《A Broken World [Dropped Pending Rewrite]》Chapter Eight - A Useless World



Lucas heard what the knight said, but he could barely process it. Having been abducted into another world, rushed through a battlefield, stabbed by a monster, and then stitched back together by a “surgeon” who didn’t understand the necessity of clean tools, honestly it was understandable that he would be confused. But this latest blow was almost too much.

“So ‘sir’ Forus,” Lucas grimaced as the surgeon bound his broken shoulder and put his arm in a sling to prevent him from moving too much. “I cannot return to my world?”

“That is correct Lord.”

“And therefore I am stuck in this forsaken wasteland?”

The Knight, Carsin Forus, or whatever his name was frowned. “No Milord, soon we will break camp and be heading towards the kingdom of Almistis, though I would advise the Lord Commander to head to Francea instead…”

Lucas ignored the implied politics for now, leaning back and closing his eyes. His life had finally been coming together, and now he was here, wherever “here” was. There were monsters, magic, and humans and apparently the humans had used the magic to summon him to fight monsters. He tried to control his breathing and fight down the rising panic, working through the situation logically.

Physics wasn’t his specialty, but realistically speaking if you move something from point A to point B then there must be a medium by which it transfers. Presumably, if this medium functions as a separation between worlds then it is likely a so called “fourth dimension,” and the world has at least seven. Three for the physical world that he was born in, three for this world, and one that connects the two.

Or he could just be completely wrong and he was spouting bullshit, he was a biologist damn it not a physicist.


Opening his eyes, he looked at the knight in front of him, who had been standing there rather uncomfortably waiting for Lucas to continue speaking. The armor he wore was quite ornate, in fact one could call it beautiful, or from a more practical perspective it could be called wasteful. Every piece of ornamentation would only serve to add to the already heavy armors weight after all.

“And what, precisely, do you people want from me?” Lucas had a general idea, and frankly it would terrify him if he was not so angry for these people ruining his life. Still, he needed to confirm it.

“Your aid against the demons,” Sir Forus replied without hesitation. “The summoning is supposed to bring a Hero with great power into the world. In the past, the power of the Gods and Magic were brought here by Heroes summoned through ritual.”

Lucas just started laughing, and then gritted his teeth as the laughter caused his broken bones to hurt. He could not help himself, really, it was too much.

The sudden laughter startled the knight, who seemed even more uncomfortable and nervous.

“Well then,” Lucas said, still chuckling and wincing. “Given what you consider a “surgeon” I can probably teach you people some things, but I cannot fight worth a damn. I am a scientist, not a soldier.”

“Scientist?” Sir Forus was confused, apparently he had never heard the term before.

“A biologist, to be precise.” Lucas explained, “A person who studies life and tries to understand it. And while it might be a stereotype of scientists, in general, its a person who has about as much combat ability as a kitten.”

The knight seemed perturbed by that statement, and asked, “Then what use are you?”


“Why are you asking me?” Lucas replied, his mirth turning into anger. “You people abducted me, even if I could help you, why would I?”

The knight lost his temper at this question, “The fate of humanity depends on it! Everyone who can contribute, must!”

Lucas just laughed, “I hate to break this to you, but humanity will do just fine regardless. After all, I the world I came from is populated by humans. Your survival or death means little to my world.”

“The demons will consume your world next! They are like locusts feeding on all that is!” The knight was flat out shouting now, and the surgeon had quietly snuck away to get out of the crossfire. Lucas briefly considered that provoking a heavily armed and armored knight when he himself had lost a lot of blood and had a broke bones was likely not a good idea, but he was too angry to care.

“Ha! Given your level of technology I don’t think any country in my world would care if they invaded. If you can fight them, my world could crush them.”

“Cease this bickering,” A young man dressed in fine clothes rode up to the scene. He had a silver and gold circlet resting on top of his wavy brown hair. “Sir Forus, I expected better behavior from you.”

“My apologies, Lord Moru.” Sir Forus bowed as deeply as his armor would allow to the newcomer.

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