《The Life of a Dungeon》Chapter 24


With what happened with her damaged core and the mana wave that helped her create a mana leyline, her domain increased not only spanning outwards, but her domain mostly grew deeper.

Teaghan pulled up her interface and looked at what she could do.

Dungeon Interface

Floors: 3

Rooms: 11

Biomes: 3

Create Floor

Edit Floor

Create Room

Edit Room

Create Biome

Edit Biome

Fauna Species: 30

Flora Species: 43

Monster Species: 18

Trap Types: 6

Loot Options: 10

Materials: 6

Dungeon Instances

Dungeon Store

Dungeon Auction

Teaghan selected the “create floor” option. She shaped out how she wanted her floor to be shaped like a circle. She officially designated that area as the fourth floor, not just the rooms, as her domain covered a large area. She chose her shape to be a large circle. Then she selected “create room” and used that feature to create three large rooms and three small rooms.

When she created the rooms and absorbed all of the materials within those rooms, she received a couple of notifications.

Shift Cobalt

A rare type of mineral that is bluish-grey and shiny that is commonly found near places of a high-density mana source. This type of mineral is attracted to each other. This mineral contains a kind of magic that will pull the mineral to each other.


A common type of metal that occurs near mountain ranges. It has a reddish-orange lustre and is commonly found not too deep from the surface. This metal can be used in magical devices.

Prop Beryl

A rare type of mineral that is light blue has a dull look and is commonly found near a high-density mana source. This type of mineral does not like each other and will propel each other away from itself. This can create effects such as levitating pieces of rock.



A common type of metal that occurs near mountain ranges. It has a light grey colour and can be used in a variety of ways.

Teaghan looked at the blue screens and found that what she had uncovered fit into the idea of what she wanted to make this floor about.

In some of her more explicit memories from her time on Earth, she remembered some of her favourite fantasy and sci-fi movies, television shows, and books. What Teaghan remembered was watching Avatar. And when she watched Avatar, part of the landscape had floating islands. Which with the minerals that she found, she knew that she could probably, with a bit of experimentation, create that same effect, just at a smaller scale.

Teaghan went back to designing her floor. She connected the rooms by carving out hallways, as there was no option to create hallways in the dungeon interface. But she left one room without any clear entrance. This room is the room that she wanted to make a dangerous, hidden treasure room.

The next thing that she focused on was a couple of waterfalls or rivers flowing in the three big rooms. She carved out a pond area in each room with a waterfall flowing out of the walls, and the waterfall flowed onto a crevice of rocks. Teaghan added small little holes inside the crevices, cracks and gaps for potential traps or nests she might want to add later in the creation of this floor.

Within some of the holes, she also hid a lever switch that, if used, would open the treasure room. But the trick is that Teaghan made it so that the room would slowly rotate, change the lever’s position into different holes within the waterfalls, or even within the other larger rooms. So that way, a treasure-seeking adventurer would have to stick their arm or hand into a potentially dangerous place in the hope of finding the lever to open the door. And the door is the rock canopy of the waterfalls. If the lever is pulled, it would only open the room’s waterfall door that the lever was found in.


Once she finished with the waterfalls and created the hidden treasure room, Teaghan focused on recreating the floating islands within the avatar movie.

The first thing that she tried was to just take the prop beryl itself and created two small flat circles to see if it would work. This initially worked until she added plants and a bit of soil on top of it, and the flat circle collapsed.

Realizing this, Teaghan mixed stone and the beryl together and made it thicker, and it worked. To make it float in one place, she added the beryl about 10 centimetres under the soil, and it worked. She even experimented and added a tree, and if she added enough prop beryl, she could push the platform higher and make it sustain more weight. Teaghan made a couple of these platforms of various sizes in the three main rooms.

Once Teaghan was done with the basic outlines, she decided to focus on the smaller aspects of this floor. She planned to have a designated mining area in the small room off the entrance to the floor, and maybe with small veins in some of the hallways. In the other small room, Teaghan planned to make a mushroom environment like what happened in the mushroom experiment room. And in the hidden treasure room, she planned to try to use the rune of amber to create the room’s creatures and treasures.

The first part that Teaghan worked on was the mining and the metal and mineral veins that she would need to have. She decided to create copper veins and make them be the most common metal or mineral vein on this floor. Next, she added some iron, as the second most common, then the rarest would be the mana phantom crystal and light crystal. Teaghan made these two crystal veins smaller and would appear less common. With some fiddling of the veins, a blue screen popped up, asking her a question.

Would you like to make this section a designated “Mining Area”?



‘Mining area?’ Wondered Teaghan, ‘What is a designated mining area?’ As she wondered what a designated mining area, another blue screen popped up.

Designated Mining Area effects:

Respawning of metal and mineral veins after a period of time Randomly placed veins are randomly spawned Each vein has a fixed percentage rate of appearing in the area Any rooms or pathways affected by invaders mining will revert back to their original form after a period of time

After Teaghan finished reading through what a designated mining area did, she instantly selected yes to officially designate that area as a mining area.

With the mining area finished, Teaghan moved onto the other smaller rooms.

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