《Until Then》Chapter 13
“What?!” Sean O’Farrell bellowed in his chambers at Sir Barra, whom was as upright as possible given his form.
“My Lord, it ssseemss Lady Agnesss iss being followed by a Fey man assswell. We are not sure asss to why.” Sean was already pacing back in forth in his chamber at this news. His eyes were wide and wild, as though he was about to explode and attack anything in his sight at any moment.
“The Fey said nothing? His name?”
“He only sssaid that she experienccced Wonder.”
Sean O’Farrell froze, staring at the Beast Awares as though crazed. He then turned towards the round table in his chamber, and flipped it over with a loud smash. Papers flew all over the floor, and a glass inkpot shattered, staining the floor black with its contents. Despite this commotion, no one dared knock, or inspect the well being of those in the room.
“How long was she under its effects?” Lord O’Farrell demanded, swinging around to glower at the messenger.
“It wasss momentary. The Sssservicer intercccepted the potential threat, and they disappeared shortly after.”
Sean O’Farrell let go of a breath that was containing some of his ire, and his shoulders slumped forwards ever so slightly.
“I am incredibly thankful of the Servicer… worth every piece of gold I paid for him.” He mused to himself, as he then began to pace more slowly around his chamber.
“So she is disguised as a boy, and the two of them are pretending to be brother’s…” He paused. Sir Barra didn’t offer any input, knowing that he would risk reigniting the Lord’s tantrum.
“I will join the search personally, for a week. I will take 2 more of my men at arms with me, under the guise that we are embarking on a lengthy hunting trip. They are not to know the true purpose of the outing, only that in light of my betrothed’s illness, I wish to be distracted. I will feign illness myself once we are a day’s ride away, and have them go hunting by themselves towards the keep.”
It would also give him the opportunity to find Bertha and bring her back.
Sean nodded to Sir Barra.
“Please select the 2 knights you believe gullible enough to come with me and not suspect anything-, and I intend to leave by midday.”
“Asss you wish my Lord.” Sir Barra bobbed his head, and slithered silently out of the chambers, closing the door with his tail.
Sean O’Farrell did not like the sound of a Fey being taking interest in Aggie.
That was all he needed.
A Fey man having her under Wonder, whisking her away to his world for 7 years, and only returning her after she had born multiple half-breeds.
Sean didn’t have time for that. He sighed, staring at his arm that throbbed under the chainmail and tunic.
Beneath the metal and cloth, was a patch of green rotting flesh, the size of an egg.
The poison he’d come into contact with would’ve normally killed him within weeks. It was thanks to the Northern King who had been visiting with his court physician, that he had more time.
Not much time overall, but if he played his cards right; 3 years at most. A poison that slowly, and painfully, ate you from the inside out. A mystery toxin that no one knew the origins of, had baffled every physician in the Kingdom, though Sean had an idea who had arranged for it to be administered.
However, his murderer would have to wait. He had to focus his limited time on accomplishing what he needed to.
Sire a son, and instill Agnes Beatha with the right principles to raise the boy.
A boy who could do what Sean never could.
Sean walked over to his bedroom window, and stared out at the grey sky. He didn’t like the tight timeline, but for once, he didn’t have any control over the situation.
Regardless of the constraints however, he knew everything could still be done neatly.
That is if he could only find Agnes Beatha.
Aggie awoke the next morning with aching muscles. Everything had been so stressful for the past 5 days, that she hadn’t noticed her body screaming in agony from the physical exertion she was putting it through.
Prior to the adventure, her physical activity in a day ranged from lengthy strolls around her home town with multiple escorts, to sitting in her chambers being taught by tutors. There had been no rigorous endurance training, therefore; the whole ‘running away’ endeavor, had required all of her iron-will, and no shortage of youthful vigor.
Aggie slowly sat up, wincing as she did so. Her arm throbbed under its bandages, and when she glanced down her sleeve could see that there was still fresh blood staining them.
She was interrupted from her inspection, by someone clearing their throat.
Aggie jumped, and looked over to see Arlen sitting with a loaf of bread and chunk of cheese. He gestured to Aggie to see if she wanted to have some, and she nodded, then winced again as she stood stiffly, and walked over to him.
As she sat, she observed that Tork and Ora were still fast asleep. She was still looking at the 2 Beast Awares, when Arlen handed her a chunk of bread.
“My Lady, could I please ask you a question?” Aggie turned, and locked eyes with Arlen. Doing so resulted in her feeling uncomfortable however, so she turned and stared at the bread in her hands instead.
