

The same. Every day is the same! A while ago, dad caught me building a prototype pocket watch to measure daylight and estimate accurate local time. I had only used a few normal metals and some mana conductors, so I don’t know why he got so angry. Either way he banned me from, as he put it, “playing around with dangerous stuff”. I get to do nothing Interesting!

All I get to do every day is train with either mom or grandpa. Then I spend time with my brother and sister. They starting to learn more words and I’m trying to get them to write. I’m also showing them how to manipulate mana, which is actually really fun.

Sometimes officials will visit and my mom will spend a good hour making sure I behave. We also went to visit my father’s family in Midheim, they are… how do I put this… a dumb bunch. Maybe it is part of the culture? Luckily you normally marry into the more influential family. My mother’s family being the rulers of Trygard and my father’s family being traders in Midheim, I got the long straw.

I had gone to the barracks to kick some ass a few times, but the captain was gone each time and I could find no one else I knew. I asked around and was told they were on a mission. What that entails, I had no clue.

What it all comes down to is… I’m bored! There is only one thing left to do. I stand up and walk through the hallway. As I’m looking around, I hear something in the kitchen. Making my way over to where my mother is sitting at the kitchen bench I tidy myself up.


“Yes Icarus?”

“I’ve been cooped up in this house too long and I can’t take it!”

Finally looking up at me, she makes a pondering face while talking to herself.

“It is a little early. But you have always been a smart kid. I guess I’ll have to pull some strings. Wait here”


Standing up, my mother disappears into her office for a moment and comes out with a bag and a folder. She hands me the bag and I have to run to follow behind her as we leave the house.

“Mom, where we going?”

“Oh, you’ll see”

Ugh, I have a bad feeling about this. We take off into the sky and fly towards the west. We land near a large building and make our way inside. Large hallways with shelves and doors on either side, noises of children talking and laughing… I know what this is! this is a school! I catch up to my mom so we are side to side.

“Mom I don’t want to go school!”

“You’re almost 7 now. You’d have to go to school when you turn 8 anyways, might as well start early right?”

“What could the teachers teach me?”

“Doesn’t matter, it is good to get to know children your age and make some important connections”

But I’m 110 years old! Me and my big mouth. I should have just enjoyed my boring life. Well at least it will probably be easy. I’ll get to play around a little bit. Who knows, maybe I’ll make some friends. Not to mention all the girls will technically be older than me! I could gain some experiences I’ve never had.

“AUW, What was that for!”

I rub the wing my mother just pinched. If I had know they could be used against me, I would not have been so happy the first time I realised I had them.

“Treat girls with respect, and remember our reputation”

I look at my mother with wide eyes. How did she know what I was thinking about?

“I am your mother, I can read you like an open book”

I’m still in a daze from my mother’s comment as we stop in front of a large door and she knocks a few times.

“Come on in”

A deep husky voice invites us inside. Mom opens the door and gestures me to follow. We walk into a large office with a big wooden desk and chair like the one father has. Behind the desk is a big man. When I say big, I mean huge. As in, 3 times my height and 5 times my width. I wouldn’t call him fat, but he is pretty damn close.


“Hera, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit”

“Apollo, I have come to send my son to school”

My mother puts the folder in front of mister Biggy, who looks at me for a second, before he turns his attention back to the folder.

“He doesn’t look to be old enough and even if he was, the year has already started”

“Don’t worry about that, you don’t have to teach him. Just make him do the tests; he’ll do the rest himself. All I want is his graduation and some interaction”

The man lets out a snort. He looks very displeased. Before he can say anything however, my mom already cut him off.

“Now you wouldn’t deny me a favour would you Apollo?”

There it is! The smile that could make even the fiercest of creatures kneel in submission. I think I just saw the big guy flinch. Man he is so done. After a few minutes of silence he breaks.

“Fine, here sign the documents and bring him to your old class. I’ll inform the teacher”

Apollo does something behind his desk and shortly after a petite lady walks in. He tells her something, before she once more disappears. My mother quickly filled out the forms and hands them back.

Then we leave without another word and my mom brings me to a classroom. She bends down and hugs me for a while before separating and looking into my eyes.

“Behave yourself, but make sure you have fun. Alright, you can go in whenever, I’ll pick you up when you are done”

Before I get the chance to reply, she gets up and walks away. I look at her back for a while before I turn to the door separating me from whatever lies on the other side. What could be the worse that happens? I open the door and enter the room.

62 pairs of eyes lock onto me and I’m slightly stunned. Man, someone can cut the tension with a knife. I look at the man standing in the front of the class, who I’m guessing is the teacher.

“Hey, I’m new”

“Ah… yes, I know. Everyone, we will have a new student today”

This guy doesn’t look like he could teach a bird to fly.

“Well come on up here and introduce yourself”

I walk to the front of the class and stand up straight, facing the class.

“Hi there, my name is Icarus Trygard. I’m 6 years and 10 months old. Nice to meet you”

I make a slight bow before looking up at the class. Oops, I guess that didn’t help break the tension. Everyone is still staring at me in silence. Then chaos unfolds as everyone is talking shouting and whispering things to each other.

Mother did always say first impressions were important. I look at the teacher, who seems to be at a loss as to what to do. Seriously… I rub my temples, before taking a deep breath.


Well that got them quiet. Guess I should say something comforting.

“Just treat me like you would anyone else”

I try to give the most welcoming smile I can, before turning to the teacher to indicate for him to take over. Seemingly understanding, he faces the class.

“Uhm, yes. Everyone. It is as Icarus says. Please be nice to him. You can take any free seat you like Icarus”

There is a free table at the back and I take a seat. From time to time someone glances at me, it seems they are all brimming with curiosity. This could be Interesting.

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