《Beyond The Game (Abandoned)》Ch 11- Encountersss
2 days later.
For hours on end they walked, traversing the difficult jungle as the heat and terrain did its best to slow them down. They moved carefully, stalking about cover through Kaine’s and Jedd’s directions while Nova kept tabs on their surroundings, Butch the now tamed Worg also kept his eyes open for new trails and signs of occupation.
The beast’s long pointed ears perking up whenever it caught a dangerous creature’s scent, “Cousins.” It spoke its voice a low growl, each of them able to understand the creature although its words were kept to as simple as possible.
They had been in Worg territory for several days now and from Kaine’s understanding after conversing with the tamed beast was that its kind ran in hundreds of small packs along a large stretch of land. Fighting for both food, territory and domination over other packs.
They had killed dozens of Worgs at this point, and were apparently about to come upon more…
Their equipment mostly remained the same as the past 2 days, other than a few new additions thanks to Farvo’s crafting knowledge.
Kaine still wielded his copper sword and a bone axe, having given his spear to Lara. Jedd and Farvo retained their long swords, Farvo also heaving a new strange contraption on his back. Rey and Roy on the other hand now had make-shift bows crafted by Farvo from nearby flora and the Worg’s powerful tendons. A bone axe each as well, held at their side.
The party’s current formation was with Jedd and Farvo at the front, Lara in the middle, Rey and Roy to either side and Kaine at the back. Gesturing at the rest, Kaine signalled to change this. Moving up ahead himself while Farvo and Jedd took the sides, Rey and Roy then falling to the back.
Nova kept fluttering ahead of them, unseen and mostly unheard.
Butch though prowled forward, completely silent in his steps but also completely visible to them, the beast seemingly knowing how to stay unseen only to its focused prey.
As it stopped, staring forth through the foliage briefly before glancing back at them. The Worg gestured forward, and Kaine approached cautiously, feeling Nova landing around his neck right then.
Kaine glanced through the thick bushes, seeing four Worgs stalking over the river ahead.
“Six of them,” Nova whispered in a hiss, “Two more watching the pack’s back from the foliage to our right.”
“A trap,” Butch mused, “They know we watch, they know we here.”
Kaine glanced back at the rest.
It doesn’t matter, they gave up the first move.
Gesturing at the twins who moved forward and came to crouching next to him. Kaine pointed through the brush and ahead, pointing out the Worgs over the river. Both nodding in understanding, they pulled out one of many arrows laying at their side, nocking it but not pulling it back just yet.
Kaine gestured at Butch, Nova and Jedd, then raising two fingers up. This was a simple silent code they had come up with, he was telling them that they would attack next in the second wave after the twins took their shots.
Then gesturing at Farvo, Lara and himself, raising three fingers right after before gesturing at the foliage to their right. Kaine raised another two fingers but this time the back of his hand was facing them, this meant the number of hidden enemies.
Each of them nodded in understanding, they were the counter ambush.
Turning back to face the river, Kaine raised his other hand to shoulder height, clenching his sword’s grip with his right. His left hand began counting down while raised…
Rey and Roy drew their bows,
The Worg’s ears perked up at the sound, turning to face the brush just in time to see two Elves rise out with bows drawn.
The twins released their arrows, each flying true into the side of a Worg. The beasts yelped and growled in pain, their intelligent eyes filled with hatred as they set upon the two Elves.
The Worgs charged, all four of them pouncing forth at the twins.
Kaine was counting down again, having begun the second count down the moment the Twins released their arrows.
Jedd beared out and rushed out of the foliage, ending two of the Worg’s leaps and sending them flying back with large clawed paws.
Butch pounced out as well, countering another Worg mid-air as the both of them crashed into the river, tumbling over one another.
Nova on the other hand rushed off Kaine’s neck and into the last pouncing Worg, spraying a crimson liquid out of her jaws and into the beast’s eyes. The Worg yelped in surprise, feeling its eyes burn as if afire. It crashed into the foliage nearby the rest of the party, blinded and enraged, it couldn’t do anything as Nova’s serpentine frame coiled around its neck and began to choke it.
Again Kaine began counting down, as the twins released another set of arrows while Butch and the beasted out Jedd clashed with three Worgs over the flowing river.
Your party has killed {Starving Worg [Level 3]} You can no longer gain Martial experience from fighting such lower level creatures.
Their arrows embedding themselves into the same Worg as Jedd threw it aside, one piercing into its leg while the other dug into its neck killing it.
Butch and the other Worg seemed like it would be an equal fight, but the wild beast was worn out and hungry while Butch had just gotten a full meal…Shrugging off the other Worg’s advances, Butch slashed his claws forth, slapping the wild Worg’s fangs aside before rushing forward and digging his own into the beast’s throat.
Butch then pulled back, tearing the Worg’s throat out.