“Of course Arlen, and please call me Aggie.” To occupy herself, Aggie took a bite out of the cheese.
“I would prefer to call you ‘my Lady’.”
“What if someone overhears you? That would be incriminating me.” Arlen paused, and shifted uncomfortably beside her. Aggie began eating the bread, still trying to hide how awkward she was feeling.
“Very well. I will from now on call you ‘Aggie’.” Her name sounded strange coming from him, and for some reason she blushed a little.
“What was your question Arlen?” Aggie murmured shoving more food in her mouth.
Arlen didn’t ask anything right away, but he thought his words out carefully as they sat beside each other. They had slept in a little later than normal, and daylight was already pouring around them. It was another cloudy day, but a brighter day than the previous ones.
“You do not seem to like having me around. Why is that?” Arlen turned his stare back to Aggie, which made her blush again, and unconsciously, she shifted away from him. Instead of snapping at her like he wanted to, he waited until she felt comfortable answering.
“I… don’t like having someone bound to me. You’re too much like a slave, and you use it as a shield to stop you from being a real person. It makes me uncomfortable. I was never happy about this, if you recall.”
“I am not a slave. I did have some say in being bound to you my La- Aggie. I wanted to be bonded to someone who would lead my life into excitement and adventure, and you have done exactly that.” He smiled reassuringly at her, but she only frowned at him.
“Why not search that out for yourself?”
Arlen was stunned. He had never heard of someone opposing their Servicer to this degree.
“You can find your own adventure, and make your own life. If you choose to do it with someone that’s wonderful, but not with someone you were ‘given to’. I took you with me, because I did need unquestionable loyalty. I’m guilty of abusing that power. But I also know I can free you somehow.” Aggie risked a glance at Arlen.
“Aggie, you wish death on me.”
Aggie looked at him alarmed, so he continued calmly.
“If I am unsatisfactory to you and you free me, The Ruling Family will summon me back, and I will be shamed amongst my kind. The shunning, will undoubtedly induce suicide within a short period of time. ”
Aggie’s alarmed expression morphed into one of horror as she listened.
“How would they know?! What if I just freed you, and said you died somewhere?”
“They would know. They are one of the conductors of the magic in the bond. Therefore; they will feel if it breaks.”
“There has to be a way.” Aggie muttered, her eyes cast to the ground. She was deep in thought, when Arlen broke her concentration again.
“The bond is powerful, Aggie. It has many wonderful benefits because it is so powerful, and it isn't the same for every pairing. For example: when you feel in danger, I feel it too. “That alone, is a very useful product of our bond. As time goes on, we will discover more abilities between us from this connection, that will-”
“Stop!” Aggie stood up, her cheeks red with anger.
“Stop trying to sell yourself to me! You are a person! With your own hopes, dreams, and desires. Figure out what you want for yourself, and I swear I will find a way to free you. I swear on my name Agnes Elizabeth Quinn Beatha, I will free you, and make sure you stay alive for a healthy long life.” Her eyes were blazing with fury and justice, and Arlen felt himself grow faint.
He knew the individuals selected for Servicer’s lives had grand ambitions, but he hadn’t thought his own Mistress to be insane.
As she stood over him with her shoulders straight, and her fists clenched. Arlen once again locked eyes with her, and even in all of her righteousness, she managed to go a deeper red, and look away from him.
“I cannot change your mind, this I know. However, my opinion is that your endeavor is ill-advised.” Aggie opened her mouth to argue, but Arlen continued on.
“I have another question for you.”
Aggie frowned, and gave a short nod.
"Why do you keep blushing when I look at you?”
“I-I don’t!” Aggie’s former stance of strength faltered, as she took a small step back from Arlen.
The Servicer continued waiting patiently for the truthful answer to come, and finally Aggie let out a breath, and began fiddling with the hem of her tunic.
“You’re a man.” She admitted slowly, the blush in her cheeks creeping down to her neck.
“I’m a Servicer.” Arlen responded confused.
“No… You’re a man. I haven’t been around men close to my own age, ever. I haven’t gotten to really speak to them... ever. My parents made sure I was raised away from any potential romantic interest in case I-” She cleared her throat, wishing she could disappear.
“It isn’t that I like you or anything, I just… I’m not used to being around a man so much. Let alone one who is bonded to me. It’s weird.” She paused, still not looking at Arlen. “I didn’t think about it until after the inn, because of being scared of Sean O’Farrell, but since realizing it I feel… self-conscious.” Aggie felt like she would die from the embarrassment.
