《The Birth of Fantasy》Chapter 21


The howl came again from the forest. Poor Luin began digging a hole into the ground before she stuck her head into the hole and stayed still. This damn Kobold was so adorable yet so dumb. Her entire body was sticking out of the hole from her neck up.

I began the construction of stone pillars to surround the boat. Maybe I could make a temporary shelter. The construct clicked, and I released it before screaming out in pain. My entire body felt like an arc of electricity coarse through it. Something was wrong with my magic. Maybe that’s why my gate spell didn’t work on the island?

So no magic, but I had the hammer and a now blue ostrich for a pet. The howl cut through the forest once more, sounding much closer. Then another much further cry answered the first. Oh shit, it’s calling for support. Not wanting to fight two of whatever these things were, I slid myself out from under the boat. Luin stayed, her head still in the sand.

I tossed the pillowcase with our food over the railing of the ship. Hefting the hammer, I waited. Moments later, a monstrous insect came rushing out of the forest’s edge. I counted eight legs, and I froze when it turned towards me. It was a massive fucking spider. Sweet Elune, I may have peed myself a little.

The spider came rushing towards me, one massive leg coming right towards my chest. I swung the hammer, it knocking the leg to the side. The hammer flashed briefly upon the hit, but I let it slide from my mind. I brought the hammer back to the side to knock the spider’s massive teeth-filled face to the side. The hammer flashed once more, odd. The arachnid stood frozen for a moment before turning to face me again, its head now leaking a sickly green ichor.

Not waiting for it to attack again, I dashed forward, bringing the hammer down upon its head when the hammer flashed even brighter upon impact. A meter out of the impact, the spider’s body was flattened to the sandy beach. The rest of the spider stood for a moment before collapsing and turning to green dust. I looked at the hammer in amazement.

Picking up the green gem, I tossed it into my mouth and was surprised to see a new message in the notification box.

[ System Notification ]

Rank D Jade Core has given 12 EnergyMana Channel’s Restoration 12/500

Was that why I couldn’t use magic? Had the spell used to destroy the hive done something to my mana channels? Why didn’t I respawn with them fixed? So many questions with more unanswered knowledge I needed.

The previous far-off howl now sounded closer, and I waited for it as I stood on the beach. It didn’t take long for another smaller spider to come barreling out of the forest. This one was built differently, with bone-like armor protecting its many-eyed head. This one seemed to glare at me for a minute or two, studying me maybe. Then with a loud, ear-piercing shriek, it dashed into the forest.

Ok, what the bloody hell was that about. I waited for a few intense minutes for the creature to return. While I scanned the forest’s edge, I thought back on the antlers of the spider. Was that an advanced Gnit?


Not wanting to wait any longer, I went over and pulled Luin from her sandy hole. Grabbing the blanket, I tried to wrap her within, but she had other plans. I dropped her to the beach, watching as she twisted and landed on all fours. I guess she’s part cat as well. Grabbing our food bag, I began to walk towards the trees. Checking my map, I angeled to where the village stood, Luin following behind me.

We traveled in silence. The forest was eerily creepy as the snow slowly fell around us. The snow still didn’t last long as it landed on the forest’s floor. As we grew closer to the village, I was amazed to see the forest changing around us. Instead of death and destruction that I had assumed would have happened around the point of my spell, the forest almost seemed to thrive and grow. When we arrived at the village, I was saddened to see the walls and houses crumbled and decayed. N where the town had once stood now contained a young and thriving forest.

My brain stopped and began to spin around with thoughts. How long would this have taken? Not days or weeks, maybe months? Years?! How long was it taking me to respawn? Did Kiszo think I was dead? My brain went around and around with questions, and what if’s I couldn’t answer.

I stopped my train of thought. It would do me no good to dwell on it. I would have to find the survivors to get answers. I doubted the closest village was there, So I turned to the east and began making my way to the dungeon.

I marveled at the plant life around me as I walked. It seemed more significant, fuller, and brighter than I could remember. I would stop or walk towards any flower patches in the hopes of meeting the Fae, but none could be found.

Before reaching the field of yellow grass, the trees and plant life began to revert to normal again. The area was still filled with the colorful slimes, my hammer making fast work of them. I found every third hit with the hammer did some type of attack that would flatten the area around the impact for half a meter in all directions. Some kind of skill or ability had been inserted into the hammer. I would have to ask about that as well.

I looked up to the vast wall in the distance as I killed another slime. It looked like they had moved their village to the dungeon.

[ System Notification ]

Rank D Bone Core has given 2 EnergyMana Channel’s Restoration 62/500

As I drew closer, I could see the village was massive. It was easily two to three times as wide as Ray’tha had been. Seeing a large gate to my right, I began to walk towards it. Some fifty meters from the entrance, an arrow struck the ground in front of me. “Halt! State your business!” shouted a Kobold front the top of the gate.

“My name is Zeal! I’m friends of Kiszo and Porcu! The Chief of Ray’tha knows of me as well!”

