《A Broken World [Dropped Pending Rewrite]》Chapter Three - A Suspect World


*Terrasin deVon Almistraus*

Terrasin and Lady Versi entered the carriage and the guard laid the unconscious hero on the seats on the other side. Surrounded by heavy cavalry, armored, enchanted, and drawn by a train of warhorses, the carriage had been built specifically for this task. Had Lucas been awake it likely would have reminded him of a tank, albeit a much more gaudy and luxurious one.

Lady Versi, along with Lord Aln and Lord Jont were also scions of their bloodlines, the two lords eschewed the carriage to join the cavalry guarding it. Terrasin personally couldn’t understand how they could risk it, it took all of her will to maintain the decorum of a princess during this whole dangerous adventure. If she had to fight as well… Terrasin shuddered.

Despite the thunder of hooves the occasional scream of man and horse, or the shrieks of trampled demons, could be heard through the reinforced walls of the carriage. Versi flinched, as the carriage bounced, clearly running over some fallen body. It was impossible to say whether it was human or demon, and the knights would not stop for whoever fell.

“Your Highness,” Lady Archi deVon Versi was from the kingdom of Adelade, which often competed with the kingdom of Almistraus, but addressed Terrasin with respect regardless. Were it any other situation, the princess would have been quite taken with her manners, but currently it was all she could do to respond in kind. So long as Versi spoke with decorum, as a representative of her kingdom Terrasin had to do the same. No matter that she would just as soon throw all of it away until they were safely home.

“Considering the trials we went through to reach the city, perhaps we should discuss a change in our route.”


Terrasin almost frowned, but prevented her lips from pulling downwards as she kept up the mask of the court. “There is no place safer than past the wall.”

“Perhaps, but if we fail to reach it…” Versi was trying to get them to divert from their current path, which would lead them through the demon controlled lands to the Amaranthine Line and to instead journey to her Father’s territory, a Duchy belonging to the kingdom of Francinea. During the journey outward they had been plagued by large forces of demons harassing them, constantly eating away at their numbers and morale, including the loss of multiple carts of foodstuffs.

While the Duchy was closer, it lacked the protection of Almistraus, which was guarded by the Amaranthine Line, a great Wallcity that stretched from the Iron Mountains to the Frosted Mountains, preventing the demons from encroaching into the territory. The wall itself was massive, and was called a Wallcity because the cities and towns along its length had been incorporated into its structure during construction. Now, the wall truly was one large and long city, as well as the first line of defense of the kingdom.

On the other hand, the Duchy could only rely upon its patrols and the front line strongholds to defend its land. Demons would slip in and cause chaos for a time until they were hunted down, and not a year went by that many people did not die from such raids.

Further, Terrasin suspected this to be a political move. Despite the importance of the Versi Familiy, unlike the Almistrauses, they were merely a Ducal line and despite her etiquette, Versi likely had an eye to put one of her elder brothers on the throne.

Fortunately, Terrasin was saved from an immediate response when the Hero stirred on the seat across from her.

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