“For the love of ass you humans, pipe down!” Tork roared from his mat.
“I can’t sleep with all of this drama and declarations going on!” He sat up, and fixed them both with narrowed eyes.
Aggie cringed, but reached into Arlen’s satchel, and tossed Tork a sausage. His expression lightened, but barely.
“So,” Tork smacked his lips unappetizingly. “We will be nearing a thinning point in the forest, and we’ll be exiting through there to cut through a village that’ll have more supplies for us. Willowedge it’s called.” Aggie’s attention snapped to Tork’s face as he continued munching on the sausage.
“It’s the most dangerous part of our journey, as this village will be the most obvious stopping point for someone running away.” Tork nodded towards the young woman who gulped.
“Don’t worry, Sean O’Farrell isn’t particularly liked there. No one really pays too much attention to him, with this being the King’s County and all anyway.” Tork finished the meat, and stood up, nudging Ora with his foot. The small ‘tooting’ sounds from her nose ceased as she awoke, and she slowly rolled over.
Aggie relaxed marginally, and turned to stare at Arlen, but noticed he too was blushing ever so slightly.
Though Aggie wasn’t entirely sure why.
They had packed up, and had marched on in silence. Aggie noticed the trees thinning more and more as they went, just as Tork said they would. She was feeling incredibly exposed as the open areas they crossed became wider and wider, and she couldn’t help but hunch her shoulders unconsciously to try and make herself seem smaller.
Aggie pulled out the leather cap she had used at the inn, and tried to shove her hair under it. The shorter pieces of hair that Arlen had hacked off near the front of her face, were being willfully stubborn however.
She was working on ramming them under the camp untidily, when Ora’s soft and nimble fingers suddenly swept up the fronts of her hair, and weaved it into a neat braid. It was far easier after that to make the cap cover her hair.
She smiled at Ora who seemed to be smiling back.
“Hey Tork!” Aggie called while still staring at Ora, whom was happily strolling along beside Aggie.
“What human?” He called back lazily.
“How did you and Ora meet?”
The silence that followed was lengthy, and even Arlen paid closer attention as he looked at Tork’s stiff back.
“I freed her.”
“Freed her?” Aggie asked startled.
“She was a prisoner in Duke O’Sullivan’s keep.”
Aggie was quiet for a moment. She had heard that name before…
“Isn’t he the Duke in the Southern Kingdom?” Arlen asked on her behalf.
Tork grunted in response.
There was something about the way Ora’s eyes were now fixed on the ground, and the painful rigidness of Tork’s walk, that stopped them from asking any further questions. The Servicer and his Mistress, stole a nervous glance at each other, and then carried on.
They were still in the woods, and hadn’t yet spotted the village, when they heard rustling by one of the massive willow trees. Despite the odds of it being a woodland creature, Tork immediately halted, and scanned around.
His eyes locked on a small figure crouched near the tree, pulling bark off with a paring knife. A long stream of hair rising over the hunched figure's back was the only interruption of her camouflaged appearance. The figure wore a cream colored dress, with a dark brown shawl pulled across her shoulders. She looked as much apart of the forest as any tree surrounding them.
“Excuse me Madam, we are travelers looking to buy provisions in the village. Is there a particular farmer with whom we should-” The elderly woman with her long silvery hair, straightened her posture as she stood. Her hair was held back with a wooden pin, and she had a basket in her hands. Slowly, she turned around and gazed at the strangers in front of her.
She rested her eyes for a moment on Tork, and then almost immediately, locked eyes with Aggie.
“Agnes Beatha?!” Aggie’s jaw dropped as she recognized none other, than Bertha Hayes. The Head Maid of Sean O’Farrell’s keep.
“Well… that answers a few things.” Bertha rocked in her chair as she stared warily at the ragtag group in front of her. Aggie sat glumly on the floor, while Arlen was sitting with his posture rigid a few feet from his Mistress.
Aggie had almost started running the moment Bertha Brady had seen her, but the elderly woman made no move of attack. She had sighed, nodded her head, and gestured for them all to follow her.
Aggie still wasn’t sure why she hadn’t fled immediately. Other than a niggling feeling that this was somehow fate pressing her in a specific direction.
"Lord MacDermott was here perhaps 2 days ago. Why is it you are only coming here now? The journey to this village is a 2 days brisk walk through the forest at most." Bertha stared at Ora and Tork puzzled, as though they had been present at Aggie’s escape from the beginning.
