《The Birth of Fantasy》Chapter 23


Chief Hollow, the Ferret Beastkin, sat there staring back at me after I gave a persuasive lie about how I saved Luin, got blood all over her, and dug my way out of the hive. In the process, she became bound to me as a companion. He began rubbing the bridge of his nose and seemed to start hyperventilating.

“I’m sure I couldn’t come up with a more complicated scenario than this one. There is only two way for the Bond to be broken. The death of one of you, or the willing dismissal of the bond by the one who accepted the Bond. Seeing as she looks like a sack of happy cakes, I doubt that’s going to happen.

Bond Magic is a school of magic far less used and even lesser understood. It doesn’t seem to use one’s mana at all. Most recorded bonds happen with hunters and rangers who develop a kind of friendship with the creatures of the forest.

What is known is someone who bonds with another, can share experience and possible levels. How one such as yourself shares experience, I can’t say.

For the sake of Ray’tha Rise, I ask you to speak with the Kobold’s Alpha and come to an understanding with him sooner than later. The Kobolds need to understand this bond between you and Luin and accept it.

Maybe you can frame it as Luin saw you as the best possible way to grow stronger. Last resort? Tell them it was her wish for the Bond. Any disagreement would be seen as going against the Priestess of Gna’zanth. The text says her word is the law. At what age this becomes law is not evident within the texts.”

“I don’t want to cause any more conflict. Where can I find their alpha?”

“Near the dungeon, you will find the entrance to their underground warren. I’m sure you can gain an audience with him. I’m also sure news of both Luin and their head priest’s actions have already reached his ear.”

“Thank you for your time, Hollow. I will go and speak with him now.”

“If you two can come to some agreement, I really do need your help with the dungeon. I wasn’t joking about the need for someone. It could benefit the village and you at the same time. We need the dungeon cleared of the stronger monsters so the weaker of the miners can go back inside.

We’ve allowed them to populate for too long over the past year. The top layer has been handled, but I’m told the Shinehorns are more powerful and in more significant numbers. We don’t know what’s happened past them at this point.

Then we have the encroaching Gnits inside the forest. If you can find any information on those, it would be greatly appreciated. You will, of course, be compensated for your troubles. Take this as thank you for saving those you could, and as early payment for your future help,” said Hollow tossing over a bracelet that clinked when it hit the table.

I picked the bracelet up and studied the metal objects hanging from it. Coins, maybe?

They were incredibly shinny and clean. Most of them were the color of copper and silver. The copper coins were in the shape of a triangle with rounded points and had three white gems embedded inside the coin so you could see from both sides. The silver coins were squared and again with rounded edges. These coins sported four small green gems. A single five-sided coin that looked to be made of gold had five blue gems.


Each coin sported a hole in the same shape as the coin at its center. The bracelet’s braided leather cord passing through these holes. I would study them more later. I tossed the bracelet of coins inside my magic bag. “Thank you. We’ll be going now.”

Hollow waved us away, and we left the tavern with our two guards close behind. I asked them to direct us towards the dungeon and the Kobold’s warren. The amount of Kobolds standing to the sides of the dirt path began to grow as we walked closer to the dungeon. I feared I would have to protect Kiszo’s and these guards’ lives at any moment. That fear was unfounded when we made it to the large cave entrance unmolested.

“Go’gie has been expecting you,” said the Kobold guard at the entrance. He turned and went into the cave and down the slope leading downwards. We followed right behind with our bodyguards still trailing.

I was surprised at how well the tunnels had been carefully constructed. They were high enough to allow the smoke from the torches to rise up and not bother the tunnel’s occupants. We turned down another tunnel that sloped slightly as well. It looked as the Kobolds built all their tunnels at a ten to fifteen-degree incline. I guess that would work so the smoke didn’t accumulate and could slowly dissipate along the tunnel’s tops or into the air outside. On the other hand, water would quickly fill the bottom of the lowest part of the tunnels or rooms. Question for another time, I guess.

We walked into a large well-lit domed room. Above I could see a hole at the center leading to the surface. A massive Kobold with a deep reddish-brown coat of fur and piercing yellow eyes was at its back that tracked us as we walked in.

I assumed this was Go’gie, the Kobolds Alpha. Next to him was Ka’mum, the head priest who glared daggers towards Luin and me. Then I caught the clink of metal around his wrists and ankles. He was still chained up. “So are the rumors true? Has this Priestess of Gna’zanth chosen to bond with an outsider?”

The massive Kobold was looking down at me from the stone chair. He had to be as tall as Kiszo. “I believe that to be true in my understanding of bonding. It was Luin who bonded with me in the hive’s prison.”

Go’gie began to chuckle, then started to full belly laugh. “Ka’mum, you fool. Not only could you not control the priestess as a pup. You allowed her to be taken by insects! This stranger not only rescued her. He has named her! She’s bonded with this weakling. What have you to say for yourself?”

“No one was spared from the hive’s incursion, my alpha. She was young. There is no way she could have initiated a bond on her own without my guidance. He had to have done something to her. I can still mold her towards the path of our choosing. We just need to kill him!” the old white Kobold shouted as he pointed at me. Kiszo immediately pulled her bow and a single sword from its sheath. The guards behind us drew their weapons as well.

“Be at peace. My clan will not bring harm to the chosen of Gna’zanth,” said Go’gie.

“But Alpha! She is ours! Only a Priest of Gna’zanth can direct and nurture a Priestess of Gna’zanth!”

