《Beyond The Game (Abandoned)》Ch 2 - Companionship
Keep calm, assess the situation.
Kaine told himself as he scanned his surroundings, groups and singular players all looking confused, scared and very nervous.
What do I know? I’m in a game, stuck, stuck in a game. I’m in Aether, but who knows how long after the first game…I’m on a floating island? Or the mainland? I don’t know…
He tried to think of opening the map, but nothing came up.
I’m level 1, twenty experience into Martial, none into Arcana and Crafting.
Again, he took a deep breath.
I’m surrounded by players, all probably just as stuck as me. A…NPC? A Deity maybe? Announced our imprisonment through a cutscene…Okay, no matter how I look at it, this is all screwed up.
He chuckled to himself quietly, then opening his character window to assess his personal situation.
{Jor Mungandr} {Character}
Race: Elf
Total Level: 1
Martial Level: 1
Arcane Level: 0
Crafting Level: 0
Main Faction: None
Reputation: 0
Guild: None
Title: None
[Lesser Copper Sword]
[Elven Civilian Shirt]
[Bandage Gloves]
[Vine Belt]
[Elven Civilian Pants]
[Bandage Socks]
{Arts} [Martial Arts]; 1 [Arcane Arts]; 0 [Crafting Arts]; 0
-Strength / 1-
-Agility / 1-
-Dexterity / 1-
-Vitality / 1-
-Perception / 1-
-Intelligence / 0-
-Spirit / 0-
-Expertise / 0-
-Sense / 0-
-Aura / 0-
-Brightsmithing / 0-
-Enchanting / 0-
-Handicraft / 0-
-Leatherworking / 0-
-Blacksmithing / 0-
-Tinkering / 0-
-Alchemy / 0-
-Ritualcraft / 0-
-Herbalism / 0-
-Gathering / 0-
-Mining / 0-
-Woodchopping / 0-
-Hunting / 0-
-Cooking / 0-
-Minstrelcraft / 0-
-Sigilcraft / 0-
Looking through the character page, he grew confused at some things he saw.
The martial stats are the same as ARO but…What’s with these Arcana stats? Where is wisdom? Where is force? What are Spirit and Aura? And the hell are these new Crafting arts? Ritualcraft? Tinkering? Herbalism? I bloody know what cooking means at least but then what is Minstrelcraft and Sigilcraft? Ugh, I should have taken the other tutorial too…
Kaine groaned, seeing much he did not recognise and regretting not ticking that one damn box.
Too little information…what skills do I have?
He then thought, closing his character window and opening his skillbook window.
{Skills Scroll}
[Inspect (1/11)]; A core skill, giving you basic information on an object within your vicinity. Focus on the target, and gain an insight.
[Store (X)]; Stores an item within touch distance into your inventory.
[Keen Sight (X)]; Higher chance of detecting stealthed/hidden and (+1) to [Inspect] base skill’s maximum tier level. (Tier 11 [Inspect] Unlocked)
[Animal Handler (1/10)]; Can gain a herbivore familiar.
[Elven Dexterity (X)]; +15% experience gain to Brightsmithing and Enchanting. Capable of crafting Elven Accessories.
Well…nothing of immediate use.
He sighed, closing that window too and clearing his sight. Glancing about, he noticed many groups of players beginning to gather into a larger crowd…catching his interest he began towards them, as did many others.
Someone is standing out huh?
Kaine thought as he came close to the crowd’s edge, just as a cloaked Beastman turned about to leave. Furry dark ember ears with black stripes, yet a human-like face ending at the neck where the similarities to a tiger continued. Ending and becoming human once more at the arms and legs. A long, ember and black-striped tail, also swung about from his back’s bottom.
Kaine paused as he saw the player’s name.
Dark Hour [Level 1]
He knew that name.
And from the tiger-like beastman’s expression, as he also paused in his steps, he remembered Jor too.
“Don’t bother, friend.” Dark told him, “People like us are better off not being weighed down by people like them.” He said with a cold smirk, before moving on. Walking past Kaine, as he also turned away from Dark.
The player’s words though, stuck in Kaine’s mind.
People like us…
Kaine thought, as he saw more and more players gather into the crowd, as he heard a distinct few voices from within talking, while the rest silently listened on.
That crowd is the sheep, gathering around shepperds. I need information, but I don’t want to get coiled up in some large-scale movement…He’s right, if our lives are at stake, then I don’t need others holding me back nor controlling me.
