《A Broken World [Dropped Pending Rewrite]》Chapter Ten - A Mapped World


The land was generally referred to as “Ulian,” to a person from the modern world, the best way to describe how it looked was that someone had taken Greece and Italy and mashed them into the bottom of Australia and then doubled the size of the resulting landmass.

The northern part of the island was covered in dense rainforest, which gave way to grasslands and plains as you went south. Towards the southern end of Ulian, temperate forests and snow would occur, though nowhere on the continent could be said to have a harsh winter.

Furthermore, most of the land was fairly flat, with some notable exceptions. There were two mountain ranges, and while they were short in length, they were breathtakingly high. They formed in the southwest of Ulian, running in nearly parallel lines of each other. A good way to think about them is to imagine the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains in the United States were brought close together and rotated ninety degrees. Between these two ranges lay the land of Almistraus, and the people there named the northern range “Heaven’s wall” and the southern range “Mortal’s Wall.”

The names were, as names go, fairly obvious. “Heaven’s Wall” protected them from demonic invasion from the north and the “Mortal’s Wall” range protected them from human invasion from the south. At the end of these ranges, Almistraus built a giant wall to connect the two and seal themselves off from the risk of invasion altogether, known as the Amaranthine Line.

South of the Mortal’s Wall range was the kingdom of Adelade, a mostly nondescript country, but a remarkably stable one. Adelade did not have a border exposed to the threat of demonic invasion, as it was bordered by Almistraus and the Mortal Wall to the north and the kingdom of Francinea to the east. Francinea was situated in a vast plain that made it nearly impossible for it to keep its borders secure against demons totally, thus each and every city in Francinea was ringed in walls, the furthest of which would contain the farmland that supported the city inside the second wall.


The two countries two on the southern peninsulas (the parts that looked like Italy and Greece) as well as the kingdom of Adelade all sent soldiers to Francinea to help guard the border and the cities within Francinea. As a result, there had been many intermarriages between the kingdoms, and some were proposing doing away with their borders altogether and becoming one country.

East of Francinea was the largest and most powerful country remaining in the world, which still claimed the name Ulian. It was true that it did continue the Ulian royal line, but it was a tenuous line at best. The king crowned nearly nine hundred years ago did have royal blood, but he was several times removed from the main family. More importantly however, its new capital Haven, was both the headquarters of the Church and the Mage’s College. With a large amount of Paladins and Sorcerers, New Ulian was able to hold its borders secure, and even occasionally push back against the demonic invasions. Though such pushes never lasted for long.

As to what was north of these kingdoms that formed the human realm, not much was known anymore. The plains were mapped all the way up to the Lost City of Uri, but beyond that was lost in the millenia of wars with demons.

This was the new world Lucas found himself in.

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