Your party’s tame {Butch} has killed {Starving Worg [Level 3]} You can no longer gain Martial experience from fighting such lower level creatures.
Two new Worgs then charged out of the jungle, each heading for Jedd’s looming frame as she slammed their pack mate about.
Kaine charged out first, unsheathing his sword and unstrapping his axe, he came to a stop in one of the Worg’s paths. The beast snarled and barred its fangs, continuing upon him.
Kaine bashed his axe into the advancing Worg, splattering blood as sharpened bone tore flesh and ending the beast’s charge as it faltered back. Kaine took that moment to step forward, stabbing his blade into the beast’s side, causing it to yelp in pain and bite at him.
Kaine once more bashing his axe into the beast’s maw, hacking at its jaw and keeping it at bay as bone blade embedded itself into jawbone.
Again Kaine jammed his blade into the beast, stabbing now at its other shoulder before it found an angle to claw at him. Disabling it from attacking again as he held it there, watching then as the second Worg rushed past them, beelining straight for Jedd’s turned back.
Lara stepped to then, spear held forth and ending the Worg’s charge as it stumbled to a stop, mere inches from impaling itself.
The Worg tried to swipe at her spear, trying to knock it aside as it growled and snarled at her. But Lara held it steady, retreating her spearhead whenever it clawed forth before stabbing at it the moment it’s movement ended. Her spear finding perch in the beast’s chest, drawing a splatter of blood, she drew it back and readied to counter once more.
The Worg though did not swipe at her again, instead it rushed to the side, trying to outmanoeuvre her. As a fist sized stone then bashed into the beast’s side, making it yelp with both pain and surprise, the Worg glanced at the direction the projectile came from to see Farvo holding out his new dwarven construct.
This Dwarven Slugger worked just like a crossbow but was much bulkier and entirely made of wood, as Farvo had no metal to work with, he was left with using Kaine’s bone knife to craft this. Reloading the weapon, he simply grabbed a large rock from his cloth bag, pulled back the sling-like perch and set it into the mechanism before placing the ammunition within.
Maybe not having the piercing power the twin’s bows had, as Farvo pulled the trigger releasing another rock, the stone then bashing into the Worg’s side again…It was obvious by the sound of breaking bone and splattering of blood that this dealt far more bludgeoning damage than a rogue arrow to the side.
The Worg now limping as it growled and snarled, blood dripping out of its mouth. Too slow, unable to evade as Lara plunged her spear into its side.
Your party has killed {Starving Worg [Level 3]} You can no longer gain Martial experience from fighting such lower level creatures.
Its dying sounds followed by the ending of one’s choking grunts and huffs, as Nova finished off hers.
Your tame {Nova} has killed {Starving Worg [Level 3]} Arcane experience gained 45/300
Kaine felt the Worg trying to escape his grapple as he held it, both blades stuck deep in its body, it shuddered with agony trying to pull itself free. But Kaine held, as suddenly a large stone bashed into the beasts head, the sound of its skull cracking sending a shiver through him.
Your party has killed {Starving Worg [Level 3]} You can no longer gain Martial experience from fighting such lower level creatures.
The beast fell limp and Kaine retrieved his weapons, turning just in time to see Jedd slam her foe one last time. Held by its bottom legs, its upper body was beaten, bruised and crushed as its head splashed into the shallow river one last time, going still right then.
{Jedd} has brutally killed {Starving Worg [Level 3]}
Kaine breathed in relief, feeling the adrenaline drain away as he glanced about.
Jedd [Level 3] Farvo10 [Level 3] Rey Black [Level 3] Roy White [Level 3] Larakrell [Level 3]
They’re catching up…
He mused, the traversal of this forest albeit having been treacherous proving also fruitful.
“Well…we can’t get any more experience from these.” Roy mused, sighing as he and many others rested.
“I guess-we’re gonna have to find something stronger and avoid the crap.” Jedd said as her bear form dissipated.
“Oh! If only there was anything stronger than a fucking Worg in this damn world!” Rey said sarcastically, remembering the massive Gaizedons and terrifying Gryphahs long behind them.
Kaine turned to glare at her, “Not so loudly.” He shushed her, causing Rey to grin.
“What? Think I’m challenging fate or something by sayin that?” Rey asked in amusement.
When both Butch’s growl and Nova’s hiss alerted them all.
“No, I think you’re being too damn loud.” Kaine mused, rising back to his feet as movement caught his eyes from the other side of the river.
As a cacophony of growls flowed out of the jungle ahead, more Worgs in one place than they had ever seen before, now prowling out of the bushes and towards them.
“W-What the fuck is this?” Farvo asked as each of them stood and prepared their weapons.
“Worg pack too big, not Worg pack.” Butch tried to answer but the tamed beast itself seemed confused at the number.
“So, this isn’t normal then?” Jedd mused.