I watched as the Kobold shouted something behind him. I stood my ground for easily half an hour before a small door inside the large gate swung open. I could make the silhouette of a three-armed Beastkin running towards me. When I could see who it was, I ran to greet her. Kiszo scooped me up and crushed me in her embrace. “Zeal! We thought you were dead after the mana mushroom! Where have you been?”


“Wait, how long have I been gone, Kiszo?”

“You’ve been gone for about a year. We just had a memorial a couple of days ago in honor of you and those who died during the hive’s invasion of the villages.”

“The villages? How many?”

“Every village within the forest had been attacked during the same days as ours. Two villages had gotten lucky and had been warned to the tunneling below. One town sadly was completely wiped out. All the survivors eventually moved here to Ray’tha Rise. Come, let’s get you inside. Omaar and others would love to know you’re… Who is this!” Kiszo said as she bent down and scooped up Luin and bopped her in the nose. Luin didn’t like it and tried to nip at her finger.

“This is Luin. She was inside the prison when you guys escaped. Somehow she bounded with me and respawned when I did.”

“She adorable. Is she a Kobold? I’ve never seen a blue Kobold, let alone one with these golden markings.”

“I believe she is the one our Kobold friend referred to as the Kobold god. I didn’t think we would be running into Kobolds above ground. I have no idea what’s going to happen when they see her,” I said as I pointed up to the Kobold Guard.

“No idea. Many of the Kobold clans have been wiped out. Those you saved brought those they could find here. The group you rescued agreed to merge into one large clan, and now they make up almost half of the village. It’s the first time I’ve ever heard our two races making up one village before. Even on the mainland, most races tolerate the others, but no one would allow them to live in their city or town.”

That was an interesting tidbit of information. I thought about the forest and then the magic mushroom she mentioned at the start of our conversation. “What happened to the forest, and what did you mean, magic mushroom?”

“There was a mushroom-shaped storm after we escaped the hive. It rose so high it touched the clouds. It stayed like that for a couple of days before the top began to spread in all directions. It has stayed above the lands since, only starting to thin out a few months ago. It would become a massive Mana Storm and rages for a few days every few weeks. Only Mana Storm to be over land in our history.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would have caused this. What of the Gnit?”

“You did what you thought was best, and for the longest time, no one had seen a Gnit until two months ago. A new variety of them was spotted within the forest. These are larger, with eight legs and tough bodies. We have yet to see them leave the forest, and they seem to stay away from the forest’s edge near the prairie.”

“I killed one earlier today, and another ran at the sight of me.”

“Odd, I have never heard of one running away from a fight before. Enough of your questions. Let’s get you inside and rested up. I’m sure many will wish to thank you for rescuing them or their loved ones,” Kiszo said as she began petting the now sleeping Luin in her arms.

We approached the gate, and the guard behind the small door waved us forward. Those around the gate began to stare at us as we walked along the packed dirt path. A few people took off running, out of fright, or reported who had come through the gate. I didn’t know. Kiszo led me to a smaller log cabin and inside. “This is my home. Please make yourself comfortable. I will have the carpenter make you a bed shortly, so you don’t have to sleep on the floor.”

Kiszo laid the sleeping Luin on her bed before sitting on the edge of it. “So tell me, Zeal. Tell me everything that’s happened after we escaped through your magic gateway. Then tell me of your journey back here from your lands.”

Ah shit. I never did explain how I lied. Well, this is going to suck. I explained to Kiszo that I had made up the shipwreck story, and I’m only a few days’ travels from her lands. I didn’t tell her about my Island, though. I would keep that a secret for now. She didn’t seem to mind the lie, saying something along the lines of a Hero having to guard their nature, and thanked me for trusting her with it.

I told my story of what happened after they left. My stumbling into the prison and finding little Luin. The creation of the fireball to top all fireballs. I mentioned I had no idea it took a year to respawn, and I had no way to gauge time when I previously died. Our conversation was interrupted by shouting and more than one person seemingly banging on the door to her house.

“Hand over the Priestess of Gna’zanth!” came multiple shouts from outside. Kiszo got up and opened the door. On the other side stood droves of angry-looking Kobolds. A white and older-looking Kobold stepped forward. “I have been informed a lost priestess has been returned to us today. Hand her over at once!”

I looked over at Luin, who now had her head raised and looking towards the door. She yawned, her tongue poking out of her mouth before it curled and returned to her closing maw. She jumped off the bed and trotted over to sit next the Kiszo’s feet.

The white Kobold looked down at her and cried out in joy before trying to pick Luin up. Luin bit the white Kobold’s hand and jumped away from his grasp. “Priestess, I beseech you, return to us so we may protect you!”

Luin made a few yipping and snarl noises in his direction. The Kobold’s eyes went wide. Then his face was replaced by rage. “Kill this one! He has tainted the Priestess with a Bond!”

Then pandemonium broke loose in Kiszo’s small home.

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