Kaine glanced back, seeing several few players standing on their own, or in small groups.
I don’t need others holding me back, but that doesn’t mean I should go off alone…Alone I’m worth something, but these games are much easier played in a party, together with others I’m worth much more.
Kaine mused, as he continued towards the crowd, but also kept his distance.
I need a party…so…what now?
He asked himself…Kaine wasn’t the best at socializing with others.
“We don’t have access to a map, neither have we been given any concrete direction as to where we are. We shouldn’t move too far from one another, getting lost here would mean death.” A voice spoke from the centre of the large crowd, shouting for their voice to keep up with all the mumbling. “I’m sure the developers are working on this issue as we speak, but until then we should take every word that thing said as fact.”
Kaine as an Elf, was thankfully taller than most, so he could see fairly well over the crowd as long as he avoided standing behind an Orc or taller Elf. And as he moved about he noticed something standing much taller than either.
Standing on its hind legs, was a massive six-legged grizzly.
Jedd’s {Tamed} Slayn [Level 1]
And trying to hold on as he lay over the grizzly, was a human player.
Confusing Kaine further.
I thought only Elves and Beastmen can tame? How the fuck did he…Ah, it’s not his.
Then noticing the player’s name, is different from the tame’s owner.
Simon Ex Durandal [Level 1]
A full name with middle name…Ah, a roleplayer.
“So what would you suggest we do? Just stand around and wait!?” Exclaimed one voice from the crowd, their tone faltering as all turned to them.
“Hah, dude brings up a good point.” Whispered someone nearby, Kaine just barely making out their words among the whispering.
“Not here, but we should set up camp somewhere. Remember this game is not just an MMORPG, but also survival. W-We need water, we need food and we probably also need a weatherproof living quarters.” Simon explained as he tried his very best not to fall off the curious bear, as it glanced about at the terrified crowd surrounding it.
Kaine mostly ignored him, and looked around himself for who had spoken. Which wasn’t very difficult, as that player was currently chuckling at every moment Simon had to hold onto fur for dear life.
Jedd [Level 1]
A Beastwoman, with bear-like features, short brown hair, ears and a puffy tail.
The tamer…but what’s she doing so far from her tame?
Kaine thought, seeing as the player in question and the small group around her seemed to be keeping their distance from the crowd.
Ah, they’re doing what I and others are, just listening in for information but not getting tied up in everyone’s mess. Maybe…
He pondered something, as he continued to both listen, and watch this strange group of five.
“We’re currently standing in an open grassland,” spoke a new voice from the centre, female with an oriental accent. “By the colour of the grass, the surrounding fauna and the heat…I’d say we’re in a savannah. Whichever direction we might choose to go could mean life or death, as water and food won’t be easy to find around here. If worse comes to worst, we might end up facing a desert.”
Not…the encouraging type huh?
Kaine mused as the hundreds of other players that before faltered at gathering into the crowd now also began to build up around him. Making him feel uncomfortable, as each face he saw was either confused, pale and afraid, or straight up trembling and anxious.
Annoying him also, as he began to lose sight of the group he had gained an interest in.
“Then I guess we’re all sticking together?” spoke out a male Orc from the centre, his voice easily booming over everyone else’s. “Alright we need shelter, food and water. So how do we find those here?”
“Well w-” The female player was about to speak again, when the bear nearby suddenly stomped back down to all sixes, throwing Simon off who rolled down into the grass.
“Ugh-What the-” Simon groaned as he watched the bear walk off, the crowd then parting and making way for it.
“Slayn can help you with that.” Said Jedd as her tame came to stand next to her, “Well water at least.” She said, patting the large beast on its side as she whispered something into its ear.
The bear huffed, seemingly in some sort of understanding, as it then rose back up on its hind legs and began sniffing the air.
“R-Right, bears are hunters but also prefer rivers…” Mused the other female player as she came into Kaine’s view, a female Elf alongside Simon the human, the Orc and several others who previously took the centre of attention also joining them.
Attention which the bear’s tamer had completely stolen away.
And as the crowd shifted, Kaine felt himself being pushed to the back once more, but unlike earlier those at the centre of attention now were the ones he was interested in the most. So, he began to push through, his slim Elven frame moving through the large Orcs and Beastmen with ease while also his height giving him an advantage over the shorter Humans and Dwarves.
As he tread through the maze of people.
Coming to a stop a few players from the front row, just as Slayn stomped back down to the ground. The tamed bear then snuggled its snout into its master, whining incomprehensibly. Sounds which, Jedd seems to have somehow understood.
