《Beyond The Game (Abandoned)》Ch 8 / Part 3 - Firesss in the night
9 Hours Later
Night Time
The serpent slithered through the tall grass, unseen, unheard…
Scentless even, as its pitch-black scaly body dragged along the dry dirt.
Slowly, cautiously moving towards the Gnoll’s night camp, as the howls and yips if their hunting parties filled the savanna riverlands.
Nova, as Kaine had decided to name her, kept to the ground with its four wings folded back. Making its way through several sentries with great ease, and finally after half an hour of searching, locating the wooden cage that was built just of them.
Them being, her master’s party who lay tied up within said cage.
“Well? Getting anywhere with that?” Roy asked with a sigh, as they kept an eye on their surroundings while Farvo used a small sharpened stone to try and cut himself loose of the tight rope.
“Not quite…” Farvo grumbled, having very little room to work with.
Rey groaned, “We’re fucked, we’re gonna get barbequed then eaten…”
“Like I said before, I don’t think that’s why we’re being held prisoner…” Jedd then mused.
“The other captures right? All their other prey is being stored dead in those shacks…” said Lara.
“And we’re alive, it’s just too much trouble to keep us alive …so why?” Jedd asked in annoyance.
“Cause we taste better like that? I don’t fucking know!” Rey groaned once more, her demeanour turning lazier with every passing hour.
That is, until a black snake slithered into their cage.
Her eyes shot wide open right then, “Lara…don’t…move a muscle.” Rey warned her friend.
“What, why?” Lara asked in confusion, her own expression going pale as she looked at Rey, and the rest. All of them but Lara had noticed the black cobra...
“Just…don’t move.” Jedd warned with a whisper, slowly leaning closer to the serpent as it glanced about the cage.
“Farvo, Roy, Rey, Lara and Jedd I presume?” When it suddenly spoke.
Causing each of their expressions to freeze.
“Jedd…the snake just said our names…” Rey said as her lips quivered with an awkward smile.
“I know…I heard it…” Jedd also mused with amazement, just now noticing the wings on its back and red horns on its head, albeit there being some torchlight it was still fairly dark in their cage.
Nova stretched its four wings open, its dark red leathery wings reflecting off the torchlight whilst its black limbs did not. Giving the impression of blazing fire, as the claws at the end of each wing slowly lowered to the floor.
“So? Are those your names or what?” Nova asked once more, “Please say so, I’ve just spent the better half of an hour looking for the idiots that got my master caught in this mess. No offence.”
“Look you…winged snake thing…” Rey said trying to seem menacing as she leaned towards it, albeit laying at the farthest corner from Nova. “How about you tell us who…what you are instead? Cause I’m talking to a fucking snake right now and I don’t entirely feel sane…” Her aggressive tone dissipating into confusion once more, she then turned to her twin brother and whispered, “Is there a bolt-like scar on my forehead?...”
“No there isn’t, and we’re very much talking to some sort of serpent…But…Well, inspect it.” Roy said, his eyes still wide as he stared at Nova.
Each of them then did as he said and inspected the creature.
Jor Mungandr’s {Hell-Beast Familiar} Nova [Level 4]
“J-Jo-Jor!?” Lara exclaimed, glancing around in fright right then as she realised how loud that was.
Nova hissed, “Silence mortal, we have little time, are you or are you not!?”
“Yeah, yes that is us.” Jedd said, leaning closer to the serpent as it slithered away, discomforted by the proximity. “Is Jor still out there? Is he alive?”
“Yes, master is alive and well, but none of us will be if what he plans to do fails terribly as I’ve warned him it might…” Nova sighed before turning to leave.
“W-Wait! What does he plan on doing? There’s no bloody way we can take on this entire camp!” Farvo said.
And Nova just chuckled, “If they wake too fast, you’ll have to. If they wake too slow, this entire camp will have much more interesting a fuss than you to deal with.” She said in amusement before slithering off. “Now I must tell master of your position, be patient and wait here.”
“Wake?...What the hell is with that thing and being cryptic!?” Rey groaned.
“Big word sister,” Roy mused gaining himself a glare from his twin, “But yes, I don’t think it meant the Gnolls waking too slow so…”
“What in the bloody hell is that guy getting himself into?” Farvo grumbled.
