets and then, we discussed on the contestants. After some time, the duel began. The reason why it was one hour long being so that both youngsters can show off their skills. It is a way to showcase the value of the school and for the youngsters to bath in the spotlight a bit. A way to reward them for their success in cultivation. This tournament is a way to honor and respect their diligence. After a dozen of minutes, the true battle began and attacks were sent from everywhere. It was the first time Mir saw a battle between cultivators and he liked it. It was fun to watch and it seems like the child were enjoying themselves as well. It was a great sight to behold. And in the end, it was as Mir predicted, Al Din won the match. Mir and Boras earned 31 golds each from their bets. While Elder Lan lost it all.

The second match opposed two more men in the same way as the previous battle. This time, again, elder Lan bet on the opposite contestant of Mir and lost again.

It went on again and again until the match with a Burning Sea school disciple. His name was San Chi, eleven years old and sixth realm. His opponent was thirteen and at the sixth realm too. Elder Lan was excited and bet directly on Sa Chi. However, he was surprised to see Mir bet on his opponent even though he had praised San Chi for long minutes. And in the end, San Chi lost. Elder Lan was beginning to be suspicious of Mir. He asked him:

“Little Mir, those eyes of yours, can they actually predict the future?

-Of course, they can’t, elder Lan. However, I can see their battle powers and mental state… Basically, I can see who is going to win since I know which one is stronger.

-That’s…Incredible. I have never heard of such eyes. I really wish you will accept to become a disciple of our school. What you mean is, that you can bet and win your bets every single time, right?

-That is right, elder Lan.

-Hum…Are you 100% certain?

-100%. Yes, elder.

-So be it then, we will base our bets on your insights.”


He got up and turned to everyone from his burning sea school. There were nine elders and eleven students. He said:

“Everyone, from here on out, we shall bet as one and follow my guest’s insight. I will guarantee success and bear the responsibility of failure, what do you say?

-Yes, elder Lan!”

Mir saw thanks to his eyes that most of the people here were reluctant. However, elder Lan must have a prominent position in the school because they were going to do as he said whatever the cost. The next match-up was very peculiar as well. It was a nine-year-old girl against a fourteen-year-old boy. They were at the sixth realm though but the age gap was five whole years. It wasn’t much to admit the girl to be a genius. However, nearly no one believed in the young girl. She was after all, young and her battle experience couldn’t be too good. This turned out into a huge gambling stake towards the young man. Every bet was on him so the odds fluctuated. A winning bet on the girl would pay loads. And of course, Mir decided to bet on the little girl. At those words, elder Lan was shocked. Even he was having a tough time believing that the little frail girl could beat this muscular teenager. Yet, he made up his mind and said to his group:

“Everyone, bet it all on the little girl.”

And they all bet on the girl. And the girl won. And everyone from the Burning Sea School won their bets and got more than three times the amount they betted. 100 golds turned to 315golds for each of them. Obviously, they rejoiced. To the elders, 100 golds was nothing much. To the students, it was already quite an amount that could help them buy resources to help their cultivation. But, in any case, to each of them, they wouldn’t refuse 215golds. They didn’t have to do anything and got so much money? Who wouldn’t be happy? The one that was the most pleased was still Boras though. Such amounts of wealth were incredible to him. Elder Lan was satisfied as well. He looked at Mir and said:

“Little Mir, thank you for your insights. You gave a large helping hand to our students. Would you mind keeping on sharing those insights of yours with us?

-I don’t mind. I’m still earning my own keep after all.

-Ahahah! I am glad to hear that! Everyone, did you hear? Little Mir said he is fine with sharing his insights. What you say to keep following his insights?

-Yes, elder!”

Everyone rejoiced and it went on with wins. Until the last match. It contained a Burning Sea disciple. However, Mir said he was going to lose. This made the people from the Burning Sea School reluctant. Mir didn’t care and bet anyway on his opponent. However, Elder Lan said:

“Everyone, I won’t ask you not to bet on Tuan nor will I belittle those that will follow little Mir’s insights. However, I, myself, shall abstain from voting this turn.”

It was understandable. After all, elder Lan was from the Burning Sea school. He couldn’t just go and bet against his own disciple. He knew however that Mir was going to be right once again and his disciple was going to lose. Golds didn’t mean anything to him but that doesn’t mean he was willing to spend them on nothing. So, he decided to abstain, a wise decision for someone in his position. And his disciple lost as predicted. It left the Burning Sea school zone quiet. After some time, everyone started leaving. Elder Lan turned to Boras and said:

“Boras, would you mind accompanying me for dinner and then some more fun?

-What sort of fun do you have in mind elder Lan?

-The Casino. I think that with Mir, we could have a wonderful time gambling through the night!

-You really enjoy gambling, elder. Mir is still young, I don’t think that it would be proper to have him go betting at the casino…

-I want to keep playing!”

Mir said it like an innocent child and it made both elder Lan and Boras sigh. They knew that Mir faked it but he wanted them to. In the end, they decided to eat and go to the casino.

The casino was big. At least the same size as the arena. And it was made from the same materials. In bright lightning-like characters were written the words “Allegiance Group Casino”. It was the biggest disciple alliance in the Imposing Thunder Mountain school and they were running the greatest entertainment zone for this year’s tournament, the casino. Elder Lan, Boras and Mir entered and were directly guided to the second floor. There were three floors in total. The second one was for VIPs as for the last one was for super VIPs and high gambling stakes. Even though elder Lan could go up to the third floor, he believed the second one to be enough for some fun. He looked around. There were many types of games being played. He looked at Mir and asked:

“Mir, which one is your favorite?”

Obviously, Mir was familiar with most of them thanks to his previous life. He knew for a fat that even with his eyes, some games were impossible to be won. For example, slots or roulette. You can’t predict the result from seeing it before it starts. Such games are impossible for Mir. However, there are games easy to win. That would be cards. To Mir, it doesn’t matter if they are face down, he can see which number card it is. And so, card games are the best. Next would be to decide on one. The card game with a high rate of stakes…Poker. Five cards to determine who wins. Many players and so, higher stakes. But there was something even better. Black Jack. After being given two cards, the goal is to reach the closest to 21 as possible. Basically, for someone who can see the cards, the winning odds are extremely high. Mir decided to pick black jack.

“Elder Lan, can we play Black Jack?

-Hum…Sure. We can.”

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