“There’s a river alright, and it’s not too far but still a trek.” Jedd translated.
“A-Awesome, which way?” Simon said with a friendly smile, him and his party coming to stand next to them, his smile faltering as Jedd’s party seemed to lean away from his.
As if keeping their distance.
“Hah, no offence but, we’re going our own way. The river snakes about, so there are two directions we can go to reach it. You go your way,” Jedd said pointing them ahead, “And we’ll go ours.”
“We should stick together though,” The male Orc argued.
Derilic [Level 1]
“You do that,” replied a male Dwarf from Jedd’s party, “You stick together with your own, we’ll stick together with ours. No hard feelings chap, but numbers bring attention.”
Farvo10 [Level 1]
“Bu-” Derilic was about to argue again, but the Elven woman cut him off.
“Let them be, if they want to separate from the main group then it’s their choice. We can handle ourselves, I’m sure they can do the same.” She said, her eyes narrow as she glanced through each of the party members ahead. “Numbers bring attention, but it is in numbers where our survival lays. This is an MMORPG, emphasis on the MMO part.”
Jade Ela’dree [Level 1]
Simon nodded, “Then I believe we have our directions and goal, we may separate here but, I still wish you all well.” He said, words which Jedd and each of her group ignored, as they turned away.
Jade huffed in annoyance, “The nerve.” She mused quietly, gaining herself a glare from both Simon and Derilic. “W-What? That bear could have been more than useful…hoarding it all for herself is just…”
“Yeah…” Derilic also quietly agreed.
The nerve of you, thinking you have any right to what she earned.
Kaine thought.
And as everyone else watched Jedd’s party leave, Kaine watched them more closely than most, memorizing the general direction they left towards.
“Well, let’s get moving while it’s still day then…if this place even has night time.” Simon suggested as he regarded everyone else around, “She pointed that way right?...Right?”
“Yeah, yeah. That way.” Jade said with a sigh.
Kaine waited, and watched. As just like the sheep he regarded them as, most of the players silently followed the three. Three whose names he put to memory, as even though everyone here was still the same level, Kaine knew how powerful the art of words was.
And these three, if only Simon, he regarded as worthy of keeping an eye on.
So, the question remained, as each player chose their way.
What to do…what to do…
He thought to himself, watching after the horde of leaving players, and glancing over at the small party of five off in the distance.
Numbers, or ability? Shall I follow the bear, and try my luck? Or join the shepperd’s horde, as a wolf in sheep’s clothing?
Kaine pondered, but as he saw two others moving after Jedd’s party, he made up his mind.
Bear it is.
And he began following them, walking cautiously after the two players who jogged to try to catch up with the party of five.
Glancing back, Kaine saw the horde that was the rest of the players moving off, while also noticing a few other small parties also going off on their own, or trailing the crowd.
Looking back, he saw the other two having made it halfway to Jedd’s party.
Halfway before Slayn turned about, growled, and began rushing at them.
Well, she doesn’t give a fuck. Not that they shouldn’t have expected that response.
Kaine mused as he watched the two players scurry out of the large bear’s way as it barrelled at them, one even tripping over from the fright before both of them turned about and began running back. Passing by him, Kaine heard them speak as they ran towards the main group.
“Shit, I told you they were bad news! Let’s just join everyone else!” One said.
“How the fuck was I supposed to know she’d sick the damn bear on us without a word!?” the other exclaimed.
The both of them seeming startled, but Kaine was instead entertained.
I’m liking these guys already…
He thought in amusement, glancing back at Jedd’s party, to see Slayn turn to look at him now…
Ah, right…I should have expected this response…too. Well shit.
The bear growled, turning its massive body to face him, stomping its front left paw as it dragged its back feet along the dirt. Readying itself to charge once more, but seemingly waiting for further orders, as it glanced at Jedd. Whose party stood watching them in similar amusement.
Jedd nodded the bear forth, and happily, Slayn turned back to roar at Kaine whose expression paled.
{ [Life]: 10/10 }
Thankful that his health had regenerated, he gripped the sword which lay strapped into his belt of vines.
And right then, Slayn charged.
Starting with a decent strut, that quickly caught speed into a full-on charge.
As it huffed with every step, claws ready and digging into the dirt while it tore through the grass. Fangs bared, and drooling.
As its large frame befell Kaine, who unsheathed his sword and dug his feet in.