“I don’t know, but…We have no choice but to wait and see.” Jedd said, struggling against her bindings for the last time before sighing to herself.
And wait they did, for several long dreadful minutes alike the past several hours, they waited.
The silence that grew among them, was finally broken by Rey as she continued her grumbling. “I thought he ditched us.” She said with an expression of guilt over her face. “I thought he left us behind and it was my fault.”
Farvo groaned, “What the hell are you bitching about now?”
“Well he…He got hurt because of me, I was there helping him with that Goldebeest but…” Rey tried to explain, her form shrinking into the corner as she did.
“I was there too, he asked to be left alone, it wasn’t your fault.” Jedd told her, kicking both her feet into Rey’s side. “Either way, which one of us slapped the shit outta him huh?” She then said with a chuckle.
Roy chuckled too, “Honestly? I thought he left too, he just seems like the solo type from the start…”
“No, he’s not.” Lara then said, a serious tone about herself as she spoke. “He…He likes company, he won't admit it but he likes being around others. I can tell cause…Have you thought of what happened to the Gnolls that were chasing us from the camp?...”
Each of them then turned to look at her as she squirmed, embarrassed by the attention. “We ran into a different group of Gnolls, but the ones chasing after us never showed up when we did.”
“Nah…you don’t mean he?...” Farvo chuckled awkwardly as they stared at her, “There was over a dozen of those bastards, you mean to tell me that guy who froze before a wildebeest took all of them on by himself?”
“That snake was level 4…” Jedd mused, “Tames level on their own but familiars are…the same level as the owner, and that’s counting only combat levels. It’s the same system used in Kylla, it was on the content trailer too.”
“Shit, I’ll believe it when I see it, sure he’s probably good off playing the old game but the combat system in these quick action types are nothing like other MMOs where you can just horde up a bunch and blow them the fuck up with AOE attacks!” Farvo argued. “That’s fifteen or so armed Gnolls against one lanky ass Elf! Gimmie the chances-” He chuckled but was suddenly cut off.
As Jedd shushed him, “Something’s up.” She said, gazing off to one side of the dimly lit camp, the side closest to the camp’s edge she guessed. “Roy, Rey, see something?”
“I…think I see it. It’s too bloody dark to tell.” Roy mused.
“Dark? The hell you blabbering about its bright as day.” Farvo mused, turning to follow their gazes as his dwarven eyes saw through the night with great ease. The torchlight slightly blinding him too as he glanced over it.
Then right where the others had to squint to see it, Farvo saw him, casually walking towards them.
Farvo’s eyes widened, “He’s mad.” The dwarf said as he watched Kaine approach.
Looking tired and breathing heavily as he held something big under one arm.
They watched as the nearest two Gnoll sentries saw Kaine step out of the taller grass, immediately growling and yipping to alert the rest of the camp before charging at him.
Kaine though simply waited for the Slayer and Warrior to approach him, he just stood there waiting for them.
“What’s he doing and what is he holding there?” Jedd asked.
“It’s…” Farvo couldn’t believe what he was looking at, “An egg, a fucking egg.” He said, as Kaine suddenly threw it at the Slayer Gnoll who reacted on instinct.
Slashing his great bone sword at the egg and shattering the shell, the green yolk splattering all over itself and its companion.
As they stopped where they stood, then sniffed the gooey liquid which covered them before glancing at one another.
Farvo and the rest though, watched as Kaine stepped back into the tall grass and disappeared from sight.
They watched, confused at first but terrified right after.
As loud bird calls sounded off in the distance…
Not even a moment later, three Gryphahs slammed to the ground right next to the two confused Gnolls, the beasts immediately tearing both of the barbarians apart. As one grabbed a Gnoll and flew up high with it before shredding it with its claws, while the other two pushed the second to the ground and battered him with their bird-long clawed legs.
The one that flew up, ferociously landed back down next to the other two. Growling, putting up a fit as it sniffed at the shattered egg. As two more Gryphahs landed next to them, making up five in total now.
Each took a sniff of the scattered yolk, but none seemed as pissed off as the one female of the group.