"We had to move unpredictably if we didn't want to be caught quickly." Arlen explained clearing his throat awkwardly.
Bertha nodded her head in understanding, and then continued to rock back and forth in her chair, deep in thought.
"It isn't safe for you to stay here. Sean O'Farrell will most likely be coming to this village soon. In fact, I recommend that you steer clear of this place forever if you don't wish to ever be caught. Bertha stood up, walked to a large wooden box resting on the floor, and began pulling out apples, a block of cheese, and some dried beef sausages.
Tork was giving her his full attention at this point.
"I had not known Sean O'Farrell frequented this village so often." Arlen was frowning; clearly annoyed that something had escaped his stores of knowledge.
"He didn't before now. He will from now on until I return to his employ. Regardless of how much he hates returning here." She sighed as she began filling both Tork and Arlen's satchels with the food.
"Hates returning here...?" Aggie was confused. What was so special about this village?
"Yes, Sean was born and raised here until he was 17 years old. He lived alone with his mother, until his father retrieved him.” At the mention of Sean’s father, Bertha’s tone grew spiteful.
“Before Lord O'Farrell came, Sean was known as Sean Finnegan, and believe me; he was a very different man back then."
There wasn't a closed mouth in the entire cottage aside from Bertha Brady’s.
"Sean O'Farrell was a bastard?!" This time Tork broke into the discussion.
"Why did you leave his employ?!" Aggie stammered trying to process the powerful information she had just received. Bertha seemed disturbingly unfazed at the information, as though she was talking about any of her neighbors, instead of the Duke of the North Kingdom.
"I left because of how he treated you Lady Agnes. He was treating you the same way his father had treated all peasants and mix-breeds. Like a bully. Though even I can't say he was quite as... cruel as his father used to be."
Aggie was too stunned to know what to say. She had made Head Maid Bertha Hayes abandon her position of, who knew how many years, just because Sean O'Farrell had been brutish with her.
"Lady Agnes, I insist you leave quickly. I don't want you ever returning here, and you need to get as far away from Sean O'Farrell as possible. If he starts turning more like his father, he will never stop until he has you. Regardless of the cost." Her face was dark, as Bertha handed the bulging satchels back to their owners.
A pleasantly cool breeze rolled in through the open window above Bertha's cooking table, and despite it being somewhat balmy, Aggie shivered.
"I was thinking of going to-"
"Do not breathe another word Lady Agnes. The less people that know where you’re going the better." She nodded to Tork and Ora.
"I have heard of you two before. From what I know, Lady Agnes was incredibly lucky to find you. It is impertinent that you stay as a group. Sean won't think to look for her traveling with more people.” Tork looked somewhat mortified at the order.
“For at least a year he will hunt you, only after a long search might he give up and seek another bride." Aggie wilted. A whole year of the stressful running...
"Why a year Ms. Brady?" Arlen asked as they all stood up to leave. "And why are you going so out of your way to help us?"
Bertha smiled, and walked over to Aggie. She cupped the girl’s face in her hands, and for the first time, Aggie saw the true depths of the woman’s deep blue and black eyes. It was almost like staring at a starry sky.
"Not a clue." Bertha had tears in her eyes as she kissed a bewildered Aggie on the forehead and released her.
"Maybe because you remind me of someone a long time ago."
Tork locked eyes with Bertha, and they exchanged a knowing nod.
"Now get out. If you aren't in the North King's settlement by evening, Sean might catch you. I will be stalling him for as long as I can."
That was all she needed to say to usher the group outside.
"Thank you Ms. Brady. If I can ever return your kindness, I will." Aggie clasped Bertha's hand. She was more grateful than words could say. After a tight lipped smile was exchanged, Agnes Beatha turned, and began jogging after Tork and Ora who had already started their hasty retreat away from the cottage.
Arlen was the last one to leave, and as he went, Bertha grabbed his arm.
"Servicer, you do whatever it takes to keep Sean O'Farrell from having her, understand?” Arlen was about to reassure her when she tugged his arm roughly.
“Whatever it takes." There was fierceness behind her eyes, which reminded Arlen of Aggie when she had declared her plan to free him hours earlier. Except instead of a bright purpose behind the eyes, there was coldness. A grim sincerity that made Arlen know what the former Head Maid meant.
If it came down to it, he may have to murder Sean O'Farrell.
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The Tale of A Fortunate Slave
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