I should have expected it, but not like I’m going to be bullied away like the last two. I’m not like the last two.
Kaine mused, prepared for the beast as it reached mere feet from his position, as he no longer waiting for it to come closer.
Kaine moved, suddenly and swiftly he threw his entire weight to the side, evading the beast as it barrelled past his rolling form. Rising back to his feet, as Slayn dragged along the dirt trying to stop itself. Whining in annoyance to having been evaded, Slayn then rose it his full height, looming over Kaine who moved away and kept his distance.
When, a whistling sound came across them.
Slayn’s attention moving entirely away from Kaine and towards his master, the source of the sound.
Following the sound too, Kaine saw Jedd’s group make their way towards them, her party being the Dwarf, two Elves and a Human. Each fingering their swords.
Farvo10 [Level 1] Rey Black [Level 1] Roy White [Level 1] Larakrell [Level 1]
“Well, aren’t you fast on your feet.” Jedd mused as Slayn slowly and cautiously walked around Kaine, coming to stand next to its master. “So, I can guess as to what you looking for in our…Ehh…Dire? Situation. But honestly, as we told the rest, we’re fine on our own.”
“That, I do not doubt. Yet I can’t help but notice, there is five of you, and one of me.” Kaine said as he lowered his blade and took a deep breath.
Jedd, raised a brow at his words.
“Err, I don’t follow.” She responded in slight confusion, the two Elves also taking hold of their swords’ grip at his words.
Hah, they haven’t played the previous game then.
Kaine did not even think of how badly he had worded that sentence…Instead he just continued on.
“Parties maximize at six players in Aether Rifts, I’ve also played the previous game extensively. You have two Elves, so as options I have little to offer. But as per experience and information, I believe I’m worth an otherwise wasted slot. Uhm, tames don’t take party slots by the way.” Kaine explained, pointing at Slayn who growled at his finger.
Jedd smirked, “Ahaha, is it that obvious we haven’t played the last game eh? Yeah, that old thing never caught our interest, sad that when it did…This shit went down.” She glanced at her comrades, “So, you offer knowledge, and we provide you with what exactly?”
Kaine shrugged, “Aether Rifts is the kind of game where playing alone is only good if you’re looking for a challenge. That much I know hasn’t changed in this new iteration. I only ask for companionship, a party I can trust and work with till however long this shit might take to blow over.”
“Hmm, give us a moment.” Jedd said, gesturing for her party to gather as they took a few steps away from him.
Slayn, the untrusting beast that he was, stepped to stand between them and Kaine.
Staring at the sole Elf deeply, and growling as it did.
Kaine could hear some whispering from behind the bear, but couldn't make anything out. Only seeing the female Elf, Rey, sneak a peek to size him up before being pulled back behind the beast by what seemed to be Jedd’s hand.
Moments passed, as he and Slayn stared at one another. Kaine feeling nervous while under the beast’s gaze.
Until Jedd and her group finally stepped back out from behind it. “We haven’t had a new member in…Shit, years? But you seem legit.” She said, walking up to stand next to him, then slapping his left shoulder hard. “Let’s see, introductions, introductions…That’s Farv, don’t count on knowing what combat style he’ll play…he is the guild’s main crafter though.”
And as that word came out of her mouth, Kaine stiffened, he wasn’t expecting to join a guild this early…Just a temporary party.
“Then Roy and Rey, twins IRL too if you’re wondering.” She continued, “Roy’s the smart one fyi.”
“Hey!” Rey protested with a raised brow, “You should say I’m the nice one!”
Roy sighed, “I’m the co-leader…” he introduced himself with a disheartened tone, seemingly embarrassed by the both of them.
“They both play long-range DPS,” Jedd added, then forcibly turning him to the fifth member who was still hiding slightly behind Slayn. “That’s Lara, she’s usually the guild’s mage so not sure what role she’ll take…Oh and don’t be surprised if she spontaneously shape-shifts into a tomato!”
“Tomato?...” Kaine repeated in question, and when he did the question was immediately answered.
As Lara’s entire face turned crimson red, “Ah-Jedd…”
“What? We know you can’t help it!” Jedd exclaimed with a chuckle, then moving away to face Kaine. “And I’m the leader, Jedd, usually the tank of the group. Might be temporary, but I guess welcome is in order!” She told him with a wide wicked grin, opening her arms to gesture at the rest of her comrades. Whose expressions, suddenly matched her own.
“Welcome to our PK guild, Jor, welcome to The Crimson Crows.”
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