As it snarled at the rest who came close to its murdered child, its eyes then locking upon a group of Gnolls that came to check out the disturbance.
The Gryphah’s eyes were wide with rage, as it suddenly pushed through the rest and pounced upon the seven Gnolls. Using everything, beak, claws and wings, it shredded everything in its path as it twirled its thin and highly athletic body about.
Killing two more Gnolls with just the leap’s ferocious landing, before grabbing a third with its beak, slamming it to the ground and stomping upon it till it showed not a twitch of further life.
The other Gnolls in the meantime, watched horrified, as the large beast turned to them once done with their friends. Snarling, as it raised its back high and opened its massive wings wide.
As the rest of the Gryphahs crashed into the remainder of the group, massacring the Gnolls like a pack of wolves set upon defenceless sheep.
Lara gasped through her terror, gaining the female’s attention while the males tore into the dead’s flesh.
The frenzied beast turned to their cage, eyeing them briefly before suddenly charging towards them. Blinded by its rage, ignoring even the several dozen more Gnolls that showed up…
When a black shadow zoomed past their cage.
Nova flapped her wings rapidly as she flew by, her entire body suddenly flaring up crimson red and trailing flames behind her. Flames which caught the dry make of the cage, lighting up each bar of wood between them and the charging beast.
Seeing the sudden flare of fire, the Gryphah faltered in its charge, and as it did Gnolls came to surround the invading threat that it was.
“Hey! Come here!” Kaine exclaimed, startling each of them as he now stood on the opposite side of their cage holding up a bone knife.
Nova soaring about in the background behind him, diving down and lighting up a preservation shack afire before rising back up into the night sky. Her dark form invisible among the stars right up until her body burst afire, only briefly visible before disappearing into the darkness of the night once more.
They stared at him, both amazed and confused, as they saw the Jor they had met the day before but…He looked nothing like what he did before.
“What the hell happened to you?” Jedd asked.
Kaine rolled his eyes, “I could spend the next few minutes explaining,” he gestured with the knife, “Or I can get all of you the fuck out of here.”
“The latter please.” Roy said as he dragged himself to give his back and tied up hands to Kaine who immediately went to work with cutting the rope.
Freeing four of them before one Gnoll noticed Kaine, although it was unable to pull the camp’s attention to them.
For one, because there was five crazed Gryphahs going about thrashing the place…
And for two, Nova’s serpentine frame started strangling the Gnoll to death the moment it made a peep.
Your [Nova] has killed { Hunter Gnoll [Level 3] } Arcane experience gained 65/100
Cutting each of them loose, Kaine then began sharing weaponry out of his inventory and through the wooden bars. Giving Roy, Rey and Lara a [Bone War Axe] each, and a [Bone Long Sword] to both Jedd and Farvo. Keeping the copper short sword and bone spear to himself.
“Nova!” Kaine then exclaimed at the demonic serpent as it feasted on the dead Gnoll’s face, the Hellbat Cobra’s blood-soaked head rising at attention to its master’s call. Nova flew to him, wrapping itself around his neck like a scarf while still swallowing a chunk of flesh bigger than its own head.
The rest of them forced the burning cage open, breaking the now charred wooden bars and escaping their confinement.
“Now I’ve gotta say…you, are one insane mother fucker.” Farvo said with an uneasy chuckle as he glanced at the chaos around them, the entire camp now having fallen into disaster as Gryphahs rampaged about, all the while groups of Gnolls tried to subdue the frenzied beasts.
Kaine chuckled, “Back in the day this was just another Tuesday for me. Well, without all the being low level and chased by monsters with smart AI parts…I could do without those. Anyway, we can talk later, follow me and stay quiet if you want to live.” He gestured for them to follow before rushing off, moving quickly but keeping his pose low.
They followed, as best as they could they stalked after him, as they kept to the dark parts of the camp. Moving through tall grass while well-placed shadows from burning shacks covered much of the rest, as if Kaine had planned each blaze as well.
They followed him, although Kaine was very obviously much better at this than them, as he had to wait for them to catch up several times throughout.
Pausing their movements as a group of Gnolls ran past; they hid behind a still whole make-shift building of branches and grass.