“Silence! You are no longer our Priest! She, a daughter of Gna’zanth, has chosen her path. Not only have you lost your priestess, you tarnished my honor. My Honor, Ka’mum! You! Who sent four of our clan to their deaths at the hands of our clan’s savior! Take him! Kill him and be done with it.”


“No! I can fix this, my alpha!” The shouting continued as he was dragged out of the room and disappeared around the next tunnel.

“I am sorry for what has occurred, due to Ka’mum grievances. Like some, he believes that a Priestess of Gna’zanth should be raised for war. To evolve and kill those who dwell on the surface.

I believe most of my clan now sees working together with others, such as the Beastkin bring a significant boon to us. As such, raising a priestess for war would upset that cooperation. That said, the priestess has chosen you, an outsider. I believe it would be best for the town’s progress if you were to leave as soon as possible. Most of my clan will grow to resent you for having her.”

“You want me to leave? I just finally got here.”

“Yes. It would be best for you and her to leave. I am currently taking other broken clans into ours. These clans may react unknowingly at the sight of her with an outsider. There will be too many chances for strife. I do not want to upset the balance of what I am struggling to maintain with the Beastkin.”

“I understand. I will leave within a few days once I’ve helped with the dungeon. Can I ask how I am to raise Luin? I know nothing of the Kobolds. I’m also told the Priestess of Gna’zanth can evolve?”

The alpha seemed to think it over a few minutes before replying. Kobolds grow and eat like a Beastkin youngline. I’ve seen no differences between our young. As for the priestess, they are not as rare as you may think. I have not seen one evolve or change in my lifetime though and believe it to be just a legend.

Our fathers’ fathers stories talk about them being sent to battle and growing stronger like those with classes. They are said to evolve into advanced forms, but no one alive knows how this is done.

I believe the coddling and sheltering of the priests have seen an end to their strength. The priestess has become nothing but a figurehead in the last few generations of our people. The priests using them as they see fit.”

“Thank you, Go’gie. I’ll strive to protect her while allowing her to grow. And thank you for your understanding of the situation.”

We left the cave and immediately entered the dungeon. “What are you thinking, Kiszo?”

“Go’gie is known for wanting to make this cooperation between our people work, yes. But he has been trying to get more for his people than they are willing to work for. I believe him to be a schemer, and allowing you to take a holy figure from them does not sit well with me.”

I asked the guards what they thought and got an agreement with Kiszo’s statement. “As long as he doesn’t threaten you or the village, I’m fine. I didn’t plan on leaving so soon, but I did want to get back out there and learn as much as I could. Let’s take a few days and clean out the dungeon. I’m going to need your help and killing for a bit, though, Kiszo.”

“Why not use your magic? Why need my help?”

“I am currently mana less until I fix my mana channels.”

“What is wrong with them?”

“I believe I burnt them out when I did you know what.”


“Do you guys want to join us, or do you want to stay near the portal and make sure no Kobolds come following us?”

“I’m fine right here. These tunnels give me the creeps.” one of them replied right away.

“Alright, we’ll go on ahead, you to take it easy. We may be a day or two so take turns getting food and rest.”

We walked down the first tunnel, and when I thought we were far enough away from the guards, I asked Kiszo something that had been on my mind. “Kiszo, does every creature, including you and Kobolds, have a core?”

“I did not believe we did. For the longest of time, I assumed that only monsters and creatures of the forest carried them. I saw the cores you put inside your pouch earlier today. Those came from the unfortunate Kobolds you killed. I am now of the thought all living things may have one.”

“I don’t know how I feel about consuming the cores of a sentient being. It kind of makes my skin crawl when I think about it. The drive to grow stronger does overrule the feeling,” I said as I removed the four green gems.

[ System Notification ]

Four Rank D Jade Cores has given 48 EnergyMana Channel’s Restoration 110/500

“Progress is progress, no matter how you achieve it. I would just not let that information get out. I don’t want people to desecrate their loved ones when they die.”

We continued to walk the tunnels till Kiszo stopped and turned her head. “I do not like these new sounds. They sound like Spittles, but heavier, and many more of them.”

That didn’t sound good. If they grew in size, they might have a larger acid spray. We slowed our pace as not to alert them. Kiszo led us around the corner and peeked into the next room, and jumped backward an instant later as a much larger stream of acid hit the wall to her side. “They’re about double the size now. And as you can see, far more deadly,” she said, pointing to the smoking pit of the tunnel’s side.

“How many of them in the next section?” I asked.

“Two. One is close to the right, and the other against the back wall.”

I allowed Kiszo to jump the tunnel’s floor, and I hefted my hammer to my shoulder. “Alright. Peek again, and I’ll run in and smash the closest one. Then you take out the second with an arrow.” I got a nod, and she poked her head around the corner once more. I rushed forward as soon as I heard the “woosh” of acid and came around the corner, hammer high and smashed the face of the closest large white beetle.

I heard the ‘twang’ of Kiszo’s bow and then the multitude of pieces of chitin as it exploded out from the Spittle and ‘pinged’ the tunnel’s walls. I picked my green gem up and looked to where Kiszo’s prey had been. Half of the body still stood, swaying a bit. I dusted off my core and popped it into my mouth, enjoying the sweet aftertaste.

[ System Notification ]

Rank C Jade Core has given 16 EnergyMana Channel’s Restoration 126/500

“Woah! That had to be the most Energy I’ve gotten out of a single core.”

“That is probably a bad sign.”

“Why? I can fix my mana channels faster and get back to using magic and leveling my systems.”

“If a creature has so much access Energy, they may be close to ranking up, or worse, an evolution.”

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