“No, not normal, this not normal!” Butch growled, three more Worgs snarling at him from the other side then.
“Return to Worg cousin.” Said one.
“Out of our way, flee!” Said a second.
“Or die and sustain us, cousin.” Snarled the third.
Thirteen Worgs stepped out in total, barking, howling, salivating with hunger.
“Two-legs invade Worg home,” Growled one Worg.
“Two-legs strong, but little.” Mused another, baring its fangs in amusement.
“We thinks Two-legs taste better than Worg, different at least!” exclaimed the most excited of the bunch.
Kaine watched them, studied each beast, noticing something he hadn’t noticed before…
Their tones, their words…their mannerisms…different? Why are they so different? Also since when are these dog bastards so smart?
He thought, and realisation then hit him. “The AI update…” Kaine mused out loud, his eyes widening as the Worgs approached closer. “Of course…”
He stepped forth, watching as his sudden approach made many a Worg falter, some even stepping back and away.
“Jor? What are you thinking?” Roy asked from beside him, bow nocked and drawn like his sister.
“I’m thinking they’re full of shit.” Kaine said, chuckling coldly as he stared straight at what he thought to be the bravest of the Worgs. Clenching both weapons, as blood still dripped of their blades, Kaine kicked forward one Worg corpse.
Knocking it over, its head limp, its eyes unmoving as it faced the pack of beasts. Each of them now faltering further.
I wonder…Just maybe…
Kaine got a thought, deciding he had nothing to lose, he then suddenly slashed his sword into the corpse’s neck. It didn’t go very deep, cutting barely beneath the beast’s hide, but as he began to cut deeper and deeper.
Pushing his blade through the flesh, splattering the blood onto his face until his sword met bone, Kaine saw that it was making some effect.
As many a Worg watched him, a frozen stare of either hunger or terror.
As Kaine crashed his axe into the corpse’s neck, shattering bone and slicing flesh with every attack until he finally fully severed the head.
Strapping his weapons, Kaine rose back up, holding the Worg head by the fur on its scalp whilst both it and he were drenched with blood.
He raised it forward, as heavy as it was he didn’t think he could keep it so for very long though.
Kaine smiled, a wide cold smirk as one by one he met each Worg’s frozen gaze.
Wordlessly, he stared briefly at each.
Each Worg taking a step back as he did.
When suddenly Kaine threw the head forward, watching as it splashed into the water and rolled a few more feet forward, scattering several Worgs from where it landed.
They stared at it, as it lay limp and unmoving, eyes wide open and staring into nothingness.
“Look at me.” Kaine said, feeling as Nova wrapped around his neck, the demonic serpent’s eyes glowing a bright crimson as it hissed. Front wings spread wide and afire, it only made Kaine seem more imposing.
As the Worgs glanced back at him, meeting his dreadful gaze which sent a chill run down their spines.
“The very sight of me, chills you to the core.” Kaine chanted, activating his spell and watching as each Worg shuddered.
Yet, none of them ran, instead they remained staring towards him. Eyes wide and bodies still, as many of them sniffed the air.
It’s not working…
Kaine grumbled, watching then as they began to take steps back.
Wait maybe…
Kaine continued to watch, his fake smirk slowly faltering as it twitched.
I cant keep this up…
He watched, as their eyes widened further, as the fur on their backs stood up and ears leaned back, and each Worg suddenly turned tail and ran.
Relief then filling him, until he heard the sound of trees bending behind them.
That relief right then was replaced entirely with a cold dread.
Warning: {Elite} class monster has set its sights upon you.
As Kaine turned around only to find himself standing before a goliath of fur, claw and fang.
Trees bent to the side as it held onto them, the monster although massive in frame it held onto a tree per claw with ease, its left leg crushing the bark on one tree while its right hung free beneath it.
Dark green fur with a humanoid form, almost worg-like in appearance. Hunched forward, the fur on its back was raised with excitement as its cold pearly white eyes fell upon the party.
It growled, a rumbling sound that made each of them tremble.
As it scraped its blade-long claws along the bark, slowly climbing down from the trees as they bent back into position. Coming to stand on its hind legs before them, as its much longer arms hung low and dragged along the water.
Its bat-like snout lowering to meet them, before suddenly and without warning baring into a blasting roar, revealing its massive sabretooth fangs.
Each of them were sent flying back and tumbling into the jungle, as the monster loomed over them.
It stomped forth, quaking the ground and water, even as they scrambled to get up its movements were slow…but it was seemingly capable of so much more speed. The shape of its large bulging muscles visible even under the thick coat of fur.
Kaine met the monster’s eyes as they widened, before it roared once again, sending his entire body trembling.
{Elite} Worgoll [Level 7]
One thought ran across his mind right then…
One instinct filled his shaking body.
One sound escaped his quivering lips as he rose up.
“ Run! ”
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