But one Gnoll, riding atop a giant Hyena, suddenly stopped on the other side of the shack as its mount caught a different scent.
Shit, they’ve got nothing to hide their smell.
Kaine thought as he saw the large beast stop in its steps, then glance about before eyeing their hiding place.
He glanced at the others, each of them staring at him expectantly as if asking him ‘What now?’
Kaine though sighed, and the Hyena yipped loudly at the sound.
“Thinking ahead only takes you so far, plans rarely make it halfway…” He whispered, further gaining the beast and its rider’s attention as they stalked closer, attentive and ready.
Attentive, at what lay before them.
Ready, for something to step around the building.
And something did, as Kaine gestured Jedd forward, the beastwoman stepping about. Not one to dislike the spotlight, she beasted out.
Focusing on the one magic her race had which she had so far only used twice.
First, when she tamed Slayn.
Second, when she tried to fight off all too many Gnolls to save Lara…
But now, it was just one rider, and she was still pissed about her lost tame.
And with that anger, the transformation came easier to her.
As her form suddenly grew, her hair turned black and into thick fur, fur which also grew all over her body. Jedd transformed, growing to four times her original size and changing into a large black bear. Not as large as Slayn was, but larger than the lone Hyena before her as it faltered. The beast immediately growing frightened at the sight of the larger bear, its instincts telling it to run as it lay smaller and alone against it.
But its rider willed it forward, and trained as it was, it held its ground.
And as their attention lay elsewhere, focused entirely on the appearance of a sudden monster…
Kaine made his move.
Climbing up the shack and leaping off without a second thought, Kaine threw his spear as he did, the weapon’s sharpened-bone point piercing through the rider’s leather armour with ease as its long shaft embedded itself into his chest.
But surprisingly, the rider survived.
Shocked and in great agony, but alive it still was…That is…until Kaine landed over the Hyena’s back with him. Grabbing hold of the barbarian’s pole-blade and keeping it aside, Kaine then dug his sword into the rider’s face.
You have killed { Beast-Rider Gnoll [Level 4]} Martial experience gained 185/300
Killing him, Kaine then retrieved both weapons out of its corpse before kicking it off the Hyena, as the beast quivered and slowly retreated away from the bear. Aware of the fall of its rider but unwilling to make sudden moves.
But its fright rose into distress as Kaine sudden pulled on its fur, trying to mimic the rider’s posture, but failing as the Hyena noticed the difference. Immediately it retreated away from Jedd as it tried to buck Kaine off its back, he held on but not for long either, as it suddenly rolled over and almost squashed him beneath its weight.
Kaine pushed himself off the crazed beast, rolling to his feet but suddenly finding himself faced with an angry Hyena twice his own size. As it snarled at him, revealing rows of sharp and jagged yellow fangs.
He raised his spear defensively at it, but the large beast easily swiped it aside, overwhelming his own physical strength and causing Nova to hiss loudly in retort. But the large beast wasn’t afraid of some measly serpent. As it loomed forward…but then stopped.
As its eyes suddenly opened wide, something else now overwhelming its own strength, as it had seemingly forgotten of the massive bear standing behind it.
Grabbing hold of the Hyena’s hindlegs, Jedd clenched her now bestial paws tightly, almost crushing the creature’s legs with her raw strength. She raised it, turning whilst pulling at its legs…
Jedd, swung the beast about as it whined in terror, before suddenly releasing it…Throwing the beast who knows how much further into camp, as even amongst the chaos they heard the yelp when it landed.
Jedd chuckled in her beastly form, her voice now deeper due to it. “Now let’s leave before more notice us.”
Kaine nodded, “Farvo, Lara, get on Jedd’s back, you two are the slowest. Roy, Rey, you’re moving behind them with me, aim to debilitate or stun, just stop them from giving chase don’t waste time finishing them off.” He said, handing Lara his spear and taking her axe before handing the rider’s pole-blade to Farvo.
Each of them though lay briefly stunned at his sudden words, causing him to turn back to them after he had moved to leave. “What? Come on!” He urged them, glancing about for any Gnolls or Gryphahs.
“Y-Yea, right!” Jedd said, also somewhat taken aback as she fell to all fours, allowing Lara and Farvo onto her wide back. “You just…don’t seem like the leadin type is all.” She then chuckled, “That’s usually my job.”
Nova hissed from her spot around Kaine’s neck, “Master is a wonderful leader, you wouldn’t have had a rain drop’s chance in hell to get this far without us!” the serpent argued but was mostly ignored as they all still felt awkward about conversing with a cobra.
And as they prepared, those words hit Kaine hard.
Not the leading type…Yeah, what the fuck am I thinking?...I’m no leader, not anymore.
Kaine then thought, but quickly shook it out of himself. This wasn’t the time to get morbid. “Go, you three move ahead, should be easy with Jedd’s form as long as you don’t turn too much. We’ll hold the rear, if Riders come about then just keep running, they’re faster but I’ll deal with them while they give you chase.” He said half-heartedly now, before disappearing into a patch of tall grass ahead. “Run.”
He told them, and run they did.
And all most saw, as the group moved, was a large black bear carrying a human and a dwarf, dashing through the camp. Catching the attention of many a Gnoll, who were quickly dealt with as Roy and Rey chased after the fast Jedd, slashing at the barbarian’s legs while their attention lay elsewhere.
Kaine though took a different approach.
As his quarry saw neither him nor his blade, unlike Rey and Roy who were briefly seen rushing past after the hit…Kaine would leap out of the shadows, slamming into his target’s back and pushing them to the ground before diving his blade quickly into the creature’s throat, then disappearing into the night. All the while, flashes of flame would suddenly burst into his path as Nova also flew about, marking enemies for him while distracting them further right before he made his mark.
At the same time, Kaine also held slightly behind even Roy and Rey, finishing off some of the Gnolls they slowed down. Being the opportunist that he was, exp was after all exp.
But his focus immediately shifted, as the hunting parties began to return. Kaine watched with a pale expression as several dozen Hyena riders turned towards them, forming a small horde of growling, salivating, yipping beasts chasing after Jedd and the rest.
Seeing this, Jedd slowed down and let Roy and Rey up too. Waiting further even for Kaine to catch up.
But…Kaine knew there would be no escaping like this.
The Hyenas were too fast, even for Jedd, and more so with the entire party on her back.
They’d be run down like a tired buck chased by hunting dogs and their masters.
He needed to do something, and quickly.
As his mind raced, his expression lay frozen in thought even as he reached them.
Staring as Rey extended her hand to help him up.
But Kaine, turned to look at the approaching horde.
“Hey! Get on!” Rey exclaimed, her voice though was blurred out of his mind.
As he watched the lumbering beasts charge at them, now only a few hundred meters away.
Then suddenly speaking, “Nova, burn it all.” He told his familiar.
And the serpent hissed in excitement, “Finally, I get to let loose~” as its eyes gleamed, before suddenly rising off his shoulders and soaring off into the sky.
Nova disappeared briefly, her jet-black body invisible amongst the night. Before suddenly, like a falling star, her body burst afire as she dived down. The winged serpent flew across the horde’s path, spraying bursts of a reddish liquid out of her mouth which quickly caught fire from her blazing wings.
Lighting up the foliage and summoning forth a wall of heat and fire in the rider’s path. Fire which quickly spread along the dry grasses of the savanna.
“Now we go.” Kaine then said as the wildfire grew before them, accepting Rey’s hand and climbing onto Jedd.
“I need me one of those.” Farvo mused as they ran, watching as Nova chased after them while continuously lighting up everything flammable in her wake.
Giving the horde a choice as the blazes spread quicker and quicker; Chase after them through this summoned hell, or return to camp and restrain the crazed Gryphahs…Easily they chose the latter.
Filling Kaine and his party with relief as they escaped towards the river.
Level up!
Martial Level 4 reached!
+1 to all Martial stats.
3 Neutral Martial Points available for distribution!
Level up!
Arcane Level 2 reached!
+1 to all Arcane stats.
3 Neutral Arcane Points available for distribution!
So…now that they're free, when should I break it to them about this quest?...
Kaine then pondered, as with that thought, the stress returned once more.
“Gods, this game is fucked.” Roy mused out loud as he stared at the wildfire behind them.
Kaine chuckled at that.
You don’t even know.
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